Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved-For_ReLeas.e 2000/08/03: CIA-RDP75-0000SITMKt0170005-
Circ.: m. 160,607
S. 253,461
Front Edit Other
Inquiry' Into
CI. Marks
a a to Trial
A gingerly conducted Inv'estii
gation Into the functions b*r
of the super secret Central In,.
telligencef. Agency wits carded i
out yesterday by Leslie C. (T1l.
len, defense attorney In the
Alabet Malotte vice 'trial;
G llen's inquiry came 'M
examination that ledta the dis-
missal as a juror o Eleanor
[ Rattigan 2326 Union sti eet
ho 1at .eek identified herself
as a CI~i empiol".
C .]Ilen pursued the;in a t t e r f
esterday. I
A series of exchanges brought
out that'Miss Rattigan's work_I
'did''. not bring her: Airto contact.''
with law enforcement,afL'encies; -'I
The juror finally ended the
questions by saying her. office
is concerned solely with collec?'
lion of information regarding
foreign countries.
The session yesterday was
the first Gillen has attended
since the t r i a l 'Started Iasi'
Thursday. The lawyer, who hadI
hven tied up in Reno op an
other case,.gave these hints of
chat is to 'come in`tlie alleged'
madam's case:
I Mrs. Malotte may not take,
the witness' stand"ltt her 'own
2 -The defense probably will
i argue that she was arrested'
through police entrapment, and
3 Testimony In the case
might be shocking to the. jurors.
1?aght veniremen were chal-
lenged by Gillen arid, excused.
lour others were dismissed by
Superior Judge John B. Moli-
nari for cause. The day ended'
with a prospective jury of five
men and seven women;
Prospective - jurors "who said
they were readers of iThe
Chronicle got a going over by
r:illen. Last week Mrs. MaiotIe
(.;.I (,d an article in The Chroni- !
He's current Police Department !
series in an unsuccessful at-
tempt to have the trial moved
11111.. A r v - - mr Release 2000/08/03 CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400170005-1