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Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-001838000100010064-3 'a?{i V~ \1w i gnu q~?' !~ DTA.RY NOTES DD/A proposal would be more complicated than one which they offered as a 11 October 195. 1. Met with Reynolds and Meloon to discuss the "In-Casual - Out as na~er_ ersonnel he7-iPVC~s that counter proposal, I think either will do, with some minor modifications, 'n g it with Saunders, will coordinate it fully with and others. 25X1 25X1 25X1 2. Dick Helms, and I agreed on the language to be 25X1 used in the Administrative Plan for project ~ which will require deviation from the budget in arty major category by more than X50,000 to be submitted to the Comptroller for a determination as to whether such deviation can be made without presentation to the Project Review Committee or the Director. 3. I gave Saunders a draft of a proposed memorandum which the 25X1 Director would sign in connection with project and asked him to see if he could sell it to J. C~ King. 5. At General Cabell~s request I asked Dr. Tietjen to look into the medical situation in 0 and render me a brief report as to what 25X1 the situation is there and what he recommends be doglp:to improve it. 6. At the Director's meeting it was indicated that General Clark would be briefed on the 18th and 19th. 7, Had a talk with Ed Saunders and discussed with him the problem of getting rid of dead wood. 8, Discussed with John Warner and the "Z" case, and since the General Counsel believes that a egal interpretation of the case as it stands now would entitle Mr. "Z" to payment of his salary prior to "proper" suspension within the past few days, I agreed to go along with ~~ET Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-001838000100010064-3 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-001838000100010064-3 this, However, I requested that the entire file be referred to the Director through me, to make sure the Director understands the rationale behind this decision. 9. Talked to 25X1 ~~~~- a+ia.v ~iio tN111 oe separa~cea (resignation with prejudice) on 12 October. 10. At the Deputies Meeting on 11. October the Director said that Senator Mansfield had now indicated that he would introduce a Resolution into the next Congress which would provide for the President or Vice Presi- dent to appoint an ad hoc Congressional committee each year to monitor CIA affairs, which would be made up of the ranking members of the Armed Services Committee and the Appropriations Committees. This would replace Senator Mansfield's much more unacceptable proposal of the last session of Congress. Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-001838000100010064-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100010064-3 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Denied