Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Sanitized - Approved For Release :
BALTWOP,$ SU-N. MAR 3 1964
Gentile Succeeds Reilly, CPYRGHT
in State Depart-
CPYRGHT ment Post
The new deputy assistant seer' e-
tary is 42 years old a native of
BY HOWARD NORTON Sioux Falls, &D. ,
[Washington Bureau of The suns From the time of his e'radua-.
Intelligence Agency OXChL!ve 117 Northwestern University in 1946,
been appointed as the No. -he served as a special agent of
security officer in the State D the Federal Bureau of Investi.-a-
partment, it was announced her lion, stationed in the Washington,
today, and Miami (Fla.) offices.
"Various Capacities"
new security man, G. Mar e "
vin Gentile, assumes the title o ' met saide that he transferred to
deputy assistant secretary for se the CIA in 1552 "where he served
curity replacing John F. , Reilly in various executive capacities,
whose resignation was announce having to do with security mat-
last November. ters, until August of 1963."
Quit In Otepka Case At that time the CIA picked
Reilly quit his job as the after- Gentile to attend the industrial
math of hearings in the case of college of. the armed ? forces.
Otto F. Otepka, a State Depart- The new deputy assistant secre-
meat security officer who was tary broke off his studies at the
suspended with pay on charges of college in order to take over his
"leaking" classified nnformation new duties at the department to-'
Otepka was chief of the Division'
of Evaluation in the security of
fice and Reilly was his boss. ?
In his new job, according to they
department's brief announcement,
Gentile will be "responsible for
.State Department security mat-
ters both in Washington and.
abroad." : . -. .
He is concurrently studying for
a master's degree at George
Washington University.
Gentile and his wife, the former
Barbara Foster, of Indianapolis,
with their son, Bruce, 12, and
two daughters, Betsy, 9, and El-1
Ion, 4, live in Silver Spring, Md.,
at 1403 Claude lane.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600040067-2