Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
" M E ET /
Sanitized - Approv~ed For Rel ' ?' IA-RDP62-00680R000100320019-3
Ch/G Staff Meeting
28 January 1959
Item No. Action Required of Ch/G Action Required of Divisions
1 None Required.
2 None Required.
3 Division Chiefs to caution
their personnel.
4 D/GG to submit request for
consultant services covering
the remainder of the Fiscal Year.
Also, to report on activities
8 Ch/G to explore possibility
of incorporating GRA needs
into ERA statements.
Division Chiefs to brief them-
selves thoroughly on function
Division Chiefs to explore this
possibility further with their
Branch Chiefs.
9 Chief, D/GG, to submit memo to
Ch/G before Friday's meeting.
10 Plans to be made for attendance
at Pittsburgh meetings of AAG.
11 None Required.
Sanitized - Approved For Rjqp CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100320019-3
Sanitized - Approved For fVAgSjwwC1A-RDP62-00680R0001
1. Freeze on Upgrading of Clerical Slots
Chief/G reported that there is currently a freeze on the upgrading
of clerical slots in the Agency. The action results from an Agency
survey of average grades of clerical positions elsewhere in government
which showed Agency grades to be the highest.
2. Letters of Availability
Chief/G announced that it is no longer necessary for potential
employees to supply letters of availability before being processed for
Agency positions.
3. Discussion of Classified Matters with Ex-Employees
Chief/G asked that the group caution their personnel not to discuss
matters of a classified nature when speaking to ex-employees of the Agency.
4. Requests for Consultant Services
Chief/G advised the group that it was no longer necessary to request
services of consultants each pay period. The next request submitted can
cover the remainder of the Fiscal Year. also informed the 25X1A9a
group that a report of consultants' activities should be submitted to
St/A each quarter.
5. Survey of Agency ActivitieE25X1 Aga
Chief/G reported that of 00 -- who is a member of the
team surveying Agency activities -- started his seven-week tour of ORR
yesterday. He will be around to the divisions and will talk to personnel
down to Branch Chief level. asked that the Division Chiefs 25X1A9a
brief themselves thoroughly on their functions as recently reported, and
be ready to give background on these functions.
Sanitized - Approved For Refegpe
Sanitized - Appro yd For Releas DP62-0068OR000100320019-3
7. Placement of DD/I Personnel in DD/P
Chief/G reported that of DD/P(FE) spoke to Area and Staff 25X1A9a
Chiefs on the procurement of an ORR man as Reports Officer. 25X1A9a
indicated that from discussion at the meeting, it appeared possible that
further opportunities of this sort might develop in the 'future. This
matter was discussed and asked that it be explored further 25X1A9a
with Branch Chiefs.
8. "Gaps in Intelligence" Requirements
Chief/G explained to the group a recently initiated requirements
program in ERA, under which priority requirements are submitted for each
major subject in their field of responsibility. The requirements are
called "Gaps in Intelligence", and list the priority needs in each subject.
After considerable discussion, it was decided that the GRA should wait for
DD/P field reaction (perha s 6 or 8 months) before instituting a similar
program. In the meantime, indicated he would investigate with25X1A9a
Deputy Ch/E the possibility of having existing ERA statements incorporate
GRA needs.
9. Meeting on UW Studies
Chief/G announced that he is to meet with 25X1A9a of DD/P on
Friday, 30 January, to discuss UW studies. asked that 25X1A9a
submit certain information on TAB studies in
advance of the meeting.
10. AAG Meetings
Chief/G asked that the Divisions start making plans for attendance
at the April meetings of the AAG, which are to be held in Pittsburgh.
He indicated that we should be as lenient as possible in granting
administrative leave so that personnel may attend, and that the number
of personnel sponsored would be about the same as in past years.
25X1 A9a
Sanitized - Approved For ReA-RDP62-006808000100320019-3
Sanitized - ApprQ ed For Reid
11. Author Recognition on ORR Reports
Chief, D/GG, stated that, outside of one branch, little interest
was shown in his division on the naming of authors of GRA reports. In
view of this, he suggested that the Area take no action pending the
outcome of the ERA experiment.
Sanitized - Approved For Rel. CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100320019-3
Sanitized - ApprQyed For
*12. IGU Meeting in Stockholm
Chief/G stated that he had s oken to the AD on the IGU meeting
scheduled for 1960. asked that Chief, D/GG, submit names 25X1A9a
of 4 or 5 of his people who are able to converse in Russian (in order
of fluency) and should be considered for attendance at the meeting.
ACTION: Chief, D/GG, to submit names to Chief/G.
Sanitized - Approved For R IA-RDP62-00680R000100320019-3