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Approved For Re se 2007/03/28: CIA-RDP82-00400R 300040031-6 CONFIDENTIAL 12 March 1956 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS THIRD ANNUAL REPORT I. Authority The Committee is composed of representatives of the IAC agencies and can invite other interested agencies to sit w' n matters which concern them. 25X1 II. Organization Three subcommittees have been established which comprehend in general the responsibilities separately identified in the Directive and which are listed below. III. Responsibilities, Accomplishments and Objectives -; a p c on o ie has been postponed until Spring, 1956. b. I rovements and expansion of procurement f ci iting 2. Projects Completed; a. Compilation of the Union List of USSR Serial Publications was substantially completed save for a considerable number of USSR periodical and newspaper titles which either appeared initially or reap- peared after a long absence during 1955. To incorporate such titles, + ' f 4- 1. ub1i .Y .9 Cairo, Djakarta, and London. Justification for such positions and c andi- dates suitable for filling them were submitted. The Department of State has guaranteed the reestablishment of the PPO positions at least at Cairo and London with the beginning of FY 57. uring 19 , discussions centered about Tor Publication Procurement Officer (PPO) positions at Tok o State Dept. revievAFROMPgr Release 2007/03/28 : c[A- DRDPB2-G040OR000300040031-6 Approved For Rase 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP82-0040ORGW00040031-6 CONFIDENTIAL The use of personnel on TIDY at particular posts, although not entirely satisfactory, has been of value to the PPO program and in areas such as and Southeast Asia might prove IZ beneficial. a- Apart from staffing problems, the largest single obstacle encountered in field procurement remains the varied clerical tasks which encumber the intelligence operations of the PPO. During 1955, moderate success was obtained in reducing this load by transferring to `Washington the book accessioning and accounting tasks of PPO;s Moscow, Paris, and Hong Kong. The transfer of such functions permitted PPOts to spend more time on the selective acquisition of required publications. As a result of the early summer trip of Mr. George Pope, Chief, IAD/State to Europe, expansion of the Iberian Peninsula procurement program and of increased procurement in Rome, Athens, and Bern were implemented. The senior PPO's of the areas concerned, i.e., Paris and Berlin, were instructed to develop contacts with local book dealers and engage their cooperation in bringing to the attention of local Mission representatives information on publications of potential interest to Washington. This program is still in the formative stage. c. Efforts to coordinate requirements in Washington and collection in the field have continued. Accomplishments in coordinating requirements and collection by action of member agencies unilaterally 25X1 or jointly include: (4) The development of cooperative schemes for obtaining Sino-Soviet Bloc publications via informal exchanges through foreign academic research organizations is progressing rapidly. The New Delhi, Berlin, Paris and Tokyo PPOts have made contributions worthy of note. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP82-0040OR000300040031-6 - 2- Approved For F ase 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP82-004008 0300040031-6 CONFIDEN TIAL (6) USIA initiated the utilization of its overseas resources to provide information on publication availability abroad. The USIS personnel do not procure materials, 3. Projects Planned a. To reexamine the advantages and disadvantages in having a procurement program in the light o the successes of the past year, as recited above. 25X1 b. To continue to study the possibility of a single fund concept for serial subscriptions and book and monograph purchase at Embassy Moscow for all agencies. If successful at Moscow, similar procedures would be studied for other posts. c. To determine further advantages in the exchange program in line with accomplishments reported in paragraph III.2.c.(4) above. d. USIA will continue its efforts in utilizing its overseas resources to provide information on the availability of published materials in foreign posts. 2. Projects Completed a. The second review of the foreign language publication exploitation program gave special attention to; Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : cJ NRjh1NP1M00R000300040031-6 Approved For Rase 2007/03/2$eig R 00400RQP300040031-6 This review resulted in refinement of the program. EEecommen- dations of the members included the publication of 13 periodical reports containing unique information of walue to the community. b. The Exploitation Subcommittee has examined the subject of translation service facilities and needs of the IAC agencies, and finds th:~~X1 (1) the Department of State has no established translation service facilities for the support (2) the Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and the National Security Agency have established internal translation services. Their needs in this field are being met by current arrangements and these agencies recommend no change. (3) the United States Information Agency (USIA) has no established translation service facilities within its agency but depends heavily upon State However, because of the volume of translation service and Me -necessity for speed, USIA must frequently contract with private citizens for such services. It is therefore found that the establishment of a central translation service is neither desirable nor advisable at this time, c. Two years of operation of the exploitation subcommittee have brought the objectives of the group more clearly into focus. As a result, a restatement of these objectives was made and approved by the parent committee* d. The transliteration practices of member agencies were reviewed. e. Standardization of Chinese Communist terminology was examined by a Working Group. The report is now under review by the Subcommittee. 3. Projects Planned a. A third review of the exploitation program is currently under way for the Sino-Soviet Bloc and the third review of the exploitation of non-Communist area publications will follow. The objectives of this review are: (1) To determine as precisely as possible the priority needs of the various agencies using these criteriaa Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIAr)RDP82-00400R000300040031-6 CONFIDEN TIAL Approved For Rase 2007/03/28 2W$I66400RQ0 03 00040031-6 several agencies. (b) The needs for the same or similar information by (c) The suitability of available foreign language publications to meet these needs. (2) To determine precisely what needs of the respective agencies cannot be met by existing facilities. (4) To report in detail to the Advisory Committee with recommendations as to how foreign language publications. not now exploited, C. IFERENCE 2. Accomplishments; a. Inter-agency study of possible new systems for processing and retrieval by subject of all categories of intelligence source materials, including foreign language publications, culminated in May 1955 in the establishment by the IAC of an ad hoc Subcomiriittee on Information Process- ing (AHIP) to coordinate future developments in this field. Membership in the new subcommittee coincided with that of the Reference Subcommittee, both as to Agency and in most instances as to personal representation. As a result, a number of topics were taken up by AHIP which, previously, had been discussed by the Reference Subcommittee, or which would, in the absence of AHIP, have fallen to this group. Among these topics were the following: (2) Adoption of a common IAC inter-library loan form. (3) Development of an IAC-wide document processing system in anticipation of Minicard. -5- Approved For Release 2007/03V. TF IDANRII P82-00400R000300040031-6 CUNFID.V TIAL Approved For Rase 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP82-00400Ri00040031-6 to its annotated Guide to Reference Material (CR #1, released January 1956). The Library also published the last of the Subcommittee sponsored surveys of Sovbloc lexical materials entitled Russian Lexical Inventory. 3. Projects Planned On 13 January 1956 the Chairman of the advisory Committee on Foreign Language Publications directed suspension of meetings of the Reference Subcommittee and a joining of forces with the ad hoc Subcommittee on Information Processing, cf. paragraph 2.a. above, so long as the latter continues in operation. enhere separate consideration of foreign language publications reference problems is desirable, the AHIP agenda will so 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP82-00400R000300040031-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP82-0040OR000300040031-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP82-0040OR000300040031-6