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The Shape of Things That Came
Encounters with Humanoids
Life an Other Planets
features -Photos - Current Sightings
Answers to Your Questions
For more than 20 years a segment of thought on
this planet has been given to the proposal that ''We
are not alone.'' There has been physical evidence in
the shape of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that
there are extraterrestrial craft, controlled by intelli-
gence, perhaps even manned by humanoids, recon-
noitering our Earth, exploring our geological make-
up, examining our military bases and probing our
overall design, much as we have begun to probe the
ings, dating back to Kenneth Arnold's 1947 experi-
ence that gave the UFOs their name, Flying Saucers,
has been pock-marked with charges of "pure
lunacy." This magazine is designed to acquaint you
with ? by virtue of the evidence,
phenomena do exist and should be given serious
attention and investigation as well as intelligent treat-
ment by-the press.
There is the other side of the coin, the apparent
fantasiesthat have sprung from the exciting butemo-
tionally disturbing prospect that we do, indeed, have
''visitors''; the fiction writers who have selected these
phenomena as a basis for imaginative accounts; the
jokesters and publicity seekers who have perpetrated
outright hoaxes. It is all here; the sense and non-
sense, the speculation and the theories, compiled to
prepare you in the event that today's UFOs will be
.tomorrow's next-door- neighbors.
IF ANYONE ASKS ............................................................................................ 2
5 THAT WILL CURL YOUR HAIR ..................................................................... 12
"... LIKE THE FLIGHT OF A BAT" ............................................................... 18
I'M STILL CLIMBING ..................................................................................... 22
MAYBE I'VE SEEN THE DEVIL ....................................................................... 24
BETWEEN INDIAN HEAD AND ASHLAND ....................................................... 30
FLAP IN MICHIGAN ....................................................................................... 33
HELLO, OUT THERE! ..................................................................................... 38
IF YOU CAN'T SIGHT 'EM-COIN 'EM ........................................................... 42
COMING IN FOR A CHARGE ........................................................................... 44
ANATOMY OF A WHAT'ZIT ............................................................................. 46
WORTH 1000 WORDS ................................................................................... 56
WHO'S MINDING THE STORE? ...................................................................... 62
FLYING SAUCERS, UFO Reports NO. 1. Published by the Dell Publishing Co., Inc.,
750 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10017. Helen Meyer, President; William
F. Callahan, Jr., Executive Vice-President. Printed in U.S.A. ? Copyright 1967 by Dell
Publishing Co., Inc. International copyright secured under the provisions of the
Revised Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. All rights
reserved under the Buenos Aires Convention. Single copy price 50? in U.S.A. and Canada.
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If Anyone Asks
^ Twenty years have passed since the first UFO sighting
was reported in June 1947 by Kenneth Arnold who, in his
description of what he saw, was to give the objects the
name by which they have become popularly known, Fly-
ing Saucers. During that twenty years hundreds of other
sightings have been reported in this country and abroad,
by sober minded persons of excellent reputation and often
professional training who were willing to risk ridicule to
bring attention to a phenomenon they knew deserved
skilled and authorized investigation. There also have been
numerous other reports from persons with over-stimulated
imaginations and by irresponsible jokesters perpetrating out-
right hoaxes. Unfortunately the latter took precedence and
the general public, heedless of those sources which could
not be challenged and of the impressive body of carefully re-
searched material that was growing, sneered at the possibility
that interplanetary craft could and probably does exist.
It is only within recent years that the subject has been
treated with an element of dignity and that serious con-
sideration is being given to UFOs by one-time skeptics who
came to laugh and stayed to cheer.
Many persons, new to the proposal that interplanetary
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Samples of this
mark fond at
rie, Pa , sighting
last- Augus't,..pere,
bottled and
taken by Air Force
for examination. ,,"
crafts may not only exist but be in successful exploratory
operation are beset by questions that were answered long
ago for the veteran UFOlogist. It is to these new comers
that the following material is provided in answer to their
Cherry Creek, N.Y., August 19, 1965: A well docu-
mented report, given attention by local news media, on
file with Project Blue Book, NICAP, APRO, and men-
tioned in Incident at Exeter, by John G. Fuller, tells of the
experience of a 16-year-old farm boy whose attention was
drawn from his farm chores by the noises made by a teth-
ered bull "like I never heard come from an animal before."
Looking out in the direction of the disturbed animal,
the youth saw a silvery, football-shaped object, "like two
plates, lip to lip," about 50 feet long and 20 feet thick,
giving off a red vapor and a buzzing sound. The object
disappeared briefly behind a tree and the boy ran toward
it. He had not gone far when the object shot up into the
clouds, turning them green from its reflected light and
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giving off the odor of burned gasoline.
The youth broadcast his sighting to everyone in the
farm home and his brother raced out in time to see the red
vapor disappearing into the clouds.
Meantime, the mother of the boys had phoned the Fre-
donia State Police Barracks to report the strange occur-
rence. She was told that Trooper E. J. Haas would be right
out. But before the trooper arrived, a 16-year-old girl, visit-
ing at the farm home, ran in from outside to announce the
Thing had returned. She and three of the boys raced off
for a second look, this time at what they said was a yellow-
ish object moving across the field some 700 feet away.
When Trooper Haas arrived, he accompanied the 16-
year-old boy to the spot where the object first had been
sighted. Here they became aware of a pungent odor and
saw, on the ground, a purplish substance that smelled not
unlike household oil. Some of this was scraped up and
given to the State Police who were said to have turned it
over to the Niagara Falls Air Force Base. This substance
later was said to have been a combination of three-in-one
oil plus Bio-stringent (Gentian violet). Regulations forbid
the Air Force to release information on such findings, but
it was reported that the base did confirm that the four teen-
agers "did see something." The family reported that the ex-
perience reduced the output of their cow from 21/2 cans to
one can of milk.
Erie, Pa., August 1, 1966: Equally certain that sighters
had "seen something" were the officers who investigated a
call to Beach 6 on the Peninsula of Presque Isle State
Park, just outside of Erie. The initial call had come from a
group of picnickers, a 22-year-old woman with two small
children; an 18-year-old youth and a 16-year-old girl, all
from the Jamestown, N.Y. area. Their car was stuck in the
sand and they needed assistance. While they waited police
arrival, they saw a star move. It got brighter, moved faster,
then dimmed and came straight down, so close that the
car vibrated. The object was described as being mush-
roomed shaped with a narrow base rising to an oval struc-
ture. There were lights on the back. It came in from the
north, hovered briefly over the area, then landed. A beam
of light came out from the craft and moved in a straight
line along the ground, lighting up the whole woods. The
object was then said to have taken off at a "tremendous
rate of speed." Shortly after it disappeared, Peninsula Po-
lice Officers Ralph E. Clark and Robert Loeb, Jr., came
on the scene, alerted by the report of a disabled car. The
officers saw nothing in the area, but walked toward the spot
where the object had been sighted, accompanied by the 18-
year-old youth. They had been gone only briefly when they
were drawn back on the run by the honking of the car horn.
They found the 22-year-old mother hunched protectively
over her two small children, and the 16-year-old girl so wet
with perspiration her hair was stuck to her forehead. She
was trembling violently and was almost incoherent. She
said a featureless creature, gorilla shaped and standing six
feet high had approached the car. His movements were
sluggish and he moved off into the brush when she honked
the car horn.
Investigators from the Air Force and from a sub-com-
mittee of NICAP in Jamestown, N.Y., came out to exam-
ine the witnesses. They looked at .scratches on the car that
the picnickers said had not been there when they ar-
rived at Presque Isle, and dents in the car roof that had
not been there. But their attention was focused primarily
on two diamond-shaped impressions, about 18 inches
wide and six to eight inches deep which were found some
350 yards from where the car was parked. Similar cone-
shaped impressions were found leading down to the water.
Patrolmen who examined the imprints said they appeared
to have been made by claws "as if you were to take four
fingers and press hard on the sand." One of them thought
the impressions looked as though someone had blown air
into the sand "as if you blew through a straw."
Air Force Major William Hall, of Youngstown, took
measurements and made casts of the impressions and
checked for radiation. Tests were said to have been nega-
tive. "If they found anything of real value they haven't
revealed it to me," Presque Isle Police Chief Dan Dascanio
said. "But from watching them work and their reactions to
what they have looked at it appears that they did.find some-
thing of interest." The chief was admittedly impressed by
the girl's story. "When she talked with an Air Force of-
ficial . . . I could see that she made no attempt to fill in
her story when she wasn't sure. When he asked her a speci-
fic question, she said `yes' or `no'. It was obvious that she
made no attempt to guess at any of the answers." He de-
scribed her as a "very credible" person and added "I've got
to believe they saw something. . . ." He did not accept the
suggestion that the girl had seen a bear since bears were
uncommon to the region. But there was more serious con-
sideration given to the UFO sighting than the "featureless
creature." Samples from three spots of wet sand were bot-
tled for analysis by the Air Force. The liquid was described
as colorless, odorless and sticky to the, touch. It was pointed
out that most soft drinks, coffee, water etc., evaporate
quickly on the beach. These spots remained for a day. One
officer gave some of the wet sand to a relative who is a
chemist for analysis. The report came back that when dry,
the substance formed a colorless material that could be
bent without breaking, like plastic. Material was believed
to be silicon.
Pretoria, South Africa, September, 1965; Two police-
men, Koos de'Klerk and Jochn Lockem out on routine call
on asphalt highway saw what appeared to be a "sea of
flames" ahead of them. Ten seconds later, a top-shaped
object took off at tremendous speed and disappeared in the
northwest. They heard no noise but saw jets of flame
spurting from two openings on the underside of the object.
Examining the road, they found a circular area, six feet in
diameter, still burning and gras's scorched on both sides of.
the road. Samples of the asphalt were examined by a tech-
nician in the Public Works Department in Pretoria who
said a gasoline fire could not possibly have caused the burn-
ing of the road surface.
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Perhaps most significant, and certainly most aggravat-
ing, is the common occurrence of electro-magnetic effects
in those areas where UFOs are sighted. Single cars, blocks
of houses and sometimes whole areas have suffered severe
caprices of current when UFOs were overhead. The dis-
turbance may be reflected in no more than a stalled motor
or heavy static on the radio, but in Hammond, Ind., in
1957, while police chased a UFO, there was a TV black-
out in the city. And in 1963, in Australia at the same
time an unidentified object danced over the town of Won-
thaggi, TV interference was recorded in three towns.
There was a city light failure in Rome, Italy in 1958 at
the same time a UFO passed over the city and in Brazil
in 1959 the automatic keys at a power station flipped off
as a UFO was spotted over the trunk line. After the ob-
ject had passed the power station functioned normally.
These are only a few of the instances and serious considera-
tion is still being given by some students of the power line
theory that UFOs played a role in the disastrous blackout
along the Eastern Seaboard in November, 1965.
Goose Air Force Base, Newfoundland, June 19, 1952:
Radar experts picked up object on scope making 90 de-
gree turn over airfield after C-54 transport pilot alerted
base to fireball that was buzzing his plane. Radar experts
had seen number of meteors; did not think this was one.
Source: The Report On Unidentified Flying
Objects by Edward J. Ruppelt, for-
mer head of Air Force Project Blue
Goose. Bay, June 19, 1952: "Just as radar men picked
up a UFO track, ground men outside saw a strange, red-
lighted machine come in over the field."
Source: Flying Saucers From Outer Space,
by Major Donald E. Keyhoe, U.S.
Marine Corps, retired.
Radar experts admit scope is
as susceptible to illusion
as is the eye, but have picked
up some strange blips.
Oneida Air Force Base, Japan, August 5, 1952: Ground
Control Intercept Station picks up track of saucer hovering
near tower. "The mysterious craft divided into three units
as if two other saucers had been launched from the first."
Three machines raced off at speeds clocked at 300
Source: Flying Saucers from Outer Space
from material supplied Major Key-
hoe by Albert M. Chop, civilian
expert on UFOs, formerly acting
press chief working with Project In-
telligence officers at Wright Air
Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.
Wichita, Kans., August 1, 1965: Several unidentified
objects tracked by Weather Bureau at altitude of 6000-
9000 feet. Oklahoma Highway Patrol said Tinker Air
Force Base tracked four on its radar screen at one time,
estimating altitudes at about 23,000 feet. At 3:40 a.m.,
Weather Bureau at Wichita said it had tracked one of the
objects south.and west of Wellington . . . had first ap-
peared on radar at altitude of about 22,000 feet, then de-
scended to 4000 feet.
Source: New York Times, August 3, 1965
. . air force has come along and singled that (above)
case out to say that their radar did not confirm the visual
sightings of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. . . .
"We've got information to contradict the Air Force de-
nial here. It's a nine page report of the Oklahoma Depart-
ment of Public Safety outlining a sighting by the police
and confirmed by the Caswell Air Force Base radar."
Source: Quotes by Richard Hall, assistant
Director of NICAP, in Incident At
Exeter, by John G. Fuller.
Houghton, Mich., U.S. Air Force Radar Base, Kewee-
naw Peninsula reported to UPI "solid radar contact" on
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up to ten UFOs moving over Lake Superior in V-formation,
north-northeast at 9000 miles per hour.
Source: Incident At Exeter, John G. Fuller
Gulf of Mexico, December 6, 1952. One of the most
fascinating accounts of radar tracked objects was reported
in Major Keyhoe's Flying Saucers from Outer Space based
on information released to him by Al Chop. The sighting
was first made by a bomber pilot at 5:24 a.m., 100 miles
south of the Louisiana coast. The pilot called his radar
officer at the Texas base and asked him to check the coast-
line on the auxiliary scope in the cockpit. Suddenly a blip
appeared at one edge of the screen of the officer's main ra-
darscope. In the next revolution, the unidentified craft had
gone 13 miles. Its third appearance indicated the object
would meet the B-29 headon. The radar officer yelled for
the flight engineer to help track the object. Between the
two of them they computed the object's speed at 5,240
mph. Such speeds seemed impossible to both the bomber
pilot and the radar officer, who took time to recalibrate his
set. He found no malfunction and by this time there were
four UFOs on his screen and also seen by the pilot. During
the first six minutes, five such saucers were sighted, all
moving at more than 5000 mph. Then the scopes cleared.
For one minute the airmen saw nothing. Then two blurs of
blue-white whizzed by and five saucers raced in behind the
bomber, cut across its course, then headed straight for the
B-29. Disaster was imminent. Abruptly the UFOs slowed
to the speed of the bomber and hung behind it for ten sec-
onds. When they left, it was to join a huge mother ship
that sloshed across the radar scope and was gone, at 9000
mph. Intelligence officers questioned the experienced air
and radar men over and over again, receiving always the
same unshakeable reports on speed, design and maneuvers.
The experience could be explained in only one way: In-
teplanetary machines.
Custer, Wash., January 12, 1965: A farm family re-
ported a glowing round object had landed on a snow cov-
ered field briefly. After the object took off, the family
checked and found the snow melted in a 30 foot circle and
the earth scorched. Shortly before this brief landing, radar
officers at Blaine Air Force Base had been tracking a 30-
foot disc that had buzzed an automobile being driven by a
federal law enforcement officer a few miles from the field.
This officer's signed statement is on file with NICAP (Na-
tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, in
Washington D.C.) The farm family was quoted as having
been instructed by the Air Force not to discuss the inci-
Source: Flying Saucers-Serious Business, by
Frank Edwards
On three occasions radar equipped F-94s locked on aeri-
al targets only to have the lock-on broken by apparent vio-
lent maneuvers of the target.
Source: The Report on Unidentified Objects,
by Edward J. Ruppelt, former head
of the Air Force Project Blue Book.
In Frank Edwards' highly informative Flying Saucers-
Serious Business, he quotes Frank Halstead, Curator of the
Darling Observatory, Duluth,. Minn. in an interview with
the author:
Edwards: "A little while ago you stated that you believe
that intelligent beings exist elsewhere in the
universe, possibly, or probably, developed far
beyond our intelligence levels in some instan-
Halstead: "That is correct."
Edwards: "In that case they would already have solved the
problems of crossing space, would they not?"
Halstead: "I believe that is a reasonable assumption."
Edwards: "Such space travelers would conceivably have
visited Earth, then?"
Halstead: "This is pure speculation, or almost pure specu-
lation, but I think that we should assume that
we have had space visitors. . . . I feel that we
have had visitors from space just as I feel that
in the universe we are not alone."
Edwards: "In your opinion, Mr. Halstead, could the Uni-
dentified Flying objects of our time be space
Halstead: "Frankly, sir, they could hardly be anything
The experience of Professor Walter N. Webb, chief lec-
turer on astronomy at Charles Hayden Planetarium in
Boston, who described the yellow glow that undulated over
the hills at the south end of Silver Lake in Michigan
in 1951 is another example of the trained eye confronted
with an unidentifiable object. To the experienced astron-
omer the wavey path ruled out planes and planets and ex-
isting conditions ruled out inversion effect of ground based
lights. The professor's conclusion : An UFO. To further
substantiate the conviction of reputable astronomers that
UFOs do exist, there is the account of Dr. Clyde Tom-
baugh's experience in 1949. Dr. Tombaugh, discoverer of
the planet, Pluto, was at his Las Cruces, New Mexico, home
when he saw a cigar-shaped object silhouetted against the
sky. He could make out a row of yellow lighted openings,
giving the impression of portholes or windows, running
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from front to back. In a letter to Richard Hall, of NICAP,
Dr. Tombaugh said these illuminated rectangles main-
tained a fixed position in respect to each other, which sup-
ported his impression of solidity. "I was really petrified
with astonishment," he wrote. And, in an article for Life
magazine he stated that "in all his long years of sky watch-
ing he had never seen the equal of this remarkable craft."
Greenville, S.C., May 13, 1952: Four astronomers
watched four oval shaped glowing saucers flying in dia-
mond-shaped formation. They were silent. They wobbled
several times, then went out of sight.
Source: Flying Saucers from Outer Space,
Major Donald Keyhoe
Cigar-shaped object is frequent sighting. This, over
Anaheim, Cal., in 1957 "flickered with reddish light."
stated their belief in unidentified aerial objects and said
that "something beyond our ken is prowling the earth," and
that "we are not alone in the universe."
Understandably, one of the first recorded sightings of a
UFO, dating back to 1896 when a "cigar-shaped" object
moving, unexplainably, into the wind was witnessed by
hundreds of people on the West Coast in the San Fran-
cisco area, triggered the same "real" and "hoax" response
that such reports unleash today. Those who had seen it
credited it as an authentic mystery ship and those who had
not were quick to attribute it to pranksters in balloons.
Astronomers could be found in both camps, those who at-
tributed the sighting to Venus, or other planets, and those
who, despite the threat of ridicule, held firmly to their
convictions that the "ship" could not be so readily explained
and that they had witnessed sound evidence of unidenti-
fiable craft.
The UFO Evidence quotes the late Dr. H. Percy Wil-
kins, British lunar astronomer from his book "Mysteries of
Space and Time," in relation to that astronomer's recogni-
tion that most UFOs can be attributed to conventional ob-
jects: ". . . a residium remains which cannot be thus ex-
plained." Part of this residium would logically have to in-
clude the report submitted to NICAP by Dr. Charles H.
Otis, professor emeritus of biology, Bowling Green State
University. In his report, Dr. Otis told of sighting a num-
ber of silent, wingless, high flying objects over Ann Arbor,
Mich., in July, 1952. He counted 15 of what he referred
to as "ships," and described them as moving in the form of
"organized flotilla." They were identical in size and shape
(elongated and split at the rear with no discernible cabin,
windows or persons) and they maintained perfect position
in the flotilla. Each "ship" gave off what the doctor de-
scribed as a "caterpillar track" from their two pronged tails
in the rear. Dr. Otis explored several possibilities that
might account for these unwavering and glowing trails, but
found none of them satisfactory.
On the surface it may appear that astronomers who do
not believe in interplanetary craft exceed those who do.
The theory has been offered, however, that these astrono-
mers are inclined to be more vocal than their more credu-
lous colleagues. The scorn and ridicule of a nation are not
easy to accept and it has been well.demonstrtaed that un-
less a person has seen a UFO for himself he is inclined to
be not just skeptical but downright insulting in his attitude
toward believers. A man of science would be understand-
ably reluctant to expose himself to the jibes of his col-
leagues, employers and audience.
An impressive listing of UFO sightings by scientists is
provided in The UFO Evidence, supplemented by detailed
reports and sketches on some of the more noteworthy ex-
periences. The introduction to this section carries the
The A.P.R.O. Bulletin, official publication of the Aerial
Phenomena Research Organization, with headquarters in
Tucson, Ariz., recently reported on a sighting made in
1964 by two technicians attached to the Cosmic Radiation
Center at Chile University near Santiago, Chile. They had
been awakened by the intense heat in their room despite
the piercing cold on that November night at that altitude.
One of the men went outside, found the heat there even
more intense and the. mountain lighted up by a bright or-
ange color. Afraid some tanks of liquid gas had caught fire,
he called to his companion. The other man arrived just in
time to see an object ascend from the bottom of the canyon
and disappear from sight in the sky at a tremendous speed.
Dr. Gabriel Alvial, Director of the center, and Professor
Claudio Anguita, Director of the Astronomical Observatory
of Chile University, in reporting the incident to the press,
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Jet crewman sent up over Capital in 1952 to
scout UFOs seen twice over Washington, D.C.
views of three world-famous scientists among whom is Pro-
fessor Hermann Oberth, pioneer in space travel, who was
convinced that UFOs "are piloted by super-intelligent be-
ings from another planet."
For those to whom acceptance of such a far out explana-
tion is unthinkable, Edward J. Ruppelt in The Report on
Unidentified Flying Objects reminds us that only 100 years
ago two eminent members of the French Academy of Sci-
ences rejected meteorites in the same way with a scathing:
"It can't be . . . stones don't fall from the sky." And that
at about the same time our own then Chief Engineer for
the Navy labeled the possibility of flying heavier-than-air
craft as absurd and it was only twenty years ago that our
Chief of Staff to the President said of the atomic bomb :
"It will never go off, and I speak as an expert in explosives."
These incidents may have prompted Ruppelt to close
his fine book with ". . . maybe the many pilots, radar spe-
cialists, generals, industrialists, scientists and the man on
the street who have told me `I wouldn't have believed it
either if I hadn't seen it myself,' knew what they were
talking. about."
It was the pilot of a privately owned plane who made
the first recorded sighting, Kenneth Arnold; gave it its
name, Flying Saucers; and submitted information without
which no history of UFOs in America would be complete.
That was on June 24, 1947 in the vicinity of Mt. Ranier,
Wash., when the observer watched nine disc shaped ob-
jects flying in linked line, "much like geese."
He was a veteran mountain pilot, flying his own plane,
over country familiar to him. During the less than two
minutes they were in view he estimated their length at 45
to 50 feet; their speed at 1,700 mph; their distance from
him at 20-25 miles away. They had a skipping motion
and every so often two or three would dip or shift course
and occasionally disappear behind a peak of the Cascade
The skeptics spiked away at Arnold's account, unwilling
to accept the speed at which he had estimated their flight;
the distance away . . . settling finally, for their own
peace of mind, on jets as the explanation, although there
was one school that held out for wind whipping snow over
the mountain ridges.
There were many others, however, familiar with Ar-
nold's experience, character and knowledge of the region
who were less anxious to kiss off this incident. As publicity
built, Arnold was interviewed by intelligence officers from
HQ of the Fourth Air Force. The interviewer stated that. in
his opinion, Arnold had seen what he stated he saw. This
opinion was shared by many newsmen in the area who
had considered the story a hoax at inception, planned to
report it as such, but came away, after intensive investiga-
tion, with the same "saw-what-he-said conviction."
The conclusion of the Army Air Force's was that Mr. Arn-
old had seen a mirage, brought about by existing atmos-
pheric conditions.
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At that time the American public might not have been
prepared for any other conclusion, but the flood of reports
that followed hot on the heels of the Arnold sighting was
to sew doubt in the minds of many of those who had dis-
missed this initial "saucer" as a misconception.
There was a report the next month from a test pilot at
what is now Edwards Air Force Base in California's Mo-
jave Desert. He watched what he thought was a weather
balloon until he saw that it was going against the wind.
He described it as spherical in shape, yellow-white in color.
Two hours later, in the same neighborhood, a crew of tech-
nicians sighted what they thought was a parachute can-
opy. Then they realized it was traveling too fast for a test
parachute, and against the wind. It was soundless, had no
Pilots are more certain of their sightings than
others. Here two swear to "pinkish-pancake" object.
visible means of propulsion and, after 90 seconds, disap-
peared behind mountains. Their ofiinions, based on the
shape and functional appearance, was that the object was
One year later, in July of 1948, a pilot flying a com-
mercial airliner from Houston, Tex. to Atlanta, Ga., saw
a bright light closing in on him so fast that he knew it
could not be a jet. He nudged his co-pilot, then wheeled
in a tight left turn as the object spun off 700 feet to the
right. The pilots described a deep blue glowing underside,
two rows of glowing windows and a 50-foot trail of red-
orange flame. The only passenger who witnessed the inci-
dent saw "a strange, eerie streak of light, very intense."
When the crew chief at the Air Force Base near Macon,
Ga., reported seeing a bright light in the same vicinity,
traveling at tremendous speed, and a pilot over the Vir-
ginia-North Carolina line reported a "bright shooting star"
at the same time over Montgomery, Ala., the ATIC took
notice. After investigation they summed up the glowing
fast-traveler as a meteor. Major Donald Keyhoe, in his Fly-
ing Saucers From Outer Space, has reported that the project
analyst himself was not happy with this summation and
allowed that it "seems very improbable."
That the ultimate conclusions on what UFO sighters
have seen should rest with the Air Force has proved dis-
quieting to many observers and particularly unsettling to
experienced pilots who feel that they are sufficiently fa-
miliar with known air craft and with the constellations
not to be bamboozled into easy mistakes. A case in point
is that of Captain Peter Killian, flying an American Air-
lines cargo plane from Newark to Detroit in February, 1959.
What he saw were three brightly lighted UFOs that kept
pace with his plane, changing position as they moved.
What he was told he saw was a military tanker refueling
some jets. Other air crews in the area had reported seeing
the same objects. It is not easy to convince veteran pilots
that they have been fooled into mistaking fueling tankers
and jets for UFOs. So the Air Force offered another con-
clusion : the constellation Orion. But how to explain the
stars in Orion changing formation. For Captain Killian,
those UFOs are unexplained.
Coral Lorenzen, who with her husband L. J. Lorenzen,
direct the activities of the highly reputable Aerial Phe-
nomena Research Orgainzation in Tucson, Ariz., has cited
the experience of another far from satisfied pilot in her
well researched book Flying Saucers: The Startling Evi-
dence of The Invasion From Outer Space. It was APRO's
investigation of a 1961 sighting near Salt Lake City, Utah,
that familiarized her with the aspects of Pilot Waldo J.
Harris' frustrating brush with the Air Force.
Harris, who from the ground had seen what he thought
was a plane in the sky as he was -about to take off on a
routine flight around noon of October 2, 1961, was sur-
prised when he got aloft to see that the object was still in
the same position as it had been when he first saw it. Puz-
zled, he headed for it and saw what he described as a
large disc, undulating at an altitude of some 6500 feet.
His radioed report to the airport brought out several inter-
ested spectators who trained their binoculars on the maneu-
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vering pilot and the object as Harris tried to close in.
Harris got within what he estimated was three miles of
the object, near enough to see that its surface was not un-
like "sand blasted" aluminum, approximately 50 feet in
diameter and five to ten feet thick at the center. Although
in its rocking motion it sometimes took on the look of a
zeppelin, when it finally took off, going straight up, then
to the south, Harris could see it was more like a disc, plates
linked by their lips. The UFO hovered briefly over Lake
Omni station, then with a great thrust of speed, moved
west and out of sight within seconds.
By the time the Lorenzens interviewed Harris, they were
familiar with the conclusions of the Air Force on this sight-
ing: A research balloon or Venus. The veteran pilot was
familiar with the Pentagon established conclusion, too.
But he had seen a gray disc, hovering, then shooting off
with terrific acceleration to the south then the west, against
the 'wind. This was Venus? This was a weather balloon?
Two Navy commanders and several other officers from Na-
val Intelligence interviewed Harris, too. They didn't try
to sway the pilot's convictions. They, too, were convinced
the object was real and unidentified.
A concise, convincing and provocative report on Sau-
cers. was submitted to Project Blue Book in 1954 by Lieu-
tenant Colonel Richard Headrick, USAFR, senior pilot,
and later confirmed by letter in a brief description to
NICAP which reports it in The UFO Evidence, pg. 25, in
the same outline the colonel presented.
1. "Saucers exist. (I saw two).
2. They were intelligently controlled or operated.
(Evasive tactics, formation flight, hovering flight.)
3. They are not propelled on any thermodynamic prin-
ciple. (No contrails while jet intercept aircraft left heavy
4. They are mechanisms rather than hallucinations, op-
tical illusions, natural phenomena.
The Colonel's evaluation :
5. They are not U.S. secret weapons, for if they were,
many contracts I am now working on would be dropped.
Also they would not fly outside military test reservations:
6. They are not Russian for similar reasons. Russians
have complained about their flying over their borders. They
would not risk malfunction over our territory.
7. I presume they are extraterrestrial.
8. Provided they are, interstellar navigation would like-
ly present little more complication than navigation within
our solar system. Therefore, discussion on whether or not
planets in the solar system are capable of supporting life
is not material.
9. Judging from all evidence I have read, personal con-
tact has not yet been established either on the ground or
by the radio transmission."
It makes sense that a sizable number of UFO reports
would come from the men who make their living in the
skies and who are conversant with the types of curious
lights and shapes with which they may come in contact.
Airline pilots have been the source of some of the most in-
formative reports that are on record with the Air Force
from the time of its initial organized filing, first with Proj-
ect Sign then Project Grudge, and finally Project Blue
Book. But in the Spring of 1950 even this usually calm
branch of the service was jolted by the number and quality
of reports from pilots that began to pour in.
In three months, starting with April, air line crews had
accounted for 35 reports on UFOs and Captain Eddie
Rickbacker, in an interview, quoted in The UFO Evidence,
pg. 33, said: "Flying saucers are real. Too,many good men
have seen them, that don't have hallucinations."
It was not until the summer of 1952, however, that the
very capital itself was rocked. That was with the famous
sightings over Washington, D.C., sightings that hit the
OVER WASHINGTON, D.C., before Air Force Intelligence
even knew about it.
There had been forewarnings, sightings near Quantico,
and Newport News, Va., another at Langley Air Force
Base, another 60 miles southwest of Washington, all
within a few nights of each other in mid-July.
But on July 19, it was Washington, D.C., on the nose,
picked up by radar at National Airport and at Andrews,
and reported as 8 unidentified targets near Andrews AFB,
accelerating too rapidly to be planes. Airline pilots were
also sighting the unknown lights that slowed, then spurted
ahead with fantastic speed. Within 14 minutes, one pilot
spotted six. The grandaddy of them all was a huge "fiery
orange" sphere that hung over the Andrews Radio range
That many crack radar experts and veteran pilots
couldn't be kissed off. They had seen something and it fell
to Edward Ruppelt, then head of Project Blue Book, to
decide what explanation the Air Force could release to the
A week later, Washington had its second visit. This time
the objects were spread in an are around the nation's capi-
tol and jets were being vectored out to see what they were.
The objects would shoot off before the jets could get near.
It wasn't easy for nerve-wracked Air Intelligence to fend
off the public excitement and queries engendered by such
TAL. One of the most sympathetic chapters in Ruppelt's
excellent Report On Unidentified Objects, deals with the
almost insoluble problem that confronted ATIC during
that week. It was a chance remark by an ATIC official, sug-
gesting that the radar targets might have been caused by
temperature inversions, according to Ruppelt's account, that
eventually got the press off their backs and quieted a dis-
tressed nation with the headline AIR FORCE DEBUNKS
Ruppelt acknowledged that the "twin sightings are still
carried as unknowns."
Yes, one does find skeptics and outright non-believers
among the air pilots of all nations. But one finds solid
converts to the UFO legions, too, one of whom, Air Chief
Marshal Lord Dowding, RAF (England) was quoted in a
UFO activity report released in 1965 by NICAP: "I am
convinced that these objects do exist and that they are not
manufactured by any nation on earth . . . (they must)
come from some extraterrestrial source."
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One's inclination if he sights a strange object in the sky is to stand open mouthed and ogle.
Your report of a UFO can be of more value if you notice and record information on this sample report form.
1536 Connecticut Avenue N. W.
Washington 6, D.C.
This form includes questions asked by the United States Air Force and by other Armed Forces' investigating agencies, and additional
questions to which answers are needed for full evaluation by NICAP.
After all the information has been fully studied, the conclusion of our Evaluation Panel will be published by NICAP in its regularly
issued magazine or in another publication. Please try to answer as many questions as possible. Should you need additional room, please
use another sheet of paper. Please print or typewrite. Your assistance is of great value and is genuinely appreciated. Thank you.
Address Occupation
Special Training
Telephone Military Service
2. Date of Observation Time AM PM Time Zone
3. Locality of Observation
4. Row long did you see the object? Hours Minutes Seconds
5. Please describe weather conditions and the type of sky; i.e., bright daylight, nighttime, dusk, etc.
6. Position of the Sun or Moon in relation to the object and to you.
7. If seen at night, twilight, or dawn, were the stars or moon visible?
8. Were there more than one object? If so, please tell how many, and draw a sketch of what you saw, indicating
direction of movement, if any.
9. Please describe the object(s) in detail. For instance, did it (they) appear solid, or only as a source of light; was it revolving,
etc? Please use additional sheets of paper, if necessary.
10. Was the object(s) brighter than the background of the sky?
11. If so, compare the brightness with the Sun, Moon, headlights, etc.
12. Did the object(s)- (Please elaborate, if you can give details.)
a. Appear to stand still at any time?
b. Suddenly speed up and rush away at any time?
c. Break up into parts or explode?
d. Give off smoke?
e. Leave any visible trail?
f. Drop anything?
g. Change brightness?
h. Change shape?
I. Change color?
13. Did the object(s) at any time pass in front of, or behind of, anything? If so, please elaborate givingdistance, size, etc, if possible.
14. Was there any wind? If so, please give direction and speed.
15. Did you observe the object(s) through an optical instrument or other aid, windshield, windowpane, storm window, screening, etc?
16. Did the object(s) have any sound? What kind? How loud?
17. Please tell if the object(s) was (were) -
a. Fuzzy or blurred.
b. Like a bright star.
c. Sharply outlined.
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a. Self-luminous?
b. Dull finish?
c. Reflecting?
d. Transparent?
Tell the apparent size of the object(s) when compared with the following held at arm's length:
Half dollar
Silver dollar
Or, if easier, give apparent size in inches on a ruler held at arm's length.
21. How did you happen to notice the object(s)?
22. Where were you and what were you doing at the time?
23. How did the object(s) disappear from view?
24. Compare the speed of the object(s) with a piston or jet aircraft at the same apparent altitude.
25. Were there any conventional aircraft in the location at the time or immediately afterwards? If so, please elaborate.
26. Please estimate the distance of the object(s).
27. What was the elevation of the object(s) in the sky? Please mark on this hemisphere sketch:
28. -Names and addresses of other witnesses, if any.
29. Please draw a map of the locality of the observation showing North; your position; the direction from which the object(s)
appeared and disappeared from view; the direction of its course over the area; roads, towns, villages, railroads, and other
landmarks within a mile.
30. Is there an airport, military, governmental, or research installation in the area?
31. Have you seen other objects of an unidentified nature? If so, please describe these observations, using a separate sheet of paper.
32. Please enclose photographs, motion pictures, news clippings, notes of radio or television programs (include time, station and
date, if possible) regarding this or similar observations,.or any other background material. We will return the material to you.
33. Were you interrogated by Air Force investigators? By any other federal, state, county, or local officials? If so, please state
the name and rank or title of the agent, his office, and details as to where and when the questioning took place.
,Were you asked or told not to reveal or discuss the incident? If so, were any reasons or official orders mentioned? Please
elaborate carefully.
34. We should like permission to quote your name in connection with this -report. This action will encourage other responsible
citizens to report similar observations to NICAP. However, if you prefer, we will keep your name confidential. Please note
your choice by checking the proper statement below. In any case, please fill in all parts of the form, for our own confidential
files. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please keep my name confidential.
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^ He was dwarf-size and looked as though he'd weigh no
more than 35 pounds, but his body was hard as steel and
covered with stiff hairs; his eyes glowed in the dark and his
arms tapered to claws, and carried enough strength to
bounce a full grown man 15 feet with a single push of his
hand. The man who was bounced, was a sturdy Venezuelan
who, in the early morning hours of November 28, 1954 was
on his way from Caracas to Petare with his assistant to pur-
chase produce.
They stopped their truck to investigate a luminous
sphere, ten feet in diameter, that hovered a few feet from
the ground ahead of them. The hairy little person who ap-
proached them should have been easy to overpower and
take to the police. Such goings-on deserved official investi-
gation. But when the produce merchant prepared to take
the little man in, he became involved in a scuffle of unim-
agined proportions.
The helper, who at first was inclined to go to his employ-
er's assistance, changed his mind when he saw two other
tiny creatures come out from the bushes, carrying rocks, and
enter the illuminated sphere through a side opening. The
helper ran for police, leaving his employer alone with the
In his effort to escape, the produce merchant drew a
knife. It glanced off the hard, hairy little body as though
he'd struck steel and in the next instant he was blinded by a
stream of light from a small tube directed into his face by
one of the other small creatures. Unarmed, disabled and
outmanned, the man sank to the ground in a frenzy of
fright and the sphere took off in a great blast of speed.
When-help arrived, the man was given medical treatment
for a long red gash in his side and subjected to extensive
police questioning, but found to be completely sober and
visibly upset by his experience.
Pure .fiction, you say, stemming from the possible sighting
of some easily explained natural phenomenon that, in the
eerie predawn hours, played havoc with the imaginations of
two Venezuelan working men. But hold, the above 'account
which is reported in detail in Coral Lorenzen's Flying
Saucers (Signet) does not stop there.
A few days later, one of the doctors who had examined
the victim, reported that he actually had witnessed the in-
cident. He had been making a night call when he came
upon the stopped truck and saw the fantastic skirmish. Not
wanting to get involved in undesirable publicity, he drove
off and even at the time he revealed this information he re-
fused to permit use of his name. But the incident was
brought to the attention of American' authorities and the
doctor was invited to Washington,. D.C. to give his first
hand account.
Nor was this the. only instance of an encounter with "lit-
tle hairy creatures" in that area. Less than a month later, two
young rabbit hunters were set upon by four tiny manlike
creatures. One of the hunters tried to fend off the assailants
with his shotgun, but the weapon burst apart with the blow
"as though it had struck rock." The youths, scratched,
bruised and close to hysteria, were questioned by police and
by psychiatrists who found them to be "sane, responsible."
and "badly frightened by something very unusual."
A few days later, another man was set upon by a small,
hairy person in the woods of the Ministry of Agriculture's
Exposition Park. Two friends of his, one a member of the
National Guard, heard his screams and came upon him un-
conscious on the ground just as a hairy little man leaped
into a shiny disc like craft that then took off with a deafen-
ing buzz. Authorities found all three men to be extremely
frightened and the actual victim in a state of shock with
severe gashes on his side and back that looked like claw
marks: In Coral Lorenzen's Flying Saucers, this account is
mentioned as "one of the first believable accounts of contact
with occupants of UFOs."
Less believable, but more fascinating, is the story of a
23-year old Brazilian farmer, whose experience was investi-
gated in depth by APRO representative Dr. Olavos Fontes,
and presented in detail in Flying Saucers (Signet),.
This man was "kidnaped" right off his own tractor in a
freshly plowed field and taken aboard a "torpedo-shaped"
ship that was a glowing red until it settled to the ground on
three metal protrusions. Then it went dark. The "kidnap-
ers" were little creatures in striped grey suits and strange
helmets from which tubes ran from top to back.
The farmer, once inside what appeared to be a metal
craft lighted from the ceiling, was bathed in a thick, clear
liquid. Then two tubes were placed against his chin and
blood was drawn off into a vessel.
The experience made him nauseous and he was placed on
a bed in a room from which a greyish vapor exuded through
tiny holes in the wall.
It was here he was visited by a blonde woman, short,
well-formed and complete with all features except a mouth
which was only a slit, no lips.
Within short order, she had seduced him twice. Then
she left and the farmer was given his clothes and taken on a
conducted tour of the "ship," through what appeared to be a
control room. He tried to snatch up a small box he found
there as proof of his experience, but it was taken from him
and he was released from the ship.
He found that the wires had been detached from the
tractor battery, though once replaced, the machine ran all
right. The farmer, however, didn't function so well the first
several days after his experience. He was restless, couldn't
sleep; his body itched and purple sores broke out in various
Dr. Fontes interviewed this young man at a time when
sores were still visible on the man's body and the bruise
marks, reportedly left by the tubes inserted to draw blood,
could still be seen on his chin. Dr. Fontes found him to be a
"healthy, normal man with no obvious psychological prob-
lems," (The APRO Bulletin, July-August 1966). The man
was reluctant to discuss the seduction but did mention that.
the sound made by all of the creatures was a "growling
noise," and at,_.times he was "repelled by the sounds the
woman made."
Dr. Fontes' complete report was sent to APRO in 1958
and has since been incorporated in Coral Lorenzen's Flying
Saucers in a far more detailed and extensive account. Any-
one familiar with the report and with the published experi-
ences of Barney and Betty Hill, of New Hampshire (re-
ferred to in another part of this magazine) cannot help but
be struck by the resemblances, as was Mrs. Lorenzen, in the
two recollections, there are references to the "slit-like
continued on next page
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Dumb-bell shaped foot
imprints suggested a
waddling step rather
than the stiff-legged
gait of a robot. A
heavy weight had
made the clear im-
prints. Investigators
were skeptical of their
value as evidence.
mouths," the animal sounds, and the attempts to take some-
thing from the ship as evidence of the experience.
Mrs. Lorenzen closes her account of the Brazilian experi-
ence with: "Whhn Dr. Fontes visited Mr. Lorenzen and me
during one of his trips to the United States, I asked him
point blank. `Do you believe (the V-B) story, Olavo?' His
reply: `It is too bizarre to believe.' "
Not all bizarre encounters with "little hairy men" how-
ever have taken place south of the border. North America
has its own recorded examples, some of which aroused
enough concern to send Air Force intelligence out on in-
vestigative trips of no small dimension.
The first of these really shook the rafters of the Pentagon
and reverberated throughout the nation. It had to do with a
scoutmaster in West Palm Beach, Fla., a former Marine
and a "solid citizen."
On the night of August 19, 1952, he was driving three
scouts home from a meeting when his attention was drawn
to a peculiar light about 30 yards off the road in a palmetto
thicket. Ordering the boys to stay in the car, he took a ma-
chete and flashlight and went off to investigate.
He later reported that he had come upon a clearing over
which hovered a large, saucer-shaped object with turret top
and several regularly spaced vanes between each of which
were nozzle-like openings.
He was aware of an oppressive heat and a pungent odor,
but more than that, he was annoyed by the spooky feeling
that he was being watched. He wanted to strike out at what-
ever this "thing" was, but suddenly a ball of red fire spurted
out and he was enveloped in a vapor-like mist. He lost con-
Meantime the three scouts, aware that something was
wrong back in the palmetto thicket, had run for help. They
returned with a farmer and his wife and members of the
Florida State Highway Patrol. They found the scoutmaster
just climbing back onto the road, so scared he could scarcely
tell his story.
Advised roughly of what had happened, the group moved
back into the palmettos and relocated the clearing. The
grass was flattened out and the flashlight still lay there.
The scoutmaster was rushed into the sheriff's office. His
face and arms showed evidence of burning, his hair was
singed and there were burns in his cap. The Air Force was
promptly alerted.
The scout leader was subjected to a thorough examination
that substantiated the burnings, even to scorched nostrils.
Air Force investigators examined the scene of the "inci-
dent," went over the ground with Geiger counters, could
find no burnt matches or evidence that lightning had struck
or that a fire had deliberately been set. They took the ma-
chete and the cap for laboratory analysis and later indicated
that their findings lent credence to the fantastic story.
The cap carried strong evidence of scorching that could
have been achieved by pressing with a hot iron, but there
also were tiny spark burns that could not be explained in
this fashion. But the most convincing evidence that the
scoutmaster had, indeed, been victim of a nightmare experi-
ence was contained in some sample grass clumps taken from
the scene.
The grass itself was undamaged, but the roots were
Edward Ruppelt in his Report on Unidentified Flying
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photos on these and
following two pages
from APRO.
One of the deep round
depressions found af-
ter third visit to
Weeki-Wachi Springs
cite of a "space craft
visit." Was it left by
the landing gear, or
part of an elaborate
hoax perpetrated on a
ready public?
Objects, (Doubleday) acknowledges this was startling evi-
dence in support of the scoutmaster's story. "The only way
it could have been faked would have been to heat the earth
from underneath to 300 degrees F, and how do you do this
without using big, cumbersome equipment and disturbing
the ground? You can't."
The Air Force through its Project Blue Book set-up was
left with the unpleasant task of having to minimize this
highly publicized report in the face of almost indisputable
evidence to support it. The story had appeared in almost
every paper in the country and had been believed by many
readers. But ATIC wrote it off as a hoax. "The best hoax in
UFO history," (The Report on Unidentified Flying Ob-
jects. )
The scoutmaster's story, now 15 years old, is being dusted
off and reviewed with less skeptical eye in the light of more
recent happenings. that, though they may not rattle the im-
perturbable "show me" types, have seriously disturbed those
who recognize that "anything can happen," and perhaps
As a matter of record, just a few months after the Florida
story, a family in West Virginia was "shown" in a manner it
had no desire to-be. They were investigating a glowing ob-
ject that appeared to have landed on a hill behind their
home. One of the youths carried a flashlight and in its beam
he saw a shape which he first believed to be a woods animal.
Moving closer, he made out what was later described as a
huge monster with glowing body and bulging eyes.
The family raced home to safety, but found some of their
bodies to be covered with an oilish substance and during
the night all of the youngsters became ill, their throats
swelled and one of them went into convulsions.
Local authorities investigated the scene the next morning
and found matted grass and bits of black plastic. The inci-
dent might have been dismissed as an example of imagined
horrors in the wake of sighting some unexplained night time
light of eerie dimension. But that same day hundreds of
other reports filtered in from other people in the surrounding
area who had sighted strange lights and objects in the sky
the previous evening. Among these was a member of the
schoolboard who said he had seen a strange craft take off
from the hilltop.
The Air Force wrote the light off as a meteor; the monster
as a clump of shrubbery given spooky shape by a boy's over
stimulated imagination; the glowing=eyes as those of an owl.
Moreover, ATIC claimed it was making no investigation of
the incident. Monster stories would'have to be expected in
view of the temporary excitement generated by the series of
sightings in 1952, and ATIC could not give its time to
every scare story that hit the papers.
Local investigators were less inclined to kiss-off the inci-
dent, and it was later disclosed that despite the claims of
ATIC that the story was not of enough value to warrant
investigation, a team of plain-clothes investigators, passing
themselves off as salesmen, had canvassed the area, asking
questions pertinent to the "monster" sighting and not at all
pertinent to the product they were peddling. Several per-
sons suspected these salesmen actually were representatives
from Army intelligence, working in secret to avoid rousing
public panic over the possibility that the Pentagon did lend
credence to the story. The allegation has been denied by the
Air Force.
continued on next page
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Similar allegations were denied again in 1957 when an
incident of equally chilling proportions was reported along
the Indiana-Kentucky border. This, too, involved a family
who had gone out to investigate a glowing object that had
set their dog to barking.
They claim to have been confronted by a tiny creature
under four feet high, dressed in an aluminum suit and pos-
sessed of web-like hands.
Two male members of the family were said to have fired
on the thing which fell back and ran off.
Later the creature was said to have been seen clinging to
the screen of a window in the home and glaring at the
fright-numbed residents through wide-slit eyes. Again the
men fired on it, driving it away.
There was a third visit that night, and a third firing. This
time the shots were heard to strike metal and there were
confirming reports from people in the neighborhood who
said they heard the shots and the "hits."
Whatever appeared at that home that night threw a para-
lyzing fear into the tenants, as was attested to by the local
police chief when the family appeared in the neighboring
town that night to tell of its hair-raising experience.
The Air Force sent investigators out for a brief interview
with the victims and then was said to have dismissed the
incident as without value to them. But local residents were
aware, two weeks later, of a team of door-to-door peddlers
who seemed more interested in the tale of the tin-suited
visitors than they were in selling their products.
A much more recent encounter with "humanoids" was
reported in detail in The APRO Bulletin, March-April
1965. The experience deals with the Florida "landing" in-
cident near Weeki-Wachi Springs and is one that is viewed
with a skeptical eye by the directors of APRO for reasons
they mention in their report. But with their commendable
caution and researchists' instinct for waiting until all of
the answers are in, they announce that they are not yet
closing the books on the case.
Much of the following material was drawn from the ac-
count appearing in the above mentioned issue of the APRO
The meeting occurred about a mile and a half from the
Weeki-Wachi Springs home of a 65-year-old Florida man
who was out walking in the sand dunes that afternoon of
March 2, 1965, when his attention was attracted to a
strange space-ship some 150 feet away.
While he was studying this most unusual saucer-like
craft, a robot-like creature emerged from the brush, walked
to within 15 feet of the man, pulled a rounded black object
from his pocket and flashed it once, "like lightning at night."
Then ran off.
The man, as one might expect, fled too. But in his haste
he stumbled against a bush, knocking loose his glasses.
When he bent to retrieve them, he lost his hat. While he
was trying to recover these dropped articles, the "robot" re-
appeared, placed the little black object against his chin
again, flashed the light once more, then raced to the craft
and took off at high speed.
The "witness", relieved that the visitor and his funny
flying macine were gone, was curious by this time and went
back to examine the spot where the "ship" had been. He
found two folded sheets of paper of tissue texture which he
pocketed for closer scrutiny. Then he went home to examine
his experience under calmer conditions.
He waited overnight to report the incident, claiming that
he did not think he would be believed. But when .finally he
did appear in the office of a radio station in Brooksville, it
was to give a remarkably detailed description of the robot
he had seen.
"Roughly five feet tall and clothed in a silver-gray, stiff-
appearing suit atop which was a helmet much like a glass
bowl inverted over its head and resting on its shoulders. The
head inside was covered by dark material which covered
the hair area. The ears, mouth and nose appeared normal,
but the eyes were large and very wide set, with a "flat-area"
between. The hands were covered by mittens which ap-
peared to be very pliable and the same color as the suit."
The space-ship, shaped like a soap bubble, was of irri-
descent cast with reddish-purple and greenish-blue predom-
inating. Slats circled the airfoil and when the craft took off
these opened and shut with a rumbling noise. The landing
gear folded up into the belly of the ship. The ship moved in
a vertical direction at high speed and was gone within 15
APRO's Florida investigator was in touch with the man
from Weeki-Wachi Springs soon after word of his experi-
ence was made known. He extracted much information
from the man that had not been released to the press and he
was at first impressed with the witness' seeming reliability
and powers of observation. But the same afternoon that the
man appeared at the radio station, Air Force personnel ar-
rived from MacDill Field to scrutinize the scene and the
subject and representatives from magazines and entertain-
ment media moved in to see in what fashion this latest re-
port on "humanoids" could best be exploited.
More than a day had passed since the time of the en-
counter; rains had washed out what physical evidence
might have existed and it was reported that a lie-test had
tended to discredit some of the man's story. A carnival at-
mosphere surrounded the section, attracting sightseers, pho-
tographers, feature writers and souvenir hunters.
Those who were there for the purpose of extracting facts,
including a second APRO representative, came away with
the impression that the whole thing was a hoax. Those who
were there to milk the incident of its human interest value
had a field day.
The notes, hieroglyphics penned on tissue-thin paper,
were turned over to the Air Force and it was later reported
that simple deciphering had broken the code on 18 letters
of the alphabet and that the notes were the work of an ama-
teur. Analysis has established that the paper itself was made
of commonly found fibers used extensively in the manufac-
ture of certain tissues. The Air Force concluded that fur-
ther analysis from that quarter would be an unnecessary
expense and unrewarding procedure.
From other sources it was learned that the man from
Weeki-Wachi Springs had in some manner assimilated a
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message from his visitor on March 2 that the robot would
be baek.in 29 days. It has been reported in Saucer News,
June ?111966, that the "witness" returned to the scene with
two friends on the afternoon of March 31 and that the three
of them did see the saucer-shaped ship come in over the
dunes but that it was intercepted by an Air Force jet and
disappeared from sight in five seconds.
The Air Force denies that such an incident occurred.
The subject was to make still a third trip to the sight of
his initial "encounter"; this time in October, 1965, accord-
ing to reports. On this occasion he was said to have found
footprints, sharply defined, as though made by heavy weights
(see photograph). They were "dumb-bell shaped" and the
sequence of steps revealed what would be something of wad-
dling movement as opposed to the more stiff-legged gait of
the "robot."
At the same time that the footprints were "found," four,
deep, circular impressions, such as might have been left by
the landing gear of the craft, were "located," and photo-
The consensus is that the October visit with its accom-
panying "finds" was definitely a hoax perpetrated by local
publicity seekers.
There are some who believe the March 31 sighting did
take place and that evidence exists to verify the "near colli-
sion" with the Air Force jet. Such evidence has not been re-
There are many who accept the man's first "encounter"
as a possibility.
With characteristic thoroughness, the APRO organiza-
tion deciphered the note message in its entirety in the be-
lief that no piece of evidence should be dismissed without
careful scrutiny regardless of dubious aspects attached to
the experience. The message in toto ran : "Planet Mars . . .
are you coming home soon . . . we miss you very much
. . . why did you stay away too long".
Attention is drawn to the last sentence which suggests
that the writer was not too conversant with the English lan-
guage. Previously the announcement had been made that
the two notes appeared to have been penned by different
writers. APRO directors mention the possibility that in the
event the "landing" occurred, the occupants of the craft
might have enclosed their intended message within the
folds of an easily translatable phoney to muddy the path
for investigators. They refer to the fact that the Air Force
decoded only a part of one message and did nothing about
the other.
APRO holds no brief for the authenticity of the story,
per se, but it does call attention to the fact that in May,
1965, a polygraph test administered to the man revealed he
was a normal reactor who exhibited guilt reactions when he
attempted deception and that his responses to pertinent
questions in four separate tests exposed no such deception.
The position adopted by APRO is that the incident may
well have been a hoax, but if so, the subject had help, "pos-
sibly hypnosis was used. Whoever participated in the hoax,
however, would have had to have a very intimate knowledge
of UFO lore. Then we must search among ourselves." (The
APRO Bulletin).
A-RDP81 R00560R0001 00010002-9
:~ v \I ~.. t -It I ~. IV / ~i p: 7=1 rl,.'1' : I( \4 ,11: i u' y y` I 1ti L ri~,f w ilr' {' L K K \~
' .S .Y X. r , ^ + - - - T ,
'}. ~r i{ J'~ r1: ~ v .~? ~ >?~ ff ~ ~4? I
I tel: v: ~~ j.,
t1'.? I ~. _/c 4J ~ l r~r c. ~~? ? _1 J
4'I .; y,r,. \ 1r I 7 r~ -1- v?
wC V: ~r '1{'I Te-~h d{~ n v: v~fv~I`( .~.'-, '/=14 _Ir yflr'.~?.~r ^?K?-~T _.-I
v .1+ K.Y t~Y -.i
phered in part by Army In-
telligence; said to be the work
sue-thin paper made of fibers
in common use throughout the
APRO investigators did
not give full credence to
the "find", but translated
full message: Planet Mars
. . . are you coming home
soon ... we miss you very
much. Why did you stay
away too long.
~z iu 1.r
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ill V ~'
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""Like The Flight Of A Bat--
^ It came winging in over the sea off Trindade Isle, Bra-
zil, bright from either self-light or reflected sun. A green-
ish vapor hung about it as it made an undulating but ex-
tremely fast line for land.
Watching it were nearly 100 persons, crew members of
the Brazilian Navy's Almirante Saldanha, on a routine
trip from Rio de Janeiro to the island. The time was just
past noon on January 16 in the International Geophysi-
cal Year, 1958, and the personnel of the ship, which had
been participating in IGY exercises, included a retired
Brazilian Air Force officer, Captain Jose Teobaldo and a
a group of submarine explorers headed by Amilar Vieira Fil-
ho. Also aboard, by invitation of the Navy, to photograph
some of the exercises, was Almiro Barauna, professional
"Get Barauna," was the first thought as the amazed
viewers watched the unidentifiable object. In seconds Bar-
auna was there with his camera. He scanned the area sin-
gled out for him by the excited crewmen, seeking his sub-
ject. Then he saw it "like the flight of a bat" coming in to-
ward a point of land named "Galo Crest."
He set his Rolleiflex 2.8, Model E, at 1/125 with an
f/8 opening (a choice he later realized had overexposed
the film), and got off two shots before the glowing, saturn-
like object disappeared behind Desejado Peak.
The viewers crowded in, their attention riveted on the
peak behind which the object had sped. Within seconds
it was back again, lower, larger and flying in the opposite
direction. Barauna got three more shots but the last two
were lost; the object was traveling rapidly and the witnesses
were pushing and jostling for better viewing position; cer-
.tainly not ideal conditions for a photographer. Then for a
moment the object appeared to stop in mid-air. Barauna
took one more shot, his last. The object picked up speed and
The film was processed on the ship under the vitally
interested eyes of several officers including Commander
Carlos A. Bacallar. Only the negatives were available for
examination at the time since there was no photographic
paper on hand, but these were scrutinized by every person
aboard and two days later, after the ship had returned to
port, enlargements of the prints were turned over to Navy
authorities who sent them to Cruzeiro du Sul Aerophoto-
grammetric service to be analyzed. The report: Negatives
were genuine. No evidence of a trick or falsification.
Barauna was subjected to further investigation by na-
val authorities, and other witnesses aboard the ship were
questioned. Ultimately Barauna was told that the chief
intelligence officer was convinced the photos were authen-
tic and congratulations were extended to the photographer.
The reports gained widespread attention but the photos
were not released at the time. Dr. Olavo Fontes, of Rio de
xtent, glowing, undulat-
ing, it was Sighted
first by ocers aboard
Brazilian, Navy ship;
photographed by
professional photographer.
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It glittered as it came in
over the sea. Reflected
sunlight? Its own light?
And it gave off a green
vapor as it headed for
a high peak on Galo Crest.
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When itreapp ree f o
hind the peak, it was.lower.""
larger, gild flying in; e ,
the opposite direction, so
fast that the next two
shots were lost.
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Janeiro, special representative for APRO (Aerial Phenom-
ena Research Organization) was among the many persons
who became interested in the photos. Typical of the con-
scientious work done by researchists and investigators for
APRO, Dr. Fontes went to the Navy Ministry, was shown
the four photos, plus a fifth which he learned later had
been taken by another photographer at an earlier sighting
in the same area.
In his characteristically well documented report to
APRO (later published in the January, March and May,
1960, APRO Bulletins, and incorporated in The Great
Flying Saucer Hoax, by Coral E. Lorenzen, co-founder of
APRO), Dr. Fontes revealed some startling and hitherto un-
published information. There had been six previous sight-
ings in the Trindade area before the filmed sequence taken
aboard the Almirante Saldanha; one in November, two in
December and four in early January. It was the sixth of
these, an incident on January 6, that held the attention of
Dr. Fontes.
On that date a weather balloon, equipped with a full in-
strument load to be jettisoned some 14,000 feet up over
Trindade, was being tracked from the ground when its sig-
nals suddenly became faint and its transmitter finally si-
lent. The balloon was still climbing and nearing the cumu-
lus cloud head when it appeared to be sucked into a cloud
and disappeared from sight. Ten minutes later it reap-
peared, traveling so fast that it was apparent the instru-
ment load was gone. Somehow the balloon had entered the
cloud with the full instrument load and reappeared ten
minutes later without it. The instruments were never found;
never seen coming down. Then from Coral Lorenzen's ac-
The last shot as UFO seemed
to stop'in mid-air. Then
it took off with terrific
speed and disappeared
into the horizon.
count; based on Dr. Fontes' report: ". . . soon after the
balloon reappeared another object left the cloud. A silvery
object, the color of polished aluminum, came slowly from
behind the cloud, moving in a south-west to east direction
. . . it appeared to have the shape of a half-moon, and it
altered its course finally, moving from east to west."
In the seventh sighting, occurring just a few days be-
fore Barauna filmed his shots, witnesses described the ob-
ject they saw hovering over Desejado peak as a "highly pol-
ished flattened spheroid," encircled by a rapidly spinning
ring. It appeared to be intelligently controlled. A photo of
this is the one Dr. Fontes believes to have been the fifth
photo shown him" by the Navy Ministry.
It is in her book that Coral Lorenzen brings several
items to the attention of UFOlogists: (1) The unidenti-
fied objects were sighted at the scene of and only after a
former war base was reactivated and supplied with men
and equipment. (2) One and possibly two of these ob-
jects were photographed and the one set of photos that was
subjected to extensive investigation and analysis by ob-
jective agents, was declared genuine and without evi-
dence of trickery or falsification. (3) Indication of inter-
ference with a weather balloon by an unidentified object
that may have absconded with meteorological instrumenta-
tion equipment. (4) Only pressure from the press and
public brought about publication of the photos which had
been treated with utmost secrecy by the Brazilian Navy.
In NICAP's The UFO Evidence, for which ratings are
provided for photographs of unidentified objects according
to their acceptability as authentic, the Barauna sequence
is given an * (considered strongest evidence of UFOs.)
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"I'm Still Climbing...
^ On file with Project Blue Book is. the account of an
early sighting fatality that has baffled UFO historians since
news of it was first flashed to a shocked public in 1948
with the words "F-51 AND CAPT. MANTELL DESTROYED
The death and the puzzling circumstances surrounding
it are referred to today as The Mantell Incident, but at the
moment of the first sighting, 1 :20 p.m., January 7, 1948,
Captain Thomas Mantell was on a ferry mission, more
than an hour away from knowledge of the tragedy which
fate had in store for him..
A bright disc shaped object had been seen by the tower
crew at Godman Field, Ky. Unable to identify it, the crew
brought the object to the attention of the Base Operations
Officer, Base Intelligence Officer and, eventually, Base Com-
mander. Flight Commander Captain Mantell flew over the
field at 2:45 p.m. and was requested to investigate the
UFO, which by this time had drawn the attention of, and
queries from, people in Maysville and Owensboro., Ky., sev-
eral of whom described the object as "circular" as much as
"300 feet in diameter" and "moving at a pretty good clip."
Mantell, accompanied by two wing men, all flying F-
51s, set off in pursuit and at 10,000 feet, Mantell called
the tower to report "I see something above and ahead of me
and I'm still climbing."
The other two wing men leveled off at 15,000 feet and
turned back. Neither they nor Mantell were outfitted for
flights requiring oxygen and any height above 15,000 feet
could be disastrous. They had tried to contact Mantell by
radio but without success and he was still climbing. His
last words to the tower were: "I'm going to 20,000 feet."
A few minutes later, 90 miles from the tower, Mantell's
plane was seen to have "exploded in mid-air." It disinte-
grated before it struck ground and the answer as to what
had prompted Mantell's last words "I'm still climb-
ing . . ." despite the knowledgeable pilot's awareness that
death could result, was forever sealed in his lifeless body.
In Major Donald Keyhoe's book Flying Saucers From
Outer Space, it was reported that the Air Force refused
to release photos of the wreckage and the body "out of re-
spect for the feelings of Mantell's relatives." But the se-
crecy surrounding the crash set off a flood of rumors that
the body had been "pierced by a mysterious ray," and
even more sensationally that, "no body had been found at J
all. Mantell had been spirited away by unknown space-
These rumors were quickly scotched by the ATIC (Air
Technical Intelligence Center) and its report was filed
with what then was known as Project Sign and is today
Project Blue Book. It reads: "It is the ATIC opinion that
Captain Mantell lost consciousness due to oxygen starva-
tion, the aircraft being trimmed continued to climb until
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zoomed, Up he 5000
feet beyond what was
safe, in pursuit of an Unknown.
experienced pilot to what
What was it that mystifying
proved to be his ultimate and
still death?
increasing altitude caused a sufficient loss of power for it to
level out. The aircraft then began a turn to the left due to
torque and as the wing dropped so did the nose until the
aircraft was in a tight diving spiral. The uncontrolled de-
scent resulted in excessive speed causing the aircraft to dis-
integrate. It is believed that Captain Mantell never re-
gained consciousness. This is borne out by the fact that
the canopy lock was still in place after the crash, discount-
ing any, attempt to abandon the aircraft. The UFO was in
no way directly responsible for this accident. However, it is
probable that the excitement caused by the object was re-
sponsible for this experienced pilot conducting a high al-
titude flight without the necessary oxygen equipment."
But what was the object that had generated the excite-
ment? Air Force Intelligence officers first suggested Venus
as the answer. One of the brightest objects in the heavens,
Venus had, a few weeks before, been chased by F-51s in a
sighting that had some similarities to the Mantell Incident.
When it was pointed out that Venus was practically in-
visible on January 7 there was a flurry of backing and fill-
ing and contradiction.
The controversy that swirled around the Mantell Inci-
dent has been carefully -documented by the late Edward J.
Ruppelt, former head of Project Blue Book, in his book
The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects. It was in
1952, when he was asked to assume direction of Project
ItlRDE 8k1 RRt Wp RQOOugnt0 ut 9 me2e9minent scien-
tist, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, then head of the Ohio State Uni-
versity Astronomy Department to ask why Venus had been
promoted as the logical object that had been sighted. Hy-
nek explained that at the time of the sighting, Venus and
the object were in practically the same spot in the sky.
This, he said, was what led to what he believed to be an
erroneous conclusion. Ruppelt states: "Dr. Hynek said that
he didn't think that the UFO was Venus."
It was Ruppelt's job, however, to establish what, if not
Venus, the object was. Other suggestions had been tossed
into the hopper; sundogs (diffused light reflected from ice
particles); experimental balloons (Skyhooks? At that time
in a highly secret test stage but known to reach altitudes
in excess of 60,000 feet and diameters of 100 feet); can-
opy reflections?
Ruppelt dismissed sundogs since descriptions of the ob-
ject had mentioned rather well defined edges. Sundogs are
fuzzy. He dismissed canopy reflection because Mantell cer-
tainly would not have chased a reflection for over fifteen
minutes. He seriously considered the Skyhook theory. De-
scriptions of the UFO could fit these experimental balloons
and it was subsequently determined that on January 7,
1948, the Navy had released such a balloon from Clinton
County airport in Ohio that would have been in the area
of Godman at the time of the sighting. Ruppelt submitted
his report to the Pentagon. "It could have been a balloon."
Ruppelt did not deny that the Air Force and/or the
Navy might have records attesting to the launching of such
a balloon from Clinton County Air ?Force Base on the day
of Mantell's death. He, however, did not see those records
and could find no one who would state flatly that such an
operation did take place on the specific date.
The incident, to him, remained another of the UFO
"jigsaw puzzles." Answers were based on assumption and
some early explanations that had been provided by Air
Force Intelligence were later discarded.
The theory has been advanced that the Air Force had
come to suspect that interplanetary craft were reconnoiter-
ing the Earth; that the mysterious aspects of the Mantell
crash had strengthened these suspicions. This theory, with
any specific incidents to lend it support, might generate
fear and actual panic if it were to become publicly known.
Could this account for the Air Force's readiness to pro-
mote first Venus as the widely seen UFO; then a Skyhook?
Was there an effort to simplify and to cloud the issue until
a fickle public had turned its interest elsewhere. There are
serious proponents of this thesis.
Most of them are familiar with the conclusions drawn
by the Air Force and on record in Project Blue Book:
"that Venus was probably the original cause of the sight-
ing since the object remained in the area for a long period
of time and was relatively stationary." Most of them are
equally aware of the knowledgeable determinations of ex-
perts who have stated that Venus would have been a pin-
point of light, difficult to see on a clear day, impossible to
see on a hazy one (January 7, 1948 was hazy.) The de-
scriptions provided by sighters were not of "pinpoints."
The Mantell Incident remains, after 20 years, one of the
bafflers in the minds of serious students of aerial phenomena
and is cited frequently as an example of puzzling behav-
iour that might not now pose so many questions had it been
treated with less secrecy at the time.
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"Maybe I've Seen The Devil"
^ "Army Intelligence never pays any attention to reports
of UFO landings."
"Is that so? What about the Zamora case?"
"Army Intelligence refuses to speculate on the possibil-
ity of unidentified "man controlled" craft."
"Is that so? What about the Zamora case?
"Army Intelligence questions the reliability of persons
who report actual encounters."
"Is that so? What about the Zamora case?
Who is this Zamora whose experience in 1964 excited
comment throughout the world and whose report stands
uncontested on Project Blue Book records today as one of
the most extensively investigated, thoroughly analyzed
cases in those files . . . but still labeled, "unsolved mys-
The man, himself, is Lonnie Zamora, a stocky, bespec-
tacled veteran on the Socorro, New Mexico police force;
a man whose integrity is unchallenged and whom his su-
Blue flash attracted Patrolman Lonnie Zamora to small mesa outside Illustrations on this and
Socorro, N.M. What he first thought might have been a dynamite following pages by
explosion developed into the strangest experience of his life. Norman Duke for APRO.
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pervisor, Police Chief Polo Pineda defines as "a good guy,"
which, among police officers, can cover a lot of ground.
Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, Director of the Institute of Mete-
oritics at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque,
has known Patrolman Zamora for 15 years. His summa-
tion: An honest and reliable man.
That sums up the pronouncements of all who know the
officer professionally and socially.
What did he experience?
At 6:50 p.m. on the evening of April 24, 1964, Patrol-
man Zamora, who had been on duty since 2 o'clock that
afternoon, was pursuing a speeding motorist along Socor-
ro's South Park Street when he heard a loud roar and saw
a flash of blue flame off in the southwest.
There was a dynamite shack in that general neighbor-
hood and the officer's first thought was that someone had
been fooling around there and had set off an explosion.
He headed out toward the flash which took him to a
small rocky hill over which there was no road and which
required three runs with the car before Zamora could breast
the steep incline and start down the other side.
To the south of him he could see a white object that,
from the distance, 450 feet, appeared to be an overturned
car with two figures moving about. Zamora could not make
out the figures well; children? small adults? mechanics,
possibly, since they seemed to be dressed in white cover-
From where he was, Zamora gathered the impression
that the "persons" were experiencing some difficulty with
their machine and had been inspecting the underpart of
it, but there were too many puzzling and even startling
aspects to what he saw for him to want to close in alone on
the disturbing situation. He picked up his mike and called
Sergeant Sam Chavez, of the State Police, advising him of
the peculiar circumstances, the location, and asking him
to come out alone to lend assistance.
The request that Sergeant Chavez come alone gave rise
later to speculation, query and puzzlement, but in view of
the remarkable scene to which Zamora says he was witness
there can be small wonder that he preferred the audience of
a single and reliable friend to that of a large group of col-
leagues who might, logically, make him an object of ridi-
cule if what he were seeing was gone before confirming
witnesses could arrive.
The call completed, Zamora drove across to the next
mesa, hearing, as he went, some loud metallic banging. By
this time he was close to the edge of the gully. He stopped
his car, got out and walked to the edge of the slope.
His nearness appeared to startle the two "white figures,"
who clambered into the craft and, with "an ear splitting
roar," took off toward the southwest with a flash of brilliant
blue flame, making a piercing whining sound.
Zamora, thoroughly frightened, had thrown himself to
the ground, but he looked up in time to see the ascent and
direction in which the object was headed. He phoned head-
quarters to alert people there to watch for the brilliant phe-
nomena that he believed was headed their way.
Just then Sergeant Chavez arrived, took one look at Za-
mora and announced: "You look like you've seen the
"Maybe I have," Zamora replied, and briefed the trooper
on what had transpired.
Together they examined the gully. Clumps of range
grass and one mesquite bush were burning and the officers
found four wedge-shaped depressions forming a rough rec-
tangle. Near one of these were four small circular indenta-
In answer to a call from Chavez, Captain Holder of the
Army contingent at White Sands Stallion Site and an FBI
agent who lived in Socorro, arrived, took measurements of
the depressions, outlined and protected them with rocks,
and asked Zamora for a thorough rundown on what he had
Meantime Chavez, who was supremely skeptical of all
flying saucer stories, had examined Zamora's car to see if it
contained any equipment with which the depressions
could have been made or the fires set. He had the highest
regard for Zamora's reliability and unquestioned integrity
and knew him to be a sober man dedicated to his work. But
he had to be certain that this was not a practical joke. He
was completely convinced after this examination that with
the time element involved, the lack of any evidence of a
hoax and Zamora's own stunned reaction, the patrolman
had experienced exactly what he claimed.
Zamora supplied every detail he could recall, and there
were several. His description of the object suggested a long
oval from which depended the landing legs, about 21/2
feet in length. The feet of these legs were what was be-
lieved to have left the four wedge shaped depressions and it
was theorized that the circular depressions might have been
made by a ladder which, in seeking firm footing, had been
placed twice in position.
There were markings on the side of the craft, an erro-
neous description of which appeared in the papers. But Mr.
and Mrs. Lorenzen, APRO's directors, who arrived at the
scene not too many hours after it was reported, having been
alerted by their on-the-spot correspondent, secured the ac-
curate description from Captain Holder and it was reported
by Mrs. Lorenzen in her book Flying Saucers (Signet).
"The markings were in red, consisting of a vertical line
topped by two slanting lines that gave the impression of an
arrow. This was surrounded by a horizontal line on the bot-
tom, a vertical line on each side and a semicircle over the
top of the arrow." The theory was advanced that this may
have marked a double door.
The Lorenzens interviewed Zamora that afternoon, but
in his talk with them he first denied having seen any
"little men." Then he admitted he had seen what looked
like "small adults," about one-third the size of the craft.
His reluctance to discuss them stemmed from Zamora's
wish to cooperate with FBI men who had advised him
against mentioning this aspect. He also refused to discuss
continued on next page
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Closer examination revealed unidentifiable white object
and what appeared to be two "small adults" who, apparently
startled by Zamora's appearance, took off with "ear-splitting roar."
the markings on the object, this under instructions from
Army Intelligence. But the Lorenzens already had secured
this information and did not press the already put-upon
patrolman. That afternoon, as the Lorenzens were leaving
town, they saw Zamora back..on his job, "standing by the
door of a car which was pulled to the curb in front of his
prowl. car. He had his ticket book in hand, and his pen
poised. Business as usual." (ARPO Bulletin, May, 1964)
But business as usual was not to be the case either for
Zamora or for the town of Socorro in the next several days.
The account had been given international news coverage
and had. attracted interest from scientists, investigators and
the curious. The Air Force sent out a major from its Kirt-
land Base in Albuquerque and followed this up with their
consulting scientist, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, head of the Astron-
omy Department at Northwestern University.
To Dr. Hynek has fallen the difficult task of having to
minimize the importance of certain sightings in keeping
with the Air Force policy of looking upon all UFOs reports
as "errors, hallucinations or hoaxes."' At a closed hearing
of the House Armed Services Committee, in April 1966, Dr.
Hynek acknowledged that this hypothesis for the Air Force
had been "very successful," but it could stand in the path
of research for "if one digs too intently for coal he is apt
to miss diamonds. . . . And in dealing with truly puz-
zling cases, we have tended either to say that, if an investi-
gation had been pursued long enough, the misidentified
object would have been recognized, or that the sighting
had no validity to begin with." (The UFO Investigator,
NICAP, May-June 1966.)
But at the time of the Socorro incident, "digging for coal"
was the adopted approach and one of Dr. Hynek's first ques-
tions was Why, if the UFO had been seen, had it not been
reported on radar "in an area that is infested with radar."
The APRO investigators were the ones who pointed out
that the radar station in that area was not in operation at
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the time. Missions involving Holloman-White Sands had
ended at 5 p.m. The long range radars at the Air Base in Al-
buquerque would not have been able to pick up "an object
flying at such low altitude in that hilly area." (Flying
Saucers, Signet)
Detailed investigations continued to be carried out by
the Air Force and private UFO investigating groups, at the
close of which it was determined that the sighting had
much to recommend it as a good one, but several factors that
were puzzling.
In its favor were (1) the character of the sighter him-
self; reliable, honest and sincere with the expert powers of
observation that endow the well-trained police officer. (2)
Not`a speck of evidence that a hoax had been perpetrated.
(3) A flurry of reported sightings and landings (to be
touched upon later) in the New Mexico area that tended
to strengthen the belief that Zamora's sighting had been a
genuine UFO.
Working against the premise were, (1) an analysis made
by Colorado State University of soil samples taken from
the area said to have been touched by the blue flame. These
were compared with control samples and revealed nothing
significant. (2) Zamora was the sole witness. This was no
reflection upon the patrolman, but any sighting with the
characteristics mentioned at Socorro profits by the support
of more than one witness. (3) The publicity attached to
the "little men" who were believed to have accompanied
the object was too unrealistic for the public to accept, and
tended to dissuade many that the sighting had been made.
Zamora himself was reluctant to mention this aspect of the
experience and would have preferred that the information
he submitted to the Air Force relative to this facet had not
been given attention. But he affirmed his belief that he had
II' ~oy2~
14 9Yz'
seen them to APRO investigators in the presence of a local
deputy and a news reporter.
That there was some confusion and perhaps uncertainty
among Air Force personnel as to how this latest experience
should be explained was apparent in some of the theories
that were offered. When there appeared to be a solid ex-
planation for why the object had not been picked up on
radar, a leading meteoriticist identified the craft as an ex-
perimental device being developed by the Army. The Army
already had said it had no craft to correspond with the one
Zamora had described, and the device to which the scien-
tist was said to have referred had not yet been built.
While controversy was still waging over the Socorro inci-
dent a young man in Espanola, N.M., came upon what he
described as a bluish thing as "long as a telephone pole,"
resting on the ground near the house. His family laughed
at him when he told about it, but the man took his story to
the police officers who returned with him to the scene and
found the ground still smoking 20 hours after the man had
seen the object.
The ground was hot to the touch and the officers found
several good-sized indentations plus some small, circular
tracks, all of which conformed in shape to those found at
Socorro, though word of the Socorro sighting with the de-
tailed descriptions had not yet reached the area.
Not long after this, a landing with strong similarities
was reported in Montana. Some youngsters had seen a
lighted object make a night landing at the rear of their
home. The sheriff's office investigated the next day; found
rectangular indentations and signs of scorched ground still
It was a reported incident of far more dramatic content
that was brought to the attention of the directors of APRO
continued on next page
Within half an hour, Army
Intelligence had a man
on the scene to interview
Zamora and take measure-
ments of the two different
sets of (1) wedge-shaped,
(2) circular indentations
that were found on the
scorched "landing" area.
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in 1964, however, and that has been recorded in Flying
Saucers, as it was told to Mrs.4orenzen. She relates that
through one of her news sources she learned of a pilot flying
a bomber near San Antonia, N.M., on a routine mission
when he sighted a UFO and advised Control of his sighting.
He provided a description, egg-shaped and white, then was
asked by Control if there were any markings : "The same
as the one at Socorro," came the pilot's response.
The pilot landed a few minutes later and reported that
the object was on the ground. Photo crews were ordered
assembled, but at that juncture all communications (the
conversation up until then had been intercepted by a ham
radio operator) were cut off. Newsmen and other inter-
ested parties tried to gather information from the Air
Force and were told "no such thing happened."
There seemed evidence from the many reports that were
CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100010002-9
coming in, however, that this section of New Mexico had
been singled out for some attention by UFOs. One youngster
was said to have been severly burned at the same time he
sighted a smoking metallic object that settled above his
head. The object was said to have sped away out of sight
within seconds. The doctor who treated the youngster said
he had suffered second degree burns and required five days
of hospitalization. Although the doctor did not want to
comment on the possible cause of the burns, he did say that
the child had felt no pain, which seemed remarkable in
view of the extensive injuries he had suffered.
The 1964 sightings were not the first indication that
New Mexico was a favorite gathering place for UFOs. In
1944 an Air Force pilot saw a UFO speed out of sight near
Carlsbad. A silvery' disc was spotted by a Naval rocket ex-
pert near White Sands in 1947 and in 1949 a GM balloon
The patrolman raced to his car as brilliant phenomenon took off
in burst of blue flame. He tried to alert headquarters to watch
for the object, believed headed in that southwesterly direction.
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tracked an unidentified object with theodolite near White
Sands. It was in New Mexico that the well known astron-
omer Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto, made his sight-
ing of the unidentified rectangles in" 1949 and dozens of
gyrating discs were seen by a retired Army captain in Farm-
inton on March 17, 1950. In July of 1951 a photogra-
-pher took 200 feet of film of a UFO spotted near a bomber
over White Sands, N.M. The object appeared on radar
scope and the developed film showed a round bright spot,
but the film has never been released. (The UFO Evidence,
NICAP.) There were sightings in 1952; discs changing
shape in formation; tracked on radar in 1954 and a more
current sighting in which the objects were said to have per-
formed "perfect precise flight maneuvers."
Some of these sightings, witnessed by military men whose
training had prepared them to recognize natural phenom-
ena and known aircraft, described their sightings in detail
with addenda that seemed to preclude the possibility of
constellations, weather balloons, experimental Air Force
craft or any of the other explanation on which the Air
Force fell back when all else failed. At one open session at-
tended by newsmen and by an Air Force public informa-
tion officer, the two military policemen who had seen an
unidentified object drop from the skies to within 50 feet
above a bunker on the White Sand missile range said that
its bright light blinked out then flared up again "like the
sun" as the object came in again toward the ground, then
disappeared. "It looked like a completely controlled land-
ing," one of the witnesses said.
Talk with military men whose job it is to pursue these
unidentified objects, to intercept them, to bring back some
account. Ask them if they believe in UFOs. You'll find them
reluctant to discuss the subject in most instances; dead set
against admitting to them, but unable to deny that there's
something there.
At the hearing of the House Armed Services Committee
held in April of this year, one of the congressmen asked Dr.
Hynek if there "has ever been any evidence in any of these
unexplained sightings that would indicate that there is
some kind of extraterrestrial intelligence involved."
Hynek's answer: "I have not seen any evidence to con-
firm this . . however the possibility should be kept open
as a possible hypothesis. I don't think we should ever close
our minds to it." (The UFO Investigator, NICAP May-
June, 1966.)
Dr. Hynek acknowledged that he did not think the Air
Force (Project Blue Book) was fully investigating UFO
unknowns, and had so advised them. ". . .enough puz-
zling sightings have been reported by intelligent and often
technically competent people to warrant closer attention
than Project Blue Book can possibly encompass." (The UFO
Investigator. )
'There is heartening evidence that UFOs will be investi-
gated in greater depth in the future with the recent $300,-
000 grant to the University of Colorado earmarked for "in-
dependent" investigation. And perhaps one day there will
be an answer to the Zamora sighting in Socorro which de-
spite the extensive efforts of private and Air Force sponsored
investigators to explain it, remains on the records of Project
Blue Book as "unsolved mystery."
Diagram on this and
preceding page prepared by
Frank Salisbury, Plant Science
Department, Utah State
University. Here
initial sighting of object
(X) from position (A).
Closer inspection (B) near
9 dynamite shack (Square).
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The Missing Hours
Between /radian Head
And Ash/and
Rutland //
During two lost hours someplace in the 35 mile stretch of the White Mountains
(greyed on map), Barney and Betty Hill underwent an experience of such.
chilling dimension that only hypnosis could bring it back into focus.
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". . . This can't be true . . . This isn't here. Can't somebody
come and tell me this is not here? But it is."
Barney Hill, under hypnosis, as quoted in
The Interrupted Journey: Two Lost
Hours "Aboard a Flying Saucer," by
John G. Fuller (Dial Press)
11 This quote, chilling in its urgency, remarkable in its
context was representative of the doubts, the fears and the
acknowledgement, under hypnosis, Barney Hill made of
his encounter with an UFO; an encounter officially re-
corded with the Air Force Project Blue Book, in NICAP's
extensive and thorough files and with APRO's well docu-
mented and researched testimonials. It is the encounter on
which John G. Fuller turned the full focus of his investi-
gative eye and experienced pen to provide the provocative
and carefully detailed revelation of a man and woman who
underwent hypnosis to try to find the answers to two lost
hours of their lives during which they had undergone an
experience of startling proportion.
The incident is the highly personal experience of Bar-
ney and Betty Hill that had its inception on the night of
September 19-20, 1961, while the Hills were enroute from
a motor trip in Canada to their home in Portsmouth, N.H.
When they were an estimated four hours from home, at
approximately 10 p.m., driving through the White Moun-
tains on Route 3 they became aware of a bright object
moving through the sky. The erratic behavior and peculiar
shape and lighting precluded the possibility of its being
either satellite or commercial plane.
They watched it for some time, stopping frequently to
examine it more closely with binoculars. When they
reached Indian Head and the object had glided down
soundlessly so that it was paralleling the car, tree top high,
Mr. Hill stopped again, took the binoculars and set off in
the direction of the object for a close look. He was to say
later that the object swung in an arc not more than 100
feet from him and as it did he saw two fin-like projections
on either side sliding further out, each with a red light on
it. He also could see a double row of windows behind which
he could make out figures, human things, at least half a
dozen of them. They were all staring down at him and
they were wearing some kind of uniform.
All of the crew members except one turned their backs
on him and began working what appeared to be levers on
a panel in the back of the object. As they worked, the craft
slowly descended, the fins extended further and a ladder-
like extension lowered from the bottom. The single crew
member continued to stare at Hill with eyes that were dif-
ferent from any Hill ever had seen.
Certain that he was about to be captured, Hill, nearly
hysterical, ran for his car and, with only a minimum of
explanation to his wife, drove off. Shortly after they pulled
away, they heard beeping noises in irregular rhythm com-
ing from behind the car in the direction of the trunk. Both
were aware of feeling drowsy, as though a strange haze
had come over them.
The next thing of which they were fully conscious was
arriving in Ashland, 35 miles south of Indian Head. It
was 5 a.m. when they arrived home, two hours later than
it should have taken them, although neither of the Hills
was aware of this unaccounted for period of time until a
long time later when, in the course of being interviewed
by UFO investigators it was brought to their attention.
Without understanding the reasons for their own ac-
tions, Barney, who placed no credence in flying saucer
talk at all, went immediately to the bathroom when he ar-
rived home and examined his lower abdomen. And Betty
took the clothing she had worn that night, packed it in the
back of a closet and never wore it again. She also discov-
ered several shiny spots on the trunk of the car, about the
size of silver dollars. When she placed a small compass on
the spots the needle wavered. The needle reacted normally
on other parts of the car.
Both Barney and Betty were reluctant to discuss their
experience of that night, but Barney did advise the Air
Force of the sighting, making no mention of the "human
figures" because he was sensitive to ridicule and acutely
aware of the implausibility of their experience. A full ac-
count of this sighting went into Project Blue Book.
It was Betty who got in touch with Major Donald Key-
hoe, seeking more information on UFOs, and as a result
Walter Webb, lecturer on the staff of the Hayden Plane-
tarium in Boston and scientific advisor to NICAP, visited
the Hills and spent eight hours in an exhaustive interview
of the two people. His conclusions: "It is the opinion of
this investigator after questioning these people and study-
ing their reactions and personalities during that time that
they were telling the truth and the incident occurred ex-
actly as reported."
It was Webb's report that drew the attention and im-
pressed Robert Hohman, scientific writer, and C. D. Jack-
son, engineer, who were attending the International As-
tronautical Congress in Washington. They, too, set up an
interview with the Hills and spent 12 hours going over the
story with the two principals. It was during this session
that one of them asked "What took you so long to get home?"
For the first time, the Hills became aware of the fact
that they should, under normal circumstances, have ar-
rived home at 2:30 or 3. They actually arrived at 5 a.m.
What could have happened during those two missing
This was a question that was to plague Barney and Betty
Hill for a long time. It was believed responsible for a flare
up in an ulcer condition that Barney thought was clearing
up. He was also troubled by a' circle of warts that developed
in a perfect circle around his groin. And Betty was sub-
jected to a series of vivid nightmares she could not get out
of her mind.
As a result of their emotional and physical torment, their
bewilderment and their sincere desire to know what hap-
pened during those lost hours, Barney and Betty Hill agreed
to .see a psychiatrist qualified in the use of hypnosis. Such
an eminently qualified Boston psychiatrist, with extensive
experience in hypnosis agreed to take the case and the re-
sults the Hills had with this doctor form the body of John
Fuller's engrossing document.
It was while under hypnosis that Barney Hill recalled
more of the events that occurred on that unforgettable eve-
continued on next page
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ping. Hazily at first, and then more vividly, it came back
to him that, after driving away from the "sighting" of the
craft, they were stopped farther up the road by a group of
men whom Hill first suspected were robbers. No such pro-
saic experience was in store for them, however.
There were six men, dressed alike in dark clothing. They
took Hill from the car, half carrying, half dragging him up
a ramp to what appeared to be a hospital operating room.
He was placed on a table and a cup was clamped around
his groin. He ,experienced no fear or feeling that he was
Driving at night through the dramatic vastness of the
White Mountains with the lifelike faces nature
carved in stone, Barney and Betty Hill lived their own drama
going to be harmed and when the "experiment" was com-
pleted, for whatever purpose it was performed, he was re-
leased from the craft in an almost jovial frame of mind
and returned to his car.
Betty Hill's recollections were similar but more detailed
and graphic than her husband's when it came time for her
to be placed under hypnosis. She recalled the original
"sighting" and of later being stopped on the highway by
the group of men they first thought to be bandits. Here her
story assumed more definition and revealed more night-
marish aspects than had that of Barney Hill.
She was taken from the car by men who spoke fluent
English but with some unrecognizable accent. She was led
into the "ship" ahead of her husband and taken to a separate
room where she was examined by what she assumed to be
a doctor under a machine she thought, was a microscope
with large lens. They took scrapings from her skin, exam-
ined her eyes and ears, took hair samples and a snip of
An instrument full of needle clusters was run over her
body and the procedure was completed by sticking a long
needle into her navel.
This was the.only phase of the experience to which phys-
ical pain attached and when she cried out, the leader
rubbed his hands in front of her eyes and the pain went
away. He explained to her that he had been conducting a
pregnancy test and seemed distressed that she had felt pain.
She was allowed to dress then and fell into friendly
conversation with the leader. She asked if she could take
some proof of her visit with her and when he agreed, she
settled on a book, the pages of which were covered with
hieroglyphics . . . sharp lines, thin lines, dots, curves.
But when she was leaving the craft, another examiner spot-
ted the book and insisted that she return it. She was forced
to relinquish the only evidence she had of her remarkable
In later sessions, the subjects "recalled" that their "hosts"
did not actually speak to them, but got across their thoughts
through some form of mental telepathy.
Barney described the humanoids as having large heads,
diminishing toward the chin. Their eyes continued par-
tially around the sides of their heads, affording a much
broader range of vision than is provided for known hu-
mans. The mouths were horizontal lines and the sound
emitted was a "mmmmming" one. Their skins were a metal-
lic gray and Hill could recall only two slits for a nose.
The conclusions drawn were that there. had been an ac-
tual sighting. That it had been of sufficient consequence
to bring on a severe emotiona`i-reaction. That the Hills had
nothing to gain from publicity and that they made no ef-
fort to, were, as a matter of fact, reluctant to discuss the
incident even among friends. That there was a measure
of physical evidence to support their "recollected under
hypnosis" story.
Medical men extracted what was pertinent to their pro-
fession from the doctor's experiment.
ATIC examined the reports for that information which
would lend enlightenment to their own investigation.
Scientists followed the fascinating procedure with avid
The sensation seeker drew from the disclosures every item
that answered his demands.
Investigators whose interests were concentrated primar-
ily on the possibility of UFO landings and physical en-
counter continued to probe the unique and mysterious ex-
perience, bearing in mind as they proceeded that the emi-
nent scientist Walter Webb was convinced "the incident
occurred exactly as reported."
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The several reported sightings
in southeastern Michigan
alerted serious and not-so
serious observers to the
possibility of a sky show. One
man played a fiddle, hoping
to recall the UFOs of previous
night. Another beeped out
"pi-code" on his car horn. Most
observers solemnly studied,
the skies, hoping for a
repeat performance.
^ If the ultimate explanation for visitors from outer space should be weather bal-
loons, marsh gas, jet engine exhaust or public hysteria, there will remain, in a small
pocket of common-sense Michigan, a group of die-hards who will insist that their
visits were different and that what they saw was, as one of their numbers put it: "No
The first indication that the Wolverine State was to be singled out for a major flap
worthy of national and international attention, came with sneaky suddeness and little
fanfare early in the week of March 14, 1966, when Washtenaw County and Dexter
local police witnessed startling maneuvers of lighted shapes that hovered, dived, turned
with amazing sharpness and traveled with astonishing speed in the southeastern
Michigan skies. One of the officers was sufficiently struck by the phenomena to photo-
graph two of the objects. This film was still being processed when the second indica-
tion came with a bang heard 'round the world, but heard first, apparently, by six
hunting dogs on the grounds of a Dexter Township farmhouse, 12 miles from Ann
Arbor, owned by no-nonsense Frank Mannor.
It was the "barkin' and the bellerin' " of these half-a-dozen dogs on the the Sun-
day night of March 20 that sent Frank Mannor running from his house to see what
continued on next page
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together from what several of
the Dexter, Mich., sighters
described, led some to
think that "marsh gas" was
not an acceptable explana-
tion. "Quilted" was term
chosen to designate "pitted."
all the commotion was about out in the yard.
The "commotion" was off to the east, over the swampland
on which the house was built and at that 8 p.m. moment
was a faint red glow "like cigarets being smoked."
Accompanied by his 19-year-old son, Frank set off across
the hillocks, much as though he were stalking deer, but
intent this time on picking up what he thought might be
pieces from a fallen meteor.
They got within 500 yards of the "visitor" and saw that
it was no meteor. It was not like anything either of them
ever had seen or imagined before. Frank Mannor's later
description of it was: "shaped like a football . . . length
of a car . . . greyish-yellow hue with a pitted surface
"like coral rock." It seemed to be sitting on a base of fog,
maybe eight feet off the ground, and the lights on it, green
on one end, white on the other, were pulsating and each
looked like it had a halo around it.
While the two men peered in wonder at the unexpected
caller, the Thing turned deep red and the lights went out,
bringing a startled "Look at that horrible thing," excla-
mation from the younger Mannor.
Horrible or not, it's not often that a southern Michigan
farm community provides Sunday night entertainment of
such dramatic proportions, and Mr. Mannor and his son
set off after it on the run. When they got there, it was
For four hours, Frank and his son stalked the strange
object over much of the 300 acres of swampland, looking
for some smell or trace of the Thing. They found nothing,
but much of their search was not conducted alone, and
some of what they had seen was corroborated by Dexter
police officials and Washtenaw County authorities who
had been alerted to the strange sighting through a phone
call from Mannor's wife who, while her husband and son
pursued the Thing, informed Dexter Village police that
there was an "object" in the swamp that looked like a fly-
ing saucer.
Her call brought Police Chief Robert Taylor and Patrol-
men Nolan Lee and Robert Hunawill and Washtenaw
County Deputies Stanley McFadden and David Fitzpat-
Deputies McFadden and Fitzpatrick and Chief Taylor
and Patrolman Lee arrived in time to see what they de-
scribed as a reddish light, zipping over the Mannor house
and giving off a sound "like an ambulance." Patrolman
Hunawill, who waited in.the road in the patrol car, saw
'`a strange lighted object" with red and white lights. He
estimated the height at roughly 1000 feet and said it
made several sweeps over the swamp before being joined
by three other objects and disappearing.
Michigan police official took this photo of what he
suspected was an unidentified flying object. During the
excitement, the photo was given wide coverage.
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The flap bpi Mfp&t 0 yiA
. rqng4jdgq-(g2 - CIA-RDPR1 R00560R000100010002-9
the rtir rorce, wno sent its scientmc consultant, Astrono-
mer J. Allen Hynek, Director of Northwestern Universi-
ty's Dearborn observatory to investigate, and from the
University of Michigan who dispatched its own scien-
tists. But it also brought a spate of unsolicited curious,
believers and non-believers, who tramped over Mannor's
grounds with utter disregard for his property and his pri-
The night after the sightings, the roads leading to Man-
nor's home were choked with cars and the grounds were
overrun with a carnival crowd made up largely of scoffers.
One man brought a violin and fiddled for over an hour
with the explanation that his music might lure back the
creatures from outer space. Another man blinked his car
lights off and on in "pi-code", believed by him to be the
language planets spoke.
Unfortunate as it may be, this can be the expected re-
sponse to any phenomenon of such eerie proportions, but
it neither swayed nor unsettled the sturdy Mr. Mannor.
He was no science fiction buff and, as a hunter, outdoors-
/ man and resident of Michigan's swamp country, he was
fully conversant with the trickeries of foxfire and the will-
o-the-wisp manifestations of nature. "I seen what I seen
and nobody's going to tell me different," he was quoted in
a Life magazine article on the sighting, April 1, 1966.
He backed up his statement by volunteering to take a he
detector test. And his convictions were further shored up
by 52 other witnesses, 12 of them police officials.
Astronomer Hynek, who had set up headquarters at
Selfridge Air Force Base in Mt. Clemens, Mich., to sift
reports and make his own investigation into the sightings,
acknowledged the sincerity and honesty of the witnesses:
"But I am not willing to guess what they saw." He juggled
continued on next page
Dr. H. Allen Hynek (L)
confers with Dexter Police
Chief Robert Taylor on
the numerous sightings.
Some of the 87 coeds at
Hillsdale College who sighted
mysterious object outside
dormitory window, kept
a four hour vigil, taking
notes and drawing sketches
of the glowing phenomenon
that was later to be
dismissed as "marsh gas", by
Investigator Hynek.
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Dr. Hynek; asked at news
conference to comment on photo of
this "flying saucer," said
it looked like a "chicken feeder."
Photo was represented as
UFO seen over California.
While the controversy was
at its peak in Michigan, this photo
was released showing what
was purported to be a UFO that
flew over Hillsdale County
in June of 1965.
the question and finally declined to answer whether the
object might have been a "test vehicle." But he was sure
neither Mannor nor any _of the other witnesses had been
taken in by Michigan University's big radio telescope in
the area, an object with which all of them were too familiar
to have mistaken for a flying saucer. He was sure there
would be some natural explanation "for all of this," but
as he proceeded to puzzle it out, there were others in the
state who were not so certain.
Frederick E. Davis of the State Police Commission
opened an investigation and announced : "I used to dis-
count these reports, too, but now I'm not so sure." And
House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford said he would
ask for a Congressional investigation. That such an inves-
tigation had not been conducted before was attributed to a
reluctance on the part of Congress to go ahead for fear it
might encourage the idea that sightings are something
more than natural or man-made objects. On the other hand,
to refuse is to fan the rather widely held belief that the
government knows what the objects are, but is covering
While controversy, skepticism and investigation still
waged around Dexter, the skies were preparing another
show, this time for 87 coeds in Hillsdale College, several
miles to the south and west of Dexter. Here, on the night
of March 22, the girls saw a glowing object fly past a
dormitory window and hover over a swamp.
The reaction of the original sighters brought other dor-
mitory residents and the assistant dean of women, a calm-
ly efficient executive with seven years experience as a news
reporter. She not only joined the girls in their watch, but
suggested they take notes, which they did over a four hour
period of vigilance. The glowing, football shaped object
was said to have wobbled, wavered and glowed and once
it flew right at the window, then stopped suddenly.
Several of the girls made sketches of what they were
seeing and in addition to the four score coeds and their
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experienced supervisor the sightings were made by police and Dexter wondered how "marsh gas" could account
personnel and the Hillsdale Civil Defense Director Wil- the detailed drawings provided by Frank Mannor and
liam Van Horn. coeds.
Information on this well documented sighting, bol-
stered by the notes and sketches of the coeds and the Civil
Defense Director and including the report that when po-
lice cars approached the object, the lights on the UFO
dimmed; when the police cars went away, the lights
brightened, was submitted to Astronomer Hynek and at
the end of the week, he submitted a five-page statement
based on the two sightings, at the Mannor farm and at
Hillsdale College.
"Nothing more than marsh gas," was his summation.
"Rotting vegetation produces gas that can be trapped by
ice and winter conditions. When a spring thaw occurs
the gas may be released in some quantity." In further de-
tail it was said "the gas goes out in one place and appears
in another, giving the illusion of motion." He added that
"a dismal swamp is a most unlikely place for a visit from
outer space. It is not a place where a helicopter would
hover for several hours or where a soundless secret device
would be likely to be tested."
The explanation disappointed and offended many of the
sighters. The director of public affairs at the college was
quick to defend the girls and was said to have scoffed at
the idea that the sightings could have resulted from nat-
ural phenomenon of any sort. The Civil Defense Director
took strong exception to the explanation. "Would marsh gas
dim when police cars approached and brighten when they
left?" one baffled coed asked. And others in both Hillsdale
It also was revealed that in addition to the two swamp
sightings, there had been several other important sightings
in the area during that week for which no explanation
was forthcoming; sightings that could not be attributed
to marsh gas; one 17 miles south of Hillsdale; one in Bad
Axe and a second in Hillsdale said to have been witnessed
by the civil defense director and ten other Hillsdale resi-
dents and to have appeared on radar at Willow Run. This
last claim has been denied by the Air Force.
In the now bulging .files of reports in Project Blue Book,
where the Air Force keeps records of all noteworthy sight-
ings, the flap in Michigan was given its pages of space and
the conclusion was typed in : Marsh gas. In the minds
of all Doubting Thomases, who believe nothing they don't
see themselves and have reservations about much they do,
the conclusion was engraved: Lunatics. But in the minds
of the more than 100 persons who saw one of the two ma-
jor sightings in Michigan the conclusion was more clearly
defined. "We know marsh gas and we know what we saw."
Their conclusion: Not one and the same.
The ranks of persons who have made sightings them-
selves and who are convinced they have seen objects that
cannot be written off as natural phenomena has now been
swelled by police officials, farmers, students, administra-
tors and business men in southeastern Michigan, several
of whom have said they know a cover-up when they see
one . . . and a runaround when they get it.
At same press confer-
ence, stemming from a nat-
ural state-wide curiosity,
Dr. Hynek identified
photo taken by Michigan
police officer as a
time exposure of the cre-
scent moon and of
planet Venus.
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United Press International Inc. All Rights Reserved. .
roved For Release 2001/04/0
Out There!
^ As you read this, powerful radio beams are flashing from
the Earth to Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. These two star
systems, light years across the vault of space, are believed to
contain intelligent beings capable of communicating with
The question remaining, is whether man is capable of
communicating with (or even recognizing) alien life forms,
even on his own planet. Still . . . as the radio messages
speed through space on the 21-centimeter band, gigantic
"ears" patiently listen for the reply some scientists are con-
vinced we must receive if we expect to survive as a species.
That's how crucial it is considered.
It works according to the following mathematical for-
mula :
l N=tpt~ljI .I .)
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~~ ?
` ?~r~~ 'ti
Z Apd-sc
k. 0
3p U-164? N %4,
desire to communicate with other civilizations."
Most of the great minds of human history believed that
the greater part of the universe is inhabited by intelligent
Life. Greek scientists and scholars as well as Egyptian
priests recognized the Earth and other planets of the solar
system as spheres moving in an eastward direction. Some-
where along the line man fell into the ignorance and super-
stition of the Dark Ages and forgot this knowledge. Appar-
ently there was more than one Dark Age.
When India reigned as one of the mightiest nations on
the planet, Hindus took it for granted that the billions of
Life forms (species, genera and phyla) on Earth were but a
tiny fraction of that which existed on far flung worlds orbit-
ing distant stars. Ancient China saw much the same sort of
universal picture. Between them, these two pristine cultures
have preserved the oldest records of man in existence.
It seems amazing that man was so philosophically ad-
vanced in such ancient times. The mere fact that any cul-
ture in those days could deduce the correct explanation for
the whiteness of the Milky Way is astonishing! There seems
to be more mystery about early man than any anthropologist
has guessed.
Thousands of years later, as we embark on tentative voy-
ages into space, we have some idea of the size, but very
little is known about the formation or function of the uni-
verse. Consider the Sun's retinue of planets stretching out
to Pluto (as far as we know). Light from the Sun, traveling
at 186,000 miles a second, takes about eight minutes to
reach the Earth. Pluto, the outermost known planet, receives
the Sun's light in about eight hours from the time photons
are radiated from its corona. The next nearest celestial ob-
ject is a star known as Alpha Centauri; it takes light from
In an early, real-life version of the TV series "Startrek,"
the National Academy of Sciences founded the Order of
the Dolphin in 1961 "to seek out and contact extraterres-
trial life forms." The Order regards its formula as the equa-
tion of existence. "N" stands for the number of civilizations
in our galaxy now capable of communicating with other
solar systems.
The expressions- to the right of N are exotic modifying
influences such as the rate at which new stars were being
formed when the solar system was born . . . the number
of staffs with a retinue of planets . . . the number of plan-
ets in the galaxy capable of supporting Life . . . the num-
ber of planets on which Life actually appears.. . . the
number of Life-bearing planets on which intelligent Life
has evolved, and finally, the most critical factor, "L-the
number of intelligent worlds that develop the ability and
the Sun 4.3 years to reach this star. It is 26 trillion miles
away, 272,000 times as far as Earth is from the Sun (93
million miles)!
Next, light traveling from one end of this vast aggregate
of stars, star clouds, interstellar dust, planets, comets and
possibly, quasars, to the other, takes 100,000 years.
From here we can move out across intergalactic space to
Andromeda, the nearest of billions of galaxies like our own
Milky Way. If you visualize the nearest galaxy reduced to a
tiny whirling disc of brilliance about the size of a dime,
then picture another dime-disc three feet from that, and an
entire series of dime-sized galaxies equidistantly spaced,
stretching for three miles in all directions, you'll have an
idea of the size of the (known) universe. It is probably only
a tiny fraction of the larger universe we are unable to see.
Oddly enough, all these galaxies are flying away from
each other at a steady rate. Viewed from inside any galaxy,
all other galaxies seem to be moving away, those on the
perimeter moving much faster than those nearest to you.
Some of these galaxies are flashing away at the speed of
light, some slower, some faster (relatively). Those moving
continued on next page
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Today the skies hold the challenge for adventurers that the seas held for our ancestors.
at light speed or faster are moving away at a greater velocity
than their light can speed back to us, therefore we will never
see their light. It naturally follows that galaxies exist be-
yond detection of any instruments man can devise.
Such "island universes" may contain hundreds of billions
of advanced planetary (and interplanetary or interstellar)
civilizations. But these galaxies are lost forever to each
other. By almost any measure the situation is paradoxical;
the loss is incomprehensible.
Returning inside the Milky Way galaxy to our own rela-
tively close planetary and stellar neighbors-and the Equa-
tion of Existence-it stands to reason by the simple law of
averages that if Mother Earth was able to nurture dinosaurs,
polar bears, eagles, whales, humans, elephants, microbes,
plankton and trees, crabs and kangaroos and armadillos,
then surely almost every celestial body is the home of some
form of Life. And one Life form will cause a whole ecology.
The experts who devised the Equation of Life claim that
each society of intelligent. beings has a certain life-span,
and a certain point in its history when its science and tech-
nology make it want to communicate with other worlds in
space. The seminar of extraterrestrial life at which the Or-
der of the Dolphin was founded suggested that Phase "L"
was either very short or very long-probably somewhere be-
tween a thousand years and a thousand million years!
If the "window in time" period is very short, Homo sa-
piens may be on the threshold of its most unique historical
period, a time much - shorter, say, than Egyptian history.
This period could determine when Earthmen are able and
eager to communicate with other civilizations. If the period
is excessively long, and our evolution continues as it has,
we're in for a truly halcyon' epoch..
But this "Renaissance" period could pass, claim the sci-
entists, and man could fade back into a new Dark Age-
or blow up the planet or the entire solar system in a nuclear
war. It is also conceivable that civilization -could come to a
grinding halt through- an unexpected, unforseen cosmic up-
heaval. According to Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky of "Worlds
In Collision" fame, this is precisely what happened to bring
down the final great Chinese, Indian and Egyptian dynas-
ties. Cosmic debris such as the immense cloud of rubble
that follows sixty degrees behind our Moon in its orbit, the
rings of Saturn, and the asteroid belt between Jupiter and
Mars, point up the evidence for prehistoric catastrophe on
an interplanetary scale. The immense craters of the Moon
and Mars can only have been formed by catastrophe, either
.natural or made by "intelligent" beings.
Assuming that such catastrophes could interrupt the
smooth flow of history, invention, science and technology,
how can we further sharpen our abilities to communicate
with alien races-if they exist?
Unfortunately, the magical Equation of Life excludes the
possibility of superintelligent Life, which could be billions
of years old! This is not a novel idea. Such intelligence
could have evolved long before the period during which the
experts tell us the Universe was born. The fact is that no
one, regardless of his credentials in any science, can state
this with any degree of certainty. Nothing in science can be
said with dogmatism. It is pure egotism on our part to as-
sume we will automatically be the "teachers" who send sig-
nals into space-to be eagerly grasped and used by "back-
ward" worlds to communicate with us.
The fact that we have thought of it indicates that other
worlds must also have conceived the idea; but so far we
have failed miserably to decipher even those mysterious
nearby "messages", emanating from Jupiter and Venus. No
one can say whether the radio waves (which could be arti-
ficial) contain any message for us. We should be equally
eager and ,, able .to speak an alien language as to have them
understand us.
No-leading scientist has openly declared the real possi-
bility that Earthmen may be so far down on the evolutionary
scale that we might be about as interesting to Outworlders
as viruses under a microscope are to an accountant or poli-
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Our egocentric Formula of Existence does not consider
the rational probability that long before the Earth came into
being large star-systems had already been in contact with
one another, perhaps even linked together in a great federa-
tion of worlds. If so, and their "window in time" is a very
long one, this federation could still exist, and probably
knows all about us. Anything is possible. The Life sciences
need less dogmatism and much more imagination.
Just as we can'only guess at the exact age of the universe,
we also cannot discount the possibility that powerful super-
intelligences far out in space are able to control their en-
vironment, their heredity-and therefore their destiny
. . . perhaps that of other species as well. Man exercises a
great influence over the flora and fauna of his own planet-
and expects to bring other worlds under his dominion in
the same manner. This could be a great mistake; we haven't
learned to control the by-products of our rapid world-wide
technological breakthrough. The Formula of Existence
might well include a new equation showing how many civ-
ilizations reaching up the scale of technological supremacy
had strangled to death in its own waste-products.
Although it is futile to dwell on negative aspects, great
benefits will be gained from a careful examination of the
"unfriendly argument" against the Equation of Existence
as it now stands.
In the past half century it has seemed astounding that
man might not be the only intelligent Life form in the uni-
verse. Now we have found another one-right here on
Earth. The dolphin. Today it seems incredible to deny that
great civilizations are spread all over the universe. Some
may actually await man's feeble efforts to break the bonds
of gravity and overcome the myriad problems in his attempts
to `contact Otherworld Intelligence, regardless of form. In
fact, some Intelligence could well be formless. Walter Sul-
ivan, the N.Y. Times' science editor, in his book, "We Are
Not Alone," reported the opinion in some scientific quar-
ters that we may have to deal with invisible clouds of "pure
intelligence" somewhere among the stars.
Russian scientists, as well as American, Japanese, German
and British have learned through radio astronomy that su-
percivilizations are signalling on every conceivable band of
the electro-magnetic spectrum, possibly on some we haven't
yet discovered.
From the depths of interstellar space beacons of incredible
power artificial radio emissions are bombarding us with a
series of messages no one has yet been able to decipher. The
fact we-can detect them puts us in the early advanced stage;
the fact that we cannot decipher them relegates us to a rela-
tively backward point in evolution. The species Homo sapiens
is analogous to one of its most regressive tribes, the aborigines
of New Guinea, who are oblivous to the myriad radio and
television signals flashing through their land en route to elec-
tronic pickup stations on the other side of the world.
It is simply astounding that one series of coded signals
from far off in the Galaxy are being transmitted in all di-
rections at once on a scale equivalent to millions of mega-
cycles. To our way of thinking, this is almost beyond belief
because it is more radio power than our own titanic, blazing
Sun is capable of emitting-even if it were multiplied scores
of times!
Can it be possible that these signals are the controlling
force for interstellar or intergalactic exploration parties? Is
it even conceivable that the so-called "flying saucers" are
mere remote (oh, how remote!) control devices?
These regularly-spaced, artificial emissions have been dis-
covered in the direction of Aries and Pegasus by the majority
of the world's radio astronomers. They may have originated
from far beyond these mighty constellations of star systems,
possibly from a fantastic galaxy millions of light years away.
At the very least, these supercivilizations, encompassing
entire solar systems like our own, are emanating "news"
that they exist! Image it! Whole constellations of stars
-star systems-radiating the most wonderful message in
mankind's recorded history. The logical implication is that
supremely evolved Intelligence of some kind is able to flash
messages across the void of space in the same way human
electricians are capable of synchronizing bulbs to blaze a
message to the throngs in Times Square.
Simply learning what that message is all about must be
worth every conceivable expense and effort mankind is able
to muster. The sheer volume of energy required to trans-
mit that message is almost incomprehensible to the terrestrial
mind-electromagnetic energy equivalent to controling
thousands of stars to flare on signal!
According to the most advanced rules of physics every-
thing we see and know is composed of light waves-elec-
tromagnetic energy "frozen" into what we consider solid
matter. This matter originally evolved from the condensing
clouds of ionized gases in the area surrounding the proto-
type solar system's gravity field. The atoms of this matter,
according to the Steady State theory of creation once held
by England's Dr. Fred Hoyle, were "created from nothing"
by a force or power whose nature scientists have not even
faintly understood.
Man, the still-evolving product of this creative process,
considers himself the highest product of evolution-capa-
ble of pure reason, free will, and control of his destiny. So
far, he has never explained or understood how it was possi-
ble for his microscopic antediluvian ancestors to separate
themselves from the millions of diverging Life forms in
prehistoric seas and "will" themselves into ecological mas-
tery of the planet.
Man, just as every other Life form in the created universe,
does not act so much as he is acted upon. The staggering
concept of Creation itself remains the real mystery. We can
fully expect to meet almost every variety of intelligent Life
that our science fiction writers have imagined since the time
of Kepler, Jules Verne and H. G. Wells. It is a virtual cer-
tainty that this inconceivably vast universe was created not
for us alone.
Is the Universe and all Life an accidental perpetual-mo-
tion "machine"-even to its sub-atomic particles? If so,
how is it that immutable laws govern every phase of exist-
ence? Can it be that the Universe is purposefully, intelli-
gently, perhaps benevolently conceived and directed?
The answers to such questions might finally resolve the
mystery of a new question currently plaguing some of the
top scientists of our space program:
"Is there intelligent Life on Earth?"
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if You Can't Sight "em
Coin 'em
An enterprising photographer on the
Miami News, Charles Trainor, dis-
appointed that he hadn't sighted a
UFO, decided to manufacture his
own. Enlisting the aid of his 13-year-
old son, he set up a saucerport in his
backyard; equipped it with dinner
plates, garbage can lids and the every
day garden variety. saucer. Young
Charlie skimmed the IFOs up in the
air while his father recorded their
flights on film, shooting at a slow
shutter speed to achieve the wanted
"fuzzy" look. Pleased with the re-
sults, Trainor introduced a fellow
photographer, Bob Bailey, to the new
sport and together they fabricated
their own flap over Biscayne Bay;
and again over Miami's skyline. If
you sighted any of these "paralyzers,"
call Mr. Trainor at the Miami News.
If you found the dinner plate that
plunged into Biscayne Bay, call Mrs.
Trainor. No rewards.
Start slowly, preferably on water's
edge; strong right arm helps;
firm grip on garbage lid handle.
Let 'er fly. Most dramatic effect can
be achieved by picking out good
props for background ... lighthouse, maybe.
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One that never came
back (R), Bloop over
Biscayne Bay.
And one that took hon-
ors as "most likely to
succeed" (below) as it
soars over palm trees
in authentic fashion.
Would you believe.... A
Martian staring through
porthole of his craft?
Unexpectedly eerie
image, not unlike fuz-
zy airplane figure, re-
sulted when IFO (gar-
bage lid) took flip in
mid-air, came in bot-
toms up for what the
saucer-makers consid-
er a Succes fou.
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R0001 00010002-9
^ "My God, I see the damn thing myself." This was the
incredulous explosion of an Exeter, N.H., patrolman who
had been sent out to investigate a red, pulsating "Thing"
that a young man claimed to have seen a few miles outside
of town on Route 150. The story of what the youth saw,
what others attested to, how the sighting affected the com-
munity and the attendant sightings in the area forms the
basis for John G. Fuller's Incident at Exeter (Putnam).
Mr. Fuller accepted no hearsay evidence in compiling the
material for his book. He interviewed everyone who had
been connected with the sightings, both believers and non-
believers; examined the evidence himself,. sought the advice
of authorities and developed some theories of his own; one
of which, the power-line theory, proved to have earlier ini-
tiators, and many supporters.
As Mr. Fuller was drawing to the close of his first-hand
investigation of the incident he encountered more and
more people who located the cite of the UFOs they had
seen as "Just over the high-power lines," or "coming in
above the transmission poles." The most vivid account was
"deep red cigar-shaped object
sped toward grotind, stopped
over power lines, extended
pipelike object to lines and
remained there several seconds
before withdrawing object
and speeding back to
cigar-shaped UFO.
Illustration by Norman i
for APRO
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that of a witness who described "a reddish-orange disc
(that) emerged apparently from inside the object and be-
gan a slow, erratic descent down toward the power lines.
As it reached a point within a quarter of a mile of them, it
leveled off, then moved over the wires until it reached a
point several hundred feet away. It then descended slowly
until it was only a few feet above the lines. Then a silvery
pipelike object came down from the base of the disc and
actually touched the lines, remaining there for a minute
or so." (Incident at Exeter).
The coincidence of power-blackouts with UFO sightings
had been too numerous over the years for investigators to
dismiss the relationship. Many of them had examined the
possibility that the UFOs were recharging from earth based
power sources. Whatever the ultimate truth is, there are a
remarkable number of sightings during the course of which
car radios, car motors, TV sets, city lights and, in some
instances, entire areas have been effected, to the extent of
total blackout.
NICAP drew attention to this unique feature of UFO
reports in The UFO Evidence and cited, as examples of the
frequent mentions of electrical failures that attach to sight-
ings, the many reports that came in during the November
1957 flap.
Levelland, Texas: Torpedo-shaped object made explo-
sive take-off from field passing over a truck. Truck lights and
engine failed.
Same date and location: Two grain combines failed and
seven separate reports of car motor and car light failure
were reported.
Ararangua, Brazil: Aircraft electrical equipment ef-
fected at same time pilot saw red light near plane.
Kodiak, Alaska: Police officer reported interference on
cruiser radio as he watched fiery red object trailing greenish-
yellow vapor pass over.
Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.: TV blackout as revolving UFO
was seen hovering in sky.
Santa Fe, N.M.: Humming UFO passed low over car;
engine, clock and wristwatch stopped.
Hammond, Ind.: TV blackout and report of interfer-
ence with cruiser radios as police chased "elongated beep-
ing object."
Lemmon, S.D.: Railroad phones and automatic block
system failed after UFO had followed train into railroad
The Air Force dismissed the suggestion of electromag-
netic interference and stated the number of "stallings" re-
ported by motorists was negligible. It may have been this
attitude that prompted the national press to steer away from
coverage of several power blackouts, locally attributed to the
presence of UFOs.
An example given little attention in the press but ap-
parently noted with more than passing interest by the Air
Force was chronicled in Frank Edwards' Flying Saucers-
Serious Business (Lyle Stuart). In this instance a glowing
object was sighted over Oneida, N.Y., traveling west, fast
and high. Radar established it was not meteor, not plane,
not missile. And the line of flight (East to West) es-
tablished it was not a satellite.
Listed as a UFO, it was tracked to Kansas then lost on
the radar screens as it headed northwest. It was later ac-
knowledged by an Air Force spokesman that a few minutes
later a power substation at Eureka, Utah ceased function,
ing and remained out of operation during 42 minutes that a
UFO sat down near the station. Jets from Stead AFB in
Reno and in Phoenix were sent up to intercept.
That same night there was a blinding flash in the sky,
70 miles south of Reno, so intense that the glare was seen
in five states. The jets were pursuing the object at the time
of the explosion over Nevada.
"Here was a case where flustered officials confirmed that
an object beyond their control had crossed most of the
United States, had landed beside a power station which re-
mained useless until the object took off, pursued by armed
interceptors. While under this pursuit, the object had ad-
mittedly exploded with a brilliance visible over five states."
Flying Saucers-Serious Business.
Nor has the most memorable of all blackouts gone un-
remarked by UFOlogists who are concerned with the in-
stances of UFO sightings coupled with power failures. On
November 9, 1965, 80,000 square miles of America was
plunged into darkness by the failure of the Northeast Power
Grid. -The magnitude of such a failure; its consequences
and its forbidding potential demanded and received in-
stant and thorough investigation and generated world-wide
puzzlement and requests for explanation.
Quick answers were given and as hastily retracted.
One early explanation was that a line break near Niag-
ara Falls was the cause. This proved not to be the case. The
blame switched to power lines near Clay, N.Y. They were
not at fault. Investigators turned their attention to trouble
in the Montezuma Marshes near Syracuse. Everything ship-
shape. Ultimately the cause was said to have been a mal-
functioning tripper at the Sir Adam Beck No. 2 plant, in
Canada. But authorities admit today that the real cause of
the disastrous blackout remains a mystery.
The utility companies, the Air Force and the press made
little mention of the reported UFO sighting that afternoon
of November 9. Two commercial airline pilots spotted two
disc-shaped objects flying over Pennsylvania. In pursuit
were two jets. At 4:30 p.m. a tremendous burst of speed
carried the UFOs out of sight. At 5:30 p.m. a brilliantly
glowing light was seen coming down over Syracuse, N.Y.
At that same time 36,000,000 people were plunged into
the Great Northeastern Blackout. Two huge fireballs were
reported by two sets of reliable witnesses at this same time;
one over the airport at Syracuse; the other above the power
lines leading to the generating plant at Niagara Falls.
NICAP has this later report on file. It is available to investi-
gators interested in pursuing all theories relative to the
November 1965 blackout. It has not been given serious
consideration by authorities who still are seeking the an-
swers. There have been other blackouts of sizeable conse-
quence. There have been attendant UFO sightings. The
theory may gain support.
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Photo taken by professional
draftsman, Hetia Aguilar,
on way to HQ,of Sixth?Mili-`
y ,Region in area called '
Piatan He took four
photos of strange object
performing looping
maneuuera over` ocean. Three
show" disc. shape, "blurred
sicrf ace. Fourth shows'
only,oapola."Photo, taken `!
April 24,19591from"Fiying
Saucer`s (Signet). " .
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Anatomy Of A What'zit
^ Unidentified aerial objects can come in many forms, a
variety of colors and can maneuver in myriad ways as has
been attested to by those who have witnessed the phenom-
ena. A frequently used description is "football-shaped,"
but this has strong contenders in "two saucers, lip to lip,"
and "mushroom-shaped." Some are cigar-shaped. Many ob-
servers have been impressed by the soundlessness of the
craft while others have mentioned buzzing or beeping
noises. There has been testimony to windowed craft and to
many without apparent openings.
The wide diversity in description has prompted some
skeptics to dismiss the lot as figments of the imagination.
It has prompted others to point out that not all interplane-
tary craft need be controlled by the same intelligence, or
released on the same mission. And serious students of
UFOs acknowledge that many sightings can indeed be
weather balloons, satellites, reflections, constellations and
/or commercial or private aircraft.
In the interests of establishing the many shapes, colors
and behaviour patterns in which the UFOs may show them-
selves this magazine has enlisted the services of its Day-
ton, Ohio, correspondent. He visited the offices of Project
Blue Book at Wright-Patterson Air-Force Base in Dayton,
Air Force headquarters for reports on thousands of UFO
sightings, under the direction of physicist Major Hector
Quintanilla. Here, given access to the nearly 11,000 reports
he made a selection of some of the more current sightings
that point up the numerous ways in which a UFO may
manifest itself. He has included the time and place of the
sightings, the type and number of persons who made it,
continued on next page
Over munitions plant in Rio de Janeiro.
Motionless in windy sky, reflecting lights from
plant. Took off at high speed. Dec. 9 195k.
Two unidentified flying objects (disc shape) in unretouched
photo, exposure one minute, over Buenos Aires, July 16,1965.
UPI photo.
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length of time it was observed, and the Air Force comment
on the sighting.
Time/place of sighting: August 16, 1966, at about
10: 45 p.m. CDT, of many parts of the north central
United States, including North Dakota and Wisconsin.
Duration: Undetermined, various.
Number of observers: Numerous.
Type of observers: Variety including airplane pilots.
Number of objects: One.
Observer reliability: Variable.
Shape: Various from funnel to moon-shaped to oval to
elongated V or boomerang shape.
Dimensions: Varying in size from that of a full
moon to that of a football field.
Color: Blue, green and red, whirling and changing
colors, turning to a definite blue-green as object came
closer. Also as a hazy green, luminous, bright as
the early morning sun and giving off so much light
it blinded one observer's eyes.
Sound: None
Altitude: Appeared to rise up from behind woods,
and to be a funnel extending down to the ground.
Filmed over Salem, Mass. Air Station and released by
U.S. Coast Guard, these strange objects were later
said by Air Force to be "natural phenomena".
Object was about 15,000 ft. high, moving in and out
of frontal cloud, emitting emerald green trajectory.
Had glowing diamond-shaped head. Taken near
Amarillo, Texas, in August, 1956.
Speed: To some observers object appeared to be
coming toward earth at tremendous rate of speed.
Pilot flying 190 miles an hour reported object keeping
pace with him.
Tactics: Witnesses reported variety of sightings.
To some there was basically no movement
as object slowly disappeared from ?view.
In another' instance the object dissolved into
streaks of light before vanishing.
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Comments: Project Blue Book concluded, that
it was the release of a barium cloud from an
upper atmospheric research rocket launched from
Fort Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, at
10:39 CDT.
The barium was released shortly before
the rocket reached 250 miles altitude.
Artificial cloud first appeared with a brilliant red
color followed by and ending with greenish-
Objective was to measure electric fields and winds
in upper atmosphere by photographing and tracking the
movement of the ionized barium clouds. The phenomena
was visible for several hours and for hundreds of miles,
depending on the altitude.
Project Blue Book said that as the cloud was
expanding it would have appeared to be approaching an
observer at a tremendous rate of speed. Being 600 miles
from the airplane sighting, it would have appeared to pace
the plane, officials said.
Time/Place of sighting: January 23, 1965 at
8:40 a.m. Williamsburg, Va.
Duration : 25 seconds.
Number of observers: Two
Silvery object with pipe-like projections, "like periscopes," was
description given of this object by 12-year-old Connecticut boy
who took the photo.
Type of observer: Male, 31. Other unknown.
Observer reliability: Unknown.
Shape: Like a mushroom or light bulb.
Dimensions : About 75 to 80 feet in height; 25 feet in
diameter at top; .10 feet at-bottom.
Color: Metallic gray with red-orange glow on near side and
blue glow on far side.
Sound: Similar to a vacuum cleaner.
Altitude: About four feet off ground.
Speed: Hovering, then moved off horizontally.
Tactics: Object was observed hovering for
about 25 seconds before it moved off horizontally
and disappeared.
Comment: Observer said he first noted the object after
his car stalled. He told an investigating officer he
thought the object was a solid object and thought it was
an air vehicle belonging to the Air Force. Another
witness said his car also stalled and he saw the object.
The Air Force says possible causes include mirage
and a descending weather balloon, but since no
conclusive evidence can establish the identity of the object
it is carried as unidentified.
Time/Place of Sighting: March 8, 1965 at
7:40 p.m. Mt. Airy, Md.
Duration: Three minutes.
Number of observers: Three
Type of observer: Instrument maker, 51;
his son, age unknown, and another boy.
Number of objects: Six.
Observer reliability: Unknown.
Shape: Three pairs of lights, like the tail fins of a
1958 Ford; like a flying wing, or a
dirigible or blimp sideways with three pairs
of red lights along it.
Dimensions: Size of a dirigible or blimp.
Color: Red lights, like a traffic signal.
Altitude: 100-500 feet.
Speed: About 20 miles an hour.
Sound: None.
Tactics: Six red lights estimated to be about
1200 feet away moving about 20 miles
an hour toward the northeast. in a straight
line toward hills two miles away. Observers
continued on next page
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Blow-up of one
panel of strip taken
in 1952 by Ralph
Mayher then a
marine stationed
in Miami, later news-
reel photographer .
for Ohio TV station.
Type of observers: Farmer, son, 12; daughter, 9.
Number of objects: Six.
Observer reliability: Unknown.
Shape: Undetermined.
Dimensions: Undetermined.
Color: Five bright and shiney objects; one copper
or red tinged.
Sound: None.
Altitude: Quite high.
Speed: Unknown. Appeared stationary or
virtually so.
Tactics: Three observers noticed a shiney object
directly overhead. While one looked at it through
Original film strip
(held by Air Force
officials) showed
small white objects. This
was described as 50 ft.
long and "ugly reddish
orange," by viewers.
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thought the objects were going to crash into the
hills but they went over instead and
disappeared over the horizon.
Comments : The Air Force says outstanding
factors in this sighting are very slow speed, the
floating sensation, and the extreme closeness,
yet lack of sound was reported. A portion
of the available data is characteristic of a
balloon with scientific payload or some type of
large glider. Attempts were made to put
either of the two in the area but to no
avail. The wind was out of the northwest
which also conflicts with an evaluation
of a balloon. With the existing data the
case is listed as unidentified by the Air Force.
Time/place of sighting: May 7, 1965, about
7:30 or 7:40 p.m., Oxford, Mich.
Duration: One minute.
Number of observers : Three.
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Two cavorting objects over Taormina, Sicily in 1954 were
said by some to be weather apparatus, by others: UFOs.
binoculars, the bright shiney object became two objects,
the latter of which was copper or red tinged in color.
Shortly thereafter, the bright shiney object gave off three
other shiney but smaller objects.
A fourth shiney object was observed further out into
space and above the rest. All six started fading very
gradually but the large shiney object and the red tinged
object stayed in proximity to each other while the other
four strung out and gradually faded. The red tinged object
looked like it was tumbling.
Comments: The observer thought it must be a Sputnik
type vehicle since it looked to be quite high and no
noise could be heard. He thought he had seen multiple
spring-released satellites.
The Air Force says from the available
data a definite explanation is not possible. The case
is carried as unidentified.
M, 0
These unexplained disc shapes turned up on negative an
industrial photographer took of Ohio steel plant in 1957.
Early flying saucers?
continued on next page
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One of several shots of object 30 ft. in diameter, 8 ft. thick, taken by highway inves-
tigator in California who is no believer in flying saucers, swears to its authenticity.
Time/place of sighting: July 6, 1965, 9:30 p.m., Kiel,
Duration: Less than a minute.
Number of observers: One.
Type of observer: Woman.
Number of objects: One.
Observer reliability: Unknown.
Shape: Object like a shooting star.
Dimensions: Undetermined, comparable to a star.
Color: Flashing light, about one per second.
Sound: None.
Altitude: Unknown, but high.
Speed: Traversed entire sky from west to
quite low in the east in less than a minute.
Tactics : Echo I was visible in the sky at this time
and the object moved in orbit across the
sky, passing Echo as it crossed the zenith.
Its size was comparable with a star and it was
pulsating as though somebody was turning
a flashlight on and off. Sky was very clear.
Comments : Due to reported data a meteor and balloon
is completely ruled out. The observer was positive there
was no moon, but at 9:30 p.m. the moon, being at first
quarter, should have been in the southwest. The observer
was positive that the object was not an aircraft because
she can definitely identify such.
Due to the available information, the case is
carried as unidentified by the Air Force. A satellite is
a logical explanation; however, the available data does
not warrant such an explanation, the Air Force said.
Time/place of sighting: August 4, 1965,
shortly after midnight, Tinley Park, Ill.
Duration: 16-17 seconds.
Number of observers : Two.
Type of observers: Students, 14.
Number of objects: One.
Observer reliability: Good for one, an amateur
astronomer; other unknown.
Shape: Unknown.
Dimensions: Unknown.
.52 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100010002-9
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Color: White light, like a star, turning red
after about 10 seconds.
Sound: None.
Altitude: Unknown.
Speed: Angular rate 2-4 degrees per second.
Tactics : The observers were viewing the stars
through a telescope when all of a sudden
the object popped into view like a lightning
bug. It turned or had a slight zig-zag motion and
disappeared after 1617 seconds.
Comment: The case is carried as unidentified,
the Air Force says, since it is not presently
explainable in terms of a meteor or any
other plausible explanation.
Time/place of sighting: September 3, 1965,
about 11 p.m. three miles south of Damon, Texas.
Duration: Several minutes.
Number of observers : Two.
Type of observers: Deputy sheriffs.
Number of objects: One. -
Observer reliability: Unknown, probably good.
Shape: Triangular shaped object with a
bright purple light on left end and smaller, less
bright blue light on right end.
Dimensions: About 200 feet wide and 40-50
feet thick in the middle, tapering off toward
both ends.
Color : Dark gray.
Altitude: About 100 feet.
Speed: Rapid.
Sound: None.
Tactics: Object was first spotted on the horizon. as a
bright purple light about five or six miles away. A blue
light appeared out of the purple light. The observers
tried to get closer to the lights, then slowed almost to a stop
to make another observation through binoculars. The lights
then started coming toward the witness at rapid speed.
The object came up to a pasture next to the highway
about 150 feet away. Bright light illuminated the
ground, highway, and interior of the patrol car and one
observer felt heat.
As observers headed back toward Damon the object
appeared to remain in the same position for about ten
seconds then moved off in direction originally seen
at high speed. Arriving at original position, it went
straight up in the. air and disappeared.
It was spotted again later by same witnesses at the
same place. They left the scene because they figured the
object would start moving toward them again.
Comment: The Air Force says at time of
sighting Antares was setting and could have been
continued on next page
Interest in UFOs prompted
several persons in
Tallahassee, Fla., to
phone the weather bureau
when this mystery
blotch appeared for
two nights, in 1965. It
hung over city for
half-an-hour each time,
then faded away.
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distorted by an inversion. The fact that
the object disappeared by shooting up 90
degrees into the air makes this case
unidentified since such an abrupt change in
position prevents an astronomical explanation.
No airplane traffic or radar sightings were reported
in the area at the time.
Time/place of sighting: September 25, 1965,
at about 8 p.m., nine and a half miles
northeast of Rodeo, New Mexico.
Duration: More than five minutes.
Number of observers: Two.
Type of observer: Chemist (Ph.D.), 51; wife, 47.
Number of objects: Two.
Observer reliability: Unknown.
Shape: Lights.
Dimensions : Unknown.
Color: White light changing to a light blue.
Sound: None.
Altitude: 30-50 feet above terrain.
Speed: Up to 80 miles an hour.
Tactics: Object first appeared moving westward
on an intersecting course with the observer's
northbound automobile. Two lights were at
an estimated angular separation of one
to two degrees.
Driver and wife first thought it was
another auto, but as they approached he saw
the objects were at altitude of 30-50 feet.
He then thought that it was a small
airplane and fearing a possible collision, he
accelerated up to 80 miles an hour to
pull ahead.
The objects remained with the car for about
two minutes, then began to move to the rear,
changing color to light blue, and finally
faded from sight about three minutes after
they began to drop back.
Comment: The Air Force says a check was
made and there were no aircraft in the
area at the time of the observation.
The motion of the objects tends to rule
out the possibility of the sighting being a
reflection or mirage of ground lights.
The case remains unidentified since no
substantial evidence is available that can
offer an explanation, the Air Force says.
These sample sightings are representative of reports sub-
mitted to Project Blue Book and are similar to those sub-
mitted to two of the most reliable privately operated or-
ganizations devoted to the investigation of and research
on aerial phenomena, NICAP and APRO.
The U.S. Air Force, in a Project Blue Book Special
Report released in 1955, concluded that data on hand at
that time failed to suggest any marked trend or to add up
to any general model of design.
Statistics compiled on 575 cases between the years
1942-1963 by NICAP, however, showed that 58. per cent
of the sighters mentioned geometric design (disc, ellipse,
triangle, etc.) Of these, 26 per cent were disc shaped. In
these instances it was not uncommon for the object to be
likened to Saturn and a frequent phrase used to designate
the shape was "two saucers, lip to lip."
In the reports to which we have had access, the colors
mentioned ranged from silvery-white (predominant in
daylight sightings) through every color in the spectrum,
with red, changing to green, cropping up frequently on
those occasions in which persons had witnessed night time
We make no claims for this one. It is
a deliberate gag, popular sport
of photographers. For How-to, see
picture story in this issue, pages 42-3.
In the clearly annotated listings provided by
The UFO Evidence, published by that organization in
1964, one is struck by-the similarities that occur in the
descriptions of tactics. Viewers mention "hover" often and
"wobbling." The majority were impressed by the accelera-
tion of the objects. Such comments as: "disappeared in
seconds . . . climbed straight up at terrific speed . . .
streaked away . . . shot away at sharp angle," checker the
reports of both ground and air witnesses.
Air Force pilots remarked about the astounding maneu-
verability of UFOs they had encountered. "After 10 or 15
seconds it made approximately a right angle turn," was one
statement, ending with "the speed was faster than an air-
plane, slower than a meteor." In another encounter, this in
1948 in Maryland, the pilot had closed in to check on an
odd light over Andrews Air Force Base, reported the light
"began to take violent evasive action," turning so sharply
that he (the "pilot) couldn't turn with it.
Several of the pilots who have had these encounters are
convinced that they have met with radio controlled missiles,
basing their beliefs on the fact that the UFOs, though ap-
parently reconnoitering, had no visible motors, guns or
windows and gave off no smoke or fire.
54 -
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These basic shapes, generalized from hundreds of UFO reports, represent with reasonable accuracy
virtually all UFOs that have been reliably described in detail. Extraneous details (portholes, pro-
jections, body lights, etc.) have been eliminated. Examples of each type appear in left-hand column.
This information and the chart reprinted from
The UFO Evidence, with permission of NICAP
A 6
A. 10-54 Cox
7-2-52 Newhouse
B. 7-9-47 Johnson
7-14-52 Nash
'lens- `~Coin-
shaped' like"
A. 9-21-58 Fitzgerald
4-24-62 Gasslein
B. 5-11-50 Trent
World War I
8-7-52 Jansen
A. 10-4-54 Salandin
? ~~
Saturn -shaped
1-16-58 Trlndade
10-2-61 Harris
B. 8-20-56 6 Moore
elliptical or'winged oval'
9-24-59 Redmond
1-21-61 Pulliam
2-7-61 Walley
N ?
`half moon'
10-1-48 Gorman
4-27-50 Adlckes
10-9-51 C.A.A.
with peak
SPHERICAL (Circular fro
all angles)
3-45 Delarof
1-20-52 Baller
12-61 Edwards
ball of
slowing light
nnatallic-a pearin ball
12-20-58 Arboreen
57 L
8-13-60 Carson
5-7-56 G.O.C.
5-22-60 Majorca
CYLINDRICAL Rocket- like)
8-1-46 Puckett
7-23-48 Chiles
"cigar- shaped'
ike' or *PIgtn*t- like'
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The inverted V that came up so
sharply on the exposed negatives
shot by Carl Hart, Jr., revealed
many puzzling features. Each cir-
cular shape was near a pinpoint
source of light. The objects came
out on film far brighter than the
stars that studded the clear sky.
Yet to the naked eye they had ap-
peared to be soft in their glow.
A blow-up of the films that aroused
nationwide interest after they were
witnessed and photographed in the
Lubbock, Texas area, indicated that
the formation "shifted positions ac-
cording to a definite pattern." There
seemed good reason for UFO re-
searchists and Air Force personnel
to take great interest at the time,
which was late August, 1951.
? Nobody gives much weight to the argument "I saw it in
print, so it must be true." The grounds are equally shakey
for accepting the hypothesis "I saw a photograph, so 'l know
it's true." Falsification of prints, tampering with negatives
and photos of deliberate hoaxes glut the files of research or-
ganizations whose main concern with them is to identify
them for what they are so that the serious UFOlogist will
not be hoodwinked. Less serious organizations, directing
their product to the entertainment rather than enlighten-
ment of their readers, will publish such photos to titilate
an eager and gullible audience.
Along with photos established definitely as fakes or as
honest mistakes in identification by the photographers, are
the rare examples of officially recorded "unexplained aerial
phenomena;" photos that have been analyzed and evaluated
by irrefutable authorities and declared to be genuine.
These are the photos that have introduced an element of
doubt in the minds of scientists, reporters, publishers, engi-
neers, pilots and researchists once dedicated to the premise
that interplanetary craft could not exist.
The photos on this and the following four pages are de-
voted to examples, most of which fall into this category.
On the left are two, taken by the same man. Their his-
tory illustrates the frustration with which a serious pho-
tographer, who captures on film a "thing" which no one can
explain, is often confronted. These shots are two of five that
were taken at the time of the now famous Lubbock Lights
incident in Texas in August, 1951.
The lights first were witnessed by men of such high pro-
fessional status that their reports promptly generated re-
sponse and official recognition from UFO researchists and
Air Force personnel. The sighters were four university pro-
fessors, one of geology, one of chemical engineering, one of
physics and the fourth the head of the petroleum engineer-
ing department.
What they saw on the night of August 2 5 was a formation
of some 15 to 30 bluish-green lights, traveling in semi-cir-
cular fashion from north to south. An hour later, the lights
were back, but this time in no particular pattern. During
the course of the next several days, the professors watched,
examined and recorded twelve different sightings of these
objects, sometimes three in a single night.
The same lights were seen by hundreds of other people
in the area during the next two weeks and the newspapers
were full of stories on the sky show.
It was to be expected that photographers, both profes-
sional and amateur, would be on the scout for a shot at the
"things." One of the latter who was, was a Texas Tech
freshman, Carl Hart, Jr., who, on the hot summer night of
August 31, had pulled his bed close to.the window for
some relief from the heat. The position provided him with
an excellent view of the clear sky. Before long he saw a
formation of lights appear to the north. The lights disap-
peared, but word that these objects were inclined to reap-
pear had spread throughout the area and Hart, hoping such
would be the case in this instance, set the lens of his Kodak
35 at f3.5 and one tenth second and went out into the
back yard.'
The lights did come back. Hart took two'photographs.
They returned a third time, and this time he got three
shots. He later was to describe the same blue-green lights
as had been seen by the professors, but. in Hart's sighting,
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they were grouped in a perfect V. The image that came up
on the developed negatives was sufficiently strong to inter-
est the local newspaper and the photographs were published.
These, coupled with the credibility of the original sight-
ers, was sufficient basis for the Air Force to investigate the
incident thoroughly and Edward Ruppelt was to report later
in his Report On Unidentified Flying Objects the extent
of that exhaustive investigation which got underway with
his own examination of Hart's negatives that he then sub-
mitted to the Photo Reconnaissance Laboratory at Wright
The negatives, soiled from excessive handling
and scratched by dust particles, showed the images of
light in inverted V-formation, blurred from camera mo-
tion, circular in shape, each near a pinpoint source of light.
Enlarged, the blow-ups showed that "the individual lights in
the formation shifted positions according to a definite pat-
tern." (The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, Rup-
pelt. Doubleday). The film also showed that the lights were
considerably brighter than the stars, or, at least, had more
effect on the film. The discrepancy in the "soft, glowing
lights" reported'by the professors and the intensity of those
exposed on the film was puzzling. The Air Force photo lab
was asked if there could be an explanation for something
that was dim to the eye but came up bright on film. Their
answer, Ruppelt reports, was "a light source which had a
color far over in the red end of the spectrum, bordering on
infrared" . . . such as might be produced by extremely
high temperatures. They concluded their explanation with
"We have nothing in this world that flies that appears dim
to the eye yet will show bright on film."
Ruppelt's own report to the press was "The photos were
never proved to be a hoax, but neither were they proved to
be genuine." He concluded his own summation with "There
is no definite answer."
There is no definite answer to many photographs that
have been submitted as evidence of UFOs, but there is a
steadily developing body of opinion that natural phenom-
ena, weather conditions, reflections and hoaxes cannot be
responsible for all of the photos that are submitted in verifi-
cation of sightings that have been made. Frequently pho-
tographers film aerial phenomena in one section of a state
with no knowledge at the time that the same objects are
being viewed by witnesses in another section of the same
or neighboring states.
In many instances, photographers, well aware that their
photos are genuine, are reluctant to submit the prints for
publication because of the ridicule and charges of fakery
that attach to such claims.
It is unfortunate that men and women of established
integrity are loath to announce themselves since it is only-
through the-cooperative efforts of sighters, photographers,
researchists and scientists that the complete answers will
As enthusiasm and acceptance continue to spread
among the more responsible element of our society, it is
logical to assume that more and more people will willingly
contribute their names and their knowledge to reports and
photos of UFO sightings. And in the interest of those de-
voted to intelligent. research, a pox on anyone who par-
ticipates in a hoax.
continued on next page
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Recorded by NICAP as among
"clearest UFO photographs on record,"
this shows one of the two
genuine shots achieved by Paul
Trent of the unidentified aerial
object that winged over his
J arm in McMinnville, Oregon
in June, 1950. Photo shows super-
structure on disc.
Original is color
polaroid that clearly
reveals reflection
from pink-roofed
tower, lower left.
Photo was taken
in April, 1966 in
Melbourne, Aus-
tralia and released
to APRO.
Photo (r.) shot in 1956
by 15-year-old
boy in California is
considered "dubious"
since object is not
completely in frame
of picture and may
not be free fly-
ing. Youth ex-
plained he was prac-
ticing with new
camera, saw object
out of corner of eye.
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These two photos were taken by
an amateur photographer in
Pennsylvania of flying saucer that
reportedly flew over his farm
near Kutztown in July, 1952.
The one on the left was shot as
the object headed directly for
camerman; on the right, as it
soared away. Photos, retouched,
were taken with 35 mm camera.
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A California photographer and two friends
claim they spotted this flying saucer
on a mountain road near Riverside in 1951.
Object was traveling at tremendous
speed, but they suspected it would reappear
and readied the camera. They reportedly
snapped photo (below) shown with
enlargement (right) on its return trip.
Brilliant cigar-shaped
object was sighted
and photographed by a
government nurse in
mid-October, 1957
near White Sands Prov-
ing Grounds, N.M.
APRO's photo analyst
was struck by in-
tensity of light given
off by object as
opposed to clouds.
continued on next page
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100010002-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100010002-9
^ In early May, 1952, a Brazilian magazine, 0 Cruziero,
sent journalist Joao Martins and photographer, Ed Keffel,
on routine assignment to the Barra Da Tijuca area near
Rio de Janeiro. Late that afternoon (from information re-
leased by The APRO Bulletin) Martins spotted what he
thought to be an airplane traveling at great speed. As it
neared, he saw the configuration was not that of any known
craft. He yelled to Keffel, "Shoot it!" Keffel focused his Rol-
leiflex on the object and in the next 60 seconds got off this
series of five remarkable photographs. Some critics have
speed toward Barra Da Tijuca,
then called to Keffel: "What
the hell is it?" Keffel
recorded what they saw.
At 4:30 p.m., Martins got his
first look at what he
thought to be a conventional
aircraft. He watched it
moving in at terrific
Coming in closer, object .tilted
slightly upward, giving
both journalist and cameraman
a tantalizing peek at
the underside. The disc was
moving at high speed.
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100010002-9
pointed out that shadows on the ground fail to coincide with
shadows on object in one photograph. But, as APRO brings
to the attention of its audience, Lieutenant Colonel Hughes,
U.S. Air attache to the American Embassy at Rio has
pronounced them authentic and APRO's Brazilian investi-
gator Dr. Olavo Fontes pronounces these photos "The most
sensational photographic sequence of a flying disc ever seen,"
and backs his pronouncement up with official documents
from the Brazilian Air Force files. (APRO Special Report
No. 1., October, 1961.) Photos Flying Saucers, (Signet)
CIA-R2P81 R00560R000100010002-9
Keffel was moving at high speed,
too. All five of these photos were
shot within 60 frantic seconds. This,
the third, shows much more clearly
defined bottom of disc
as. it moved in on deep tilt toward
the two men on
the ground.
The fourth shot caught the disc at its nearest observation
point when it tilted topside toward Keffel, enabling
him to get clear shot of top with clearly visible "cupola."
Then, at what was estimated to be 1200 feet away and a
height /of 1800 feet, it accelerated rapidly and disappeared.
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100010002-9
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