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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 18, 2006
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Publication Date: 
July 1, 1974
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E . R NDUM FOR: Executive Assistant/DD/SAT Approved For Release 2006/1 t5T19 CIA RDP08OtW1495f0004000200. DDI-2 O0- -SUBJECT Additional Comments on-Perspectives for Intelligence, .1 M7 L- 7 r%ran `. = Its forcrtlati~g our long range plans for R&O'-work- we have, Identi- fied world, food production, supply, demand,. control','..and 'distribution as 1 ikely future :=problems- important to the, Intel l"igence Community., We recommend that additional ecansicleratitan begi to--the . in "Persil Ives for: Intel 2 As, world pc nilatlon:.and affluence have increased and food.con- sumpt1"ort has outpaced per. capita produc ion., food reserves have decreased ., Thee equivalent' grain -reserves as,' 'a share 'of'=the total' 'grain consumption has decreased ,fror; 26% in ' l951 .to -l A%: ,in -1973 (8% projected for 1974). Low food es?:rves leave the world in a dangerous short-terra:: position- i.n the. event' of-adverse' crop-years.. Moreover; l.imatologists . predict' ' with high :confidence that average earth temperatures: will , decrease in future years-'i ea di ng to a reducti on in crop yields of as: much a 30%. 3:. The-food." problem could be emphasized In the paper by,adding thefollowing ; x Page 3,. first sentence: change to read "The changing balance between :'the. wor'ld`s supply of and demand,for natural resources and food and the increase in -population will strain the.-world's Page 9, insert after first full sentence and before ' last sentence of paragraph 8: "Food shortages triggered by regional crop failures and/or long-term climatic changes com- pounded by, shrinking., world food reserves could`cause'dlspro- p+ortionate deaths and economic and political upheavals for some of the Third World nations." 1 Director o Research & 'Development 25X.T'. ..Idf,::f Approved For Release 2006/10/19: CIA-RDP8G$01495R00040.0020036-0 Appro d F M j UNCLASSIFIED C:IDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP SECRET TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS / FAlffl/S&T 2 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : 1u oS 7j\ t tZQ , 1 ti i o I FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE UNt,LA r:5iFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FOAM No. Use previous editions (40) Approvt-dlFo~f Zlease 2006/10/19: CIA-R?P80BO1495RO00400020036-01