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,Weekly Meeting of the PSP National
Executive Board
20 April 1953
1o D u ring its weekly meeting of 8 - 14 March 1953 the National Executive Board of
the Partido Socialista Popular (PSP9 Cuban Communist Party) decided that the
Party must take advantage of the suspension of radio programs and the assault
on the editorial officesc the magazine ultimmaa Hora9 showing these actions by
the government to be examples of a general attack against all of the opposition.,
and especially against the pioneers in the opposition, the Communists. A propa-
ganda program against the proposed law against Communism will be launched to
show the public and the other opposition political leaders that, in reality,
this law is a general repressive measure against any and all BATISTA opposition
under the pretext of anti-Communism. The plea will be restated for the imme di-
rate organization of a potent united front in which all opposition parties and
groups will be equally represented. It was stated that the Cuban Government
is studying and will adopt a large part of a similar law promulgated in Chile
by GONZALEZ Videla, former president of Chile. Bias ROCA stated that modifi-
cations will be made where appropriate to local conditions, and the result
which the Cuban Government hopes to achieve will be a law whose intent is to
annihilate the PSP completely. He stated that the results must actually be,the
same as were achieved in Chile by the Communists of that country, where today
the Communist Party is stronger than ever as was demonstrated by the recent
elections. He added that in Cuba the same thing will happens "the more they
attack us, the more arguments they will give us to be used by our propaganda
machinery- the more reason we will have to fight tenaciously against the dicta
torship, and tomorrow, when. the dictator falls9 the Party must emerge stronger
and with a mandate from the people to lead them on the highest level of political
life in Cuba."
2. As a matter of Communist general policy, it was recommended to the Juventud
Socialista (JS, Cuban Communist Youth) that the example of the committee of
Pinar del Rio Province be followed universally. The National Executive Board
commended this provincial committee for its show of initiative in the recent
meetings between the JS and the youth section of the Partido del Pueblo Cubano
(PPC9 Ortodoxo) in Pinar del Rio. All other provincial and municipal committees
(Note: Washington Dt.tpt b$ffttdolwFWearW bt$rq2/d4 :'ftk-RDP80-0081 OA000900640003-9
Approved For Release 2003/12/04: CIA-RDP80-0081OA000900640003-9
of the JS were ordered to organize meetings on any suitable pretext, preferably
condemnation of some governmental action against youth groups or activities, and
to invite the leaders of the other youth movements to join in a discussion of the
problems of most importance to Cuban youth. At-such meeting.the JS will turn
the discussion at every opportunity toward the favorite points of discussion of
the Communists: international peace, labor unity, and opposition to BATiSTA.
The Party must initiate a new plan of agitation in the tobacco sector, using as
a point of argument the proposal to introduce machinery into the industry. A.
series of conferences on local, provincial, and, ultimately, national levels
will be held, commencing with a provincial conference in Oriente. The Cigar
Makerst Union of Bayamo will hold the first conference, and, capitalizing on the
newly-acquired strength in Las Villas province, the second such conference will
be held there. on 22 March there will be a national assembly of tobacco unions
to decide the broad outline of the fight to be waged against the mechanization of
the industry.
4. The Party will call for the national co-ordination of a program of agitation by
all the public school teachers, to be directed by the respecti`e Socialist
committees of teachers., against the intention of the government to lower the
salaries of teachers, while at the same time raising the salaries of the police
and soldiers. Salvador GARCIA Aguero, the national head of all these conmittees,.-: r--
has sent out a leaflet in which he has enunciated the party line, and the program
and action to be taken, to insure that the greatest benefit will result from this
agitation program.
5? The pGp was agreeably surprised by the great work being done among the smaller,
planters by Eleuterio DEL PING, a Communist of the. Espana central in Matanzas.
He has engaged in a fight against the maltreatment of the small planters and has
incurred considerable sympathy among that group, Romerico.CORDERO, leader of the
Communist Asociacion Campesina de Cuba will through his organization direct a
similar program on a national scope.'
6. The National Executive Board will organize a plan tmulacion Nacional Socialista
among all the provincial, municipal,, and district committees of the PSP, by which
they hope to realize a reinforcement of their ranks, and an'improvement of their
economic situation. The key note. of this program will be in the form of an act
of homage to Stalin, and will encompass'the following pointst obtain new affiliates
for the Party;. pr.omvci.te . r.e a?'y acquired affiliates to the status of active
members; liquidate outstanding debts owed to the party; make voluntary contributions
to the Treasury of the Party; and itensify individual study and reading by PSP ,
members. This plan has. already been put into practice by ;the provincial committee
of Oriente, which proposed its national.adoption to the Executive Board*
7. A communication was read to the Executive Board from-the Communist Party of Colombia,
concerning the detention of Gilberto VIEIR&, secretary general of the Colombian
Communist Party, The Executive Board agreed to place in its weekly circular to all
party committees a call for a national mobilization of protest and solidarity with
VIEIRA, and further to send to the Colombian Embassy in Habana a series of letters
and telegrams of protest against this detention,'requesting his immediate release.z
The protest was also to be made public through all of the Partyts press organs.
25X1A 1.
Comment; It is believed that the true name of Eleuterio DEL P3NO is
G LB 0, as reported in Hoyt the Communist daily newspaper.
25X1A 2. I
Comment; VIEIRA was recently released by the Colombian authorities.
Approved For Release 2003/12/04: CIA-RDP80-0081OA000900640003-9