Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/03 CIA,RDP75-00001 R000300260026-9
CIA Secretary
.Owiss Hawthorne,
Miss Marian T. Hawthorne,
3, a secretary at the Central.,
ntelligence Agency for 14
ears, died Friday in George-
own University Hospital after
brief illness.
A native of Philadelphia, she
ame to Washington in 1944
after working for the Army
Quartermaster Corps there.
She lived at 1010 Twenty-fifth
street N.W.
Until she joined CIA in 1948,
Miss Hawthorne worked as a
secretary for the War Assets
She. was a member of the
Sodality of St, Stephen's
Church and recently served
as a volunteer worker for St.
Elizabeths Hospital.
Miss Hawthorne" leaves her
mother, Mrs. John Hawthorne,
and a brother, James, both of
Philadelphia, and two sisters,
Mrs. Carleton Thomas and Mrs.
Edward Weigan,, both of Cali-
A Requiem mass and burial
will be, in Philadelphia.
Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000300260026-9