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June 14, 1979
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Approved For Release 2007/06/19: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100170034-9 ARTICLE A-?Z'a,:,7a NEW YORK HIES ON PAG 14 JCTir_~ 1979 STAT in a mlitical and s\Vhy Carter Mfants I cial vacuum.- -9 ? people who are the greatest political li- In ih . r.ap .. 1. . n -% 7, abilities to the President. They are the Special to The New York Times eted some high national security post. teem, respects them, needs, them." 1J1'.4SHINGTON, June 13- President At embassy dinners he seemed less in- Others contend that the political cost. Carter's determination to stick with terested in talking about energy than in of forcing Mlr. Schlesinger out of the- James R. Schlesinger, despite Con- jousting eagerly with liberals over how Administration could be too high. As a. James pressures for his resignation to handle the Russians. conservative Republican with hard- and despite advice from senior White In mid-March, pressures for him to line foreign policy views, they assert, House aides that the blunt-spoken- quit boiled over. During a testy hearing he could become an outspoken oppol Energy Secretary has be- before the Senate Energy Committee, i neat of the President's arms control come a political liability, two Democratic liberals - George Mt- treaty with the Soviet Union if pushed News tells a great deal about Govern of South Dakota and John A. out of office. Analysis Jimmy Carter. Durkin of New Hampshire - called `Jim Schlesinger out of the Governs. The President has al- - 1Mr. Schlesinger's policies "a disaster" went is much more dangerous than ready established arepo- and demanded his resignation. said Jim Schlesinger in the Government t-Department tation for loyalty to subordinates under "I have offered it several times," a high Enemy t him out w der- Bert Lane Andrew Young and - Mr. Schlesinger snapped back. "This is clef. They don t wane him out waner- _milton Jordan. His intimates sa ing around, speaking against SALT. Y not a responsibility that is entirely ? And President Carter cannot dismiss that, with critics assailing Mr. Schles pleasurable on a day-today basis." Mr. Schlesinger and make him a scape. inger, the President is far from recep- tive to the idea of getting rid of him- Mr. Schlesinger goat for public dissatisfaction with the that the President had refused to let i Administration's energy policy, White "His natural loyalty has been rein him resign.. , House officials say, because that would forced by seeing one member of his Ad- The ties that unite them areperson- be .admitting that the policy was ministration after another made. the. al. They were forged early in the Car- -wrong. whipping boy of the press and Con- y when the two men Both the President and Mr. Schles1 ter' Presidency said one White House official. worked together, in virtual isolation inger have been insisting that the, heart "He's not going to fire Schlesinger in from political advisers, to devise The o this situation." f the energy problem lies with the re- " Ad i i ti ' Mr. Schlesinger-himself was thinking of looking for another job a few months back, after the final push for the iron- rated Carter-Schlesinger energy plan passed by Congress. Mr. Schlesinger's allies in the Administration were sue- getting aim as a rep acement for Adm. 5tarYsheld,ru her, the cantroversiai Di- rec'.c'r, of Central Inte$i once. s ng e ru a truth . , his that. puritanical accent on conservation and his disdain for America's profligacy all appeal to Mr. Carter's own views. The President readily borrowed the Secre- tary's battle cry - "the moral equiva- lent of war"- against wasting energy. "The President believes in Schles- inger," commented one Presidential aide. "He's fascinated by that kind of Person Schlesinger. Mi_ emote Blumen- thal, Harold Brown Admiral Turner, 1? rzesinS - academic. Oro es- sip , bri t, sometimes arrogan t, people who thirilk ngs thm!!&h ration- Approved For Release 2007/06/19: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100170034-9 Well, Harold Brawn doesn't fit that To friends, Mr. Schlesinger acknowl- category, but Schlesinger is one of edged that he was bored r nning the those people- the technocrats of poli Energy Department and that he cov- cy. Jimmy Carter feels at home with m n stra on s first energy pro- fusal of Con ! gress and the public face grain. Theirs was the affinity of prob- ~ up to the long-term energy shortage loin solvers instinctively fashioning a and to begin readjusting the American textbook answer to the nation's energy way of life to that new reality. problem rather than trying to create a Almost everyone in the Carter entoi politically palatable program. . rage echoes what Mr. Carter himself As a Republican who was Ronald .( reportedly contends in private: Chang.. `? Reagan's foreign policy adviser in 1976, ' ing energy secretaries would pot 4, change the facts. Anyone who replaced Mr. Schlesinger is ideologically an odd Mr. Schlesinger would inevitably cotae man out in the Carter Administration. to the- same conclusions about energy On energy policy, he has clashed with policy and would soon fall victim to the liberals on the domestic policy staff, same fusillade that- Mr.. Schlesinger headed by Stuart E. Eizenstat. On for. now bravely endures,' ` eign policy, he has collided with Secre- of State Cyrus You know, if you think. about ener- tary R. Vance, who is gy, Schlesinger is Carter and Carter is more tolerant toward the Soviet Union Schlesinger," said one highly placed. than he is. On economics, his gloomy Administration official. "If the. Preaf- energy forecasts have occasionally , dent fires Schlesinger, it's his saying upset Treasury Secretary W. Michael ' yes, there are real problems here be- Blumenthal, who has been trying to yond the problems in Congress and in - bolster the dollar. the country. It's Jimmy Carter saying But none of this seems to trouble- that the problem is the Administra President Carter. Mr. Schlesinger's Lien's fault. And he cannot accept bent for tati th b t l "