Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP58-00453R000300120145-9
Decisions of the Comptroller General, Index Digest, July 1, 1946 to
June 30, 1951
27:770 - Traveling expenses, Temporary Duty, Training Assignments
"XXXVI. Transfers.
"1. Approval after performance of travel.
"Transfer order providing for reimbursement of travel expenses
incident to employee's change of station, but which was not
administratively approved until after change of station had been
accomplished, may not be regarded as meeting requirements of sec. 1,
administrative expense statute of Aug. 2, 1946, authorizing
reimbursement of travel expenses to transferred employees 'when
authorized in the order directing the travel,' even though
premature travel was effected on advice of supervisory officials
in field who had no authority to issue such transfer order."
(P. 654)
Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP58-00453R000300120145-9