Approved For ReldW - DP60-00346R000100370009-2
I. Use of Maps and Map Materials in Intelligence Research.
II. Services of D/GL.
A. Location.
Be Services.
C. Use of Services.
III. Maps and Map Materials Available in D/GL.
A. Special-Subject Maps.
B. General Maps.
C. Series Maps.
D. Materials Produced Under the Air Target Materials Program (ATMP).
E. Presentation Maps.
IV. Card Catalogs.
A. Card Catalogs of the Total Map Collection.
Be Card Catalogs of CIA-Produced Maps.
Co Catalog of Atlases and Gazetteers.
3 S pe~v~
Approved Fo IA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
Approved For R IA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
V. Sources of Maps and Map Materials.
VI. Organization of D/GL.
Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
Approved For Relea9G0-00346R000100370009-2
I. Use of Maps and Map Materials in Intelligence Research.
Maps and map materials provide analysts with valuable research tools.
Map materials are valuable in themselves as original source materials
providing a wide variety of data may be used to supplement,
confirm, or refute other intelligence information. The analysis of new
maps may indicate developments that are not indicated otherwisei bor
example, maps sometimes reflect the intentions of the group preparing
them. Maps produced in Sino-Soviet Bloc countries follow the "Party
Line" in most cases, and a new trend of thinking may be reflected first
in a map. For example, the Foreign Offices of Southeast Asian countries
carefully examine Communist Chinese maps to see whether a new boundary
policy is reflected. How much of Burma (or India or Thailand) Communist
China claims is a vital question to Southeast Asian countries, and map
intelligence aids them in their efforts to keep in touch with Communist
Chinese policy.
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Maps also provide orientation on a problem, showing interrelation-
ships with other pertinent factors. In addition, some maps (containing
full source references) provide valuable leads to new source materials
since they are reproduced from reports, books, and other publications
which may not have been reviewed by the analysts concerned. This is
particularly true in the case of maps taken from foreign publications
which may not be available in a translated form.
The atlases, gazetteers, and other reference aids frequently provide
significant data# for example, the world atlas published by the Soviets
in 1954 shows a completed rail bypass at Lake Baykal. Prior to this
publication, available intelligence had indicated only that the facility
was planned.
II. Services of D/GL.
A. Location.
The Map Library Division of the Geographic Area (D/GL) is lo-
cated in the Washington Auditorium, 1901 New York Avenue, N.W.
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Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
B. Services.
D/GL performs the following services:
1. Maintains a current, comprehensive map library, which pre-
sently contains over two million maps, several thousand atlases, gazet-
teers, and other geographical publications. D/GL's collection contains
the following maps and map materials -- all on foreign areas:
Maps covering political, economic, and sociological
subjects, as well as, topographic maps; city maps; wall
maps for briefing and orientation purposes; and aerial
photos, maps, and textual material produced under the
Air Target Materials Program(ATMP). This material is
available for loan or retention.
2. Maintains card catalogs for the total collection, to-
gether with other reference aids; these are readily available to all
interested users.
3. Provides consultation and guidance in-the selection and
use of maps and map materials for research, report illustration, brief-
ings, preparation of requirements, travel, and wall use.
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!. Cooperates with the Department of State in coordinating
foreign and domestic map procurement requirements for all Government
5. Arranges for procurement of maps and related materials from
foreign and domestic sources, whether governmental, commercial, or pri-
6. Provides information on locations, boundaries, Board of
Geographic Names (BGN) spellings, sovereignty, and distances.
7. Prepares a monthly Acquisitions List, which gives the clas-
sified receipts of D/GL and a weekly Joint Acquisitions List of Maps of
Foreign Areas, listing receipts of all map agencies of the Government.
Co Use of Services.
All requests for maps and related materials, information, and
research assistance should be referred to the Reference Branch, by
telephone (extensions 2596, 2597, 21179, 2527), in person, or by memo-
randum. The card catalogs, indexes, and other research aids are avail-
able for use in this branch. To fill urgent requests, maps not held in
Approved Form a r : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
D/GL or in other Government libraries, are ordered from foreign sources
by D/GL.
The standard loan and recall procedures vary with the kind of
map loaned and may be adjusted, insofar as possible, to the requester's
requirements. All requests for renewal of loan materials or for exten-
sion of due dates on loan materials should be referred to the Circulation
Desk, extension 573?
It is recommended that analysts using the facilities of D/GL
not only check the card catalogs, but also examine the map holdings on
their particular subject or area interest; this is the best way to get
a clear picture of the quantity and variety of maps that are available.
III. Maps and Map Materials Available in D/GL.
D/GL's collection is comprised predominantly of special-subject
maps on foreign areas. Virtually nothing is maintained on the U.S.;
however, domestic maps can be readily procured upon request. About 30
percent of the total collection of special-subject maps covers Sino-
Soviet Bloc countries; a large proportion
Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
Approved For A-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
of unclassified. Loan or retention copies of topographic maps
of a scale larger than 1:50,000 are not generally maintained; however,
they +IOW be readily procured
map libraries,
from other
The following kinds of maps and map materials are available in D/GL:
A. Special-Subject Maps.
Special-subject maps make up by far the largest single collec-
tion, and they cover a wide range of subjects. The maps are filed ac-
cording to the following subject categories:
City Plans
Inland Waterways
Land Use
Military Front
Ocean Waterways
Water Supply
Be General Maps.
General maps cover continents, countries, parts of countries,
and cities; and show boundaries, transportation, cities vegetation
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and other related subjects. A good example of this kind of map is a
full-color reproduction of a 32i-sheet Map of the USSR at the scale
1:2,500,000. An index map that accompanies the set gives the legend,
glossary, and list of abbreviations in English as'well as Russian.
This valuable reference set was originally published in 191x6 by the
Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii.
C. Series Maps.
A map series is a group of maps covering a given area and sub-
ject. Series maps are predominantly topographic, usually showing the
area covered in great detail; however, there is a limited number of
special-subject series maps on subjects like roads, vegetation, soils,
D. Materials Produced Under the Air Target Materials Program (ATM?).
The Air Target Materials Program (ATMP) includes the Air Objec-
tive Folder Program (AOFP) and the Tactical Target Program (TTP). All
of the ATMP material, received by CIA is on file in D/GL. Distribution
is also made on these items to interested consumers in CIA. The ATMP
Approved F T ,~ ; "'` : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
Approved For Relea ul DP60-00346R000100370009-2
material includes urban area studies with graphic and textual material,
Target Information Sheets (TIS's), annotated photomosaics, and a variety
of charts. The Department of the Air Force has prepared a publication
describing the over-all ATMP program and giving details on all the
materials produced under this program. Provision has been made for CIA
to receive sufficient copies for dissemination to interested users; in
addition, D/GL will maintain file copies for reference purposes.
E. Presentation Maps.
There are numerous maps of continents, countries, and groups of
countries, that are available on a loan basis for use in lectures and
briefings or for wall use. The National Geographic Society maps are
included in this group; however, these are available for retention, as
well as for loan.
F. See Annex A for a List of Reference ,Aids Available
IV. Card Catalogs.
The following card catalogs are maintained:
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Approved For Rel
A. Card Catalogs of the Total Map Collection.
All of the maps held in D/GL are cataloged in three card catalogs:
1. Regional Card Catalog.
The Regional Card Catalog is indexed by (1) country with fur-
ther subdivisions within each country, (2) by subject, and (3) by scale
(small to large).
2. Subject Card Catalog.
The Subject Card Catalog is indexed by one of 30 subject
categories (See III A for a list of these categories).
3. Numerical Card-Catalog.
The Numerical Card Catalog is indexed by the Map Library
Accession number (these numbers are in the 90,000's at present).
The cards in these three files are one of four colors; the
a. White indicates that the map was procured by CIA from
any source (series not included) and is in D/GL;
b* red indicates a series map, also in D/GL;
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co gree indicates that the map is CIA-produced and is
available in D/GL; and
do blue indicates that the map is located in another
agency's collection.
B. Card Catalogs of CIA-Produced Maps.
There are two card catalogs on CIA-produced maps: one indexed
by region and the other by CIA map number (in the 25)000's at present).
Sample copies of each map are on file in the Reference Branch.
Co Catalog of Atlases and Gazetteers.
The 1atalog of Atlases and Gazetteers aids researchers by provi-
ding an index to the thousands of atlases and gazetteers that are on
file in D/GL.
V. Sources of Maps and WAIMIN Materials.
There are five sources through which D/GL receives or procures maps
and O materials: (1) foreign countries, primarily through the
facilities of the Department of State, and largely by Geographic Attaches
Approved Fo se : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
Approved For Rd
of the Foreign Service,6rance, England, and Germany are the largest
foreign map producers); (2) domestic sources that are nongovernmental
primarily through the Office of Central Reference, Liaison Division
(OCR/LD) and the Office of Operations, Contact Division (00/0); (3) U.S.
Government production (including CIA); (Li) Army, Navy, Air, State, and
CIA reports which have as enclosures maps or related materials; and (5)
other libraries (Government and non-Government).
VI. Organization of L/GL.
D/GL has a T/0 of approximately 50 and is divided into three branches:
Procurement, Processing, and Reference.
The Procurement Branch is responsible for procuring maps and as
materials on all foreign areas ,preparing and coordinating requirements
for maps and related publications for all U.S. Government mapping agen-
cies' searching books and other publications with map enclosures, selec-
ting maps of interest, and arranging for their reproduction for CIA and
other agencies when necessary.
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Approved For RelU&%'Y'" CIA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2
The Processing Branch is responsible for cataloging, indexing, and
filing all material receiveds reproducing maps whenever necessary and
preparing acquisitions lists of maps received in CIA and other U.S.
Government agencies.
The Reference Branch services all requests and provides any neces-
sary guidance and assistance to users of the services and facilities of
1G. L.0
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1. Atlases.
There are several general and economic atlases of the Sino-Soviet
Bloc countries, as well as many world atlases and special subject
atlases for other foreign countries. The Soviet world atlas, USSR,
Glavnoye Upravleniye Geodezii i Kartografii, Atlas Mira, published in
Moscow in 1954! is one of the recent acquisitions; this is available
for loan. A current reading shelf of new atlases is maintained.
2. Gazetteers.
D/GL has perhaps the best collection of foreign gazetteers in the
U.S. Name changes in the Sino-Soviet Bloc and other foreign areas are
received regularly and men incorporated in a master file which
is arranged alphabetically by city name. Included in the collection
are NIS, Army Map Service, and other gazetteers published by the U.S.
Government, as well as numerous foreign governmental and commercial
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,1Y. Map Publishers' Catalogs.
These catalogs list maps published by each agency or company. Index
maps are often included in the catalogs to show coverage available in
large-scale series maps.
Most of these are related to mapping terms and are primarily for
reference use; however' some are available for retention or loan.
Postal Guides.
These are held only if they contain place name lists for the indi-
vidual countries.
.6. Pilots or Sailing Directories*
Bibliographies of Maps and Related Publications.
Signs and Symbols Sheets or Volumes.
These identify and explain the symbols used on single sheet or
series maps why..-maps. a -i _ -y-' legend(An~x ~
traction, pA?Jt6r '*~t d CIA 4 00100370009-2
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id. Lists or Publications Relating to Place-Names.
Lists or publications relating to place-names (other than previously
noted gazetteers, postal guides, etc.) or summaries of recent place-name
changes, language changes, etc.
Publications Issued by Map-Holding or Publishing Organizations.
Publications relating to their collections, accessions, bibliogra-
phies, cataloging, etc.
Publications Relating to Methods, Processes and End-Products of
Trans iterMons.
It Map Supplements.
Publications which explain a specific map, and without which the
map has very little or no significance.
Time Tables (Current).
Guide Books (Current).
. Selected Periodicals on Cartography, Photo Interpretation and
Photo gramme try.
(. Boundary Studies.
Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100370009-2