Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
NSCID 1(~kpproved Fo
lease 2001/07/26: CIA-RDP67-0005WO01000700199CRET
January 18, 1949
1. Since previous directives made no specific provision for
supplying "scientific" and technological information other than
that required by each IAC agency for its own use, it is, accord-
ingly, determined that, in furtherance of the cooperative policies
and procedures enunciated in NSCID No. 2 and any supplements
thereto, and pursuant to the provisions of Section 102(d) of the
National Security Act of 1947 and for the purpose of providing
the U. S. Government and its agencies with the scientific and
technological information required from foreign areas in the
interests of national security:
a. The Department of State shall have primary responsi-
bility for the collection abroad for all government agencies
of information in the basic sciences. The Department of
State will also collect information in such additional scien-
tific and technical fields as is necessary to meet the re-
quirements of government agencies other than the National
Military Establishment and, when requested requirements of
the National Military Establishment. The Departments of Army,
Navy, and Air Force will collect scientific and technological
information including basic research when necessary to meet
the requirements of the National Military Establishment,
utilizing whenever practicable the facilities of the Depart-
ment of State for collection in the basic sciences, Close
collaboration and consultation-will be maintained between all
scientific representatives at U. S. missions abroad so that
all scientific requirements can be satisfied with minimum
duplication and maximum utilization of personnel. The scien-
tific representatives of the Department of State shall be
available to serve as scientific consultants to the military
b. The Director of Central Intelligence, in collabora-
tion with pertinent agencies, shall determine those countries
which have informational potential in fields of basic and
applied sciences, as related to the national security,
c. For the purpose of inducing exchanges with foreign
countries, the National Military Establishment shall provide
the Department of State with available unclassified informa-
tion pertaining to the basic sciences.
d. In order to provide for the collection of the data
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Approved For lease 2001/07/26: CIA-RDP67-000594010007001 ACRET
which is the responsibility of the Department of State, the
Department of State shall take appropriate measures to obtain
the necessary funds from the Congress or from the agencies
served, other than the National Military Establishment, and
will appoint, as practicable, specially qualified scientific
and technical personnel to selected United States Missions
for this collection responsibility.
In order to provide for the collection of the data
which is the responsibility of the National Military Estab-
lishment, the Departments of the Army, the Navy and the Air
Force shall take appropriate measures, to obtain the necessary
funds from the Congress and will assign as practicable,
specially qualified scientific and technical personnel to
the staffs of their respective attaches at such United States
Missions as may be required for this collection responsibility,
f. The Department of State shall call upon agencies
of the government which require scientific or technological
information for advice and assistance as may be necessary
in connection with the requirements of this directive.
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