Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP80-01237A0000040015-6
Line I a - Comint: Comprises a number of definitive improvement projects
directed toward maintaining a capability against the latest communication
innovations through adjustments in the quantity, type, and deployment of
collection activities, development, procurement and installation of
specialized intercept, processing, and communications equipment, and
increased exploitation of mobile collection techniques.
Line I b - ELINT: Covers the detection and surveillance of electromagnetic
emissions through the installation of high gain antennas and more modern
equipments at existing sites, and the operation of special mobile collection
Line I c - Other Interception: Covers the costs for intelligence operations
conducted by two VQ Special Mission Squadrons overseas.
Line I e - Other Non-Overt: Covers submarine reconnaissance (visual, sonar,
photographic) and HFDF operations.
Line I f - Foreign Service and Attache Reporting: Includes the overall cost
of the military attache system, in those areas not listed above, and that
portion of State's overseas Foreign Service costs directly attributed to
the collection and reporting of intelligence information.
Line I g - Publication procurement: Includes all costs for foreign publication,
and for personnel and logistics support of their procurement.
Line I h - Other Overt: Covers administrative support to the Defectors
Reception Centers, the processing of requests for intelligence information
which is obtainable from other U.S. Intelligence agencies, and special
photographic requests.
Line II a - Military Intelligence: Includes primarily military aspects of
finished-intelligence production and its dissemination - including such
matters on military organization, equipment, training, deployment, TO's
order of battle, and logistics capabilities. It covers that finished in-
telligence for which the Department of Defense has production responsibility
under provision of NSCID No. 3; and the integration of various aspects of
military estimates.
Line II d - Scientific and Technical Intelligence: Includes the production
and dissemination of finished intelligence on:
(1) The progress of foreign scientific research and development,
and achievments resulting therefrom - affecting the military, economic or
political potential of a nation.
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP80-01237A000100040015 6
ECR roved For Release.-2002/01/30: CIA-RDP80-01237A00014*040015-6
(2) Technical devices, equipment, and process; and scientific
or technical aspects of foreign structures, installations, equipment and
Line II c - Geographic Intelligence: Includes the production, cartographic
preparation and dissemination of intelligence on the natural features of
foreign areas.
Line III - Management: Includes Rear Admiral Lowrance, Rear Admiral Frankel
and their immediate staff who are responsible for the supervision, planning,
and policy formulation for the Office of Naval Intelligence.
Line IV a - Administration: Includes the costs attributable to the Office
of Naval Intelligence in the budget and fiscal operations, travel, inspection,
and auditing.
Line IV b - Communications: Includes all traffic costs attributable to the
Naval Security Group.
Line IV c - Security: Includes both physical-security and personnel-security
measures related to the foreign intelligence effort.
Line IV d - Training: Includes direct and indirect cost of the Naval
Intelligence School and language courses at civilian schools.
Line IV e - Research and Development: Includes the costs relating to the
development of Electromagnetic Passive Intercept, Shore Electronic Reconnaissance,
Intelligence Research, Shore Fix (BORESITE), and Photo Surveillance.
Line IV f - Screening and Distribution: Covers the handling, screening and
distribution of information received from collectors.
Line IV g - Translation and Exploitation: Includes translation, abstraction,
and summarization of foreign language materials of intelligence interest.
Line IV h - Reference Facilities: Includes libraries, collections and
registers, containing primarily intelligence materials.
Line IV I - Printing and Reproduction: Includes the printing and reproduction
costs of finished-intelligence reports, bulletins, briefs, maps, collection
manuals and forms.
Line V - Additions to Capital Equipment: Includes the cost of a special
non-passenger carrying vehicle, the procurement of electronic equipment,
and the Sugar Grove contract costs.
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP80-01237A000100040015-6`'