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December 20, 1955
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Approved For Release 2006/07/06 $ El2-00400R00020002001 k4 IAC-D- 10/ 18 20 December 1955 (Final) I N T E L L I G E N C E A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E Terms of Reference for the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC) The attached terms of reference for the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC) were approved by the IAC on 20 December. PAULA. BOREL Secretary MORI/CDF SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/06: CIA-RDP82-00400R000200020018-4 Approved For Release 2006/07/065 CJtEM2-00400R000200020018-4 IAC-D-10/ 18 20 December 1955 (Final) Annex C to Director of Central Intelligence Directive 3/4 Terms of Reference for the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC) I. The mission of the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Com- mittee (JAEIC) is to maintain the community approach to problems in the field of atomic energy intelligence 1/ and to give added impetus to individual efforts. To this end, the responsibilities of the JAEIC include the following: a. Providing a mechanism for the fuller exchange of national atomic energy information for intelligence pu-poses. b. Conducting evaluation of significant atomic energy intelligence information and producing appropriate re- ports to the IAC. c. Developing over-all atomic energy intelligence ob- jectives, and reviewing the scope of the collection effort to meet those objectives. d. Coordinating the determination of atomic energy intelligence collection requirements and related activities. e. Providing a mechanism for coordinating the atomic energy intelligence production efforts of the member agencies and, in appropriate cases, concurring in the working papers produced by member agencies. I/ Atomic energy intelligence is intelligence related to foreign re- search, development and production of nuclear weapons, special nuclear materials and other components of warheads, reactors, nuclear propulsion systems, and controlled thermonuclear de- vices; installations., equipment, personnel and other resources related principally to those activities but does not include in- telligence on weapons delivery systems other than on the nuclear warheads or nuclear propulsion systems associated therewith. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/06: CIA-RDP82-0040OR000200020018-4 Approved For Release 20061071&EC'EP82-00400R000200020018-4 IAC-D-10/18 20 December 1955 (Final) f. Preparing coordinated drafts of national estimates on atomic energy intelligence and producing appropriate scientific contributions in this field of intelligence for other national intelligence estimates as requested. g. Determining the deficiencies in atomic energy intelligence; taking appropriate remedial action; and recommending to the IAC remedial action beyond the cognizance or competence of the Committee. 2. Each IAC member shall furnish one representative member and an alternate member to the JA.EIC. The CIA representative shall be the Chairman of the JAEIC. Non-IAC agencies may furnish observers and/or advisers to the JAEIC on JAEIC request. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/06: CIA-RDP82-0040OR000200020018-4