Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-
MAY 11 1965
Otepka Wins
Fifth Delay
Of Hearing
yesterday that Otto Otepka
has been granted another
postponement of the hearing
on his appeal against dismissal,
as chief of evaluation of the
Department's security office.
9tepka was fired last year
by Secretary of State Dean
Rusk for allegedly providing
confidential information to un-
authorized persons.
Ile appealed his dismissal)
and asked a departmental
hearing. He remains in his
$19,310-a-year post until the;
case is decided.
This was the fifth postpone-
ment requested by Otepka.
The original hearing was
scheduled last November 16.
By yesterday's action, it was ~
reset for Sept. 15.
Otepka asked for the latest
postponement because he had
been advised by the Senate
Internal Security Subcommit:
tee that it would' be at least
August until the full tran-1
,script of testimony involving
him would be made available.
Sen. Roman L. IIruska (It-
Neb.) said yesterday that he
hoped the Subcommittee will
soon make the testimony pub
Jic, the Associated Press re-
ported. Hhruska said there is
more involved than just the
Otepka case. The basic issue
is the right of a Senate com-
mittee to get testimony from
ahy Government employe af-
fecting national, security, he
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600040154-5