Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
a in
Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP59-00882R000300250055-9
Mr. Lawrence R. Houston,
Acting Deputy Director,
Central Intelligence Agency,
Washington 25, D. C.
Post Office Box 2520,
Hartford, 1, Conn.
January 11, 1954.
TREA has not reviewed. Processed
IAW CIA TREA arrangement letter
dtd 4/11/08.
This office is at present engaged with examination of the joint income
LJA 1 tax returns filed by for the years 1950 to 1952 in-
25X1 clusive. You hake been advised by that such examination was in process.
You were also requested by him to furnish this office with advice regarding certain
25X1 expenses incurred on account of for travel and subsistence while in
Western Europe during the years involved.
25X1 25X1
25X1 In response to the reque_.t of , you advised this office by let-
ter dated December 26, 1953 that "moo x services were to the benefit
of the United States Government." Apparently, it is the understanding of
25X1 and yourself, that the foregoing statement furnishes the ncessary support
sustain the claimed deduction on account of tragel and subsistence expense incurred
by or on behalf of while abroad with her husband during the period he
was engaged by Central Intelligence Agency. In order that this office may understand
25X1 why it was neessary for to accompany her husband in Europe while he was
performing services for the Government, it is requested that the following inforr.:a-
tion be furnished:
25X1 (1.) What was the nature of the services which was to furnish? If
this information, becuase of security reasons cannot be specifically presented, may
be stated in broad or general terms.
25X1 (2.) W was it neessar from the point of view of Central Intelligence, for
25X1 to acconpan on his visits to Europe. Could he not have ac-
complished the desired results alone?
(3.) In the event that Central Intelligence deemed it neeessary or desirable to
have accompany her husband to Europe, why didnIt the Agency provide for
25X1 reimbursement for the travel and subsistence expense she was bound' to incur?
as expeditiously as possible. It would therefore be appreciated if an
early reply to this letter is made.
Very truly yours,
Ernest A. Carroi, \
Internal Revenue 1 ent
lgt ~9
Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP59-00882R000300250055-9