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Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MOl048A000300270002-0 Enclosure USIB/IRAC-D-22. 1/14 20 May 1974 20 May 1974 MILESTONES FOR ACHIEVEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL OBJECTIVES AND SUB-OBJECTIVES IN THE DCI'S "OBJECTIVES FOR THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY" FOR FISCAL YEAR 1975 Approved For Release 2006/08/lA,.Q"-Ei.DP80M01048A000300,270002-0 - , Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO 1Q48A000300270002-0 20 May 1974 SUBSTANTIVE OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE NO. 1 Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive assessments of Soviet policies,eid intentions in the political, security .and economic fields to include"the ynamics of an factor affecting Soviet leadership and decision making. MILESTONES 1 July 1974 Issue DCI Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs) for FY 1975; assign individual KIQs to appropriate National Intelligence Officers (NIOs). 1 September 1974 Completion of baseline reports on each assigned FY 1975 KIQ. 1 November 1974 Completion of the Key Intelligence Questions Evaluation Process (KEP) report on FY 1974 KIQs. 1 April 1975 Report by the NIO office on implementing actions responding to any deficiencies cited in the 1 November KEP report. 1 July 1975 Issue DCI KIQs for FY 1976, and begin repeat of FY 1975 milestone process. A-1 Approved For Release 2006/08/1 h } DP80M01048AO00300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 20' May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 2 Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive data and assessments of current and future Soviet military and political capabilities to exert influence or power outside the USSR, especially with respect to the United Q n D States, its forces and its allies. In particular, ...tto monitor^ Soviet compliance with and positions with respect to the Strategic 'Arms Limitation (SAL) agree- n ments, and the Limited Test Ban Treaty, and Mutual Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) and similar negotia- tions. Sub-Objective No. 2-A MILESTONES 1 July 1974 Issue DCI Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs) for FY 1975; assign KIQs related to the Soviet strategic threat and current and projected weapon systems to the National Intelligence Officer for. Strategic Programs (NIO/SP). 1 September 1974 Completion of baseline reports for each assigned FY 1975 KIQ. 1 November-.1974 Completion of the Key Intelligence Questions Evaluation Process (KEP) report on FY 1974 KIQs. 1 April 1975 Report by the NIO office on imple- menting actions responding to any deficiencies cited in the 1 November KEP report. A-2 Approved For Release 2006/08/15 - t" OMOIO4RAOOmff27nnn2-n Approved For Release 2006/08/15: i D&gOM01048AOOO3O027OOO2-0 OBJECTIVE NO. 2 MILESTONES (Continued) 1 July 1975 Issue DCI KIQs for FY 1976, and begin repeat of FY 1975 KIQ-related milestone process. A-3 ~nt?,r, Aooroved For Release 20061081'X- DP80MO1048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 rGnE1 , 4..U 20 May 1974 its allies ^ In particular,,, monitor Soviet compliance witF d Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive data and assess- ments of current and future Soviet military and political capabilities to exert influence or power outside the USSR, especially with respect to the United States its forces OBJECTIVE NO. 2 an positions with respect to the Strategic Arms Limitation (SAL) agreements, the Limited Test Ban Treaty, and Mutual Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) and similar negotiations. Sub-Objective 2-B MILESTONES 1 October 1974 Complete terms of reference for review and assessment of the adequacy of current and programmed Community collection and processing capabilities directed toward identification and evaluation of the following advanced technologies in which a breakthrough or develop- ment of an operational application would have a significant impact on the strategic balance: 25X1 .Ive- the fetw. fielcslisted above; identify infor- mation"`gaps which exist because of current collection capability deficiencies. 1 April 1975 Complete review of on-going and proposed research and. development programs for collection25X1 vehicles and sensor which would address the information gaps previously identified. 7 January 1975 binpleze review o baseline now e e in 7 July 1975 1 October 1975 Presentation of program alternatives based on the reviews identified in the 1 October milestone in terms of technical capabilities and feasibilities and resource requirements. Approved For Release 2006/08/15 , QlA-RD =To48A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 SEC E . 20 May 1974 . OBJECTIVE NO. 2 Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive data and assessments of current and future Soviet military and political capabilitie to exert influence or power outside the USSR, especially with respect to the United States, its forces .4 its allies In particular, monitor Soviet compliance with and positions with respect to the Strategic Arms Limitation (SAL) agreements, the Limited Test Ban Treaty, and Mutual Balanced Force Reductio (MBFR) and similar negotiations. Sub-Objective No. 2-C Improve US capabilities to size and assess Soviet and Warsaw Pact general purpose forces, particularly as necessary to support Mutual Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) negotiations. MILESTONES 1 July 1974 Issue DCI Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs) for FY 1975; assign KIQs for Soviet and Warsaw Pact general purpose forces to the National Intelligence Officer for Conventional Forces (NIO/CF) 1 September 1974 Completion of baseline reports on each assigned FY 1975 KIQ. 1 November 1974 Completion of the Key Intelligence Questions Evaluation Process (KEP) report on FY 1974 KIQs. 1 April 1974 Report by the NIO office on implementing actions responding to any deficiencies cited in the 1 Novemver KEP report. 1 July 1975 Issue DCI KIQs for FY 1976, and begin repeat of FY 1975 milestone process. A roved For Release 2006/08/1 tlA-RX' 9'1148AO00300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP~80M01048A000300270002-0 ? ECI ET ? 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 3 Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive data and assessments of Chinese internal and external policies and capabilities with respect to the United States, its allies and the USSR. Sub-Objective No. 3-A Enhance the Community's ability to assess China's attitudes objectives ,,concerning the United States. and the USSR, its policies and ambitions vis-a-vis its neighbors (including Japan), and the leadership situa- tion in Peking. Sub-Objective No. 3-B h~l~i~llh~ Improve US capabilities to assess the military capabili- Gde ve.io p te'vt tiesA of the People's Republic of -China. ro9r~ MILESTONES For Sub-Objectives 3-A and 3-B 1 July 19714 Issue DCI Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs) for FY 1975:; assign individual KIQs to appropriate National Intelli- gence Officers (NIOs). 1 September 1974 Completion of baseline reports on each assigned FY 1975 KIQ. 1 November 1974 Completion of the Key Intelligence Questions Evaluation Process (KEP) report on FY 1974 KIQs. 1 April 1975 Report by the NIO Office on imple- menting actions responding to any deficiencies cited in the 1 November KEP report. 1 July 1975 Issue DCI KIQs for FY 1976 and begin repeat of FY 1975 milestone process. A-6 Approved For Release 2006/08/15,. 0 - A : 1048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CI .:.TO1048AO00300270002-0 ? 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 4 Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive data and assess- ments on political and security situations or crises significantly affecting US interests or requiring US action (e. g. , Arab- Israeli relations, South and Southeast Asia, the European Community, Latin America)t~ _L L1 14 rok ecd S7/r&I 9,G L4J 2I ~ Y Sub-Objective No. 4-A -nLf 25X1 Improve US capabilities to~Assess other foreign and interna- tional political developments MILESTONES 1 July 1974 Issue DCI Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs) for FY 1975; assign individual KIQs to appropriate National Intelligence Officers (NIOs). 1 September. 1974 Completion of baseline reports on each assigned FY 1975 KIQ. 1 November 1974 Completion of the Key Intelligence Questions Evaluation Process (KEP) report on FY 1974 KIQs. Report by the NIO. office on implementing actions responding to any deficiencies cited in the 1 November KEP report. I July 1975 Issue DCI KIQs for FY 1976, and begin repeat of FY 1975 milestone process. 1 April 1975 A-7 A roved For Release 2006/08/15 S 4f 180M01048A000300270002-0 the United States e. Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 4 Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive data and assessments. on political and security situations or crises significantly affecting US interests or requiring US actions (e.g., Arab- Israeli relations, South and Southeast Asia, the European, Community, Latin America.)a~r-cjo-oL Sub-Objective No. 4-b. 'ass e~~~ 07_tl~i Enhance Intelligence Community capa i i ies to provi a timely warning of impending crises and take such actions as are neces- sary to improve performance of the Community during crisis periods. MILESTONES 1 August 1974 1 November 1974 1 January 1975 1 February 1975 1 April 1975 Complete arrangements for development of contingency collection plans for potential crisis areas. Complete review of the initial phase of activity under the USIB-approved National Operations and Intelligence. Watch Officers Net (NOIWON); initiate such improvements as are appropriate. Complete USIB action on a reorganization of the Watch Committee and the National Indications Center, and on recommendations to enhance the Community's ability to issue clear and timely warnings. Complete the preparation of contingency collection plans for potential crisis areas. Complete a feasibility study and test on the use of CRT, plus secure voice communications and a computer interlinkage, for text editing by conference. 1 July 1975 Complete arrangements for functioning of a National 0 erations and Intelligence Analysts Net (NOIAN) on a secure communications net. A-8 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15 A-fRDP80MO1048A000300270002-0 ? it 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 5 energy matters to appropriate National Intelligence nff4, --, in,Tr- for FY 1975 assign individual KIQs on economic/ 1 July 1974 Issue DCI Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs) Sub-Objective No. 5-A MILESTONES 1 September 1974 Completion of baseline reports on each assigned FY 1975 KIQ. i November 1974 Completion of the Key Intelligence Questions Evaluation Process (KEP) report on FY 1974 KIQs. 1 April 1975 Report by the NIO office on implementing actions responsing to any deficiencies cited in the 1 November KEP report. 1 July 1975 Issue DCI KIQs for FY 1976, and begin repeat of FY 1975 milestone process. e 2006/f Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 S 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 5 Sub-Objective 5-B MILESTONES 1 August 1974 30 October 1974 30 November 1974 15 January 1975 1 April 1975 Approval by the Director of Central Intelligence of an integrated Economic Intelligence Plan responding to this objective. 25X1 Convene a first meeting of the rejuvenated Requirements Advisory Board (RAB). Complete a review of all political/economic guidance provided to the National Security 25X1 Agency; achieve a prioritization of these tasks. A-10 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA.1.DM01048AO00300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 20 May 1974 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE NO. 6 Evaluate and determine the performance of the Intelligence Community in meeting the substantive objectives contained in the FY 1974 Key Intelligence Questions and report the conclusions to the National Security Council Intelligence Committee for review and comment. MILESTONES 1 November 1974 Completion by the Intelligence Community Staff of the KEP I pilot program performance report on FY 1974 KIQs, including recommendations to correct identified deficiencies in the process during 1975 as appropriate. 15 January 1975 Review by the National Intelligence Officers of interim performance against the FY 1975 KIQs. 1 September 1975 Completion by the NIO`s and the Intelligence Community Staff of.the KEP II performance report on KIQs for FY 1975. ra ~- s...~+.r:4T Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80M01048A000300270002-0 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 7 Review the program of the Intelligence Community in the Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee-and submit to the President, through the Office of Management and Budget, recommendations for a consolidated intelligence program budget, including tactical intelligence. rte,-,~ez--v--eer g ?sent s~s support the approved budget - the Congress a3 be&'r _ ~e q free . Sub-Objective No. 7-A Conduct studies and analyses to support program reviews under the sponsorship of the Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee (IRAC). MILESTONES NOTE: Specific milestones will be established for each issue study undertaken by the IRAC Working Group. A-12 Approved For Release 2006/08/15 < CIA-ROP80M01048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 7 Review the programs of the Intelligence Community in the Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee and submit to the President, through the Office of Management and Budget, recommendations for a consolidated intelligence program budget, including tactical intelligence. Present- Support the approved budget the Congressds reqiAtre4? Sub-Objective 7-B wEvaluate and reviewAproposals for new or improved collection systems a-t companion proposals for the effective processing and analysis of data to be collected. MILESTONES NOTE: Specific milestones will be established as proposals are introduced by individual program managers. A-13 Aooroved For Release 2006/08/15 EIA: P80MO1048A000300270002-O Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80M01048A000300270002-0 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 7 Review the programs of the Intelligence Community in the Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee and sub- mit to the President, through the Office of Management and Budget, recommendations for a consolidated intelli- gence program budget, including tactical intelligence. _Support the approved budget the Congressas Mu1r 1 Sub-Objective No. 7-C Zn cam, u~i i7oD yrerL~9iJ A and submit the consolidated Foreign Intelligence Program Budget Recommendations (NFIPBR) for FY 1976. MILESTONES 1-September 1974 Commence preparation of NFIPBR. 15 November 1974 review draft NFIPBR .;5~abm,4 40 -D C 22 November 1974 Distribute draft NFIPBR. `rec(a' >" 27 November 1974 IRAC meeting to review NFIPBR. .5 December 1974 Submission of NFIPBR to the President. A-14 Approved For Release 2006/08/15 : C(A-RDP80M01048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80M01048A000300270002-0 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 8 Provide leadership and guidance to the Intelligence Community, with the advise and assistance of the United States Intelligence Board, with respect to: a. The production of national intelligence responsive to Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs), developed from Presidentially approved substantive objectives and approved by the National Security Council Intelligence Committee; b. Formal and informal collaboration of the individual agencies and staffs of the Intelligence Community, to ensure the objectivity and clarity of intelligence products; c. The interaction of national and tactical intelligence; d. The proper integration of all intelligence to produce the best possible results; e. The protection of intelligence sources and methods; and f. Longer-term projection for planning of intelligence h d a needs in the years a . t c. The ?A v(-- >i^e >k r- a Ito ccfh crf re5ais. _ 6 4 e'z. n nu l0}-a. Sub-Objective No. 8-A i Increase Community participation in the production of national intelligence and enable reduction in the number of serialized publications by developing a family of coordinated national intelligence products which will use the analytic capabilities of the individual departments and agencies to best advantage. ~o r>a~ d ~ vn- ~rr,~zQ Ce-1ta- ' r~4~U,-~ t A_&co-' cxC &n tC.~_3 11MWt~ Q C eSt q rc~ 1 Ytti~ 4L J C_ cR u~ 1 r c rx i 6n , e .~. ~ ,-4 A-15 Aooroved For Release 2006/08/15 :k A-RD980M01048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80M01048A000300270002-0 S 1 July 1974 1 January 1975 s Complete the test period for the National Intelligence Bulletin, a daily publication; begin regular publication. Complete USIB action on arrangements for publication of a National Intelligence Situation Summary during crisis periods. 1 July 1975 - Obtain from Intelligence Community pro- duction organizations a report on the impact which the family of national intelligence products has had on their serial publication programs. Other members of the national intelligence product family, not mentioned in the milestones because they already are being published are: National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) Special National Intelligence Estimates (SNIEs) National Intelligence Analytical Memoranda (NIAM) A-16 Approved For Release 2006/08/1k;>Q1ArRDP80M01048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO 048AO00300270002-0 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE No. 8- Provide leadership and guidance to the Intelligence Community, with the advice and assistance of the United States Intelligence Board. Sub-Objective 8-B Preparation by the Director of the National Security ~.c; 1cv of the first integrated long-term SIGINT plan. MILESTONES 1 July 1974 Completion of the initial draft of the plan, which will balance all current and projected requirements and priorities with postulated constraints, will address all SIGINT capabilities and direct support resources, and will consider processing and presentation- as well as collection activities. 1 November 1974 Approval of the plan by the Secretary of Defense, and concurrence by the Director of Central Intelligence. NOTE: A follow-on sub-objective or additional milestones may be developed, dependent upon actions approved as a result of recommendations surfaced in the plan. The approved plan will be used as a guidance document for program development as part of the normal fiscal guidance/budget review process. Aaoroved For Release 2006/08/1am . -# DP8OMOI 048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80M01048A000300270002-0 ? ; _. ? 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 8 Provide leadership and guidance to the Intelligence Community, with the advice and assistance of the United States Intelligence Board. Sub-Objective No. 8-C Preparation, under ExCom auspices, of the first long- term National Imagery Intelligence Plan applicable to MILESTONES 1 July 1974 1 October 1974 Develop terms of reference for the National Imagery Intelligence Plan for approval at the November ExCom meeting. 1 July 1975 Complete the interim report on the plan for presentation at the July 1975 ExCom mee.ting.. 1 October 1975 Complete development of the plan for presentation at the Noverr,:-terr 1975 ExCom meeting.. A-18 Approved For Release 2006/08/15 .CJ,~,- .DP80M01048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 8 Provide leadership and guidance to the Intelligence Community, with the advice and assistance of the United Stater Intelligence Board. Sub-Objective No. 8-D MILESTONES 1 July 1975 1 October 1974 lig ence Community Staff. auspices, Reconstitute the USIB Human Sources Committee on a permanent basis, with broad responsibilities to review and making recommendations concerning human source collection programs. 1 January 1975 Complete a review of the -dequacy of substantive communication between human source collectors and pr,c- duction analysts and, as appropriate, develop mechanisms to improve such communication. A-19 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 8 Provide leadership and guidance to the Intelligence Corr,munity, with the advice and assistance of the United States Intelligence Board. Sub-Objective 8-E Improve the interface between national and tacti cal i ntel l i - ro per 1P++~f gence activities in the interest of providing su,jport a>' for both national intelligence users and the opera iona't field commands and embassies without unnecessary redundancy in use of resources. (This is seen as a three-year program.) MILESTONES ' IA 1 July 1974 Working,6concert with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, establish: (1) a joint national/ tactical intelligence requirements task group to identify the peacetime, contingency and wartime essential elements of information of a representative military field commander; (2) a national intelligence capabilities task group to determine and quantify the capabili- ties of national intelligence systems to satisfy the intelligence needs of military commanders; (3) a joint task group to design and establish a common data base to incorporate identified tactical and national intelligence resources and to support the two substantive task groups. 1 September 1974 Initiate combined functioning of the require- ments task group and the capabilities working group. 1 October 1974 Complete statement of the representative military commander's intelligence require- ments and the national intelligence capabilities to respond to those requirements. Utilizing lessons learned in representative command test effort, initiate requirements/capabilities study of remaining areas. 1 February 1975 Initiate combined functioning of the require- mien is and capabi i i ti es working gr cup . 1 July 1975 Formulate recommendations in consultation with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense to enhance assurance that the needs of national intelligence and of military operations are met without unnecessary duplication Approved For Release 2006/08/15 :ACRDP80MO1048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00300270002-0 20 May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 8 Provide leadership and guidance to the Intelligence Community, with the advice and assistance of the United States Intelligence Board. Sub-Objective No. 8-F Improve the protection of intelligence sources and methods. Presentation and defense before Congress of recommendations for legislation to strengthen the pro- tection of intelligence sources and methods. NOTE: Such legislation already has been drafted. Specific milestone dates will depend upon action regarding this proposed legislation by the Executive Branch and the Congress. 1 January 1975 Have in operational use the initial elements of a Community Limited Access Intelligence Register (CLAIRE) as an unclassified automated system handling authorization lists for sensitive intelligence projects or topics. Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80M01048A000300270002-0 20' May 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 8 Provide leadership and guidance to the Intelligence Community, with the advice and assistance of the United States Intelligence Board.- .Sub-Objective No. 8-G Provide longer-term projection for planning of intelligence needs in the.years ahead. MILESTONES 1 August 1974 Disseminate the DCI Perspectives for Intelligence Planning. 1 October 1974 Complete the DCI Annual. Report on the Intelligence Community. Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80M01048A000300270002-0 Approved For Release 2006/08/15: CIA-RDP80MO10 8A000300270002-0 20 Nay 1974 OBJECTIVE NO. 9 Stimulate research, development and the application of techniques and procedures to improve intelligence collection, processing, analysis, production and presentation, with particular attention to product improvements and cost savings. Sub-Objective 9-A Formulate an overall research and development strategy to facilitate the focus of promising R&D activities and programs on identified collection, processing and analytic deficiencies and to ensure that intelligence program managers have full knowledge of technologies and technological advances available for application to their problems. MILESTONES 1 November 1974 Obtain from the Intelligence Research and Development Council of the IRAC, a report on on-going R&D activities, projected over a five-year period, which have.app1 i cati on to the National Foreign Intelligence Program, including identification of sponsor, the R&D organization involved, associated costs, and expected application. 1 January 1975 Provide the IRAC R&D Council a listing of major intelligence problems expected to arise in the post-1980 period, solution to which is not foreseen as a result of the projects listed in the 1 November report described above. 1 April 1975 Obtain from the IRAC R&D Council recommendations for R&D efforts which offer promise of respond- ing to problems described in the 1 January listing. 1 July 1975 Obtain from the IRAC R&D Council a report listing major US R&D needs, response to which could be significantly advanced by e anc s;; 3637 (3-74) Date Aooroved For Release.200A/08i15 ' CIA-RDP80MO1048A000300270002