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Approved For Release 2007/03/01 :CIA-RDP99-00498 iT`i SR _.. '~~,RNeiT ~Q;:.='.L ~'. L'~~:i lFe~ UrdI'iEL Sr'I`F',., STAT Griffith is an odious figure. That is no exaggeration. The fact that he lectures at the i~assachusetts Institute of Technology and even the fact that for the last ~r.; y%~ars h~? has held the post of per;nanent government ccnsult;ant, sur-vivi_:~ tho ad`ni?r ;,ratier:~ of five pr. esidents (Eisenhower, :Kennedy, Johnson, Diixon and Ford;--all t?at _s clearly rot enough to rrovide anT clear icture of him. The two-volume, stork " p J P Co; ~ ~ur._srr: i.n Euro~- w'.1ich he edited arrd which ran into two editions--even that morel?r confirms his ?aemi;~rsh`c i.n the regiment of anticomrnunists and does not reveal any special merits of Griffitt}. F'or that, it is necessary to turn to the period of his life bet~reen his uoctor's degree and his elevation to the rank of goverrunent consultant and then it is rGVCale:~ that Uriffit?h was alreac]y the chief' political adviser cf Radio Free Europe and was respan;i.ble both fcr broadcasts fabricated by the CIA and for secret operations against the sryciai?sG countries bar the American special services. "Because of the role which he played ii1 Iiungary in 1956," as the New York TIMES writes, he is still unaccen{;able today to tt-iose ??rho, like Percy and McGovern, see him as a man arho is totally devotee] to the cause of cold war. F'cr. those who believe that detente must be utilized for the struggle against deter_te-- what a paradox!--Griffith will be a loyal swordbearer, although Grif'fith's appoir?t?nent itself' is r.ot a paradox but a fact. Just as it is also a fact that .Radio ,ibe_^ty and Radio r^ree L~,urope are by no means "independent organizations" but an "integr?a'_ Hari: of the U. S. Government," that they are financed by Congress, that their budget is tilting doubled, that it is proposedto add at least 1. more. to the 100 existing tr '_3:;a t;t:rs and that a world??ride neturork of transmitters is plarmed for the future. Griffith has been given his role in this scenario. And if not only 6ui ].li are rui;;rigkrt's wise counsel--to throw the subversive radio stations into the graveyard o` r__i?:;s of cold r?rar?--has been consigned to oblivion but also the provision of the final act signed in 1-ielsinlci under which any expansion of radio information must accord with the intere.':,s of mutual unf;erstanding among the peoples has been sacr?if'iced, what is Griffith goir>u' to bring to tt~re microphones? Is it once again to be slander and intErfez?en,:~ in the sociaii.,t countries' affairs? For him, this is an old weapon which is ever new. I,ll2cltd45Y ,:ioscow I7VESTIYA in Russian 21 Apr 77 P4orning Edition o 4 LD [A. V.Ladimirov article: "The CIA, the Admiral and the 'Restless 4taves'"] [Tex.t] Perhaps never before has so much been :?;ritten or said in ;dashingtcn about anti in general about the high morality of U.S. politics. Even. Ad:n S. Turner, the rei?r di.r?ecto.r of the CIA, has tried to convince the U. S, public that the depart:^ent he heads has no~?r been purged once and for all of the evil of "dirty tricks." l~ditY: t:he patr?os of a professional preacher, the admiral s~,rore that he ?.;ould resign if he ??ras ever forced to commit even one immoral act, It is to be ~uppos ed tt-rat is a long time to go to Turner's resignation, but not because the "cloak and dad;~.=r" service ?.:ill henceforth be inspired exclusively by moral principles. Simply, as Senator Gcld?;ater--also, let us note, a very "mo.ra7." man (,not counting his ties :ai~h th:. p%!afi.a~-- put i.t, "Admiral Turner is the right man in the right place at the right time." But sermons are one thing and actions another. The tJashirgton mcralists tiav~ tc engaga in then. And it tur'rs out that t:he secret opc-rations ~.rhich the :Jnited Stags is publ?cl-r disavo~.ri?1g are continuing to be conducted in practice. Approved For Release 2007/03/01 :CIA-RDP99-004988000300090034-6 li;~~:h 1.~._x.fl;i1`'1.1+i.~:1,. P.['.i~'1~~".: 1iiY t~':11iJ J'.C!il !'.i~ '..'i{7 Y'i? rLY't_. i';.. ? -? ... ~ .. .... .. .'::_.. .... ':i 'i:1 `.., ~. '`v S`i :._.;'y" C:' {:}lr ..?=hv::rS'_ve ,.;id~.~ .i~1.,. _ ..... _.. ._ . ..: . .. . .... ._ .. _ ,..: U.,_ . 1~0;7::;~ a.,_ t ,,._~._ ur.'~er J > . eGn:_--ol .Ct :4c1S lOnr'c3:!Cl _L`~^OV'E?!:1 ..'.'C~?.: 'i~t r _, .: '.'C> ~ ,`i'ce; ~1.. Liberty pG1iCy'' wtatr ~ui?'e anarib'ma;:us2J '?;h .. 7 ~s i, cGr_ui>;ts i.._ n:.lpi'~s, ..,_ a~..i:ta::4!: ~.^t ,.fi_ t~~ T ?'` ~~ t more ~f: _ ,e ~ ;ply ,o t.cla:'l~;e t,. exis i n~; v T':i =.nln r' 7:n 'i.)r ?.:?f, :i.t ......, a C,1128 ,?:?.;}r? G?? Ci'@Y?'- '.,i3t#;?.~?~,-n..,nC$ ..... ::`?e 4 ~ Y `'f''v.'-,~' f' tt-,er. .t ~'?178riY a_._ 5 C.. O [~ Jun?tri e~- 2.nci il;. ?Jeri: ~,.!:'... ~.i:.~ L`rl~. ?..C'fc.'.l:C: C?J: tti1B `.'~.C"l ~..e t r+n.i:~Yt o.~. Ox" '%he (:in?:: f. DP;?lli zat iGn :'>#,' act-; 02 T_tb_Fersi[Jn ?.~'.i~ ,3 t; il[' ziJi?:'u;1~~.'F c.V?.,--'~:;Y~l> ?~u;:':l,nb hresiden'Y. .cord?s adt?ti.r_S.,tr:at;:Lc:n strong ':~'nG::~ure t?ra? put on the U.S, Gov~:rrzu:>;?t from v'C2t? L''a111p Gf the Gpponer~ts Gf d? tOnt? .iffy` ?C{dii?iG1:E;1 funds t0 be a1tOCa''?d tU the n^c `;C(S U?' tale S11bz7eJ'SiVP. ''v01.CeS," I~Yt tl"te ''!Hite? 1:ot1Se Chief 3t the tir.'e displayed a Cert~;_]1 Caltt On, F>~aut Gern:anyts i~i:Y SP?r.^EL as;~er'cec 7;hGt r^or4 ciid r:.Tt beg!n to e~:amine the report o:^ the 'tneeds of the radio stations" prepared on the instxtilGtions of Congress . "He left,'' the ,jOi.?TP_a 1 4r).'itPCi, "chat WaS iri ili;> viet3 an. UnpGpular d@C3.sion tt) t-iiS SUCCi::ssor,'t nd t1C1t 50 lore; ac0 it b;rCaa"ne rl~"'' t:~-' ` '? _~. ~.._ 'F'': 1._ .~.1.n ~:Yta'G .x~ ti'i~1:?.Y~. Ciii'>C C%. iR~.CiF.,,n_~,,[. C~.i.S L'.~a._'t ~?vt_ c.~Crable thF bu3g'et Of the 'tW0 5'.1b"7C-'r51yE: Gelat:c_ . ;s'AC' ~.!;r;??chfLZ? ,,,_? %%T?^.~'.:L~;~ .. t3'1;?mot- y"t'~t!~5-~ 1?iitters by over ~0 percent. As it happens, the: "Fresher. " stat~t:ient or' the` " oral. a,yt'' ~Pu'~:n=~r o the effect that the C:tA nonetheleess d:~:~ rot ~n*.end to abi`..rdcn the uerfo..=ranoa [~x' a ?`T'_"al~'7bL'r of SrCrE i', Gpea'atiOns" GCin^?.C;.ad in t::lme ??7,~~C2 Ll'l:; ~l Of ti E i?^i'! rt" 7' ; t p, C;j~?JSu c ad..:.~n_.:> ~ r2 ion., 'rie air was used crtensively even before by the preachers Gf the cold war' for acts of :i.s~:nl,,tzical subversion. ~;ow _'r, is planned to give them even greater scope. And all this, t;rti de:i'endors of ".~[oral:ity" in pol:,.tics assort, should serve "to encourage constructive d,.ra'log ??r:tth the F~:oples cf the Soviet, Ur'.3,on and Estst Europe (?'? }. ~zt who Gan belieJe asse'rt;~.ons that the poison (levered w:tth oil ?~ri'll be suitable as a dessert or that 1?rork il~ ;;.io rac?ic departments of the Cis9 make "prorhet:s" nut o*_",.st cutthroats and t-raitars t;o their p^ople? '~':ha press has frattuently written t'rla'i;, for instance, the- Russian section of Radio Liberty is made up of the dregs of huiranity wh:ieh even t^.e least scrupulous of lvashirlgton politicians are disLnclined to invite to parties at their. hGTes. Indeed, perhaps since the recent, by no r,~eans arithmetical. exercises in raising S;he political nobody H~kovskiy to the status of an international .figure, moral Harms in the U.S. capital will be changed, "~'ncidentally, bourgeois morality is such a ,in, atl-lerau:l., conce~Jt- wiiicil is t~lmo> ; soluble :~Tl prG~tarlda CJCktailS that ii. C:Sl"1 tJ[, liSc^d [: O::raTlt!;'.+ 1,t i~ 5111.t$b_"?.~ f7.i P.Ye.i;;J'_Y2J.1'?