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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 22, 1978
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Approved For Release 2007/06/20 :CIA-RDP99-004988000100140019-9 v A ?ICLE AP?::AiL.D C` ?aGc. A-2 TriE TH SiiZilGTOiI STAR (G2ESN LI'`rE) 22 June: 1973 Always Say L1/hat 1 Think' By Brian bfarcizlsaa , ? 5gaddtaP.feWnhiast,on5tar~.-:-_ _ "I always say what:I.~think." de Glared L'.S. District Judge Oren R Lewis during the trial o~ Frank W ~ words ,3,.d L~SViS :lined up- to' his yesterday when he all.. but found Snepp guilty of breading an agree- neat with the CIA not . to. divulge mormation-:obtained while- in- the agency's employment ::'~ ~ ~ : :`~:. . Since joining the- district court bench in 1550, the 75 year-old-judge has become noted for taking over crops-examinations, rephrasing ques- tions to ~.+-itzess2s and making no se- cret of wLat he tui,Zks about a deiend- ant or the merits of a case before hardin~ down a decision. _ .. ~3i hen Lewis "retired"' frvm~ the distrc*. bents and became a setuor jud;e in 19'+3,.he said he would never stop hearing cases. "I- was born to; way I'lI leave here is horizontally,"? he" said. "I'll be just as mean and- LEWIS' BLUNT approach was is full view yesterdaYa4 the?close~of the? agent whose- book,, "Decent- Inter: val," was published without prior ap--: a stinging?acpuni of the CIA's tizaa=: dung of the? evacuation, Lrcm _Saigoa.; - as a: Lewis daracterized himself "poor district judge" who has had to~- "run schools-and penitentiaries,:and; IIOw I'm goiIIg tD? have t0'rur! the;-' CIA." He said it was time."to~deter-_ mine once and .far all",the- restric?-~~ tions the- government can Iegally, place on intelligence officers._ _ - ;_ _ ~_ ~ :::. would discuss his views at length for:; earlier had "distorted''- Hiss conduct- ofthetrial. .,, ..__ ,::.._:y Lewis sai~?"the evidenca~~iii-~ tf~e cast was undisputed" _-- that Snapp; ~,... The real issue is the case, accord' ing to Lewis, is whether CIA employ ees can be '_`the sale judges of wha they divulge." He~ sazd that. "if th CIA is derived of controlling its em pployees, it might as well go out of business: '-' -~....~.;: ;.~ ..: _ .,~;.~: Defending. his evidentiary rulings - Lewis. said,. "i went five steps furthe than I had to ;o to give the defendan every opportunity to state everything he wanted to state:" Defense. attor-~ .Heys . eaziier~ had ~ argued that there were issues of fact that should go to of -jury; but Lewis 'said that the case only presented issues of law and that no jury was necessary..: =: ~_; r.~ The judge indicated the only a pect of his decision left to be deter mined .was-. the~:~ government's remedy. _ -. ? _ : .._. '`That's what disturbs `cne; vihat -the remedy might be,"' said they judge.. "It might ?oe to'relieve him of all his ill-gottten gains:" ~- Snepp has said he has made about. S50,000 from book sales and- the sale of paperback rights so tar. - T'HE. GaV~R,'YD~IENT. is. -asking that Sneop be enjoined from divulg ing .fur'ther information about? th CIA and to- have his earnings fro "Decent Interval" go to .the govern m_ eat - - The judge'~also said Sneppp's man- ner~of ~ writings and.: pubiishing~ his bcok "buttresses flue conclusion." .~_ _~.:. "He did it= surreptitiously, behind people's back; in a public pazk," the judge said,. citing Sneop's testimony that he had met with jtandom House agents-only in parks and restaurants when discussing.the contract to write the book. _ .~_ . ~..: ~: ~ ~> .:::.: ,:; ~s~;; ; '~~ Accarding~ to Lewis,`~~Sneppp pub= .fished his book. only-. for financial ~. gain. He did it for' money. There's' no question that he for money. He had an agent= := . and he didn't :want anybody to know about it." Sneop had no -patriotic motives,- -said Lewis. "He?never? said he was doing this a la the Pentagon Papers,_ to save the United States.' ~ ? ~ - - ? - r Outside the courthouse; Snepp said' Lewis' comment about financial mo- STAT '-' ~ Snepp also said that." it was abso- i Iutely wrong to say I did it secretly. I informed ouicials an the CIA about j my book prior ;ao-~ leaving, ? the agency." .. - :';...-_ ,- _:.._- -- 1 According. to Snepp, he met with publishing agents -in obscure spots because ' I didn't want the agency to interferes with .publication." He said i he feared the GL?1 might' "intrude I illegally to stop publication: ' , ]~'e stressed that he had exposed no ' classified information in his book. ' "I've merely criticized the CIA for a botch," he said, referring?to its handling of~tl'~e Sainon evacuation.. "I POINTED out agency errors in Vietnam and. told ro secrets. I did this in a resoonsibie -manner. Be- cause I did L'iat; the agency is trying to get everything I've earned from writing the book.' ~ - f When asked what the CIA- viould f have dose if hs had submitted his ` book for pre-publication review, Snepp said, "T'ae?agency would have ~ torn the book to shreds.". ~ - _. _ . ~ Snepp took exception taCIA Direr-1 tar Stansfield.: Turner.'s testimony during the that ppublication of "Decent Interval" had hurt faith in the CIA abroad.:; ~ -_ - _ .?~ `~ .... -. .. "Turner doesn't kttout~~ what-`he's `talking.. abou4"' Snepp : said._-'-"The way to demoralize agents abroad is'. to demoralize the ones at home, ands Turner is doing that to a T." - - ='-? _- Snepp called for: a,1 improvement in. the internal "managerial policy" of the- CIA, maintaining that if th?~ CIA properly handled;ihe grievancr- and suggestions -of 'its employees, there would be no~ need for books i such as his.. - ..:. -....- -.- - -- -.~ According to Snepp, if he~Ioses the case "we'1~ have asystem - wher- M eunder former CIA employees will not be able to responsi . Iy criticize ~ the CI~1. If L`teAme-ican people want, a CIA where employees will muffle! alltheiz~?ievances,they'llgetit.'_, ~ Approved For Release 2007/06/20 :CIA-RDP99-004988000100140019-9