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May 14, 1975
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Approved For Release 2006/1118~ ~~D~~M0~~44R000500080102-9 iJj ,1~ L JOURNAL OFF ICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 14 May 1975 I I NT E MAC USE Oi1t? dL cus request tor a brief update on the Maa ue Met with Senator. Sant Nunn (D. - C;:, 1 2. with , Wash.. for l 3? as been rolerrec 25X1 ~terview25X1 at= 15' hours on Thursday, 15 May 1975, had been referrec15X1 by John Crutcher, in the office of Senator Robert Dole (R., Kans.). 25X1 4? Called Bill Duff s, /1 Director of Special Projects, GAO, and advised him that the Agency had no objection to inclusion of the publication "Potential Implications of rf.'rends in World Population, Food Production and Climate" in the record of GAO's testimony before the House Government Operations Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy and Natural Resources. Duffus had explained that a i-nexr.jber reques this be done. 25X1 6. M f o..... t.L _ ur en r ffi Dick D'Amato, on the staff of Representative James M. Jeffords (R,., Vt.. ), and advised him that the Agency him about the a.)c gre s sional C o ng71c: Suppor , as b een. will be i.n direct contact with D'Amato to make the necessary arrangements. . , x~ J.....J Ci At [-cC4A V C Phillip M. Crane (R., Ill. ), called. She explained that a constituent had applied for employment at the United Nations and has been told that: he mus; have a security clearance. Maureen was interested in knowing whether. our Agency had anything to do with these security clearances. I told her that we did not and suggested that she advise the constituent to ask the UN people himself at out it or that she check with the State Departni.ent. U!X 1Wtb P!A[ USE n)kJL - jt IMPI'ET GI- 7/,!! -i",'/( Approved For Release 2006/11/28: CIA-RDP77M00144R000500080102-9 25X1 employment: interv~(v1 at: 1.430 hours 110( 125 y Representative Floyd V. I-Ticks' Approved For Release 2006/11/28: CIA-RDP77M00144R000500080102-9 Journal -- Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 14 May 1975 Page 2 C(A itNTEWNAC USE ONLY 7. Received a call from Ron Tarnmen 25X1 on the staff of Senator William Proxmire (D. , Wis. ). Tarnrn.en. had previously requested tax data on Toro ,A -aa =-for some academicians with whore Senator Proxmire is cooperating. We had earlier reported to Taanrrien that we did not have tax data on North Vietnam., but Tammen now has a cite to a National Intelligence Survey which he believes had the requested data. I passed this information. t Cl, who is going to check int tAT 25X1 8? Called Jim Purcell, OMB, who is handling the Justice Department's draft bill on criminal justice, which we have been. asked to comment on. I informed Purcell that an identical bill, H. R. 61, drafted by the Justice Department, had already been submitted this Congress and was to be the subject of hearings later this month before a House Judiciary Subcommittee. Purcell was quite puzzled at this and said he would find out. the relationship of the two bills. 25X1 9.1 alled Jim Wentzel, Office of Legislative Affairs, Department of Justice, regarding the status of H. R. 61, upon which Justice was scheduled to testify next week. Wentzel informed me that-. the hearings had been postponed by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights and would probably be rescheduled in June. I also told Wentzel we had received a request for comments on the Justice draft bill identical to H. R. 61 and he was quite perplexed at this development. r -r called to confirm the arrangements I had earlier made with her for Mr. OTR, to speak to the Workshop group on Tuesday. 17 June no problem as long as it was cleared through appropriate command channels. CIA INTE NAE USE QNFy , that the D r men a Commerce was interested. in using unclassified tables which are going to be included in an Agency study on Cuban trade for use in the testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary o- f Commerce for East- West Trade Arthur T. Downey before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. I thanked for the alert and told hire we had LA Branch of OER advised1 Approved For Release 2006/11/28: CIA-RDP77M00144R000500080102-9 Approved For Release 2006/11/28: CIA-RDP77M00144R000500080102-9 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 C INTE AL USE Nfv RE 12. Called Bill Jones, INR/State, for 25X1 suggestions on -a e s proposed draft reply to OMB on the Agency's intelligence sources and methods legislation and reviewed some of 25X1 the points we would like stressed or omitted. I told bin-z we w Id provide written comments for his use. Later, OGC, comments were LDX'd to Jones. Lombard, Senate Select Committee staff, for a glossary of initials used. for intelligence agencies, brought to my attention.. a copy 25X1 of an OTR study guide con