Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/09t13j :. cJA, R B00364R000500080002-3
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Finance
2 8 FES iS59
SUBJECT ; Coct-of-Living Adjustra^..ents for CIA. Annuitants
1. It is racuested that all participant annuities and survivor
annuities based on participant annuities or death benefits awarded
under the CIA Retirement and Disability System be increased in con-
formance with Section 291 of The Central Intelligence Agency Retire-
ment Act of 1964 .for Certain Er xployees, as amended by Public Law
90-539, approved 30 September 19.8.
2. In accordance with Section 291 (a) (2) of the CIA I,etiremeft
Act, each annuity payable from the fund which"has a commencing date
not later than 1 March 1969 shall be increased by 3.9 per cent. This
percentage figure was computed as follows; The Consumer Price
Index for the previous base month of February 1968 was 119.0. A
rise in the CPI to 122. 6 (or more) for three consecutive months was
required to trigger an increase. The CPI for October 1968 was 322. 9;
for November 1968 it was 123.4, and for December 1968 it was 123.7,
an increase of 3. 9 per cent over the base period.
0 & 1 - Addressee
11- OGC
1 .. D/Pers Chrono
2 - ROB (1 w/h)
OP/BSD/ROB/ (24 Feb 69)
Rewritten: OP/D/SP/ (26 Feb
Approved For Release 200070903 `CIA: t0F "'f960364R000500080002-3