Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
4 CE
This document is circulated for agency review prior to formal committee consideration. Agency comments, issues
or questions to be brought before the formal meeting should be reported to the Executive Secretary (Code 112-
Extension 4252) (Room 5312, Commerce Building) by the close of business
*DOC Exempt Letter On File*
0. C. 130CUNINT- -.NO . 1416
TO: Chairman,. Operating Committee
April 7, 195$
FROM: Corixaerce Member
SUBJECT: Export of Race Radial Grinding Equipment to Poland
The Department of Commerce recommends that three pending license
applications covering the export to Poland of two raco radial
grinders, with accessories and spare parts be approved. Details
of the applications are as follows:
Case Nos. (a) 217812
(b) 217813
(c) 217815
Applicant: Van Norman Machine Company
Consignee: ]' inistry of Fuel and Power,
Katowice, Poland
Commodity: (a) 2 Model #667 External Automatic
Oscillating Race Radial Grinders,
each complete with standard equip-
ment and powered by one 5 HP, two
1/2 HP and one 1/4 HP motors,
220/380 volts, 50 cycles, 3 phase,
wired for 380 volt operation
Total Value :
Price $.3.%669,.00
(b) 2 Pump and Tank Assemblies,
2 Spindle Mounts for Arbors,
and 4 Diaphragm Arbors
Price $ 1,602.00
(c) Spare Parts Price v 1,062.90
35, 333.90
Rating: 1022
Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00328A000100170003-5
Approved For Release 208/26 : CIA'0WRFi5AhA0001001 M"3-5
OC DOCUMENT NO. 1416 - 2
This equipment is being purchased under an Export-Inport bank loan,
as part of the program for improving coal production. These machines
are to be usoc in the manufacture of bearings for maintenance and
repair of coal mining machinery. 'It-bas been determined that the
accessories and spare parts are for exclusive use with the parent
equipment. The Polish Trade Fission has informed BFC that it is
in possession of all equipment required for the production of these
bearings with the exception of 5 grinding machines. In view of the
:importance of the mining industry to the national economy 9f Poland
and the need to prevent or minimize production losses through
maintenance and speedy repair of egaipment, it is believed- ;,:icet t`1is
equipment is reasonable and necessary,for.the Polish civilian economy.
Approval is therefore believed appropriate,., pursuant to PD 1315.
If the Operating Committee concurs ',in. this. recommendation, BFC will
Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00328A0001 0 -
e appropriate aotioi.L. to obtain G COI .'c ,eaxarl.ce.