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Document Release Date: 
August 30, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 30, 1977
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80M00165A000300130004-4.pdf166.49 KB
((I ~ _- Approved For Release 2006/08130 : C16~~~00165A000300130004-4 DD/A Regis~try- ~ 7" ~f~'~'C7 I+~M(3BAt3I?t~3`~ Ffll~: Acting deputy Director of ~sntral Int#lligence FIZtII~~: Michael J, h~alanick Acting Uep.uty Director for Administration ~~3B~ECT: Discussion of Creativity, CQntrvls~ and Ethics in Midcareer Cflurse ~~Q. 57 ~U~ ~.. ~UJAit3C}} As part cif the f~ffice of `training's cont~.nt~~ous traatmsnt Qf the subject of Creativity, Controls, and Ethics at courses which lend themselves to discussion of the 1r~pic, the 3atest running of the I~fidcar?~er Course {No, ~?~ has pr4victed the attached report cif its deliberations. The c3.ass numh,~xed ~~. students drawn from all elements of the t'S~ Q~rry r ~UJAIt~t~} Fr~r this rur-ning of th?~ c?~urse, the class was. divided: into four teams, each team havitsg repxe- sentatf.ves of ea+~h ~3irectorate. The teams were provided very brief statements o? some aspect of the problem with eerta3.n questions put tv them for their team to address; the 1~eams met separately and came ug with written reports that they gresente~d. aurally; a~ad they fQ3:3awed this with a discussion, h3.ghlights of which have ~aeen recorded.. This material is included i.n the four attachments to this msmo, eaeh representing the work of a sing3e team,. ~. (UjAI~Jt~~ perhaps the- mast striking pciat of view to co~ae c,ut cif this course discussion is the belief in the pier of some superior g~ressure t4 cor+~anc~ senior attentit~n to dissenting views, a ~uperiQr pressure that same-believed could be brought to bear by givfng fraternal CSA pu~-l~.c#.ty to dissenting views. But Five officers believed that if there was Sao adequate reso2utian sham of it, gressure should be brought tc~ beam by recourse to public exposure ithrc-ugh the ~aedfa. The dfsceassions also fncluded rec~ammcndatians fr~r ,~ ?~~~~: ~F}lart,~ CSC F'~~ `1-~ k~ ?~ ~~~'.; Approved For Release 2006/08130 : CI~ Downgrade to Administsatfve - Ir~ternal ilse 4e.ly ~.'ptt31 Removal of Attachments l-4 CL B~ I 25X1 I~,O~tIb0165A000300130004-4 Approved For Release 2006/08130 : CIA~'8010165A000300130004-4 S~,IP~,TFCT`~ Discussion of Creativity, Controls, and Ethics in i~iidcareer Course Rio, 57 [{T) ~.iaison atattersa fvr new char~ne3s tc~ assist in resolving constructive dissent, for stimulating creativity, gnd for ~?~.acin~ controls in a perspective that avoids their irthibitinR creativity, 4. (Lj/AItJa) The class nembers have askod if you would share with them yQUr views on their ideas and reco~a~r~en- dations, l can arra.nke to forward directly to them any comment yon may have. %~/. Michael d. Matan~c~. 'iii chaei J , ~~ialanick 1~tt$chments: 1 -~ fieam I Report.: Inn?vation in Liaison ' ~~~ Z - ~ eam 2 P,eg~ort: Creativity and Routine ~C} 3 - Team ~ Report z Creativity and Gcantrols {C~ 4 -Team 4 ~~oport; T~issent ~~~ - "ode to Creativity" _ a poem ~U) Distributican Crig 1 - ~n~3CI (w/atts) ADI~A (w/atts) Approved Far Release 2006/08130 .~-s$OM00165A000300130004-4 Approved For Release 2006/08130 :CIA-RDP80M00165A000300130004-4 Approved For Release 2006/08130 :CIA-RDP80M00165A000300130004-4 Approved For Rel~~~ gQ ~~D CIA-RDP80M00165A000300130004-4 Olaf.' '1'0 CREl1'J'I:~rITY (wri.tten _by one of the Midcax?eer 57 Teams) 'To be creative is aft ta.lcen for granted., If you're a ]3rahms, a Poe or a Rembranted... In 1].ysian fields, a anuse may be hid., -- To insp:i_re tomorrow's Plll3, CIRL, or NID. We report and. write in prose Miltonic, Of agents run oat gins and. tonic . In Maput:u, l~ondon, Quito, ox Madras, We pledge to create or we'11. cover our.. Approved For Release 2006/08130 :CIA-RDP80M00165A000300130004-4