Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RD
NOV 14 1963
rOtepka Requests Hearing,
Asks Lie Test for Accusers
denied last- summer any con-
J nection with the tapping of Mr.
Otepka's phone.
his ove it a'lous attempts to
build a ea _. against re e, Reilly
was guilty of serious miscon-
duct, and that he thereafter
testified untruthfully under
oath when questioned about his
improper activities."
"Unworthy of Belief"
Mr. Reilly and Mr. Hill have
been placed on administrative
leave with pay while the State;
Department considers what to
do about their reversal of!
testimony before the subcom-
"In view of the circum-
Mr. Otepka said in.
his letter of appeal, "I re-
spectfully submit that Reilly
and Belisle are unworthy of
belief and that any findings
against me based upon their
.testimony or upon evidence
produced by them cannot and
should not stand.
"I submit further that this
entire proceeding is tainted and
vitiated by the improper ac-
tivities and the untruthfulness
of these men, so that prosecu-
tion of any charges in which
they are involved would deny
me due process of law."
Mr. Otepka charged that Mr.
Reilly "did not act in good
faith" in seeking his dismissal.
"On the contrary," Mr.
Otepka said', "his action was'
prompted by personal bias,
prejudice and malice and by a
desire to pup sh me for telling j
the truth to the Senate sub
,risk evaluator in th$' State D
apartment until he was fir
November 5, today appealed f i
1 a hearing and demanded th
This principal accusers in t
department submit to lie d(-
teeter tests.
His boss, Deputy Assists,
Secretary of State John
about tapping Mr. ' Otepka
Mr. Reilly, David I. Bells
and Elmer D. Hill revised the
testimony before the, Sena
Internal Security Subcommitt
st Wednesday after havi
In his letter, notifying the
State Department of his desire
for a hearing, Mr. Otepka
charged that Mr. Reilly, was
guilty of "a, breach of depart-
laon of a Federal statute."..
Mr. Reilly admitted to the
subcommittee last week that
he had directed a subordinate
to tap Mr. Otepka's telephone
but said no conversations were
Mr. Otepka said "the case
against me was to a large ex-
tent built by John F. Reilly,
either personally or through
others under his immediate di-
rection and control ... It has
now been established that in
ments all of the individuals'
who had access to the docu-
ments should submit to a
polygraph (lie detector) test,,
to be administered by a com-
Otepka appeal.
Mr. Otepka will continue
on the department's payroll
throughout the appeal proce-
Mr. Reilly, Mr. Belisle and
Mr. Hill were called to testify
today before the Senate sub-
committee to expand on their
letters of last week acknowledg-
ing they were involved In the
attaching of an eavesdropping
to Mr
Otepka's tele-
this mattgr of the clipped docu-
cation labels from certain docu-
ments on security-risk cases.
Mr. Otepka has denied he
clipped the documents and also
rejected the "insinuation" of
the State Department that he
had turned over the clipped
documents to the chief counsel
of the Senate subcommittee,
IJ. G. Sourwine.
"I respectfully suggest that
to assist in the resolution of
d "`a` cr. aauuaca,
barrassing Mr. Reilly. The pur-,j Mr. Otep ka said.
pose of the charges was not to 3 Mr.
protect the interest of the Gov- "I shall be glad to submit
ernment, but 'rather to shield
Mr. Reilly." to such a test.
Calls for 36
Denies Clipping Papers He asked that 36 State De-
The demand that his supe- partment employes be made
riors take lie tests came in j available to the hearing officer
connection with charges that; Who will take testimony on the
Mr. Otepka had clipped classifi-1,