Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2007/051 I - EP80BO1676R0
Mr. Dulles:
I have talked to Jim Angleton concerning the advisability of
your sending a letter to Asst. Attorney General William Tompkins
when he resigns around the first of April.
Jim strongly urges that you not send him a letter for several
reasons. He th\nks you would have to be fairly frank in expressing
your appreciation in an unclassified document which might become
public. If it did get published in some way the Soviets could make
great propaganda out of the fact that the head of U. S. Intelligence
was thanking the U. S. Government prosecutor for his assistance in
the Abel case. AlsoI any letter you might send to Tompkins would not
be likely to rest too well with J. Edgar Hoover. Jim points out that
Hoover does not plan to write a letter to Tompkins.
However, Jim does feel that you ought to invite Tompkins over
here for a luncheon, along with his successor, sometime after Tompkins
has left his job. Jim is planning to send you a memo on this recommending
who should be present, etc. and suggesting a date sometime soon after
you return from Florida.
26 Mar 58
Approved For Re ease 2007!05115` &kOB0R676 ; C}0170035-1
Approved For Release 2007/05/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170035-1.
March 26, 1958
Honorable Allen W. Dulles
Director of Central Intelligence
2+30 E Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C.
Reflecting upon the nearly four years which I
have spent in Washington, I know of no association which
has been pleasanter or more profitable to the work of the
Internal Security Division of the Department of Justice
than the splendid cooperation which we have always received
from you personally and from your fine staff. I would
indeed be remiss if I did not express my appreciation to
you, to General Cabell and such outstanding; men as Larry
Houston, Jim Angleton, and who have con-
tributed so much to the cause n w 7i= we have been engaged.
I more than appreciate the contributions which
you made in the recent Abel trial. The success that was
achieved in that case resulted in a large measure from
your own efforts and is a tribute to you and the Agency
which you head.
I shall always cherish most highly the friendship
which you have extended to me.
With warmest personal regards.
Sincerely yours,
William F. Tompkins
Approved For Release 2007/05/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170035-1