., .aIAICRE SAM JAN 3 1964
Sanitized - Approved For Releapgjf
. .d .fA:ah ?i.1!]..a ~n r.-.?/fir', n.a
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33f JOSEPH It. L.
1:4sJ? npton Bureau o/ The Sant
7'litlgl e ,T3171. 2 - 1 a
today rrlezlsed testimony
v.'hielt John E'. Reilly, forme
Iepuly Assistant Secretary
Slab for Security, denied that
tap had been put into operalir
on Liic lelcpilor,e of 01.10 1
?C) pka, the department', chi,
'security risk evaluator,
Reilly, whose efforts to for(
Otcpka's ouster loci to his ou
resignation, appeared before ti
subcommittee November 15 i
"amplify" earlier statemen
.that had been challenged by seni
" f)arnihd Thing Didn't Work"
to act nowledged that an a
tempt had been made -? by crosi
in wires - to turn Otepka's tell
;pi one mouthpiece into a mice!
phone a:; part of the State DI
par tment's probe to' discover
tOtepka was leaking informatin
lo the subcommittee.
i Jilt Roilly,,insisted that I U
darned UlinLf, didn't work. the r..N. w'iich 'You found these seven
periment fizzled" and the orate; hn is of carbon paper in the!
thing x colleague heard was ~a1tlriii11i~;.
licitly - I can slate that catr.-
This testimony, released for the' gortcally, and du to slate,
~'sint e rliiei- 'm'emlrcr far ht ?r F
first time today, has been ques ; "No i,istcning Device?" "iiig on his appeal a;;ainsa: ells-!
tionccL by Senator Dodd (D..i Sotu?trinc - You are stalin;;, mi5s:il.
Conn,), the subcommittee chair-'
now, wit bout any attempt . al' Jr, the lo.,, 0'11106y issued today,!
siDlillitt lvf ~ h lermen ionehetrt)lc,k.;,t~t.asi-111. tint there has been ao t;cihIy was rebuked by Y l J y 1 ih (enilf: dc?%Ice of any kind, nna ~T by I
M se. odd told file Senate Dc cembrrlno Ill Ing of islec(.',lellan 17., Ark.), who ac
110 cuu t'rsion of a cured the frnier State Depart-,
Senate bee phone trice's
20 that Reilly an I. Divid isle, an assislant, had testified Iclthiholle to listcniing device,
that "none of i1lr, gtepka's con- nothing of that sort in the division
versafions had ben overheard or of evaluations since a date in
compromised because of dice had uIlsu:eied all questions far.-I
lrnnic,difficulties." Reilly-That is correct. I soy I' tuatl:' but had not "volnntecred"
Conflict Seen :laic. And I would Me to say' in[crmo-d.ion under
It this time, if the comniittec has
Sensat0torr?, rling these to the
statements tionts con-, information to the contrary' Ihtron, AicClcllan d ceclared:
filched With the testimony of El- think tic committee ought to loo'h "This is a sad comntcntary. I ve call people in high rasonsiblc
1 1,
mer Dewey i'Iill, former direclcr;'nto it., pn:;ilions Govcrflmcni down!
of the Dyr=.lnn of Technical Serv. Sourwine-I do, too.
sere before ibis camiilittcc, ti,v
ice undt r I-Billy, who also h?sit, The Olepka case has precipi- to pursue our duties, 01(1 try-f
resigned his Government post. ted a clash between the Slate ins tr' get the t ul.h, and than t,et
Dodd said Mill testified "that Department and the internal 5.. " t
'ultt such erasion and such u'l-
ape recordings,had been mad; curity subcommittce over a nun,-
.iho;.i!?1g ' a;itl such techn.cai C\--
i-er of issues
f s