Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP70
FOIAb3b Y ~!
[Following is a translation of' an article by F. Sergeyev
in the Russian-language periodical lnaD a (Bander),
;Moscow, No. 11, November, 19E4, pages 207-229.]
Twenty minutes' drive from the White House, in the Washington sua-
urb of Langley, there stands a tremendous building. Newspapermen
time on their hands have calculated that the length of its facade is 370
meters, the depth of the wings is 1;S meters, and the area of the working
offices is 111,000 square meters.
This building is the headquarter: of.the Central Intelligence
Agency of the United States. Thousands of gcve~rnment employees work
there. No one knows how many of them there are, but, according to infor-
mation published in the Western press, tha number is considerably acre
than 20,000. The CIA settled down in Langley comparatively recently.
Some of its apparatus continues to remain in Washington, on East Street
[Ist-strit] in the area bearing the characteristic name "Foggy Bottom."
Both complexes -- the one on East Street and the one in Langley -- are
kept under the strictest guard, which shields from the casual eye the
activity of the international center of espionage, sabotage, and provoca-
tions directed primarily against the Soviet Union and the other countries
of the socialist collaboration.
The American newspapermen D. Wise and T. Ross, in their recently
published book The Invisible Government, describe this spy department
as follows:
"A person driving to CIS? headquarters turns at the "BPR i" [ k eau of
Public Roads] sign in Langley and soon finds himself in front of a 10-foot-
high chain-link fence surrounding the entire area. Thee:are signs on the
fence, but not a single one of them says that the CIA is located there.
One sign says, %Property of the U. S. Government, For Official Use Only."
A row r.-Release,2000/0.5[23 CIA-RDP7O-00058R000300030008-7