29 MARCH 1975
Approved For ReI se 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP82M00591 RQW300070003-0
History of Far-Left Activities
DeHums and Harrington Dangerous'
House Speaker arl Albert (D.-Okla.)
as placed CIA Director William E.
:olby in an extremely difficult position
-a dilemma in which Colby's apparent
options are to (1) openly defy House in-
luiry into the CIA or (2) clearly violate
ecurity laws.
The dilemma stems from the following
acts: The National Security Act holds
::olby "responsible for protecting [CIA]
intelligence sources and methods from
inauthorized disclosure." Other statutes
Sind him and all government officials not
o reveal classified information to anyone
ticking clearance for access to such
At the same time, Speaker Albert has
appointed to the House Select Committee
)n Intelligence-which will shortly open
Bearings on the CIA-at least two con-
gressmen whom reasonable men might
:onclude should be barred from receiving
1ighly sensitive government information.
lrhe two: Representatives Michael Har-
-ington (D.-Mass.), a liberal activist, and
Ronald V. Dellums (D.-Calif.), a strong
supporter of avowed Communists and
- nown revolutionaries.
Harrington is not in the same
league as Dellums when it comes to
joining questionable committees and
engaging in suspect activities, but
he has compiled enough of a radical
record to make his presence on the
Select Committee on Intelligence
arouse concern within the intel-
ligence community and even among
some of his committee colleagues.
Harrington, for instance, is a member
of the International Commission of
In uir into the Crimes of the Military
M?"?"?"" Choices for CIA Panel
Harrington addressed a recent Mexico the other called on Kissinger to answer
City meeting of the commission. He also.: 14 similar questions. All concerned
sponsored at Concordia Teachers Col- Chile and CIA and State Department
lege in February 1975, a CP-organized policy and actions there.
conference on Chile, the details of which Many lives would be endangered by
are spelled out more fully below in public answers to these queries; in ad-
examining Dellums' fitness to serve on dition, CIA effectiveness would be
the CIA inquiry panel. seriously damaged and U. S. foreign
As HUMAN EVENTS has reported, Har-
rington was a special guest at a recent
affair honoring Jane Fonda and Tom
Hayden sponsored by the National
Emergency Civil Liberties Committee,
cited as Communist-controlled.
Harrington is one of 21 House mem-
bers who filed a suit against the President,
the secretary of state, the secretary of de-
fense, CIA Director Colby and others
to halt all U. S. operations in Cambodia
-which had been aimed at preventing a
Communist takeover and bloodbath
He filed a separate suit of his own
against Colby, Kissinger and Treasury
Secretary Simon last December, asking
for an injunction against all non-intelli-
gence-gathering CIA activities on the.
ground they are illegal.
This suit was prepared by Leonard
Boudin and other attorneys in the New
York law firm, Rabinowitz, Boudin and
Standard. Boudin and Rabinowitz, long
active in radical causes, were compelled
by court order to register as agents of
Castro Cuba some years ago.
Harrington's suit was filed in D.C.
District Court by David Rein, identified
party member and partner in the CP's
Washington law firm, Forer & Rein.
Not surprisingly, it accuses the CIA of
all the recently aired, but unproved,
claims of large-scale illegal activity-
break-ins and burglaries of homes
and offices of U.S. citizens and groups,
wiretapping and secret inspection of their
mail; surveillance of and collecting data
and maintaining files on the "political
beliefs, activities and associations" of
at least 10,000 citizens.
It also includes charges about CIA
Chilean operations and accuses the
agency of illegal activity against just
about every Communist and left-wing
foreign national leader deposed in the
last 20 years..
q J
Junta in Chile.
This commission has all the earmarks
_)f an international Soviet front. The
USSR has strong representation in the
zommission's membership, as does its
satellites,-Hungary, East Germany, Pol-
and (included: Stepan Shalayev, pres-
ident of the Soviet Committee of Solidar-
ity with Chilean Democrats and Edmund
O)smanczyk, chairman of the Polish Soli-
Kiarity Committee with Chile).
Castro Cuban agents are on it in force
and the Chilean left is also strongly rep-
resented-AIlende's widow, former of-
ficials of the Marxist Allende govern-
ment and leaders of the CP and Commu-
nist Youth of Chile. There is also, of
>urse the usu'tl assortment of i enin
policy-making injured. The White House
and State Department told the Foreign
Affairs Committee they hoped neither
the committee nor the House would ap-
prove the -resolutions. The committee
Harrington was one of the original
sponsors of the idea of a Rouse Select
Committee on Intelligence and a mem-
ber of the ad hoc committee recommend-
ing H. Res. 138, its authorizing resolu-
tion. In the debate on establishing the
committee he referred to "illegal polit-
ical operations abroad" by U. S. intelli-
gence and said::
"[E]xisting controls on intelligence
activities, particularly on the CIA, have
been wholly inadequate. Specifically,
the CIA's secret program in Chile to
destabilize the Allende government has
yet to be subjected to searching con-
gressional inquiry."
It is not unreasonable to believe
Harrington may try to use the committee
hearings for this "searching" inquiry and
also to get answers to his resolution
questions and facts to bolster his anti-
CIA suits.
Harrington's ties with Soviet Chilean
agit-prop activity, with related U.S.
CP-front activity and with attorneys
long active in Communist and radical
causes are grounds for committee,
CIA and White House jitters.
But if Harrington's activities seem
justifiable cause for concern, the case
of Rep. Dellums should-and does-
Peace Prize-winners, fellow H' rrin ;r. 4troduced two House res-
A~ W ~ For ~'~ s q$/Z1IAC Ry D 8 00591 ROOA300070003-0
and well-intentioned dupes from non- Congress. One directed the President
Communist nations, to answer 20 lenuthv, detailed questions:
rrioger alarm within the difOvt8 FO' rRelda 2902/08f2ela] GfR-Fk3P 1N[0M9 " O rt 'rector Colby do
intelligence communities. stated its purpose was "to demand in- , a to onant with your
' d
Consider first just two matters:
in May 19-_, Sen. Mike Gravel
D.-Alaska). by some underhanded
-ans still not revealed, obtained a copy
a 500-page report on Vietnam pre- for the President in 1969. It was
classified "Secret." Gravel asked
e Senate for permission to put it in
Congressional Record, making it
-- Result: calls for censure and
r'erral of his conduct to the Ethics
C :mmittee. Permission was never
Dellums went to Gravel, obtained a
;. of the report and on May 10, with-
revealing his purpose, asked for and
=s,ed unanimous House consent to
eyend his remarks.
He then placed the full text of the
r?-ort in the Record without even indi-
it was a classified document (it
1.} o lengthy only part could be printed
at day. the remainder on May 11).
The report was a gold mine for the
KGB. and Soviet military intelligence.
B:.-'.Lally. it summarized just about
L.S. intelligence on every aspect of