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May 9, 1978
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Approved For Release 2007/06/22 : CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140100-8 THE WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE APPEARED 9 May 1978 ON PAGE _ A-1,6 Ex-official Charges Planted False Anffo3 C C : ; Wa,binzton Fit 8tai1 Writ.n N'E W- YORK-.The, Central Intelli- gence Ageney, planted false informs ;tion with the American press, congres. sional leaders and the United Nations about the 1975 civil . war. in Angola, former CIA official John Stockwell :charged here yesterday. - Stockwell, who headed the CIA's -Angolan, task .force,. said the intelli- gence agency sent its own propaganda specialists to Africa in 1975: The spe- cialists secretly, coordinated an infor- mation campaign for two- of the three -competing Angolan forces: - - In addition, Stockwell said the CIA. set up, a small .task force in, a New York hotel room to fund and advise the Angolans on a daily basis when they came to-the--United States to .c plead their= case. To U.S. officials and reporters,'- the Africans 'distributed CIA-prepared-?propaganda that Stock- .well said. was sometimes "false- to the point of ? being ludicrous" and' other. times "simply inaccurate,"'" At a news conference; -the .41-year- old Stockwell - also .'said that- former- CIA director William E.:.Colby and former-secretary of state. Henry A.. -Kissinger both gave inaccurate infor- mation about the-CIA's,role in-the An-. golan war:.to congressional-investigat ing committees' in 1975-and 1976. Stockwell; :who--resigned 'from' the, CLA last.year,:made the charges yes. ' terday in connection with the publica- l tion this week'of'his books -"In- Search ' -witted to the CIA for prior approval._ actions in - Angola," a committi spokesman said yesterday.. . Support Stockwell or Colby. Stockwell for five days in ? closed The' CIA, meanwhile, continued toj decline comment'-on. therStockwell sib..,. a allegations. A spokesman said. yester f cial and reminded him that the C day that the agency ? had not been had gone to court against Snepp, ak aware the former official was writing cording to Stockwell, who said, "I too a book,. and thus had not ,been. given that as a threat" He said he-has al- the chance to review it for classified ready approached the American. Civil material. Liberties:. UnionMwhich.is,defending The: Justice Department has filed Snepp. suit against Frank Snepp, another for- "Stockwell told reporters that while mer CIA official, charging .he broke the CIA's Angolan propaganda pro- the terms of his employment contract . gram was - carefully- organized he with the agency by refusing to submit could . recall. only-,two specific case for-review his book about the. fall of In which-- a,U.S;, newspaper- published Vietnam.. articles' that the CIA- had a hand in In that suit,. however, the. govern- preparing. Both articles appeared in disclosed classified material. . Stock One article reported the fall of the terday that he k l d d ll now . ac yes e we ge Angolan. city of Malanje to the Na-~ had used classified information: in his tional Union for the 'Total Liberation no current ex osed b k b id h t p . u sa e oo , of. Angola (UNITA) and the capture', eration and changed the names of o p of 20 Sitdi ove avsers, s. by the group. agents. B. Adamson; a spokesman The information was planted by CIA Propagandists artment said yes- "and .was= completely De Ju 'th tic f p or s e e % , terday that while there had been no false; Stockwell said. formal communication yet from the In,.tiie .second case-.the CIA ap., aeration of legal action" against Stock-J on the. Angolan situation :which -was well. He said Stockwell's unauthorized sold to-- The; `Post bp' a?-tree 1-a n ee we're trying the Snepp case,- to see if the contract is enforceable." At his news conferenceyesterday, Stockwell said- he made' up- his mind to write a book about the-Angolan episode before he left the CIA a year ago. He refused to sign;-the intel- ligence agency's standard secret pledge when he left, he said,: despite a half-hour of- persuasion by a C security official: ?:r.,? _ ;.. Stockwell said be did not.-take an documents when he left but did have a complete set of notes he-kept dur, lag the Angolan conflict. "r also had the opportunity before I left to rea most of the most-sensitive ;documen on the subject," he said. - On Sunday, Stockwell said, he tel .phoned CIA. Director Stansfield T ner- to let him know that -the book would be' published this:-week - and that he would be appearing on the .CBS-TV show "60 Minutes'' that day 'to. discuss its contents., The call to ' Turner, said Stockwell, .was Intended' as - "a - gentlemanly " 'g Lurel" but "it didn't turn- out- - that way' gush" before it was sold. - UNITA and the other QA-supported group, the Nationals Front' for the, supplied. CIA prepared propaganda to other news organizations, Stockwell- CIA specialists metieeIensly pre- ment- for representatives -of the two- groups to give to the press and key political; officials when they came-to the United States, Stockwell said. "It was made to look like their work but It was ours," he said. "We really should have called it a gray paper.-: In - addition to clandestine. props. gandizing-, Stockwell. said,? the CIA Oil to act as "cover" for some of its Angolan operatives-' Both -companies, be said, flatly refused to cooperate.- .. Stockwell said that while the CIA never took part-in the recruiting of U.S. mercenaries - for the Angolan war; itbrlEfed,, transported and armed. .A ' ed directlyy by the FNLA. The CIA did recruit' mercenaries fins=France and STAT