Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 200' 3 b - UP66B0056OR0001000 *e-1-
DDR? 369-6 3
7 March 1963
MEMORANDUM FOR Chief, Physical Security Di?viet /
ATTENTION: Badge ice
SUBJECT: Lost Badge
This m raoraundum is to apse that
badge outside the Agency buil;s .
2. 1 have thoreughiy stare *d my apartment and have not
dg Thsreiore. it was lost either on. the bus white
e or after leaving bus and walking to my a
atad as 21st Street, N. W... Washington , D. C.
3. It is "quested that you pie
'#A" as soon as passible.
25X1 A soDDR
0 & I - Addressee
1 - SD/DDR Subj
1 - S4/ DDR Chrono
i - DDR Subj
I - DDR throne
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 !A R 6B00560R000100080105-1