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April 4, 1978
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OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.G. 20503 April 4, 1978 LEGISLATIVE REFERRAL MEMORANDUM TO: . Legislative Liaison Department of Defense Veterans Administration Central Intelligence agency National Science Foundation Office of Science and Technology Policy Department of Justice Officer Department of Energy National Aeronautics and Space Administration Environmental Protection Agency Department of Agriculture SUBJECT: HEW draft proposed report on S. 2579, a bill "To amend the Public Health Service Act to establish the President's Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, and for other purposes." The office of Management and Budget requests the views of your agency on the above subject before advising on its relationship to the program of the President, in accordance with OMB Circular A-19. A response to this request for your views is needed no later than noon Thursday, April ? '6', 1978, (Subcommittee markup of S. 2579 is scheduled or Friday a.m., April 7). Questions should be referred to John Lively (395-4794 ) or to Jim Stimpson the legislative analyst in this office. ( 395-3736 ) , Naomi R. Sweeney, for Assistant Director for Legislative Reference wrrooved For Release 2006/12/15: CIA-RDP81 M00980R0011000100?47 7 Y-~ G EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT [[JJ Approved F.or Release 2006/12/1.5_; CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100010048-7 !s e-.: U-1 ~L.. - DEPARTMENT OF HEAL 1 H. ESL Approved For Release 2006i12115 _: A-F~ B QO98 t lR The Honorable Harrison A. 'ill ll7 =-s Chairman, Committer on Haan. Resources . United States Senate Washington, H. C... 205M ..Mr_ chain. 'T . is. In, response to your requests for:-a- report*on -S- 2579, al b#1.1 i Cosaisaion for the Protection of 1'w n Sub j ects . of. ;Bio dic al and ,.:: -'. `? "To amend the "Publ Health Seruice -Ac- to -establish the -President 'S' ~enaviora.~ sears Pa -sumary. -. I rt t=*grees v th the purposes -of the -bill az Is-prepared to receend that it :be- meted.,. provided that `several .:.a ~ ... ~~ ~C ~ =v?ae^' that it s appropriate ?r,-r. public adv3. so ry b ,te . o Su rsi oe ~ . to pars s' of , depart ent err agency i to e cueraL Coveru :t ;. We tb efors ze riew apet-if is programs and make _r etero ati ors - coal r:+n them 1802(b)(2)) i hich authorize the proposed -President's: .ssioa to all prov.or of . S~: I . p artice ly section aid. be- dileteci. Fuatbe czre, t ..bii~= is + uire the .Pxesid.ec ' i n to separately a se =each of sow -Federal. agencies -engaged,.:1n research involving humm subjects. This -requirement is inconsistent with recooendac1ons made by the existing National .. -Co=acission for the Protection o?."" Runau Sup t acts -of-'El medical and Behavioral Research that "Pe eiai law sboui4 be.-aacted or--a=ended -to authorize the Secretary of Health, __P +statian 11 Welfare to .-: - pr gate regulations icxg-revieew.cf all research involving - tan. subjects that is subject to Federal, --regulations: " i'`he .Dent believes that S,7579 -should be aaersued -to incorporate the recut endatiorxs of the ational Coe .ssion. --Additional sugges- t ons for azan ent are en t {maned belcwm S. 2579 contains the following provisions (1) The bill would establish a President's Co fission to be co=Posed of eleven members appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. Five members of the Coiarission are to be especially qualified by virtue of their experience and background in Approved For Release 2006/12/15: CIA-R?P81 M00980R001100010048-7 -Approved For Release 2006112/15: CIA-RDP81 009808001100010048-7 Page 3 -.The Honorable Harrison A. Williams are trade to a particular department or agency, that department. or-- agency crust publish the report in the Federal Register within 60 days and provide opportunity for public comment. 4:ithin 180 days of the date of publication. in the Federal Le ister, the depart ent or agency rat take appropriate action or publish in the Federal Register a notice that it deem such action inappropriate. Annual reports. to the President and appropriate Congressional Co mittees are required. Tile reports are to indicate "the recommendations made by the-President's Com`aission and tine subsequent -.actions of the af.#ected. department or agency.. (8) Other.. provisions of the bid call for the establishment of ethics advisory boards in each executive or millzzxy department to advise each department head with respect to ethical l and moral -issues.. These boards are to coordinate-their practices and. agenda with the (9) Finally, ? 4e b ll inulw e adi ig&5trat N . provisio :g fc i- the conduct of the President's fission's business and repeals corn- flictino pro': isio s of the Kati ; Research .Act z=: the Public Health Service Act. The Department is in full. agrees ent with' the intent of S. 2379 to ;evaluate policies pertaining to, human subjects of biomedical and behavioral- research, and to evaluate the implications of genetic - - -testing, counseling, -and education prograar..:, We cannot help but question, her ever-, whether a Co aission for the, protection of human subjects will be-qualified to address question pertaining to analysis of scientific-and -.technological-advances, the principles governing the use of technology in medical practice,- public attitudes toward such advances, and evaluation of re-source allocation decisions. Certain of these charges, including those relating to the definition of death 'and the ele-nts of informed consent in the delivery of health services, are matters which are being addressed by the carts and legislatures of the several -states aaong those matters reserved to their jurisdiction by the 10th Amendmenr. It would. appear that the opportunity for the President's Ca,=zzission to make a significant contribution in these areas nay be lizited. Further- re, the expertise needed to carry out such studies =ay be very different from that required to evaluate safeguards of the rights and veil-being of human subjects. The stated qualifications for ezbership on the Cozzission do not seem to be well suited to these respansibilAppproved For Release 2006/12/15: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100010048-7 Approved For Release 2006/12/15: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100010048-7 Page '* - The honorable Harrison A. Williams Similarly, the Dc t artrent agrees with the intent of S. 2579 to develop a uniform policy throughout the Federal Government for the protection of hu=.an research subjects. On the basis of its earlier efforts involving eleven Federal. agencies to develop such, a policy, the Department can attest to the general recognition and acceptance within the executive branch of a need for such a mechanism. The Department's eficrts to this end were halted because section 202 of F.L. 93-348, the National Research Act, required the National Commission for the Protection of }tu.:.an Subjects to study how a uniform Federal policy could best be accomplished. The National Co=fission recently com- pleted its study of this matter and has recon.;,,ended that HEW take the lead in developing such a policy. Initial steps to i=ple r the recorr.endations a the Co_.issien have already been taken. As currently drafted, S. 2579 proposes a much more diffuse approach than that expressed in the National Co~.^ission's recoendations. Where the