Approved For Release 2004/03/23 : CIA-RDP62-01094R000400020007-6
SUBJECT: Inspector General's Survey of the Soviet Republics
Division, Deputy Director for Plans
1. The attached report summarizes the :esults of the
Inspector General's survey of the Soviet Republics Division,
DD/P, and is submitted for your consideration.
In general, this inspection concludes that to attack in
every way possible the Agency's most important intelligence
target--the Soviet Union--there must be in the Clandestine
Services a single component dedicated to this task. The Soviet
Republics Division (SR), in the main, is pursuing its operational
objectives aggressively, but at times not too effectively, largely
because of the numerous encumbrances and limitations imposed on
the Division. This survey has noted the major problems believed
to be serious impediments to the conduct of operations against
the USSR. Corrective action is proposed in this report in the
form of specific recommendations for your approval.
3. Also attached is a memorandum of transmittal to the
DD/P for your signature requesting that he provide you with his
comments on the survey no later than 1 Sept' 1956.
Lyman Kirkpatrick
Inspector General
Subject Survey - TS-158444
Cy. 1 w atchmrt - Addressee
Cy. 2 w/atchmt - DDCI
Cy. 3 w/atchmt - DD/P
Cy. 4 w/atchmt - SR Division via DD/P
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Page No.
I. PURPOSE$ SCOPE AND Sf7I~+1ARY........ ........................ ^1
II. RECCMKKNDATIONS ........................................... 8
III. NATIONAL POLICY DIRECTIVES ................................ 16
A. Pertinent Directives .................................. 16
Be Critique .............................................. 17
C. Implementation and Coordination ....................... 18
IV. DIVISION'S RESPONSIBILITIES ............................... 211.
A. Origin of SR Division ................................. 24+
Be Present Mission and Functions ......................... 28
Co Platys ................................................. 33,
V. IN1ELLIGENCE PRODUCT AND SUPPORT .......................... 33
A. scope ................................................. 33
Be Reports, Requirements and Evaluations*.*...,,,**,***** 34
C. Operational Intelligence Support ...................... 45
We OPERATIONS ................................................ 48
A. Operational Objectives and Tasks... ................... 48
Be Foreign Intelligence .................................. 52
1. General................... .... .................... 52
2. ogram .................................... 53
3. trogram ................................... 61
4. ogram .................................... 65
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C. Counterespionage........,,,,,,,,, .................. 71
1. Aims and Responsibilities...... ............... 71
2. support............................,.......... 73
3. Operations .................................... 79
Organization ...................................... 96
B. Reorganization............. ....................... 99
C. Management and Administration.* ........ ........... 100
1. General ....................................... 100
2. Personnel ..................................... 101
3. Budget and Finance ............................ 103
4+. Logistics ..................................... 105
5. Message Center ................................ 107
6. Career Development ............................ 109
Approved For Release 2004/03/23 : CIA-RDP62-01094R000400020007-6
Approved For Release 2004/03/ hJCI~ I F , 01094R000400020007-6
A. This report is based on a comprehensive inspection of the Soviet
Republics Division (SR) at Headquarters and a selective inspection of SR
activities overseas at the
and the 25X1
This inspection also
included discussions with personnel in the area divisions and senior
staffs on matters related to SR Division's operations and inter-relations with
all components in the Clandestine Services.
B. Within the limits set forth above, the purposes of this survey,
have been: (1) to appraise the adequacy of national policy directives
with respect to the conduct of clandestine operations against the
USSR; (2) to examine what impediments to SR operations have resulted
from the continued inability of the Clandestine Services to produce
a statement of the mission and functions for SR Division or to issue
specific regulations detailing SR operational responsibilities and
procedures; (3) to evaluate the Division's intelligence product and
the effectiveness of its intelligence support activities; (4) to assess
SR's operational endeavors in the fields of foreign intelligence (FI),
counterespionage (CE), political
paramilitary (PM),
(5) to
determine the effectiveness of SR's organization, management, and
C. The historical development of SR Division since 1947 leads to
the firm conviction that the Clandestine Services must have a single
unit for Russian operations if this Agency is to attack aggressively
its most important target. SR Division should be dedicated to the
Approved For Release 2004/03/23 : C!A-R62-01094R000400020007-6
Approved For Release 2004II 3 tMEr2-01094RO00400020007-6
immediate aim of developing a group of experienced officers capable of
planning and directing all types of operations against the USSR and its
external installations.
D. Despite the admitted importance of its target, SR Division has
not been provided, as of the date of this survey, an authoritative
statement of its mission and functions. The inability of the
Clandestine Services to agree on an "SR charter" in more than a year
devoted to the task is one of the major deficiencies noted during this
inspection and has proved to be the single most illuminating aspect
of this report in terms of identifying SR's most pressing organizational
and functional problems.
E. The Division's failure to revise quickly and adequately its
basic operational objectives is also serious. Over the past five years
SR's published operational programs have changed little in substance
or even in phrasing. The latest version ("Operational Program revised
for FY 1957--initial FY 1958") lacks imaginative thinking in its
preparation and does not reflect the changes which have been taking
place in Soviet internal and foreign policies and which are largely
responsible for provoking neutralist developments among the free world
nations. The Chief of the SR Division has been aware of this and has
required that his staff begin a review and make specific recommendations
on the basic principles and plans for attacking the Soviet target. This
effort was begun in September 1955 and is still unfinished. The
importance of the task should require that this project be given a
high priority.
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International Boundary
Union Republic (SSR)
Autonomous Republic IASSR)
1. R.SF.S.R
2, Karelo-Finnish S.S.R.
3. Estonian S, S. R.
4. Latvian S.S.R.
5. Lithuanian S.S.R.
6. White Russian S.S.R.
7. Ukrainian SS. R.
8. Moldavian S.S.R.
9. Georgian S.S.R.
10. Armenian S.S.R.
11. Azerbaydzhan S.S.R.
12. Kazakh S.S.R.
13. Uzbek S.S.R.
14. Turkmen S.S.R.
15. Tadzhik S.S.R.
16 Kirgiz S.S R
A. Komi ASSR
B. Udmurtskaye ASSR
C. Marryskaya ASSR
D. Chuvashskaya ASSR
E MordanMya ASSR
F. Tatarskaya ASSR
G. Bashkirskaya ASSR
H. Degesaenskeye ASSR
J. Severo-Osetinskaya ASSR
K. Kabardinskaya ASSR
L Abkhezskaya ASSR
M. Adzharskaya ASSR
N. Nakhichevanskaya ASSR
0. Kara-Kalpakskaya ASSR
P. BuryahMongol'skaya ASSR
Q. Yakutskaya ASSR
Rciites taken by' ro'itine trnve'crs.
:utes of oi..ixs in joint sh~rrina rroimts.
Some boond.nes shown on this map a,e de facto
bound.res (1949), not necessnily mcognised as deIinitine
by the United States Go eminent; the United States
Govc mnent has not mcognized the inmrpo scion of
Estony. Latvw end Lithe.. it. the Sovet Union.
Total number of routine REO51F_h1' travellers.
fr.e ?] 7 to?li nCe service3. (2O0 with one ?Frvice '1Cne) "'^ C~N'n
T"at ' rumuer of reside-t fl2ents (canes cut once a year).
' of Dumber of trained RE.T17"7'I :.vents in o-nt Troiects
wit'r irdienous friendly intelli>rence services.
. ., Vr,,j- 1U.111 )C.1 vol. y.t1A Wl l'.1Y111Utit .t' ..)J. L.i.., CLil j W1. L,Ii .L 1!il J,_~Gt1.'U.5
"tn.l ^.urhe~r P e t irosw:
.. o =o,.nfi- s'~ x^,in~ ;rroi?cts sh~rerl r.~ h. t ~ n 3.,arv;oe.:.
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