Approved For Rele 2002/05/20 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000090001-1
8 July 1952
OCI No. 6435
Copy No.
Office of Current Intelligence
This digest of significant reports has been prepared primarily
for the internal use of the Central Intelligence Agency. It does
not represent a complete coverage of all current reports re-
ceived. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office
of Current Intelligence.
State Dept. review completed
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Japanese admission to COCOM: At a
4 July meeting with American represen a ivies -n London, British
officials argued strongly for immediate admission of Japan to
COCOM insisting that the United States' proposal to set up a
separate Far Eastern controls organization to include Japan
is impractical and undesirable.
The British officials indicated that Britain would under
no circumstances discuss Hong Kong controls in an exclusively
Far Eastern group, and that in the event of a Korean settle-
ment they would strongly favor relaxing controls on trade with
mainland China to the level maintained against the USSR and
the Satellites.
The US Embassy in London states that unless Britain can
be persuaded to accept the American position, particularly on
the desirability of stricter controls in the Far East in the
post-Korea period, the resultant open disagreement during
forthcoming COCOM discussion of the Japanese request for
admission will considerably reduce the chances for gaining the
support of other COCOM members. (S London 73, 4 July 52)
Comment: Britain's position on this issue is in large
part a erm ned by its desire to protect the British economic
position in South and Southeast Asia by deflecting Japanese
competition toward mainland China.
2. Swiss firm reportedly trying to arrange large trans- 25X1C
shipment o clean copper to Orbit. According to
25X1C t e w 9- firm MEXIS is trying to arrange
the transshipment of 2,000 tons of Chilean copper to the Orbit
through Spanish and Swiss intermediaries and the falsification
of bills of lading. A Chilean export license for this copper
has been approved on the basis of a written statement by the
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Spanish Ambassador to Chile that the copper was destined for
the exclusive use of Spanish industry.
To protect the identity of the real purchasers9 a Swiss
businessman has been asked to participate in the financing
of the deal. IM XiS has pointed out to hiss that a similar
3 000 -ton transaction was facilitated earlier with a bribe
Comment,. In early 19529 IMEXIS was believed to be pro-
mcoting^ a nu ber of Chilean copper deals 9 one of which involved
possible lO?5O0-ton shipment to Finland. A recent Chilean
radio broadcast reports the local press is demanding the
government investigate transshipments through Italy and Switzer-
3. WPC to make a major effort to turn united States public
opinioxi aig if rea.rmamen pea era a e plenary seas on
which met last week in Berlin hinted
at an intensive campaign during the next few months to in-
fluence United States public opinion against rearmament
President Joliot-Curie declared that preparations for a Third
World Peace Congress to be held in Vienna beginning 5 December
would "organize" public opinion in such a manner as to make
war impossible. The election period was mentioned by another
speaker as an ideal time to approach US Congressmen 9 labor
leaders, and other Americans.
The Council echoed Soviet proposals to the UN in demanding
an official definition of aggression and a study of means to
relieve world tension, and also repeated familiar Soviet
propaganda. points on Germany, Japan and germ warfare, A bold
extension of the BW charges was made by a former Munich Town
Councilor who claimed that Adenauer secretly asked for germ
warfare equipment for West German troops. (Factual data from-
R FBIS Berlin 9 l-5 July 52)
40 Hungarian Party Central Committee directed to return to
mi.lita.n , comuna. ,m- a Huniii-I a arty men ra omm .tee 1,t
Ft-7-9- meet g oaf=28 June heard Marton Horvath9 Politburo
member and editnr of the party newspaper9 demand a return to
militant comman:ism. Horvath9 according to the US Legation in
2 S July 52
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Budapest, forecast a sharper attack against the church,
Social Democrats and kulakso At the same meeting Minister
of Defense Farkas, also a member of the Politburo, blamed
the difficulties of the youth organization, Disz, on the church
and other alien influences.
The American Legation interprets Horvath,s remarks as
a call for a turn to the left in the face of popular opposition,
and for a resumption of collectivization after the harvest.
It noted that party Isader Rakosi?s comments at the meeting
went unreported, (S Budapest 10 and 1.1, 3 July 52
Comment: The speeches of Horvath and Farkas probably
forecast a party line in assessing blame for the current
economic difficulties in Hungary. The Social Democrats, the
church and the kulaks would provide useful scapegoats. The
absence of any mention of Rakosi is interesting in view of
repeated rumors that he is soon to be purged.
Disz has been a target of growing criticism since winter.
A Soviet delegation made an investigation of its organization
this spring. Subsequently there was a rumor that a principal
leader of the organization had disappeared
5. Hungarian deportations linked with current anti-clerical
campaign: The epor a ion of two
~:s 0 c in northeastern Hungary to the Hortobagy prairie was
confirmed by a western diplomatic source. The writs to the
Security Police reportedly accused the families of rumor-
mongering and excess of religion.
The US Legation in Budapest points out that the deporta-
tions serve the triple purpose of providing homes for party
faithful, increasing the supply of forced labor, and weakening
the influence of the church, (C Budapest 7, 4 July 52)
Comment: Deportations from Miskolc, a city in the interior,
obviously are not explicable in terms of frontier defense re-
quirements, like the previous deportations reported on the
Yugoslav and Austrian borders. Deportations for religious
reasons accord with the growing attack by the Hungarian Commu-
nist Party on the clergy, who are even accused of violation of
the church-state agreement,
6. Poland expects better grain crop this year: Polish
Politburo mem er .man Za,m rows i~ia~nornal convention of
y 5~
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peasants correspondents on 29 June that the government expects
grain crops to be better this year than last, This statement
is substantiated by American Embassy reports that favorable
weather conditions since 15 May will apparently bring a fair
crop of grain sown last fall9 and a very heavy stand of spring-
sown grain, (R Warsaw 11 9 3 July 52)
Comment.- The prolonged drought last summer and autumn
left 1nsu. -cient subsoil moisture in many areas to withstand
dry spells o The difficulty and uncertainty produced by this
condition may ,.vow have been largely overcome by moisture ac-
quired during the cool, wet period between 15 May and 1 July,
which has been succeeded by warm and sunny weather.
7 Yugoslavs reported ready for military talks with Turks and
Greekss o ` e ua 'l acv pie ?nnm+aer s yea c engage n n ary
Ta s with Turkey and presumably Greece 9 if those countries
commit themselves to a strong defense of Thrace. The Turkish
Foreign Minister says he was so informed during the last week
in June by the Yugoslav Ambassador. The Foreign Minister stated
that he wa doing all in his power to impress Turkey ?s allies
with the importance of defending Thrace. (S Ankara 29, 5 July 52)
Comment.- A. ;military planning agreement with Greece and
Turkey ~a~ 5-ul be of considerable advantage to Yugoslavia, but
the Yugoslavs have not hitherto shown a willingness to begin
such talks.
While Greece and Turkey want to provide for the defense of
Thrace 9 a difficult military problem, the latter is proceeding
cautiously, and obviously desire ; a NATO commitment promising
additional sea and air support before it negotiates with Yugo-
sllavia o
8. Belgrade to extend social security system to agricultural
c02L lee _ ves o one rn a~ ~, EF~5 Y e the i o
regime aal s to provide social. security coverage to members of
peasant working cooperatives in the near future b Yugoslav
officials point to this measure and the payment of rent on land
contributed to collectives by individual members as positive
measures designed to "?eliminate peasant unrest" in the working
There is no indication that the social security plan will
be extended to either private peasants or to members of the
general type (producer) cooperatives. ((R Belgrade Joint Weeka
279 5 July 52)
9D0O y 52
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Comment; The planned extension of an additional induce-
ment o co ective members to remain in the socialized sector
is doubtless a reaction to continued peasant opposition to the
regime?s agrarian policy and to collectivization in particular,
The regime hopes, however, to alter this basic opposition by
discriminating in favor of collectives by offering various
subsidies and capital equipment, thus proving the more practical
advantages of rural socialization even to the satisfaction of
the "most conservative peasant."
5 g
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90 Resumption of Japanese-Korean negotiations probable:
The Japanese Foreign ce has a v se Ambassador Murphy that
arrangements are proceeding with-the South Korean Mission in
Tokyo for the resumption of Japanese-Korean discussions without
the formality of a general conference.
The essence of the Japanese approach will be an insistence
that the Koreans drop the package deal and settle the various
problems separately.
Korean Minister Kim confirms that he expects to open con-
versations, probably on 17 July, to see "whether any problems
can be settled separately." (S Tokyo 60, 3 July; C Tokyo 65,
5 July 52)
Comment: After reaching tentative agreement on such issues
as nationality and the treatment of Koreans in Japan, the ne-
gotiators recessed in April unable to agree on their respective
property claims. In the past, Korean negotiators have re-
fused to consider the conclusion of anything less than a
package deal,
llo Inner Mongolian capital moved to Suiyuan: The Inner Mon-
golia ui onomous ver meat was cove on 1 July to
Kueisui, Suiyuan Province, by order of the Chinese Communist
6 S July 52
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Central People?s Government In Peiping. (R FBIS ticker9
Peiping, 4 July 52)
Comment. This is the second time that the seat of
the I , a Chinese Communist puppet regime, has been moved
westward. Originally located at Wangyehmiao in western
Manchuria, the Mongol capital was moved to Kalgan in Chahar
Province in the spring of 1950. Neither Kalgan nor Kueisui
is located within the boundaries of IMAG. Kalgan and
Kueisui are the capitals of Chahar and Suiyuan Provinces
which are both included in the North China District.
In line with Peiping?s long-range policy for closer
integration of Inner Mongolia with China proper, this move,
like the previous one, was probably designed to bolster the
influence of Yun Tse9 IMAC?s Chairman and a member of the
Chinese Communist Central Committee. The Yun Tse clique,
predominant in Inner Mongolian politics, consists largely of
Suiyuan Mongols, and `dun Tse is concurrently a Vice Chairman
of the Suiyuan Military and Administrative Committee. With
the IMAG capital situated where his followers are strongest,
Yuan Tse0s effectiveness among the Chinese-hating Mongols may
be enhanced.
Also, the move may presage a cleanup of Prince Te Wang9s
guerrillas, based In the mountains north of Kueisui. These
guerrillas have been able to create considerable disorder and
they have embarrassed the Communists. In late 1951 and again
in early 1952 Chinese Communist troops in Suiyuan reportedly
mutinied and joined up with Te Wang's Mongol forces. The in-
stallation of pro-Communist Suiyuan Mongol leaders in Kueisui
could facilitate the elimination of this chronic nuisance.
12. Moslem revolt in northwestern China rAnnrtAd: Two
Iffhinals north-
ern Kansu Province report that 10,000 Moslems rebelled
about two months ago. The uprising was crushed in approxi-
mately four weeks.
General reports that according
the rebels are merely inactive
now9 and were not completely defeated by the Chinese Commu-
nists. (S Hong Kong 16, 4 July 52)
Comment* This is the first confirmation of previous
repor s Tn he Hong Kong press that there is unrest amore
the Moslems of northwestern China.
7 8 July 52
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25X1. I
edly took pace
south of where the rebellion purport-
The difficult terrain of northwestern China is favorable
for guerrilla operations. This area, however, is almost in-
accessible, and insurgents could expect little or no outside
13. Thai armed forces alerts reportedly still in effect:
The American Embassy in Bangkok as een re lab y informed
that the Thai police alert, called. to deal with an anticipated
Chinese demonstration, was cancelled on 27 June by Police Di-
rector General Phao but that the armed forces alerts are
still in effect.
The Embassy comments that the apparent lack of coordi-
nation between the Defense Ministry and the police indicates
that the armed forces alerts were called independently and for
different reasons than the police alert. (C Bangkok 18,
3 July 52)
Comment : Premier Phibun previously had appointed an
"emergenstaff headquarters," headed by Phao's chief rival,.
Deputy Commander in Chief General Sarit, to control the armed
forces and the police during the alert period.
14. Junior officers in Thailand transferred to provinces:
The Amer can mass, in Bang o reports a T a army of-
ficers, ranking from captain to colonel, have been transferred
from Bangkok garrisons to provincial posts.
The Embassy comments that Deputy Commander in Chief
General Sarit is attempting by means of the transfers to re-
move distrusted officers from the Bangkok political scene.
(C Bangkok 18, 3 July 52)
Comment: There have been several recent reports that
disaf ecte Thai junior officers have been conspiring to
overthrow the present government.
On the other hand, Sarit may be "purging" supporters of
his rival, General Phao
8 8 July 52
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15, Thai Government takes firm stand with Parliament,. The
American Embassy in a,ng o reports at e T -ai eernment
has responded to restiveness among elected members of the
legislature by publicly threatening reprisals against MP's
who obstruct the passage of government-sponsored bills or
talk too much.
At the same time, the Minister of Interior broke an
earlier government promise to sponsor a bill legalizing po-
litical parties by stating that he would oppose any such
legislation on the grounds that it was unnecessary. The
Embassy anticipates considerable parliamentary agitation
as a result of the Interior Minister's statement. (C Bang-
kok 18, 3 July 52 )
Comment,. Although the government ostensibly enjoys
the suppoof the overwhelming majority of both appointed
and elected Members of Parliament, there have been other re-
cent indications of unrest among the elected members and
the ruling oligarchy may have difficulty in maintaining a
solid pro-government bloc.
16. Leaders in Thailand absent from American Embassy 4th
July reception: Tfie ea ng mem ers o ddory na.n i
rm ~tary c que, including Premier Phibun and Generals
Phao and Sarit, did not attend the 4th of July reception
given by the American Embassy in Bangkok. The clique was
represented only by the relatively unimportant commander in
chief of the Thai Navy and his chief of staff. (C Bangkok
31, 5 July 52)
Comment,. The leaders
atten a massy functions
ingly cool toward Official
of the ruling group, who frequently
in the past, have become increas-
American personnel in Thailand.
There have been other recent indications that Thai
leaders have become less enthusiastic over Thailand's
strongly anti-communist, pro-American orientation.
17 Burmese seeking to repatriate Chinese Nationalists,. An
official of- d e urrraese ore gn ice n or me a Embassy
in Rangoon that Defense Minister Ba Swe, while expecting that
insurgency in Burma will be largely eliminated by fall, fears
that public pressure will then force him to attack the Chinese
Nationalists in Kengtunga Ba Swe says he is anxious to avoid
such action and is willing to repatriate the Nationalist troops
through Rangoon.
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The Foreign Office official asked for American aid in
arranging a mission to Formosa to discuss the matter. (S
Rangoon Weeka 27, 6 July 52)
Comment. While the Burmese armed forces have recently
achieved some local successes against the insurgent Commun-
ists, there are no indications of a victory by the end of
this summer.
The Burmese Government has rejected all previous pro-
posals to repatriate the Chinese Nationalists. Reversal
of this policy probably resulted from a realization that a
major offensive against the Nationalists in Kengtung to
assuage public opinion would leave the way open for suc-
cessful insurgent operations in central Burma.
18. New oil field reported near Tehran. The American in
charge of the oil drilling operations of the Iranian Oil
Company at Qum in north-central Iran, ninety miles south of
Tehran, reports that his drillers struck what appears to be
a sizeable deposit of oil on 2 July. He says that all signs
indicate that the strike is in or close to new oil fields,
the extent of which cannot yet be determined. (S Tehran 38,
3 July 52)
Comment. Discovery of oil by the Iranian Oil Company
would furnish Prime Minister Mossadeq with a lever in
his dispute with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Because of Qum?s location, such a discovery would cer-
tainly interest the Russians, both as a possible future
source of oil and as a means of penetrating the Iranian
10 8 July 52
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19, Plans for stepped-up Sovietization of East Germany partially
confirme - The Socialist Unity arty congress, sc e u e or 9 to
1Z July, reportedly will move to introduce the Kolkhoz system in
agriculture, to begin a new party purge, and to replace the five
state governments with 14 new districts.
Party leaders allegedly plan also to approve the "eventual"
resignation of East German Premier Otto Grotewohl, probably on
grounds of ill health. (S Berlin 24, 4 July 52)
Comment: Party leaders had earlier been reported to be plan-
ning acct on at the July congress to strengthen their control over
East Germany. Gradual curtailment of the functions and authority
of the state governments has already begun, and American observers
in Frankfurt. believe these governments may ultimately be eliminated.
This, however, is not expected to occur before the ratification of
the Allied-West German contractual agreement.
The probable eclipse of Grotewohl, ostensibly on grounds of.
ill health, has been previously predicted.
military trainng- report hat the
Eaas Germ-an ariamen will meet secretly from to 10 July to
adopt a law for universal military training.
25X1 C
reportedl ?to approve universal
Effective 11 July the boundaries of the western sectors of
Berlin reportedly will be treated as national borders and "hermeti-
ca l ly sealed. 25X1 A
Comment: Other sources report that the Socialist Unity Party
congress, riding on 12 July, will announce the new plans for
reports indicate that in mid-June the Soviet Control
Commission was considering a policy of reducing contact between
East and West Berlin, and a start appears to have been made last
week toward creating a security zone around Berlin.
21. Swiss offer East German Government de facto recognition:
Switzer an has of erect tine a 1 Gorman Government de facto recog-
nition, through the exchange of trade missions, instead of the
1]1 S July 52
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formal recognition it demands in return for concessions on
nationalized Swiss property. The Swiss have assured Britain
France intends to support American protests against any
uch action, but the British Foreign Office states it will t
no action as long as Switzerland withholds full recognition. (S
London 48, 5 July 52; C Paris 128, 5 July 52; C Berlin 7, 1 July
Comment: East Germany will probably accept the de facto
recognT on, which would be a substantial political victory,
since no other Western nation has yet made even this concession.
Switzerland exchanged Ministers with the West German Federal
Republic earlier this year.
22. France denies plans for shipment of steel rails to East
Germany: a Frenc Foreign f ice has dense reports t at East
ermaany is purchasing 80,000 tons of steel rails from the Schneider
Creusot company. This company, it states, does not manufacture
rails and has negotiated for neither direct nor indirect delivery
of rails to the German Democratic Republic.
The Foreign Office knows of no such negotiations by any
French company, and states that it is "fully cognizant" of its
obligation to consult COCOM before granting an export license
for such material, (S Paris 91, 3 July 52; S Bonn 29, 3 July 52)
Comment: were the'source 25X1
of the or gin: a such a shipment of rails was planned.
23. Pinay considered not hostile to EDC: Reporting that Premier
Pinay seems g a to accept t e support of both the advocates and
the opponents of the European Defense Community treaty in the
government's drive for creation of a European political authority,
the American Embassy in Paris rejects rumors that he is secretly
bent on sabotaging the treaty. The Embassy considers that his
recent overtures to the pro-government Gaullists, who hope that
political integration will postpone or even defeat the defense
treaty, were merely intended to promote a split in De Gaulle's
party. It believes that Pinay is refraining from public endorse-
ment of the treaty in order to be sure that a battle over ratifi-
cation must be joined and.can be won.
12 8 July 52
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The government's proposal that the prospective coal-steel
pool assembly work out a plan' for a European political authority
was designed to improve the government's position before such a
battle is entered. (C Paris 108, 4 July 52)
24, Austria again proposes taking treaty issue to the UN:
Austr an ere gn inis er rubers urged Amer can officials
that serious consideration be given to raising the issue of the
Austrian state treaty in the UN General Assembly this autumn.
Gruber said he planned to discuss the problem with the Turks and
Egyptians, and might perhaps visit several South American countries
later this summer to attempt to enlist their support. His idea
is that one or more of the smaller powers might place the treaty
question on the General Assembly's agenda, with the view merely of
obtaining a resolution urging that the occupation be eas,_ded and a
treaty concluded at an early date.
The American officials reminded Gruber that one of the
reasons why the United States had opposed such action last year
was that the new abbreviated treaty proposal had not been submit-
ted to Moscow. They said that the case might now be re-examined.
It was agreed that Gruber would raise the problem with Britain and
France so that they would be prepared for discussions with the
United States. QC Vienna'22, 2 July 52)
25, Pro used Dutch shipbuilding for USSR receives generally un-
favorale 0C M response. T e a. s .legate is the only COOM
represern .five agree ng with the Dutch argument that the Nether-
lands would receive "highly important goods" from the USSR in
exchange for four cargo ships, and that the only alternative to
such a transaction is a cessation of Dutch-USSR traded Both the
French and the British delegates strongly oppose the transaction
unless substantial changes are made In the speed, range and equip-
ment of the vesgelso France, however, will drop its objections
if the Netherlands concludes that export of the ships is the only
solution to its difficult trade situation with the USSR.
The Belgian delegate states that approval of the Dutch
transaction would probably make it impossible for Belgium to
refuse a similar Soviet offer. The American COCOM delegate thinks
that the Netherlands may revise the ships' specifications to secure
at least partial COCOM approval of the exchange. (S Paris 127,
5 July 52) 25X1
13 8 July 52
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Comment., Denmark may have supported the Dutch presentation
in th pe of securing like support, should the question of its
release of a tanker to the USSR receive COCOM consideration.
Dutch Government officials have previously stated that the
ships are not of strategic importance and that, under its agree-
ment with COCOM, the Netherlands is not bound to embargo vessels
in, this category.
20. Swiss firm reportedly willing to sell Czechs strategic equip-
ment or weapons research., Due r e o , a wins firm, Is
reportedly w 1T ng to sell Czechoslovakia two complete electronic
ballistic measuring instruments for guns up to 37?mm, at a total
price of 89,500 Swiss francs, The company will fill this order,
as well as others for expensive equipment, if the Czechs will allow
Emile Buehrle, the company's owner, to reopen the company's subsidi?
25X1A ary which has been nationalized in Czechoslovakia
Comment., There have been numerous reports that Buehrle, a
highly successful and opportunistic Swiss industrialist, is ship-
ping strategic equipment to the Orbit. None of these reports has
been confirmed. He would, however, be free to ship some strategic
items. to the Orbit without violating Swiss export regulations.
The instruments ordered by the Czechs would be an important
contribution to their capabilities for weapons research.
27 Policy of eliminating Communist influence from schools may
cause trou le n annama., m a ssa or ey was re a y n ormed
that six professors have been dismissed in line with President-
elect Remon-'s policy of eliminating Communist influence from the
University and other schools in Panama. The Ambassador comments
that this action will precipitate a tense situation and test the
capacity of the government to take strong measures. QC Panama
City ,8, 3 July 52)
Comment: The government is believed to have strong evidence
linking certain faculty members to Communist-inspired agitation
among Panamanian student groups. The dismissal of these profes-
sors is likely to cause a strong reaction in the non-Communist
Students' Federation, though the strong policy now adopted by the
the government may tend to discourage a general student strike.
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16 /t~
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8 July 1952
CIA No. 49?6
Copy No, bb
(including S/S Cables)
Not for dissemination outside O/CI and O/NE.
Office of Current Intelligence
This digest of significant reports has been prepared primarily
for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does
not represent a complete coverage of all current reports in CIA
or in the Office of Current Intelligence. Comments represent the
immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence.
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on one ~rencn propo~aa _ at the Sclau~a~aa Plaxn
reate supranational political authorityfl a
eign Office osfficial stated, thatD while Britaina
to assent to the development of a "new power"
channel a accceptance of a European federation
reversal of traditional British policy.
Great Britain intends to comment that such a ,develop-
meant is premature and to urge the acceptance of Foreign
Secretary Eden ?s plan for bringing supranational institu-
tions within the "loose" framework of the Council of
Europe o (S SSS London 77 , 5 July 52))
Com sent o Although France desires British participation
in European unity plans fl Foreign. Minister Schuman has
evidently decided to restrict th.e task of establishing a
political authority to the Schuman Plan ccountries o In
this wa.y France would block discussion of the participation
of other countries in the coal-steel and defense com-
munities and avoid delaying the implementation of these
two bodies a
countries c
British For
would have
across a
would be
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