Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
NATIONAL I d,- Approv br7Re1l e : CIA-RDP75
? The State Department's purge of the real security
risks, which began with the firing of . Otto Otepka-
who actually passed secret State Department files to
the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, it is said
-is now complete. State has kicked out the last six
hard anti-Communists on its security staff, in instant
retaliation for congressional criticisms of State's
security procedures. It all started when Guy Richards
of the New York Journal American broke a red-hot
story that Lt. Colonel Michael Goleniewski, a de-
fector from the Soviet secret police, who was being
kept under wraps by the CIA presumably at the
request of the State Department, had told Rep.
Feighan (D., 0.) what he knew about spies and sub-
versives on the government payroll, which was con-
siderable, and worse, which corroborated what others
had revealed about spies and subversives on the ;
government payroll. Feighan and his colleague John
Ashbrook (R., 0.) raised hell about it and State
promptly transferred out the six remaining members
of the security staff assembled by the late Scott
McLeod-who had, with his staff, compiled a list
of 847 security risks in 1957 who may to this clay
be on the payroll of the State Department and may
include some of the people Lt. Col. Michael- Gole-
niewski has in mind.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600040055-5