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Sanitized - Approved F& el&a W CIA-
%5171-10,11Z11 by ctepkclt
ret Ioyaity
By Richard Harwood 11tion, said Otepka, because of
"f iendly with Alger Hiss."
he same point was made
b Otepka in his report on
A drew Cordicr, a former
U.14. official who is now a
graduate dean at Columbia
U iversity.
,awrcnce Finkelstein, a vice
pt sident of the Carnegie En-
d wment for International
the payroll). Otepka, in viol - P ace, had once clone research
tion of a Presidential ore at the Institute of Pacific Re-
The Senate Internal . ecu
ity subcommittee, over th
bitter objections of the Stag
Department, made public ye
'terday "secret" loyalty report,
on ten prominent American.
The reports were written b
Otto Otcpka, a State Depar -
ment security officer who w
fired in 191i3 (hut is still o l
issued by Harry S. 'i'runlan i i
19.52, gave the reports to th
subcoau11iL4co to demonstra
"laxity" in. ,ae Departments
secwriLy operation. That Was
the main reason for his di A
He produced no evidence f
disloyalty on the part of a
of the men involved-oth
than gossip-and all ten ul -
mately were given.a clean bi 1
of health by Otepka himself
They came under investig -
tion by Otepka's office in 19
when they were appointed
an Advisory Committee on I -
ternational Organizations.
Granted Waivers
Because of their cminenc
and to avoid time-consumi
delays, they were granted s
curity waivers and began wo
before they were checked o
Otepka, in a secret mcm
randum to a superior, obje -
ed to seven of the waive s
for a variety of reasons.
The Committee chairma 1,
Sol Linowitz, board chairman
.of the Xerox Corporation, h d
a blank file and was not e -
titled to clearance, Otepl a
argued, until he could could be i -
Ernest Gross, a f o r m r
U.S. delegate to the Unit d
Nations, required investig -
la ions and deserved investi-
gation on that account, OLep-
ic reported.
R asons'Not Given
e recommended that Mar-
sh 1 D. Shulman, now a John
H pkins University dean, be
"t oroughly investigated" for.
r sons not specified.
he same recommendation
w s made in the case of Hard-
i Bancroft, executive vice
p esident of the New York
T es, who is now serving as
a alternate U.S. delegate to
t United Nations.
Bancroft, Otepka said in an-
o her report, had been describ-
e as "pro-Soviet" by Loy
F nderson, a former State Dc-
p rtment official, and 11ad
ng defended Alger Hiss and
relented (but not fully)
only after Hiss had been sent
t jail."
ver Any Doubt
Henderson said an Friday he
uld not comment on any
conversation he might have
h d with Otcpka but said of
B ncroft:
"I have complete confidence
i the loyalty and patriotism of
ncrofV and never had any
d ubt about it." '
Otepka came to roughly the
s me conclusion about Ban-
secret testimony bared
eating their cases wou serve
no useful purpose."
Release Voted
But the Subcommittee,
against Dodd's wishes, voted to
release the material as part of
its campaign to have Otepka
restored to his job.
One of those supporting that
decision was Sen. Sam J. Er-
vin (D-N.C.) who is currently
fighting for legislation to pro-
tect the privacy of government
employes and the privacy of
their personnel files.
Otepka has been complain-
ing to the Subcommittee for
five years about State Depart-
ment security practices, and
20 volumes of testimony deal-
ing with his frustrations and
disagreements with superiors
have been published by the
croft and other members of j subcommittee. Yesterday's was
the Advisory Committee. Theyl
got security clearances from
his office.
But he Insisted that the
"waiver". procedure neverthe-
less was wrong.
His "secret" reports were
published, in part, said Sub-
committee Chairman Thomas
J. Dodd (D-Conn.), to "under-
score Otepka's impressive rec-
ord of fairness and objectivity
in assessing allegations bear-
ing on personnel security..."LL%auiorma..;
The State Department plead-I ... '
ed with the subcommittee not,
to violate the Truman order of
1952 which states that "it
would be a great mistake to re-
lease the names of State De-
partment and other Federal ,
personnel who have been sub-
jected to loyalty investigations .
To divulge the names of
these loyal employes and ? the
specific steps taken ,.in adjudi!
the final volume.
Otepka finally was fired by
the Department in 1963. At
that time he was making $16,-
000 a year. His salary has auto-
matically risen to more than
$20,000 since then. Assigned
make-work chores, he has cons
tinued to report for duty pend-
ing a hearing on his appeal.
He has also been the bene-
ficiary of an Otto Otepka De-
fense Fund that raises money:
through newspaper advertise,*
ments in the Middle West and
Sanitized -Approved. For Release : CIA-RD1575-00149R000600040011-3