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Document Release Date: 
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Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP81600879R001000080128-6 SECigET =WIT engine (IT-1) sehedeled for 4haao md targeted for Sait4a1 with the exception of Utz. all isardwe or tido f (2) Afterhoreer -Fool Oontrol. seheduled Sec delivery 19 April 1962. taeo pmNettou items4Uoot delay Isittial exPartmetal exit* aro available*Th thew be evatlable to a fligirleortIVtt test? Smineolia Pug) - &Ulm* this unit has beft booms* of the ooseurretter 0244zwes fltgtAtWerthr eftirti ObanaliS avAilltaatt I Ale% odll the pieseatly delivered owed% tor leittal testi Approved For Release 2007/01/1714-vAtiuP81B00879R001000080128-6 Approved For Release 2007/01/1791A-R9P811300879R001000080128-6 Z:dt,..tsj Adsa rato 2 (4) Pusibina 135 et taw 357 parte tobodule4 or deliver" prior to 1$ April ecastitato pleiehins, Aar exzweesed that home* ot late tragineerine change*. 4itThu1t7 ws4, experiealeadlusesevetlini to Ws ?flottniiisvanally a pester item daring firma eiteetsta7 tcd slaw be izzre ea with IA* eastudie lootwitse tosploto1y l'hahreV eattiotratim rewired far ktt-ta teeporatore owatletto (o) Hartlesre for subasquout leav1otta lsdotzier Jo mart, *too* proeesetaz? (4) it Is Inteadal that a vetoes a tetekl; en4a* status rePertoe be leltuteAd latobr Itliarte Til=`.1 hes elsenieted tout* (*) akirting, the wine it listed shore sad provittW; that, the soneszvent satin* devolsprott program &we Ilatt diotato aseasattet ongimmalag abiwtomr* 41416043* toovitui tottial *Nato 4011Ateries are good. This et emirs*. 435,1 oat man that thew anginas 14.31 be flido rlisbittowthinees dvepeatb upon. ttio Agrealopiasat pro,. tra riart4a4 25X1A area the ierltiorla itsit with Areeter - Paola and Ono rtimeareb. Pratt whitnays, 7*hroar3- l5viZp. protTees Ito bora teeerte in the swab for a Itibrisity additive too ration Vdttasegi4 pop duress* haberaterry teetist a the itetextv eddittime mass lotelaatiag oiu indicate* a OW twee** in load cwr71a i1Lty sith the protons* of $ additive in fuel vow tho, with Nail alms, This ist still *tort of the desired tarti,,Art* ar4 farther. the prisons* ofX 11C0 oil has I& tiatetaCtietiS effect an fuel thstresal atAtilitz and heating vale)* This 111:4 ail therefor* is en interim fin 0431? 25X1A Presotay 25X1A la tut worth for a sosiUtble protastion adjti,? This itrotdran shots44 pro%14* itiviltend tomtit* to the main arol afterburner twej,_ oontrela IA terra of asteario valet Approved For Release 2007/01/1.71DP81600879R001000080128-6 Approved For Release 2007/01/1/q.,CaiRDP81600879R001000080128-6 (2c-32W hule 3 aftleultiste tmetofere aceriemed Ia in&tt*tinj ma sainteleing ratiners interest in the nee-reaseerative develotamot of IV1423 feel in the tem of Use Vitintowntogly mall velum for Ube Mitga PrefreMasco are bonsai= otritioal* ,5v1 A Coast reel regeirentstet the I I will ram he closed to rea.523 predtstion* Hayti" roateiremat Oeopetel4 irsolnent) 25)(1 A to abandon P*A.52, preinetlon altagethor* 25X1A TU. VitAl IX the aidtat*$ t tosi igatisad Ity troxtia eat ether ort.e* proverst tome of acatinsed feel threallantent and geolowideal location of facilities* it mad wear prudent that conetistesetionbe cireo to the purahme at edditima gpastities et itit.$23 ay the Governeent ever and above that regeloted for '? ?LEA& slaw to swam vontiruted toditet47 PartiviPatise ant to asin seitttenal prodeettAsn, tannins) tzansportativa *slimily** tterrin; Ma? rateletory lisitatims heretefore experieneedit this fuel mold b* tem/ in may present Mar oranations. ataitalSkstfaLbate211.1? Cm mem test stead at Use willgem 1ciLUj iseevable of teet.to4 t* U engine et eludes eavirtmeeetel *mations a liveh $0.44x0 tett. Zlie *wit is med for short enAnessing oeMkratim rum rather than the banger 50 boar and up amtarattoe roan* Th* staid itself is phrateally crepeble vothimee, amovert the over. all Zanility vas net ailed tetth this in m* of this etlext *A Hs* eanditisne roirsdrea 64% of the entire Villgeos Inlet air and notado ter egyability* To ran matimons advaten whom* therefore mead total* a priority auffieient tell* 4.setti*Vion such or u Atailitr 'in thesenberr MI* ether Magrit_ 40 rOPOrttat, 1Y: 106141 tte Wit100* ale= VIM VI) (aim12); TV13 testUan 410 to,41, 3"*707 34204 AM (74 3.15 r4405)11 41T4 4%4, Dow 707); MO tun tigto (c44 ); a .752 (az, cawA047 25X1A Developtent rreneh aft eleqse 2007/01/17.CJA.1DP81600879R001000080128-6 8.0RIAP0 9.1) bran*