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Document Release Date: 
June 20, 2007
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May 24, 1978
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Approved For Release 2007/06/22 : CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140088-3 STAT Washington Post Staff Writers - Sen Dick Clark (D-IoNva) said yesterday, "It is in- creasingly clear that President Carter has made the decision to reinvolve the United States in the Angola civil war." Clark based his accusation on what he termed Carter public statements about the desirability of repealing the so-called Clark amendment that precludes any U.S. aid to promote military or paramilitary, operations in Angola. Clark said that if Carter really does not want to re- involve the United States in Angola, "he ought to say so. White House press secretary Jody Powell said last night: "The president has not made any decision to take any action that would ? be contrary to the Clark amend- ment or any law and is not going to." Carter "has never said publicly or privately that he thinks it ought to be repealed," Powell said of the Clark amendment. Powell said that the administration is not trying "to rush pell mell into any entanglements," and that dis- cussing laws that preclude actions "didn't necessarily mean the president wanted to take those actions" . It was learned yesterday that Carter's deputy national security adviser, David Aaron, and Adm. Stansfield Tur- ner, director of the Central Intelligence Agency,' called on Clark earlier this month to discuss the transfer of U.S. arms through third parties to Angolan and Ethi- { opian . groups fighting Soviet- and Cuban-supported forces. The purpose of this U.S. aid would be to tie down the Cubans in those two countries and make them reluctant to enter the guerrilla war in Rhodesia, those officials reportedly told Clark. ? Turner is said to have shown Clark a plan outlining transfer of equipment through a third party to the United Front. for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), led by Jonas Savimbi, which is conducting a guerrilla struggle against Angola's Marxist central gov ernment. Clark reportedly told Turner such aid would be against U.S. law,' but said he would study the idea. When they talked again a few' days later, the Iowa senator strongly opposed the idea. ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE A-I,15 THE -WASHHINGTO1 POST 24 May 1978 S Turn erIaterTeLJU Lt~kA (Jn trraritib ar titude to a National. Security Council: meeting called to discuss possible aid to UNITA in Angola. According to a source, national security adviser Zbig- riew Brzezinski "groaned" on hear- ing Turner's report. Before Turner visited Clark,- Brze zinski's deputy, Aaron, called on the senator to talk about possible indirect- aid for Eritrean rebels fighting the' Ethiopian army supported by Cuban: troops and Soviet equipment. Aaron also mentioned possible new U.S. aid; to Angola, but only vaguely, a source, said. Powell said last night that Aaron's! visit was for "a general discussion: about Africa," and that Aaron did; not "present any proposal to Clark"i for new U.S. aid. . .,..Powell said that Turner had talked; to Clark "about what was possible within the law," and "obviously used several examples." Powell also said that turner's mis-1 sion was not "to run any proposal: by Clark." Reached. by telephone last night, Clark said Senate rules forbid him from commenting on confidential briefings from administration offi- cials. ' Sources said the proposal to renew covert military aid to Angolan rebels-, was -hotly contested by State Depart-' ment officials. It was suggested that, proponents of the assistance hoped' to obtain Clark's acquiescence beforeI a final security council recomnienda-, tion was made to the president. In a related development yesterday, Sen. George McGovern (D?S.D.) de-.iii cided to challenge the administra- tion's contention that congressional restrictions have tied the president's hands in Africa and made it difficult to deal with the challenges posed there by Soviet and Cuban interven- tion... - Itr remarks to be delivered on the Senate floor this week, McGovern will By Walter Pincus and Robert G. Kaiser - Approved For Release 2007/06/22 : CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140088-3 say'the administration appears to be, engaged in "a public relations ven-: ture." He implies that it is the work-, of "certain officials whose frustration; at being unable to control complicated international events - and to estab- lish an image as tough-fisted wielders of power - has compelled them to place the blame on Congress." - - The Washington Post reported last. Friday that the Carter administration had been working for two months on a plan to funnel arms and equipment through other countries to African guerrilla forces fighting Cuban and other Soviet-backed troops in Ethiopia and Angola.