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Date: CPYRGF'iT'
H~ussler Named
To Vt. Council
On Worid Affairs
World War,ll Bomber
Pilot Will Be ,
Br'ngs To His Past
Background Of Travel
ml -mannere or ar
bomber pilot who .once .hired' 600
camels to stage a salt caravan to
Timbuktu has been naixied assis-
tant director of the Verrriont Coun-
cil on World Affairs, according to
UVM Prof. George T. Little, exec-
utive director of the Council.
Robert W. Heussler of Moscow,
Vt., a Dartmouth graduate; was
named assistant director of the
Vermont Council on World. Affairs
effective July 1, and he brims tc
his new post a background of trove'
which has taken him around the
.world a couple of times over.
Heussler, who pronounces his
?name as though the "eu" were a
Gong "i", began his travels like sn
many other young Americans, a;
a serviceman during World Wa-
ll, flying a B-17 as a first lieu
errant with the 8th Air Force in
he European Theater. He received
he Distinguished Flying Cross and
he Air Medal with three Oak Leaf
Following his discharge in 1945,
~e returned to Dartmouth College
to resume his studies in history
and government, receiving the B.A.
degree in 1948.
.after his graduation, he travelr~,i
to China, Hong Kong, and the
Philippines as a representative o4~
the Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., and.
while in China, studied Chinese
language and culture at the College
of Chinese Studies, also studying
Chinese privately while working on
petroleum supplies for Generai
Chennault's "futile airlift into Man-
churia just~lf r~~~iQ~~}>,rus
took all ~ ~j i '1?J48.
~? ~( 7.i F , _. t -Q
e~i ~~~!~ r3wa~~~~?~~~~~~R`Q~O~~~lz~Np~~Z~+had engine trouble,;
the Woodrow ~'Vilson School of Pub- green hills on either side of the ~ Heussler arrived at` Boutilimit of-,'I
.. _ _, __ , river. and the Uban?e- a lesser l .. ... .,Il
can institutions and issues Of pub- "" "`s"` """` "G"Y""`?,uc w ?~""-
lic policy, international relations, leyville to Nairobi we hit a real
international economics, and Far bonanza while letting down over
Russian language privately with a ~ ucu, s" "?c~, r,,,,,w, ~,,,a?cr a,,,-
tutor and did specialized reading mals -all roaming in herds; miles
frnm on cofflom onf ~xlo nnf ,.; .,hl
Following his Princeton studies, + ~~ri.'o?~" L?e ue~ciT auu gruuuu, tine
0 4;11 , .,,,F ..F C:1.,.
tion in 1952 as Unit Manager of a " ?y?' `" "" ?"""` "" ` ?` """"? ' days later, the salt caravan was
world flight to shoot 3-D color , itself`' moo ~P. o??^? ,.c +h^ ~ recorded on film.
John Wayne and Terry Moore. ' ' `" "?" b""` "? r""???`"" `'" - I Vermont Council on World Affairs
NPiISCiPr corvP/i as rlinlnmatit~ cle the Holy City 1t 500 feet above , ,~~? ~?Pnt cnvPral moPlrc ;? Rri4ich
ai~c, we wcic yea- ~
representative far the world flight. mitted by the Italian government to' Easwt Af~r' a, "based most of that
"Tlfv ,nh at the ct art invnh,PA mak-~ fimP n nno a noni4 of nits .,F
doss and air force attaches con- `?' `? - ~ aiao. iuc w?u,c ...,y Kikuyu tribesmen, Indian residents
cerned," he explains. "Then;` eii at 600 feet, keeping 100 feet away ,and others regarding the Mau Mau
u,e h~agner pars or the tcnine
eign ministries and air ministries.", ~ that many of the Britons he talked
During most of the trip, which 3 and over Cologne cathedral." ~ to privately admitted this.
Switzerland - "Geneva, Lucerne, I .The film shot on the 3-D tour is
by chartered ex-Ai;'''~ the Jungfrau, the Matterhorn."
Force bo ber, Heussler traveled~l now in New York where so far as
I with Law Il Thomas, r., and his, Britain - "The RAF took no
Heussler knows, nothing has as yeC
tchances -they assigned a plane
I wife. Heus ler and Lowell, jr., were y? L~~? been done toward putting it to
Young Th mas was advance man ,?~ """'~ .,,c wuu,c u,c~ruNuu+,a? his assignment with the Vermont.
for Ciner a, of which his father' ondon area as well as the white Council on World Affairs as "much
-cliffs around Dover, and the Can-
u as presi ent. ~~?, .,_,. ,, ,~~a?~, j?_ ~_, ~_ ,__ the most important," he has had.
"' above 600 feet over Buckingham', "` QUUJ u,a~ ?c cuua,uc,a uun~c?
flight,' He ssler and the 3-D crew fortunate in having had the chance
ey were changing the I
traveled t Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, , too travel extensively in foreign
uard just as we st
d fil
the Carib eon, Argentina, French' g
Greenland - "Flying in from
West Afr' a, Liberia, the Gold~~ Iceland on a clear day in July, His primary duties with the Couii-
Coast, Fr nch Equatorial Africa, ~ cil will be as a field r~presentativc
we dropped down to water level as
thy, Belgi n Congo, Kenya, Tan- I ~~~? ~~ ,,.~ v:?~ c~?..a..?:,_ ~,r ?__~, to travel throughout the Green
sus, Le non, Turke Greece, wccx"`?` ,,,c "c""b'" were 1`u`' can hel to
p y large, but we found some interest-rr~ p promote international
rtaly_ Fr nrP rPrmanv ~WIt7PR i l l nn~ln.c+~n~;?n
land, Brit in, Greenland and Ice- 'I medium sized ice floe wasp particu ~' A native of East Aurora, N. Y..
ng over
an old
Some o the subjects covered, ~, larly good; jagged and rather highs j farm house in Moscow, Vt. He is
described 'n Heussler's words, fol- i~ er than .the others, it had begin single.
thin catai1act five times higher' r""?",e ~,u ins ?ve anu guy an that it is their aim to operate
-~-- - ~ " '" '" ""'"" ~ showing beautiful underwater color
ace of cli f and disintegrating into ~_ a?,:,.?.. ..-.~_?a:?,. r__-v ___,_,
sw=eep ov r the beach at Copaca- ~ ""'G ?"" ?"?u?~ u,acn ,ar,nec
bona; hea~-on shot of the statue of down."_ m
Iguazzu F lls on the Argentine bor- f ing tou lidlon the tr'p by flying down
der. Thes under-publicized falls j r+,o G~~r u;,,.,.. ??,1,.? ;,~ c:..,...?...
making arrangements to stage the
caravan." This involved meetings j
with French officials who took
Heussler to meet with native chief-
tans. "The native leaders were de-'
lighted to be able to find work for
their people in the off season,"
Heussler relates, "because it raised '
their prestige with their people,"
and so the arrangements were com-'.
"through existing local agencies"
rather than to try tp -"duplicate
their efforts."
Right now, the Council, which is
a strictly non-partisan, non-profit,
service organization, is planning a
series of fall community projects,
outstanding of which will be ob-
servance of United Nations Day,
Oct. 24.
in Africa) as the most beautiful ~ "NQL ur,ugea, uannu,g ue+.ween ,ne The Council has recent) beer.
~ tip of Manhattan and Governor's y
1've seen. ' ,~,??a ..?a .,...? ........:......... ~, .,.._ I active in the 1l't+rren R. Austin
-~e=~~ ur ~ ~ ?~?~=~u~~ ,,, vvu?u vuuerslamm~g
of Liberty from three angles."
Congo rig) t at water level, we were .. ~~ which was inaugurated at the Uni-
wheeler t wing 13 barges. Thi., I el hiring when he went to Tim and in sponsoring the International
buktu as advance representali~r Amity Field Day at Middlebury
to survey the possibility of doing which was attended by aver 400
a camel caravan sequence. He flew persons.
into the Sahara re ions of Maure-
elease X2000/08/03 : CIA~I~?i~~5~4~~#6a1~0~ddI10260053-8, ~ ; ,"`~
ilunit. Thanks to a previous delay ,
in schedule in Brazil when the Cin-
The Council has j
~Yie first issue of its new newsletter,
nd the staff continues its regular
~ti?ork of getting together materials
for international relations displays
and exhibits and in bri ng Speak-
ers to Vermont for interested
groups at the community level.
The Council has. its main office in
Room 107 of the Old Mill on the
IJVM campus, and may. be reached
by phone, 2-9054 or _4-$151; gxt. 310.
For Release 2000/08/03 :CIA-RDP75-000018000300260053-9
Approved For Release 2000/08/03 :CIA-RDP75-000018000300260053-9