Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
,.,_ . Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200310007-5
FolisYi Occu ied xm r pwworl
Polish Troops and Military Installations in b s.t.ii)
_DATE PREPARED 17 February 1255
25X1 ti
1. Prior to the spring of 1954, the barracks installations on the
southern perimeter of Osterode ( , 54/E 25), on the west side of
the road toward Buchwalde (Q 54/E 35), now ul. Sikorskiego,
quartered Polish army troops who wore .khaki uniforms with red
service color. The bright-stuccoed buiidinz;s of the installation
which were also called ;Neisse Kaserne by the population and had
apparently suffered no war damages were occupied to capacity by
soldiers on active service. In the summer of 1953, the troops were
located at the 1Iuschaken (R 54/E 71) troop training grounds. When
the troops returned to the station in the fall of 1953, all soldiers
marched on foot. Only some trucks which towed light suns were
observed. A military band was also located in the installation. 1
2. Prior to the spring of 1954, the barracks Jng J1#ttQ ton the
southeastern perimeter of the city on the northeast side of the Hohenstein
ti 54/In,53) road, novc ul. Swierczewskiego, also quartered Polish troops
who wore khaki uniforms and red service color. In the fall of11953, the
troops located in this installation came back from the troop training
grounds jointly with the troops stationed at the Weisse Kaserne.
In view of its red brick buildings, the instillation on ul.
Swierczewskiego was also called the Rote Kaserne by the poulation.
It was noted that officers of the troops in this installation were
still mounted. Horse-drawn vehicles were frequently observed leaving
the installation. Trucks were also available. When the troops returned
to the station in the fall of 1953, no heavy weapons other than the
light guns were noted. 1 t 2
Prior to the spring of 1954, the office of the iliilitary District
Headquarters (RKWJ) was located in the elevated barracks installation
in the northern sector of the city, north of the Allenstein (R 54/E 66)
road an_q not far from the former Hindenburg School. The installation,
which vas badly damaged during the war and not reconstructed, was called
the i3ere Kaserne. It was n0 longer used for the quartering of troops.
Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200310007-5
Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200310007-5
The training, area of the Polish troops at, the station was located
enterprises constructed a major fuel depot near Thyrau (Q 54/E 24)
southwest of the city. Large tanks were buried at the site. The
depot was located northeast of the town.between the railroad line to
Deutsch Eylau (Q 54/E 04) and the Thyrau - Osterode road, presumably
in the area 1 kilometer northwest of y yrau.
west and northwest of Tflierberg (. 54/E . A new target range
of the armed forces was allegedly constructed in recent years in
the woods north of the Waldau estate, 2.5 kilometers northwest
of the Osterode railroad station. The conditions at the former
German Army target range were unknown.
Prior to the spring of 1954, government-controlled building
Comment, An i nfantr- regiment of the 15th Inf Di.v is
the barracks installation on the Hohenstein road
has been occupied by an officer candidate school.. It is believed
Comment. According; to a -revious report dating
that it also quarters component units of the infantry regiment.
Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200310007-5