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Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP76B00734R000200030009-7 12 February 1973 SUBJECT: Discussion with.Dr. Donald Schueck, Director of Research, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) REFERENCE: LSD File, SRI 1. The undersigned met from 1400 to. 1630 on Saturday, 10 February, with Dr. Donald Schueck. Dr. Schueck called and requested the meeting late Friday afternoon. He is Vice- President of Stanford Research Institute and also is the Director of Research. Corporate offices are in Menlo Park, California, but Dr. Schueck and Charles Anderson (President, SRI) were planning to be in the Washington area over the weekend. I met with Dr. Schueck at 2. Dr. Schueck wanted to discuss the research currently being conducted at SRI in the investigations of pars-normal phenomena. He was well aware of the fact that I have no contracting, U.S. research, or official Agency input to SRI. Nevertheless I firmly reestablished those points at the beginning of our discussion. Dr. Schueck is aware of the fact that my concern is the validation of purported Soviet research in this area, and the assessment of an existing threat, if any. 3. Dr. Schueck struck me as being a very conservative, calm, and highly disciplined individual. Despite the highly emotionally charged subject, Dr. Schueck related what I will outline below in a business-like manner. 4. Dr. Schueck indicated that the comments he wished to make to me were the result of extensive discussions between himself and the President of SRI and that I could consider them official. a. SRI considers their involvement in this area of research to be extremely sensitive, potentially embarrassing, and potentially damaging to the company. I3D/S&T FILE COPY Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP76B00734R000200030009-7 Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP76B00734R000200030009-7 SUBJECT: Discussion with Dr. Donald Schueck A press release acknowledging limited association of SRI scientists with para-normal research has been pre- pared and approved by the Board of Directors. They fervently hope that the press release will never have to be issued. b. The decision of whether or not to continue in this research remains open at this time for the above reasons. The President of SRI and Dr. Schueck would like to continue if public visibility can be kept very low. c. Because of the unprecedented results that have been obtained at SRI with two "sensitives" (including the Israeli, Uri Geller), the senior management, in- cluding the President and Vice-President of SRI, have become personally involved in the laboratory data collection. Further, Dr. Schueck personally conducted many experiments alone with Mr. Geller to eliminate the possibility of fraud on the part of SRI scientists. Also, Dr. Schueck personally determined the method of data acquisition, security of storage, and analysis (observed in the film, "Experiments with Uri Geller"). I feel it appropriate to note parenthetically that Dr. Schueck represents the fourth management level above the senior scientists directly involved with the research, which supports his claim to me of the importance that SRI assigns to this project. d. Dr. Schueck certified to me that the data we have observed and heard about are legitimate and cannot be explained on the basis of fraud. He does not rule out the possibility that some other kinds of experiments that have been done with Geller elsewhere could not be repro- duced by trickery, but that the controls on the experiments done at SRI and the data reported are honest. 5. Dr. Schueck explained how SRI became involved with Geller, but his comments were completely consistent with prior memos I have written on the basis of information from other sources. He described the experiments that he has personally conducted with Geller. I extracted from him the minute details of how he conducted the experiments, which were telepathic in Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP76B00734R000200030009-7 Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP76B00734R000200030009-7 SUBJECT: Discussion with Dr. Donald Schueck nature. If Dr. Schueck was telling me the truth as I believe he was, then I assert that the experiments done with Dr. Schueck are valid. Dr. Schueck did not appear to be the kind of person who could be subject to hallucination or deep hypnosis quickly and without extensive prior preparation as would otherwise have been the case in the experiments he conducted with Geller personally. I doubt that anyone is, but assert that if this be the case, the importance of the Agency's learning how this is done is even greater than the investigation of para-normal phenomena itself. 6. Dr. Schueck and I spent considerable time discussing how, in principle, the data as we have seen it summarized in the film could have been fraudulently obtained. We agreed that some of the experiments (magnetometer, location of objects) could be reproduced if, a. An RF field is beamed inside the building from outside, presumedly a van, and/or b. Geller has a miniaturized receiver implanted in his mastoid sinuses. We agreed that even given these two points, we could still not reproduce the data, but agreed that in principle it could be done. The telepathy experiments could be repro- duced if the building had been entered at night, the vaults opened, and the data manipulated prior to the test the following morning. Dr. Schueck categorically denied that this could have even been done in principle given the security procedures that were instituted for these experiments. Some of the experiments (but not many) could have been fraud if Zev Pressman (the SRI photographer) were operating in league with Geller. Dr. Schueck does not believe this to be a reasonable hypothesis since Pressman has been with SRI for over ten years, but he agreed with me that further experiments should always include the absence of Pressman from the room during any double-blind experiments. 7. Dr. Schueck did not even remotely suggest that I should in any way attempt to influence a decision for letting a follow-on contract with SRI. To the contrary, he said that Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP76B00734R000200030009-7 Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP76B00734R000200030009-7 the President of the company and he would like an excuse not to do the research, but that it may be the most important thing that they are now doing. He also feels that SRI is the only laboratory in the United States now approaching this subject in a highly controlled and multi-disciplinary way. I did not respond to him about the latter comment but he is totally correct. Chief, Biomedical Sciences Branch Distribution: Orig - Record 1 - LSD chron 2 - BSB OSI/LSD/BSBA (12Feb73) Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP76B00734R000200030009-7