Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP74-00005R0 02='I
SUBJECT: Moveable Shelving Meeting
by the following personnel:
The Moveable Shelving Meeting held on 20 December 1971 was attended
1. The width of the aisles in Section 9 was discussed and also
Section 9 is being accepted.. The Using Service objected to the space
between the stationary and the first moveable unit because this cuts
down on the aisle space between all aisles in that section. This con-
dition will not be accepted in future sections.
2. The uneveness of the floor was discussed, and also Section 8
is accepted. Additional flash patching or other corrective measures
must be taken in future sectiorsso that we will have a more even floor
surface. 25X1 Aga
25X1 C4e
3. It was agreed that the test procedures outlined by Mr.
would not be necessary. In fact, except for the testing done by e
and the Using Service, it will not be necessary to do any testing.
The main test comes after the sections are loaded, and then adjustments
can be made.
4. The contractor objected to the delay in receiving information
about deficiencies. It was agreed that the Using Service's Project
Officer would immediately call deficiencies to the attention of the
foreman; and at the same time, pass on this information to the Station
Engineer who will pass this on to the
. 5. It was generally agreed by all present that the project was
runnin very nicely, and everyone is ahead of the 2 June schedule.
Mr. asked what the status was of his proposed 2 June cornp1 Vasp Adate.
We told him that we had written a memo through our channels, an {h
2 June date has been approved and will be going forward to the
Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP74-00005ROU0100070002-5