Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490014 116
3 JULY 1957
The following were present:
Mr. D. J. Clinton
Cal. D. H. Smith
Mr. J ; A. Minogue
LCdr, H. W. Holschuh
*Col. Sam A. Carnes
Lt. Col., H. K. Avery
Present Z July se; s:ion oKU<
FY 1958 Production Schedule-
p/4 C.
Air Force,
Air Force
CIA (Chairman)
CIA (Vice Chairman)
CIA. (Secretary)
The members were handed copies of the FY 1958 NIS
Production Schedule dated Z8 June 1.957 which reflecti; the changes
agreed to at the last meeting (refer to Item 4 NCM 247). The State
rrie:mber said hies agency excpect:~ to substitute three sections on other
areas for the three %.vhich were dropped from the schedule on Near
East Areas, and to add. some other sections acheduled for. FY 1957
on which State will default. The vice chairman requested the memberf;
to submit first drafts of their agerxcie4' proposed production forecasts
by 15 July 1957 in accordance with the approved planning timetable
(refer to Item 8 NCM 243)., .
Key Personalities
"titan State member ncdted, hhat the Key Personalities unit
for Communist China will comprise more than 800 biographies, which
approximates the size of the K?' on the USSR a He felt that additional
credit should be assigned to the coat:?ibuting a enc:ies+ for a work of
this magnitude. The chairman replied that corxside ration will. be given
to the aseii nment of additional credit to the larger KPde in accordance
with the policy established in the cafe of the "Soviet Personalities"
(refer to Item 9i. NCM i92). ~~~1:,~((s'1
Approved For Release 2000 - 346R000100490014-3 ~,-~
Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490014-3
'Wwo, %1W
T he chairman observed that a great deal of time was
being spent in developing a complex institutional directory for the
KP's. This in turn requires an elaborate cross-index which further
slows down the production of these biographical units. He urged that
the directory, if used at all, be simplified so that the major product,
tion effort can be devoted to the biographies themselves. The State
member indicated agreement with this view, and the Committee
decided to leave optional the inclusion of institutional directories
in future KP units.
The Committee approved the release of Section 62 (Fuels
and Power), Section 63 (Minerals and Metals), and Section 65 (Trade
and Finance) on NIS 89 (Chile) to the U. S. Department of Commerce
in accordance with letter of justification dated 18 June 1957.
5. NIS Contributor Statements
The members were handed copies of the revised NIS
Contributor Statements (refer to Item 4 NCM 244) for review and
final approval at the next meeting.
6, NIS Reference Guide
The Committee devoted considerable time to a detailed
review of the page proofs of the NIS Reference Guide (refer to Item 3
NCM 247). A large number of changes, corrections, and deletions
were made to improve clarity of presentation and correlation with
the related treatment in. the revised NIS Standard Instructions. The
date of release of the Reference Guide and the Standard Instructions
is to be July 1957, and their texts are to be brought into conformity
with the language of the revised draft of NSCID No. 3 which is
presently under consideration by the IAC. It is the consensus of the
Committee that the NIS Reference Guide should materially assist
potential and actual users of the NIS. After it has been in circulation
for some time it is the intention of the Committee to determine from
those who have used the Reference Guide what revisions may be
neces sary.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490014-3
7. Review of NISStandard Instructions
The Committee reviewed the page proofs of the revised
NIS Standard Instructions and approved the outline guide changes
that had been worked out in a series of interagency meetings (refer
to Item 8 NCM 247 and Item 4 NCA 246). Changes affecting the
Standard Instructions that were made in the review of the Reference
Guide were also approved by the Committee.
The Committee discussed at some length the question of
estimating military port capacity, and decided to increase the cargo
handling factor of tons -per-linear-foot relating to standard wharfage
from I ton to 1. 2 tons in accordance with the recommendation of the
transportation subcommittee that the new factor reflects the present
general improvement in cargo handling capabilities.
The chairman observed that, since the estimated military
port capacity is designed for comparison rather than for operational
purposes, the attention of NIS use re must be directed to the 20%4 factor
increase so that valid comparisons can he made between port capacities
calculated under the old and new methods.
a. The State member reported that field review comments
for Section. 57 on NIS 13A (East Germany) are due shortly, and that
field review comments for Section 55M on NIS 86 (Venezuela) have
been received and the section is ready for final processing., He stated
that final processing of Section 51 on NIS should begin 25X6A
on 8 July whether or not the field review comments have been received,
b. The Committee agreed to review Chapter I on Bulgaria
at the next meeting.
9:. The next meeting of the NI.S Committee will be held at
1000 hours on Tuesday, 16 July 1957.
8 - 11,5 Committee
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ApprovddTF Release 2000/08122/'CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490014-3
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