Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/10/30 : CIA-RDP62600844R000200200047-0
Soviet Note No. 23
July 10, 1.956
basay of the Union of the Soviet Socialist
labile presents
its compliments to the Department of State of the United States of
America and, acting on instructions from the Soviet Government, has the
honor to state the followings
According to precisely verified dataJuly 14 of this year, at
8i18 a.m. Moscow time twin-ergine medium bomber of the United States
Air Force appeared from he American sot* of cyccupsti on in Western
Germany and flew over the territory of the German Democratic Republic
entering the air space of the Soviet Union from the direction of the
Polish People's Republic at 905 in the area of Grodno. The aircraft
which violated the air space of the Soviet Union flew on the route
Minsk, Vilnyus Kaunas end Kaliningrad, penetrating 'territory of the
Soviet Union to the depth of 320 kilometers and remaining over such
territory for one hour and 32 minutes.
On July 5 of this pars at 7041 Moscow time, a twin.ngine medium
bomber f the United States Air Force, coming from this American Zone of
occupation in Western Genssny, flew over the territcry of the German
Democratic Republic, and at 864 penetrated the air space of the Soviet
Union in the area of Brest coming from the direction of the Polish
Republic. The aircraft violating the air frontier of the
tnnt of State of the
UnitedStatee of America
Washington, D. C.
Approved For Release 2001/10/30 : CIA-RDP62600844R000200200047-0
Approved For Release-2001/10/30 : CIA-RDP62600844R000200200047-0
grist Union flew along
Kaliningrad, tiering
route Brest Pinsk,
netrated Soviet territory
th of 150
kilometers and having remained one hour and 20 minutes over anch
territory. The same day another twin-engine bomber of the United States
Lir Force invaded the air space of the Soviet Union and penetrated to a
significant depth over Soviet territory.
On July 9 there took place new flights of United States aircraft
into the Soviet air space.
The above-men.tioned violation of the air frontiers of the Soviet
Union by American aircraft cannot be interpreted as other than
intentional and conducted for purposes of reconnaisanoe.
It must be underscored that these gross violations of the sir
pace of the Soviet Union took place at a time when, as a result of the
efforts of the Soviet Union and other peace.loving governments, a definite
lessening of international tensions has been achieved, when relations,:
between governments are improving, and Whentwutual confidence between them
is growing. Such a development of international relations is fully
supported by the peopleiof all countries who are vitally interested in
strengthening peace.
One cannot, however, fail
hostile to the cause of reaoe
gnise that
r of countri
axation of international tension which has taken
by the
do rything possible to interfere with !lather improvemnt of
relations between countries and the creation of mutual trust among them.
Among such attempts is the said gross violation by the Awwiricari Lir Force
bf the air space of the Soviet Union, which consistently carries out a
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Approved For Release 2001/10/30 : CIA-RDP621300844R000200200047-0
policy of strengthening peace and broadening buLnese1ik cooperation
with all countries, including the United States of America.
In this connection, the fact attracts attention that the said violations
of the air frontier of the: Soviet Union by American aircraft coincided with
the stay of General Twining, U. S. Air Force Chief of Staff, in the
Federal Republic of Germany.
The Soviet Government energetically protests to the Govenment of the
Untied States against such gross violation of the sir space of the Soviet
Union by American military aircraft ani considers this violation as an
intentional act of certain circles in the United States* planned to
aggravate relations,: between the Soviet Union and the United States of
Calling the attention of the Government ef the United States to
the inadmissibility of such violations of the air apace of the Soviet
Union by Loan aircraft, the Soviet Government states that all
responsibility for possible consequences of such violations rests with
the Goverment of the United States,
The Soviet Government expects that steps will he taken by the
Government of the United States to punish those guilty for the said
violations and to prevent such violations in the future.
Washington, D. C. Jniy 10$ 1956
Approved For Release 2001/10/30 : CIA-RDP62600844R000200200047-0