Sanitized - Approved For
st Sends
efeCtOr SaYS
A Cuban diplomat-spy who a g e n t s into the United vice and other governme t
defected to the United States States." organizations.
In 1969 with a batch of se- Because of the large nun- Upon arriving on assig -
eret intelligence documents hers of refugees arriving in ment in Pari
, has disclosed the United States daily, he says he found "virtually t
the Fidel Cas- sa
s "Th
s no way of entire stafft th
, - excepe a
tro regime's weeding out all the men and bassador and the counsel
systematic in- women who may be working were intelligence perso
filtration of for DGI (Directorio General nel. They doubled as dipl
agents into d "
. mats. the United The DGI operates in the
States, Latin United States using the THE PARIS embassy, h
America and C
an mission to the Unitd
e Africa.
In a book
lishcd here this week, Orlan-
do Castro Hidalgo reveals
the operations of Cuba's so-
phisticated intelligence appa-
ratus at home and abroad
and gives specific details of
the Castro regime's. espio-
nage and guerrilla activities
in three continents.
A third secretary in the
Cuban Embassy in Paris be-
fore his defection, Castro Hi-
dalgo, through the informa-
tion he provided the United
States also:
0 Identified more than
150 C u b a n intelligence
agents and contacts.
. o Revealed the extent to
which intelligence has taken
over the Cuban diplomatic
service as well as other gov-
ernmental organizations.
? Disclosed what hap-
pened to Dominican leader
Francisco Caamano following
his mysterious disappear-
0 Disclosed the full mag-
nitude of the Castro-Guevara
subversive plan for South
o Revealed the ? secret
agreement between Castro
and Mncrnw that is virtnal6.
Vatrons as its headquarters,
adds Castro Hidalgo, who i5
believed to be the highest-
ranking Cuban intelligence
officer ever to defect.
TIE DETAILS Castroite at
tempts to infiltrate the mili-
tant anti-Castro Alpha 66 or-
ganization and other- exile
groups in Miami and says
one key agent, who was
"particularly well informed
about (exile) missions to
Cuba because of his-work on
small boats in the Miami
area," still lives in Miami.
Although believed respon-
sible for the capture of a
number of exiles invading
Cuba, no charges have' been
filed by the U.S. government
against this agent "because
his activities have not direct-
ly involved espionage against
the United States," Castro
Hidalgo says.
In the book, Castro Hidal-
go mentions the refugee air-
lift, s in a 1 1 -boat escapes,
fence-jumping into Guanta-
namo naval base and emi-
gration through Spain or
Mexico as some of the chan-
nels available to the Castro
regime to infiltrate agents
into the United States.
t did
te matc
to blackmail -would-be refu- rest of his hair," Castro Hi-
gees colony.
and individual exiles in dalgo says. Later, he says, he
CASTRO Hidalgo, who has this country into conducting found out during a trip to
been living in this country undercover work for Havana. Prague that Caamano was
with his wife and family Castro Hidalgo's hook, here preparing to go to
under an assumed name "Spy for Fidel," reveals that ua"Clear f~a
since his defec
even ni eou?aj Coda a tici 1ts'`- 9W~n v~
"Cuba has never ad any as a over to a large ex-
real difficulty in infiltrating tent Cuba's diplomatic ser-
lany, S. pies.
Cuban subversive plan, prob-
ably one directed at the Do-
minican Republic," Castro
Hidaldo says. "It may well be
that Fidel Castro envisioned
building Caamano into a sec-
ond Guevara."
CASTRO Hidalgo says that
while in Paris he also learned
missing details about Ernesto
(Che) Guevara's- ill-fated
says, served as a center f tempt to lead a guerrilla war
much of the subversive wor in Africa after dropping from
of Cuba's intelligence app sigh'in Cuba in 1967.
ratus, not only for Europ Castro Hidalgo . describes
but for Africa and Lati Guevara's mission in Africa
America, as an "odyssey in frustra.
Many of the visitors tion," with little accomplish-
Cuba, whether on legal or i ment, Rather than leading a'
legal missions, were funnele guerrilla campaign, Che and
to Havana through Pari his men found themselves
Castro Hidalgo says, addin giving their African allies
he was in charge of infiltrat
guerrillas into Bolivia "rudimentary military train-
Venea g guerr and other livi tng, and when not occupied
countries through Paris Latl an tour, they were busy trying
Prague. to keep the tribes from fight-
One of those visitors wa ing amongst themselves."
Col. Francsco Crmano Once, the defector relates,
Col. the r cisl military mono an argument ensued between
African in the 1965 revolu- had advanncedcedd du aau Some who
tion in the Dominican Repub had ring an at
lic, who disappeared in Octo- tack wanted those who had
her 1967 after a trip from not to drink the blood of the
London to The Hague, Castro slain enemies to regain their
Hidalgo says. valor, Castro Hidalgo says.
The Cubans were expected to
"IN PARIS, I received in- 'do the same, but refused.
structions to carry out a Le- "Guevara and his Cubans
tailed survey of a section of had to flee through the jun-
the city where a meeting or 910s, pursued by enemy
two important persons could troops and their former al-
be held ... I learned that lies. It took them a month to
the second person was Caam- get to safety, and Guevara
ano " remarked in disgust that it
The survey was carried out would he another hundred
and the meeting was held, years before the Africans
with "Caamano dressed in would be ready to receive
mufti and wearing a loupe help in winning their libera-
tion,' "Castro Hidalgo says.