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25X1 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Friday 30 May 1975 SE Cr*-%ET Page 4 12. I I In a series of conversations with Captain Neil an o ona an, both of the Pentagon, regarding the, request by the Senate Foreign Felations Committee for the classification of the 1960 testimony on the U-2 and the Summit Conference,. It was apparent that a great deal more coordination and information. was required by all concerned (State, CIA and DOD) and Monahan volunteered to take on the lead responsibility for this one, including clarifying with Pat Holt, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, the misleading statements in the latter's letter to all agencies involved... 13. 1 1 Spoke with Bill Hogan, House Armed Services Committee staff, and he agreed to discuss with Frank Slat:inshek,. Chief Counsel of the Committee, the Committee's responsibility for the 1947 executive session hearings on the CIA Act. If the response is favorable, then we will refer Tim I-Tardy, of, the Presidential Commission staff, to House Armed Services for a copy. Later, I advised Hardy of this possibility and that we hope to hear on it sometime next week., Pat Hanson, temporarily in the office of Sena to urmon S. Car. ), called to arrange a briefing to r for approximately 25 college interns. The briefing was scheduled for- 19 June and OTR, will handle. 15. Called Ed Braswell, Senate A.rrned: Services Committee s a , an alerted him to the upcoming article on explaining the thrust of the allegations and reviewing 25X1 16. Called Charles Snodgrass, House Appropriations Committee staff, and alerted him to the upcoming article on 1 -1 25X1 explaining the thrust of the allegations and reviewing with him the real facts. 17. I I Bob McBrian, '-f',.easury Department, called to obtain suggestions on now to andle requests for sensitive operational information by committees of Congress. I reviewed with hirn some of the options available and the guidelines we follow. 14. Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 CONFIDENTIAL 18. 1 1 Discussed with Prissy, in the office of Representative Torbert Macdonald (D. , Mass.), her concern of the error in a TASS broadcast in English from Moscow confusing their Mr. Macdonald with Representative Larry McDonald (D., Ga.). They became aware of this as a result of our distribution of the FBIS take. I said I was quite sure that this was not a misinformation project directed at their member and that there might be a simple explanation arising out of the similarity of the names. I told her that if they went to TASS to get a correction, we would prefer if she could handle it without making reference to the Agency. 19. I IIn response to her call, Dorothy Fosdick, Permanent u committee on Investigations, Senate Government Operations Committee staff, was advised that Mr. Duckett, DDS&T, would be available to initiate his briefing on Soviet weapons systems at 0930 on Monday, 2 June, rather than 10:00 as originally scheduled.. 20. 1 Called J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Subcommittee on Internal Security, Senate Judiciary Committee, and asked him if he could check to see if a ever testified, before any congressional committees. Sourwine said he would have Mary Dooley, Research Assistant, check and be back in touch with us. 21.1 Attended a symposia on the Freedom of Information and Right of Privacy Acts given by the Civic Speakers were drawn from Committee staff, Justice, Defense and HEW. Also, Mr. Victor Kramer of the Georgetown Law Center spoke representing the private sector. From the comments of the various agencies, it is apparent that there are serious problems, particularly: in reconciling the inconsistencies between both acts, Justice is presently considering issuing a recommendation to all agencies that they handle under the Privacy Act when it becomes effective in September all requests from individuals seeking to know what information agencies have concerning them. Presently, these requests are being processed under the Freedom of Information. Act. CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 A~q,roved Fo Releease 20071/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Mice of Legislative ounse Page 3 Thursday - 29 May 1975 8.1 Received a call from Mr. Conn.o who said he an xs co eaques are working as agents for the Joz ee on Taxation looking int 'C' ' iformant program and asked if we could advise them of the procedures which we use on how payments are made, etc. I said. I did not think we could provide any useful information on this subject but I would be back in touch with him. 9. I I Called Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel.-, Senate Armed Services Committee, to get his views on the possibility of our briefing Senator James McClure on the Soviet strategic weapons program. :Braswell said there will be considerable discussion in the near future on SALT, that he, feels it is useful for a responsible member such as McClure to be properly informed on the subject and he agreed with our inclination to provide the briefing McClure has requested. 11. I I Had several conversations with. Searle Field and Jack Boos, House Select Committee on Intelligence staff, on the subject of Field's clearance and his access to classified documents. As a result of these conversations, the meeting scheduled for 3:30 today was cancelled. See Memo for Record. 12. 1 1 Received a call from Mr. Weiss in the office of Congressman Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. -(D. , Mass.) regarding a CIA study entitled "USSR: Long-Range Prospects for Hard Currency Trade." I told Weiss we had delivered copies to Congressmen who had requested the nr1 T -^?1,1 ',p glad to bring one by his office next week. Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 25~ 1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 "PlivirQY-1nrr - 7Q 1'4-r 107K CONFIDENTIAL 3. Spoke to Jim Oliver, OMB, and told him there might be a delay in departmental responses to the Agency's proposed unauthorized disclosure legislation because of a USIB meeting which may be scheduled soon to unite intelligence community forces. Oliver suggested that perhaps OMB's General Counsel and Justice might attend such a meeting, but I told him I really thought this was a meeting to get the intelligence community clucks in. a row- and that we could face other issues once this has been acconm.plished. Oliver said we should expect to soon receive from. Jim Prey, OMB, a request for comments on S. 1 and would like u., to pay particular attention to Section 1124 (Disclosing Classified Information) as it may impact on the need for our proposed legislation on intelligence sources and methods. 14. Richard Fryklund, DOD, Legislative Affairs, calI -r~v-u~ro'rr ar.e being asked to testify on Indian Ocean matters as they relate to Diego Garcia and in response to his query, I told him that we had already initiated briefings on this subject and I am sure that he will find out from his intelligence analysts that it is our view that the situation remains pretty much as last year as depicted in Mr. Colby's statements to the Congress with the exception. of This was viewed as a, event by most of the members we briefed. 15. I I Roberta Jones TT1qre &d-bled concerning the Committee or Action! Research on the Intelligence Community in connection with a cable they had received from Lagos requesting copies of a recent issue of the magazine Counterspy. I alerted 25X1 Africa Division, and suggested to him that he might want to find out further what lies behind this request from Lagos. Action to do so has been initiated by 16. Dorothy Fosdick, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senate Government Operations Committee staff, called to request an update on the Soviet weapons by Carl Duckett, DDS&T, for tomorrow or Monday. Eventually, a session to begin at 10:00 a. m., on Monday was scheduled. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 22 May 1975 Page 2 5. I I Erich Foreman, Intern and on the staff of Senator Dale L. Bumpers (D. , Ark. ), called and said the Senator would like a briefing on the Middle East. In a later conversation Foreman said the Senator would only permit those on his staff who have security clearances to sit in on the briefing. Foreman said he has a TS clearance and he would let us know the status of any other staffer who might be involved. It was agreed that I would get back in touch. with Foreman about a possible briefing date sometime during the week of 2 June. ~. Wilma Lehman -"ivil Service C called to give me the status on the Daniels bill, H. R.-7-227,' right of coun.seL An amendment has been drafted which would limit the 'right to that point. where there is a formal adverse personnel action, but she is concerned that no one will introduce an amendment. Representative Richard C. White (D. , Texas) is sponsoring the amendment to fully exempt the CIA, r _ _ m V.A ndicating that this will satisfy the .Administration's objections 8. I I Senator Dick Clark (D. , Iowa) visited 25X1 Headquarters for a get-acquainted session which was hosted by the Director and Messrs. Paul Walsh, A/DDI, NIO/SEA, and 2X1 OLU, also attended. The Senator would like to return for a tour through the building and also to obtain a briefing on southern Africa, in light of his Chairmanship of the Subcommittee on African Affairs, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and his plans to travel to southern Africa in the near future. We will contact Julie Marshall, of the Senator's staff,,' to set up a 'date prior to the 10t-h of June. =~,` ` { n j 4 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday .- 22 May 1975 CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 10. I I Aaron Vogel, in the office of Representative Herbert E. Harris II D. , Va. , called on behalf of a constituent, I 25X1 is a former Agency employee who has had a workman's compensation claim for injuries sustained while employed by the Agency pending for at least three years. the 25X1 injury involves loss of hearing. Ms. Vogel asked why the Agency was requiring to take a second hearing test at the sitel here 25X1 the hearing loss occurred, since the first test appears adequate. I told her I would look into the matter and call her back, OIPERS, has 25X1 been advised. 11. I I Sat in on a briefing given by OCI, for Mike Telson, House Budget Committee staff, on the energy sources in Venezuela and Mexico. The briefing was unclassified and was requested by Telson for his background in connection with. his trip in a few weeks to Central and South America as part of a cultural TT, The trip in no way concerns congressional matters. Telson was most appreciative and displayed considerable background in Central and South America having been raised in Cuba. At the conclusion of the briefing he added that energy and the environment will be his areas of interest on. the Budget Committee, He volunteered that Representative Elizabeth Holtzman (D. , N. Y.. ) had attempted to have the Agency budget reviewed by the Budget Committee, however, the effort was defeated principally by Representative Robert N. Giaimo (D. , Conn.) and feels that Agency matters must be handled securely by a select group within the Congress. He felt that undoubtedly the CIA budget will in some way eventually be reviewed by the Budget Committee. 25X1 12. I Called Marsha Matt, lIouse Appropriations Committee staff, and asked that she check with either. Mr. Preston or Mr. Snodgrass, on the Committee staff, to request approval for the Agency to destroy the typewriter ribbon used by the shorthand reporters in transcribing the 6 May 1975 transcript of the Director's appearance before the Defense Subcommittee, We subsequently received their approval to destroy the ribbon. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Q LY " P9 +R I T RNA. Friday - 16 May 1975 1. (Unclassified - GLC) Called George Murphy, staff of the Joint: Committee on Atomic Energy, to discuss storing material for the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities. Murphy agreed in principle with our storing material. there but said the arrangement would have to be cleared with several memberx of the JCAE, most important of whom would be Senator Pastore. He also said he would have to have something in writing as to who would have access to the material. This was passed on to STAT 2. (Unclassified - GLC) Called Dick Kaufman, Joint Economic Committee staff, and gave him the dates of the 17th through the 25th of June for the Director's appearance before Senator Proxmire's Subcommittee on. Economies and Priorities in Government. Kaufman will be back in touch to confirm a date. 3. (Unclassified - GLC) Received calls from Dr. Stevens, ADD/S&T,, and F- I OSI, with further reference to the request GAO has made tgAfor a briefing on nuclear safeguards. There appears to be some difference of opinion as to whether the Agency or ERDA should handle this briefing. I talked with Marian Czarnecki, Staff Director, House International Relations Committee, who acknowledged they had made such a request to ERDA, was surprised that we might be the Agency involved in providing the information but said if we were he would agree with my proposal that we handle the matter directly with the Committee. (He mentioned three different Subcommittees are involved in this.) He said he would not, however, extend this same arrangement to ERDA. I passed this information back to ]who said he STAT would discuss it further with Stevens. STAT CIA 1j%,TE iNA[ USA ONLY Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 15 May 1975 CJA INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 3 STAT 10. (Unclassified - GLC) Accompanied the Director and to a session with the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. See Memo for. Record.. 11. (Unclassified - JMD) Called Mildred Ward, Secretary to Senator John Stennis, and told her that when was wi.t:h the? STAT Senator yesterday, the Senator asked for a briefing on Soviet: hardware f7r next Monday or Tuesday. I asked if she would set a time and date. She said she had to check with the Senator and would be back in touch. 12. (Unclassified - JMD) Lee McKenna, in the office of Representative M. Caldwell Butler, called and asked for several sets of application forms. STAT I kent these out. STAT 13. (Unclassified - JMD) Mark Kliman, in the office of Representative, Les Aspin, called and said he had talked to someone, he thought STAT STAT STAT some weeks ago and would like to talk to him again to clarify some points, I said I would see if I could locate him and call back. I talked with who said Kliman had talked to ~befar TAT but they did not want Kliman to have phone number--they want Klixnan TAT calls to come to this Office instead of directly to I He said, however, hSTAT would have all Kliman back and answer his questions, 14. (Unclassified - GLC) Received a call from Maurice Eisenstein, Acting Deputy Director, Division of International Security Affairs ho said they have received a request fro hick states that in connection with a study they are doing on behalf of the 1lous International Relations Committee,, they would like an intelligence briefing on the effectiveness of nuclear safeguards.. Eisenstein was agonizing over how to handle this. I told him that. if a request of this sort came to the Agency, I would contact Marian Czarnecki:, Staff Director of the Committee, and deal with him directly on the matter cutting GAO out of the circuit completely. I said as far as I knew none of the people in GAO had the proper clearances for briefings at the level that would be required on. this subjcect anyway. CIA I d TEUNAL. USE GN1 Y Group meeting. It will be resch 15. (Unclassified - JMD) Barbara Grabon, in the office of Les Janka of the White House, called and cancelled the Legislative Inter departmental. / GEO GE L. CA-AY Ihuermer, Mr. e 6 ?d ~ - 01tl "14 609~0b1~ ~l-lc'r Mr. Item ArovUe,For Release cc: O/DDCI, Ex. Sec. , DDI, DDA, DDS&T, Mr. Warner, ' STAT STAT Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal -- Office of Legislative Counsel Page Z Thursday - 8 May 1975 F-- I CONFIDENTIA111. 5? Following J. Sourwine's, Chief Counsel., Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Internal Security, call tol 25X1 requesting that the Subcommittee interview 25X1 preliminary meeting by members of the Subcommittee staff was best before he is interviewed by a member. I subsequently called Sourwine and confirmed the arrangement. He asked that the meeting he held before the end of May. Robert F. Drinan D. Mass. ), called on behalf of a constituent, Massachusetts, and asked the procedures that the constituent should follow to appeal his request to the Agency under the FOX Act. I explained our appeal procedures. I subsequently discussed the 25X1 STAT 7. I I Tim Hardy of the Presidential Commission. staff called to request copies of bills that had been introduced that affect the Agency's charter in a major way. The material was sent to Hardy via Mr. Knoche, Assistant to the Director. JCalled NSA,_ to request: 25X1 his inputs L==7=t, UVAIIIIJULt- in line with the -suggestion of II 25X1 DIA/General Counsel. said NSA would like to come under the umbrella of the joint committee. I also. reviewed the status of the Daniels' bill (I-I. R. 6227, right of counsel for Federal employees) and the indications that we probably will receive a full exemption along with NSA ands F pursuant to the letter request of the Director to Chairman David Henderson, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee. I also informed him of the Iiouse'Ar.n-i 'd Services Committee interest if the full exemption is not granted, to obtain the approval of the Speaker that the Parliamentarian refer the bill to the Armed Services Committee. cA yt%;'A Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday -- 8 May 1975 CONFIDENTIAL 91. Page 3 Called Representative Richard White (D. , Tex.) to Manx im or ie reva.slon in H. R. 6227 (right of counsel to Federal employees) that he had made and told him. that we still had problems on the principle of the bill that even with the revision the bill would constitute a dilution of the Director's statutory authority with respect to the termination of employees in the interest of the United States. Mr. White appreciated the call and said he understood our position, that Mr. Daniels had indicated he would propose an amendment to grant CIA, NSA. and~_i1-T a full exemption and although he (Mr. White) did not believe this was the best course he would not fight it in Committee. Mr. White is doubtful that the Committee will get to the bill at the next full Committee session. I told Mr. White that I can appreciate his position but that I did think it might be best to await the outcome of the deliberations of the I-louse Select Committee before making any adjustments in the Director's authorities and responsibilities. 10. I I Called Dave Bowers,, to advise him of my conversation with Representative Richard White (D., Tex.) and Bowers said that his assessment, based on his own readings, is that we will succeed in obtaining a full exemption. 12. I Dorothy Fosdick, Professional Staff Director, ~rxxxzcrr~ri~~~~r~xx~~rrr~, ee on Investigations, Senate Government Operations Committee, called and said that Senator Henry M. Jackson. (D. , Wash.) wanted Richard Perle, of the Subcommittee staff, and herself to be updated on new Soviet weapons development and asked if Mr. Duckett: could. come up and brief them tomorrow. Mr. Duckett's office has been CONFIDENTIAL, Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thiircrlatr _ R 1A tr 1Q7r, 3.r-**CR[`Z*T Page 4 13. IEnaily Thurber, in the office of Senator Alan Crandrvxj. . , 7iii.. ), caLect requesting a briefing for the Senator on the Subcontinent as background for a speech he intends to make. Thurber had no problems with the groundrules I reviewed. OCI, has been alerted. 14., I Spoke with Bill Kreiger, and Paul Daley, r regarding the FBI's input to the paper on a joint comm.ittee. Kreiger said that Frank Schwartz, FBI Liaison, would drop by tomorrow to review what we would like from them. 25X1 15. I Austin Smith, Defense Subcommittee, House Appropriations Committ-ee, called and said they would like to have transcripts of the Director's testimony before the Subcommittee for 17 and 22 April and 6 May of this year. These were delivered and Mr. Gary picked them up at the end of the day for return to Headquarters. 16. 1 Hand-carried to Charles Snodgrass, Defense Subcommittee staff, House Appropriations Committee, a package of Agency responses to questions which they had raised. In addition there was one response which was to be orally given to Snodgrass. He insisted, however,. on having the written version of it which I exhibited and I permitted him to have it. 17. I I Per instructions of I stopped 25X1 the Housu o a er om e and picked up a copy of the current House Rules 18. I Representative Robert McClory, Ranking Minority member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, called about: Representative Michael Harrington's' legal action pending against CIA. He said he wanted information on this and has asked his Legislative Assistant, Allen Rexinger, to check into this. He wanted to know if we could help him. I said we would be glad to help and would give him a copy of. 1. he complaint. I said there were several other members who have filed suit against the Director and the President. McClory said he would like to know about these also. I said I would deliver these to Rexinger this afternoon. Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0. Approved For Releas0QfJ; -RDP77M00144R000600090 OLC 75-1046 7 May 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting with Representative James Hanley (D., N. Y.), 1 May 1975 1. Met with Representative James Hanley (D., N. Y.) concerning his. 22 April 1975 letter to GSA Administrator Arthur Sampson and explained the actual facts of ownership and the concept behind the Executive Branch's firm no comment policy. Mr. Hanley was in complete agreement with the policy, appreciated our efforts in keeping him informed and said he would make no mention of the topics we had discussed. In response to my query, he said that in. view of what I had just told him, no response to his letter to GSA is necessary but he recommended that we brief Mr. Sampson on the facts, if he does not already know them. Mr. Duckett, DDS&T, has been advised. 2. I also discussed with Mr. Hanley the Daniels' bill, now H. R. 6227 (right of counsel of Federal employees). I said that although Representative Richard White,(D. , Tex.) had made a..number of concessions to us which are truly appreciated in the new version of the bill, unless we receive a full exemption in line with Mr. Colby' s letter to Chairman David Henderson, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee (copy of which I gave Hanley), enactment of the bill would constitute a dilution of the Director's statutory authority to terminate employees in the interest of the United States and could otherwise tend to undermine our personnel objectives which is not an adversary situation as it could become under a bill such as this, but one which must have the highest regard for personnel but also sufficiently firm to identify vulnerabilities which could be exploited by hostile intelligence services. Mr. Hanley appeared to be completely sympathetic to our position and appreciated our bringing this matter to his attention. 25X1 Approved For Release 20001[17:: CIA-RDP 7M001 900 i - Approved For Release 200t 7' I7- 7M00144R000600090019-0 3. Mr. Hanley also reminisced about the status of the Ervin bill, indicating that he would have liked to have seen it passed as a tribute to Senator Sam Ervin, confident that in conference Mr. Hanley would have sustained a complete exemption for CIA, NSA, and FBI. He talked about the abuses the bill was to correct. and I told him that the mere action on the bill had perhaps led to correction of problems in the Executive Branch and cited several examples, but also that general legislation of this type in correcting these few abuses would unfortunately, in the process create a personnel management climate not in the Government's best interest of strengthening supervisory responsibilities. 25X1 Deputy Legislative Counsel Distribution: Original - Subject file 1 - DDS&T 1 - DDS&T/SPS 1 - DDA GSA file 1 - Leg file 1 - OLC Chrono OLC/LLM:baa (7 May 75) Approved For Release 20d ~f1d`~77M00144R000600090019-0 2$X1 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 6 May 1975 CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 12. I In follow up of the Director's letter of 5 May 1975 to Representative Paul McCloskey (R. , Calif. ), called Julie Pineau, Secretary, and we tentatively agreed to 11:00 a. m., Wednesday, 14 May for a briefing of the Congressman on Thailand, Taiwan and Korea. OCI, has been advised. 13. I I Called regarding DOD's input on the joint committee paper. written comments are being forwarded to us. 25 1 25 1 25X1 ;, regarding contributions to the joint committee paper. Sca is referred me to John Hoclus of thjXOU" Called John Hodus, FBI, concerning their contribution to the joint committee paper. Hodus saidHe ould have someone get in touch with us. 16. Called Bill Hogan, House Armed Services Committee staff, in response to his earlier request to Mr. and gave him a rundown on the contents of H. R. 6227 (right of counsel to Federal employees), our position and what we have done to date. Hogan agreed that it would be a serious dilution of the Director's statutory authority and that if the bill is not reported out with a full exemption by the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, he was going to recommend that the Armed Services Committee go to the Parliamentarian to get them to refer the bill to the~Ilouse Armed Services Committee. 17. 1 I Bill Jones, INR/State Department, called concerning the draft comments of the Department on our proposed intelligence sources and methods legislation. See Memo for Record for details. 18. and gave, a status report on the meeting with Intermountain. Everything seems to be g C/Services Staff, called DIA/OGC, the liquidation of ot:hly. 25X1 19. I Called JNSA concerning25X1 their contribution to the joint committee paper. recommended I 25X1 .-contact Bob Andrews at DOD for further inputs to t: xe paper. M `NFInFRIT! J Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77 M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel RET Page 2 Called Wilma Lehman, G , x` c rv c emission,, an gave her a status report on the Daniels' bill (H. R. 6227, right of. counsel for Federal employees). I told her I did not think we should be comforted by the fact that there are adverse reports from. executive agencies and that from what I am getting from the Hill, much more personal work should be done, perhaps by Chairman Hampton or Mr. Jacobsen, CSG. Ms. Lehman was not on top of the recent developments and the waning of support for Executive Branch positions and promised to raise the problem with the Commission obviously before Thursday when the I-louse Post Office and Civil Service Committee next meets to consider legislation. 5. I I Called Dave Bower egarding the Daniels' bill (H. R. 6227) and he said he does believe that- .e succeeded in turning Representative Dominick Daniels (D. , N. J. ) around to support a full exemption and we agreed to stay in touch so we could keep abreast of each others activities on the bill. 6. I I Brady Williamson, Legislative Assistant to Senator Dick Clark (D., Iowa) called and requested the names of the briefers who had so excellently serviced Senator Clark on the Vietnam issue over the past few months. I gave him the names of 25X1 NIO/SEA, and OCT. Will r 25X1 the Senator had been on the Hill for two years and this first experience with the Agency and the talent it possesses had impressed him greatly. In view of this expression of interest, it was agreed that it might be a good idea for Senator Clark to visit the Agency perhaps for breakfast and meet some of our people. Williamson will provide us a date. 7. I I Charles Snodgrass, House Appropriations Committee staff, called and requested in connection with tomorrow's briefing that we provide him, this afternoon or tonight, all of the contracts on a sensitive project. With the concurrence of Sayre Stevens, DDS&T, I contacted DDS&T/SPS, and Snodgrass reviewed the major contracts and letters. Although I was not able to remain throughout the session, it was obvious that Owas doing an excellent job in fitting Snodgrass' interests. I also gave to Snodgrass the basic data on the cost of the program which was used in preparing the letter to Chairman John Stennis (D., Miss.) of 20 March 1975. This was to satisfy an expressed concern to Carl Duckett, DDS&T, concerning figures earlier given him (C., E-7 /- I I - i Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 25X1 251k1 2$X1 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 C 19. of Senator Harrison letters by constituent F was extr ONFIDENTIA(. Discussed, with Betty Scott, in the office Jr. (D. , N. J. ), the background of the o the Agency. i.rst letter to the Agenc'5X1 eiy vituperative an reatened the D~ ec or and was forwarded to fha Sr~r-,?a! G~rtr't_r F, and the FRT I also explained that such letters are unanswered. After reading the letter to Miss Scott, she said she clearly understood and that we need not reply to Senator Williams' letter to this Agency on behalf of the constituent. She said she would discuss the matter personally with the Senator and would call me only if necessary. 20. Delivered to Jack Boos, Intelligence Subcommittee stall, I- louse Arme Services Committee, the Agency's letter to advising him that the Agency could not utilize his machine translation device. - Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. (R. , Calif. ) a letter from the Director to the Representative regarding a requested briefing concerning Korea, Thailand and Taiwan. Vietnamese archives were destroyed. I told her I had checked and our people; are still trying to get information on individuals, but as far as we know the Thieu government was in the process of destroying some things. I said we really have no specific information on this subject, however. I said I had asked our people to keep their eyes open and let me know if they find anything ouocommlttee on Investigations, of the Government Operations Committee, connection with her earlier call as to what we know about whether the South CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 25D(1 25101 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 1 May 1975 Accompanied OCI, a meeting with the Speaker of the House,Carl Albert. Following briefing of substantive intelligence matters, we engaged in a very constructive discussion concerning committee oversight of the Agency in the I-louse. (See I emorandum for the Record.) 10. I I Met with Representative James Hanley (D. , N. Y.) concerning his 22 April 1975 letter to GSA Administrator Arthur. Sampson and also concerning the Daniels' bill H. R. 6227 (right of counsel of Federal employees). See Memorandum for the Record. 11. I I Met with Bob Lockhart,. House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, who said that the revised Daniels bill, H. R. 6227, perhaps might come up next Thursday and that Mr. Daniels, who Dave Bowers of the FBI thinks will propose the vwnlpm~ ing. full amendment for CIA, NSA and FBI, is w 12. Spoke to Dave Bowers I3I and - informed him that Representative Dominick Daniels (D. , N. J..) appeared. to be wavering and supporting an amendment to the Daniels bill for a full exemption for our Agency. Bowers said he was aware of this and thinks he has now straightened out the matter and said. that Representative Richard White' s (D. , Tex. ) Legislative Assistant had told. him that the Agency was completely happy with the bill as revised following my session with Mr. White. Bowers agreed that the revisions were indeed very constructive but that the FBI still needed a full exemption and I told him I would see Mr. White early next week to straighten out any misunderstandings that may exist with respect to the Agency's official position. 13. I I Met with Carl Blake, in the office of Representative ona Meg -Le (D. , Mich. ), in response to an earlier request and provided him retyped versions of the articles in Mr. Riegle's file that was maintained in the Agency. Following this, Mr. Blake discussed a number of considerations that he felt impacted upon the current attitude in Congress concerning the CIA. He was supportive of the Agency's functions but felt that we had managed to stay out of the tension and. conflict in American society for a quarter of a century and this was bound to happen, if not now, at a later time. He was obviously gratified to-hear that despite the heavy requirements being imposed upon the Agency by the investigations, that we were dedicated to continuing to perform the functions for which we were established and observed in the long run this would be our salvation, 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/01/17 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600090019-0