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+ o~ >~~ 25X1A9a
1 October 1968
Forms Management Actions Completed. this Quarter:
New Forms Designed, and. Issued.
(212,200 copies)
O g 0 co ies
Old Forms Revised and. Issue
Old. Forms Obsoleted. and. Removed.
68,000 copies)
B. Other Forms Developments:
1. Fifty-eight (58) Records Officers were sent a listing of forms,
for which they are office of primary interest, and asked. to re-
view the list for currency. Twenty (20) Records Officers have
completed their reviews and. as a result 54 forms will be obsoleted.
2. Seven (7) forms were revised. for PPB to be used in the coming
budget exercise.
3. A form has been designed. for use of
notify headquarters of a traveler's itinerary and request travel
orders. Prior to the design of this form lengthy memoranda and.
messages were being used. This form will permit reduction in
creation of paper, provide a uniform system, and exclude super-
fluous information.
1+. A revision was made to a form of the Retirement Counseling and.
Placement Staff, Office of Personnel, and. two new forms were de-
signed and. printed. One new form, "Monthly Annuity Rates," will
be used. as a guide to monthly annuities under the CIA Retirement
System. The second new form, "Job Lead Record," will be given to
all retirees for completion when a job lead. has been furnished.
Included. with this form will be a pre-ad.d.ressed (and stamped) envelop
permitting the retiree to return this to the Retirement Affairs
5, Three (3) booklet forms used by ASoE Staff, Office of Medical Services,
for Psychological Testing were revised. to eliminate all questions
concerning religion. This was done in keeping with limitations im-
posed. through "Invasion of Privacy" restrictions.
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6. Miss - attended. a lecture on "St and.ard.ization of Paper
and. Envelop Sizes." The speaker, Mr. A. P. Dunn, Department
of Defense Production, Ottawa, Canada, advocated standardization
of paper size in government and. industry and. the use of metric
system for paper sizes.
At the request of Mr. - Chief Support for DD~P~Ci Staff,
we surveyed. four (4) secure areas to determine the most suitable
type filing equipment for use. One of these areas was unique
d.ue to room supports, etc., but despite this we were able to
find. shelving that could. be accommodated. without loss of valu-
able floor space.
Received request from DD~P~CI~OA for information concerning the
possible use .of color coded.file folders. As their file is in
excess of 200,000 folders we thought they would be interested.
in seeing the DD~I Contacts Services terminal digit file. We
arranged. for Mr. who 25X1A9a
designed. the OO~C file.
Received. annual reports of records volume from all components,
and. prepared. overall statistical reports for each area and. for
the Agency. Total this year rose 20,000 cubic feet; most of
these in DD~P.
We are awaiting proposals from three companies that are bidding
on the installation of compacting type shelving in the DD~P~RID
file area. These proposals include two manual type of compact-
ing installations and. two using motorized. type. Two companies,
state that our present metal shelving can be used..
The other company, ~ uses wooden shelving only. It is
hoped that a final decision can be made by November 1, 1868.
At the request of Mr.i Chief Applied. Physical Branch
TSD two members of this staff, the RMO for TSD and a member of
the DD~P Systems Group conducted a survey of paperwork operations
in APB. This request resulted from their inability to locate
necessary records when needed. Our survey advocated the central-
ization of their files, establishment of better controls, pro-
curement of some new file equipment and, eventual relocation of
files. and. file personnel. Recent.d.iscussion with the Deputy
Chief of APB indicates that the centralization idea has been
accepted, and. a requisition is being processed. for the purchase of
shelf file equipment that will accommodate the increased volume
of files resulting from centralization.
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6. Mr, accompanied two TSD Personnel from DDP~TSD~APB
(Applied. Physics Branch) to Purpose of this 25X1A6a
trip was to show APB representatives how Comoro. Engineers
maintain their contract files. As APB is made up of engineers
we felt that the Comoro. case paralleled. their operation and
they (APB) could possibly duplicate the Comoro. procedures.
A. Scheduling
Revised Vital Records Deposit Schedules were received, reviewed,
and. approved. for the following offices:
DDS Communications
DDS Personnel
DDS8cT Office of Computer Services
DDS8cT Off ice of Scientific Intelligence
B. Deposits
1. This quarter, 567 cubic feet of Vital Records were received at
Relocation Site and 355 cubic feet were destroyed. or trans-
ferred from Relocation.
2. Our previous reference to the inadequacy of emergency equip-
ment at Relocation resulted. in our holding several meetings
with the RMO for NPIC. It was learned. at these meetings that
the Agency emergency plans do not include any provision for
billeting of NPIC personnel and., furthermore the NSCID-8
states that NPIC will be transferred to the .Department of
Defense at time of emergency. It is for these reasons that
we have asked the RMO to consider the withdrawal of over
3,000 cubic feet from our Vital Records holdings. Mr.
25X1A9a -is awaiting a policy decision from NPIC executives.
3. Six offices sent representatives to Relocation to review their
Vital Records deposits.
Records Center Activities this Quarter:
(Cubic feet)
Received for Storage
Received. for Destruction
Transferred. out of Center
Net Growth 1,729
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Approved For Release 1999~~CIA-RDP72-004508000100290018-2
Priority Deliveries 1 Special Run
Records Services 20,326 items delivered
Supplemental Distribution Copies 8,596 items delivered
Briefings and. Visitors lg6 people
( historians, CT'S,
office representatives, students,
1. A copy of each of the Agency organization charts available
in the Agency Archives (27 items) was reproduced. for Dr.
2. In an attempt to reduce the number of copies of NIS reports
held. in supplemental distribution our personnel at Suitland.
Annex are reproducing, as time warrants, the current control
cards for all NIS reports. This information will be evaluated
by OBGI personnel and. the requirements for extra copies will
be reduced. wherever possible.
3. The Deputy Chief of Archives and Records Center has made 25X1A6a
several inspection trips to - and. on each occasion has
found. our space to be clean and. orderly and the work current.
4. The security alarm system is still not operative. `I`he_ 25X1A6a
Engineering Office reports that ad.d.itional equipment must be
installed. before it become operational.
5. Work on improving the "water problem" is still pending funds.
6. Through the end. of September, sixty people representing twenty-
four Agency components, visited. the Archives and Records Center
as a result of the Records Purge.
B. Scheduling
- 25X1A8b
1. Completed. review of draft revision to Services
Records Control Schedule. Prepared. comments and. returned for
their (Contacts) review and resubmission to us. Revised sched.ule25X1A9a
is currently being reviewed. by Mr. - and. our office.
2. Received for review draft of a revised. Records Control Schedule
for Information Requirements Staff. Schedule was returned to
IRS for further consideration of five items.
3. Received. inquiry from Mr. - OBGI regarding OSS records.
We referred him to DDP Records Integration Division.
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Approved For Release 199971~~?CIA-RDP72-004508000100290018-2
~+. Work has started. on the development of a Retention Plan
enumerating the Permanent Records of the DDI Area.
F OIAb3 b1 5? We assisted _ in drafting revision to Records Control
The DDP Records Retention Plan has been reviewed. by this office
and forwarded to the DDP~RMO for comment.
1. Received,, reviewed., and. approved. revised Records Control
Schedule for Recruitment Division and Transaction and
Records Division of the Office of Personnel.
2. Received., reviewed, and. approved revision to Office of Finance
Records Control Schedule.
3. Received. revision to the Office of Communications~Record.s
Management Staff. Review resulted. in our returning of revised
schedule for amending of disposition instructions for one item.
1. Received., reviewed. and approved a complete revised Records
Control Schedule for Office of Scientific Intelligence.
2. Assisted Office of Computer Services in developing revision
to Records Control Schedule.
A. Records Orientation Given:
1. The Agency Records Management Program was presented to fifty-
one Agency employees as part of the OTR Support Services Review
This Staff provided.the Deputy Director of Support background.
information on the Agency Records Program for his briefing of
Col. White, Executive Director-Comptroller.
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Approved For Release 1999/0~1tT1":" CIA-RDP72-004508000100290018-2
On 11 July, the Executive Director-Comptroller met with the
Deputy Directors, the Inspector General, Chief of PPB and
Chief of the Records Administration Branch. The main order
of business was a briefing given by Col. White on the Agency
Records Program and. the establishment of a Records Management
Board to investigate and propose solutions to problems affecting
the Agency's paperwork management program.
A. Field Trips
Three members of this office visited. the Department of Commerce
Clearinghouse in Springfield., Virginia, to view their storage
and. issuance of unclassified scientific and. technological publi-
cations. We learned. that the public may request either a micro-
fiche copy or' a hard (paper) copy of these reports. The function
of the Clearinghouse parallels our supplemental distribution
activity. In ad.d.ition to the above, three persons from this
office visited. the Documentation Center, Cameron Station for
a briefing of operations and a tour of the center. We were
especially interested. in viewing their microfilm and. microfiche
operations for the storage and. retrieval of classified reports.
B. Paperwork Management Award
Mr, was one of 20 government employees to receive
a Paperwork Management Award for his outstanding contributions
in the area of Paperwork Management. This ceremony, held: at the
Washington Hilton was attended by over 300 persons. Mr. Ban-
nerman represented. the Director at this presentation.
C. Secure Transmission of Information
Three members of this office attended a presentation, "Secure
Transmission of Information," given by - of NSA. 25X9A8
D. Jury Duty
Miss was on jury duty in the United. States District Court
for the District of Columbia during September.
E. Federal Records Officers Meeting
Mr. attended. the initial Federal Records Officers Meeting
11 September.
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F. Agency Longevity Awards
Miss attended the Agency's twenty-first birthday
celebra ion in e Auditorium.
G. Combined. Charities
Preliminary reports indicate that our participation in the
Combined Charities will be successful.
H. Liaison with National Archives
1. Mr. met with Mr. Krauskopf to discuss evaluation of
records pertaining to requirements levied. on the Agency. It
was his opinion that only the broad, guide-type records need
be retained..
2. At the request of RMO for NPIC a meeting was held. with E. G.
Campbell, Assistant Archivist for National Archives, to discuss
procedures for getting an Archives appraisal for NPIC films.
It was Mr. Campbell's desire that the Chief of Special Records
Division perform this evaluation. The RMO~NPIC was notified
that this ind.ivid.ual would need. Agency clearance.
I. Agency Archives Development
The need for an Agency Archives as an independent operation with
its own facilities is being stud.ied.. The results will be
reported. in a formal paper.
J. Records Conference
25X1A6a Initiated. preliminary planning for the Records Officers Conference
to be held. at _ 22-23 October 1968. A meeting was held. with
25X1 C4a the and. his deputy to discuss tentative plans
for the Conference. The theme of conference is "Automation and
K. Records Officers Visits
Members of Records Administration Branch have been notified that
visits with Agency Records Officers will be carried out again
this year. Results obtained.from last year's visits indicate
that these visits are very worthwhile and. permit our staff an
opportunity to evaluate individual office records programs.
Approved For Release 19'9 ~:TCIA-RDP72-004508000100290018-2