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Document Release Date: 
February 3, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 26, 1976
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Approved For Release 2006/03/06 : CIA-RDP79M00983A002200010010-3 26 August 1976 SUBJECT: Second Meeting of Team B on Soviet Strategic Policies and Objectives - 2S August 1976 1. Attendees included.: .Richard Pipes, te.a;n leader General John Vogt General Daniel Graham William Van Cleave Paul Wolfowitz 2. Dr. Pipes made.a brief opening statement. He said that he wanted to prepare an agenda for the subteams and establish a definite list of briefers for the 15-17 September briefing sessions. He advised the members to read The Track Record in Strategic Estimating. 3. .Pipes stated the Team has two tasks: (1) to reinterpret the data made available on strategic weapons and the threat they pose to-see if a different estimate of threat is possible. - If Team B 'does come up faith a different interpretation, it should make as strong a case as possible for its position. Task (2) is to criticize the -methodology underlying the NIE process. Pipes J distributed a list of suggested topics for the Team to investigate. 4. The Team members agreed that a two part report would be produced. 1) evidence and conclusions: all contributing with Pipes drafting final text; 2) criticism of methodology: Pipes drafting with.contributions from other members. S. The meeting was opened to more general discussion. Graham said that he had read several. of the NIE 11/3 reports. He said that he noted a change in tone and nomenclature over the years as well as a general tendency to put U.S. perceptions and terms into the Soviet vocabulary. Approved For Release 2006/03/06 : CIA- 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/06 : CIA-RDP79M00983AO02200010010-3 Van Cleave believed that the topics suggested by Pipes were too technical.- Pipes, with Vogt concurring, explained that he did'not envision a technical paper but felt that the Team had to address and indicate areas of uncertainty. Vogt added that the incomplete evidence used in the NIE process often does not support the con- clusions reached by the drafters. As an example, Graham cited the Soviet civil defense effort and agreed with. Vogt's comment that the Soviet CD effort is aimed at a re- con,stitution capability. Graham said.he believed the Soviets want to assure a sustaining force and. a second strike capability. There was general agreement that thei%E underesti- mates the seriousness of the Soviet CD effort and assumes that the U.S. could make an immediate response. Vogt said an immediate response is unlikely. Pipes and Graham, with agreement of the members present, commented that the NIE assumes, without evidence, that the Soviets want to spend as little as possible on defense. 6. The Team agreed on a list of topics and volunteered to direct their efforts as indicated below: Topics 1. Capabilities of a break-through in ASW Team Expert Graham, 25X1 2 Approved For Release 2006/03/0 4A-RDP79M00983AO02200010010-3 Approved For Release 2006/03/06 : CIA-RDP79M00983AO02200010010-3 Tics Team Expert 2.' Civil Defense Graham 3. Command and Control capability Vogt including Hardening and Redundancy Backfire and Strategic Air Force Vogt Anti-Satellite Testing Welch (?) Directed Energy Weapons Van Cleave ABM Research amended to include Van Cleave Air Defense Wolfowitz Mobile ICB',',i's (SS 16 SS 20) Vogt Depressed Trajectory Threat Van Cleave 10. Soviet Defense-Spending Graham 11. Soviet Doctrine of Strategy of Limited Nuclear Options Wolfowitz 12. Concealment and Deception Van Cleave The following topics were added at the suggestion of Team Members 13. Soviet-Strategic Objectives in SALT II Van Cleave negotiations 14. Soviet efforts to acquire US technology Wolfowitz 15. Soviet view of non-central (non- Wolfowitz strategic) systems 16. Knowns and Unknowns in Soviet R&D Team The Team experts agreed, to write contributions on the topics in their areas of expertise as indicated in the list. Each member,will submit contributions of 200-500 words and be prepared to defend the Team position during conferences with Team A. Pipes will be principal drafter on the methodology section and put the entire report in final form. Target date for completion of draft contributions is 8 September. Approved For Release 2006/03/06 :~.d Pis-ROIp79M00983A0022D0010010-3 Approved For Release 2006/03/06 : CIA-RDP79M00983A002200010010-3 offered secretarial support for the Team. Wolfe, Weiss, and Welch will be asked to work on topics in which they have particular expertise. Team B Strategic Policies and Objectives will check with the other sections of Team B to see how broadly they have interpreted their charters. In response to a question from Van Cleave, Pipes said that he felt there would be no problem with funds for moderate travel by Team members as this could be handled 7. Graham opened the discussion on methodology with the comment that the NIB, from the time of the McNamara era,'has made net assessments which are not supported by the evidence. He also said there is a tendency to mirror- image when writing about the Soviet military effort. As a final point he noted that every estimate since 1962 has used the impact of economic pressures in the Soviet system as the fundamental reason for a judgment of the Soviet military effort. Pipes said there should be two aspects to the critique of the VIE, process 1) noting that the estimate is based on assumptions which are not spelled out, for example, that the Soviet military effort is basically defensive and that the-Soviets want to spend as little as possible on weapons, etc.;- 2.) technical flaws in the process of preparing the NIB. Van Cleave commented that the NIE seems to reject the idea of the Soviet decision making process and suggested that some attention be given to party-military relations. Graham noted that the NIB process forces compromises on controversial issues. Approved For Release 2006/03/06, dlAt i 4P79M00983A002200010010-3 k. Richard Foster 3. The Team agreed to invite the following individuals to brief: NIE process Soviet strategic weapons and their role in Soviet strategic thinking economic aspects of the Soviet strategic effort lasers - other directed energy weapons Soviet command and control, hardening as well as the thrust of the Soviet strategic effort NIB process NIE process JCS problems with the NIB process briefers: agreed to contact the briefers and schedule them for the 15-17 September briefing period. Ten- tatively it was agreed to schedule one briefing in the morning and two in the afternoon. Briefing sessions are to be limited to one and one-half hours. 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/06 : CIA-RDP79M00983AO02200010010-3 Andrew Marshal General Keagan Sherman Kent James Schlesinger Thomas Noorer Possible additional Paul Nitze James Angleton Approved For Release 2006/03/06 : CJA h2DP79M00983A002200010010-3 .