Approved For ReleaOsCeT22 05 0/08/ 03 : Cl
Meeting in Mexico Hears
of Government Restraints
cr7Z W5"; is-i
countries in the Western r[enii- .uc. stating that the Gua.temal-
sphere have no freedom of the ens had insisted there was not
press whatsoever and the 1rr_- freedom of the press but that
tensions to a free b meinbei's of the committee ltadl
press by t oti~` noted the lifting of censorship;
other countries are doubtful, e i in Guatemala.
press gathering was told hwrr The committee dealt .oxtcn-
this ,week. sively with the Gover
Special to The New York Tt', -
tluo Freedom of the Press Cofit Chan AAA blue UALLLe4
ticularly with a market rot - "t
nlittee of the Inter- American ? being distributed by the I?t
Press Association, which con-, partment of Agriculture. It not-
eluded Its 20th annual assert- ed that; a recently enacted law
bbly here Thursday. The organ-: directed the Secretary of Agri
izarrtlon'a: ooixiaxiittoo said that! ;'`!toile to ? Mee to it tllii:t 4e there was no press freedom in leased-wire system I linaited~
M.rictly to agricultural market!
]!lulls, Bolivia, Honduras on :reporting.
Paraguay. Efforts to Control News
Concern Expressed
The committee gave its ap-,
__-Censorship Lifted
)III It. Rciteineyer, oil
;resident o the or, ? n iza
said he had c na
cd wit i inter? la -hi
Marroquin Rojas, had bee .vr
toned with exiio
news was being managed in the! .. "' Lllel- reiea ettea to LnC
United States and in Latin United States's position ink
America. It reiterated its stand the Western Hemisphere press,
a,;:;a'.nst monopolies of any na [Ile committee report said that'
,`ure that might affect the free-' the struggle to control the
kic,tn of the press, channels of communication is
Particular criticism was lev never-ending, in efforts to itr.
Bled at alleged inequities in pose discriminatory taxes, re-
news newsprint supply, equipment, and regulatory licens-
p pp t~ and, In a more subtle way.; rates Jefreight gi lation dealingdwithpeoritax- "' E'aaxr;ratic withholding of
It expressed its concern, 'i`ct' ]News-Palladium and the
a::vever over a s stem b I , acksenville, Fla., Times-Union,
which a quasigovernn ental or tact been dismissed,
r;a;ttea.tion, Productora Impor-i In Southern states alone, it!!
ia,cc;'a de Papel Sal had rat reported, at least 17 lihell
monopoly on newsprint. T ii.nxs had been brought, by!
r I.niration distributes new,- elic officials against news-!
]unit to virtually all Mexican ? apers and magazines seeking)
pampers at advantageous rates. 10l '.i damages exceeding $288
The newspaper situation jr, anill:lon.
Ecuador was teir_ :d "fluid." i?" dro G. Beltran, editor and'
The committee ex?::incd that.t. publisher of La Prensa., Buenos
all reports indicates there had =ltres, was Installed as presi-
been attacks on newspapers .n `lent for the coming year. Other'
Guayaquil and that soi?r:? ne", = officers named were:
palaermen there ha i b(, ,m i.:;? J, R. Howard or ri;;li
priso.:ied. ax d newspaper . " rw York,
A heated debate .a?ose in ,,-L-. ;s a'j Julio de ia, r 0
coin.niittee and later L. the t_ _ :..';st' of Sao tin Brazil,
et ii Assembly over no ac L -presir' nts; rlr. Silva,,,
of press freedom in G?.tatemai.c., c arvallo of LA Titnon, Val-
Roberto Carpio, editor of 'd',1 ] at-aiso, Ch-lea, notary: mien!
Grafico, and Roberto Alejos, a, John A, Brogan Jr., of the
Guatemalan political exile rep-I Irea.rst newspapers, New York,
resenting La Hera, maintained! re-elected treasurer.
there were, glaring infringe:-I
meats on freedom of the pressi
oc,ar t rulings, two suits
.:;irmingham, Ala., , against The
1Ve; York Times and libel suits.
Appro~eld ft*uR9Wd p 0/08/03 : CIA-RDP75-00149 000100060008-0