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Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140017-1 ICLE AP?AR_ E uN L E 23 JTS 1978 STAT - -f -. caPolley:Ab-r~ptU.s.Reve. salon~4 ngola GRAHAM. HOVEY to, overthrow .or undermine. his..Govern- l sm and his heavy -eMance on the Soviet ment? Union and Cuba. pope cooperation on the { S~ecfsyeor. ee...,, xn The rationale given in official circles and `Iarnioia problems may lead WASHINGTON, J=una'22-Seven weeks was: that aid. to the anti-Neto forces to formal diplomatic relations. ago, Carter Administration officials were 1 would tie down many of the 20,000! They are keenly aware. however, that serousiv considering -the possibilitg of ( Cubao soldiers in Angola, preventing ( unless Angoia's circumstances change (indirectly supplying scphisticated Amer- i their deployment in other African trouble dramatically, President Nato is unlikely can weapons to a force waving guerrilla 1 spots, especially in support of black :ia- to consider send`_^.g home any great num- w?ar against the Horst-led Government tioralistguerillas in Rhodesia. her of. the Cubans. He regards them as ..Of. Angola- This week; .hay- sate Department officiais insisted that essential for security and the functioning ing, presumably abandoned, &,e idea:_.of. aiding. the National Union of his Government. so large a Ne"'' `' the idea of arm s. aid, - e: Ad. R for =thg,Total Independence of Angola, Washington , which regards Analysisf. raa~rag diplomat. to:Angoia known-.also as- L'VTL ?nod never become force of Cubans as a factor for instability ccotlabora ,Administration po?tcy'and would have in central Africa, has always insisted on to discuss speciff r- :x lion and mot's normal rela 15Qe -Nocked- in any--.qby the Clark the,,withdrawal of substantial numbers tions wit .Pr-sidear Agesanita;I3eto. :afire tdmert . 'which -bars American mill- as a condition for agreeing to exchange T sere .liave._been= few reversals in the = to :y. aid to anyone in Angola. amassa ors whit Angora. recent conductoP Amricaa forei~ poiicy ,--ire author of t - amendment Senator Rebels Have Strong Support (that seemed as ,,abrupt oi~_,complete qs: Lie.{ arc.. Democ at':or Iowa. said last this-one::=Thet iuxtap0Sttlo ? of the t'?,5O fee t t at. n? waS "Very muc i : 1Clin'd Even' ? without : American arms the projects?wa' -only one. factor in the d ;.f believe" that .resident Carter had not; L NiTA movement seems to be well en- iniands, i -Congress and elsewhere , f0-.a `yen Dc'--'R aware or. inc Dian.. am. Jta15- trenched in. parts of the southern third of Angola where its leader, Jonas Savicl> k clarification'-air United States objectiv4s F rein turner, Director -of entr ntelil- din Afrca- ;.:.ti x v., -. fence,-ran prise. ', r e proposal to , bi, commands strerg support-from the The -motives' for sending`Donald F 1 1nacor ianc as one under consiceracion Ovimbundu people, who constitute near!y_ 40 percent of Angola's population. i in foe : ationaf ~ecunty I tilcHenry, a. senior member of the Unit our,cil. i States. delegation to the United Nations,.t .One _ n, ?-.,?f?rar.~uno :dam::.i_tra lion- ofi- 1- In the tiny enclave of Cabinda to the' = on the. Angolan mission were clear, hove-helm ? .said ? today. however, that -or' im! of ti?e many ironies about ever. President: Neto's. cooperation will ~ngcia's situation--Cuban forces are de- be sential:'JOth for stabilizing Angola's v z in An ota, and -at the fending,- against another guerrilla. force I &cinz atV.t:in border with Zaire. and- for the success ,, na Ciseouraaaed ' .e ocssibi':itv supported by Zaire, installations of the of a five-nation effort" to - bring South' o; coincz aavtrina' whenever the subiect Gulf Oil Company that pump 100,000 bar- West -Africa, also.. known :as. Namioia,; na eon raised. rels daily and contribute about S600 mil-. peacefully to malo-lty rule and independ- tV :a ever the 'status of the arms. aid lion annually. to Angola's buds t- If Zaire-,, once. r =,~. a and Angola could persuaded to agree plan at., any sage ~,Ir..:Vance's -speech In a speech two days ago to the United made?~it oovious that the administration to stabilize their border, the threat to- i Stn' es Jaycees at ?.'Jandc.City ,. projectwas how taking- a positive approach to-') Cabinda could be eliminated along with Secretary ofward' Br.'Neto, discarding even the tactic i the danger. of, new Shaba invasions and a "postve_?R. Vance'. ?oai cY,. fl erupt-rattac cs on Angola b anti-Neto State.. Cyrus said an agreement of era s:nr Ariola-with heavy r.sponsi- y between.. Zaire and- Angola was : irripera 1 bili..`y for me Shaba .invasion. something forces based in Zaire. tive to- prevent future` incidents such as-President' Carter had done as recently 'If the five-nation initiative on Namibia -i the invasion of Zaire's Shaba. Province as May 26 in Chic -go_ could succeed in bringing that territory by exiles based in- Angola. -!dependence, it?wouid mean theeliraina. `:.ldessage Sent by.Neto 'tiort of - conrlic- atoi^.g A,-rgora's sout';era j In this col- he said; 'we be- ane Love it could be helpful to increase our .- Officials emphasized that 40 important 1border and'tne-withdrawal of:South Aar--?- -,( factor in the- c,:iange and the decision- can troops;:whose ihcursiorts=are feared =~ consultations?frith:the Angolan. Govern-r :.:,. ment ar dr begin worlang with itm more l?to-: send..Mr. McHenry to Luanda was "I? by Dr. Neto ;. .: 1- -.,. . rta normal ways,,I in. order:, to, ;rnprnve the i,iness age Dr. Nem d sent to Wasnipgtort. That. would leave' t11a-?grobiert of - foe -?cois:ittation-between An -l is the last 10' days specifically offering TJNITa as ' Dr 'Neto's.last''iat.onale ;or prospects " swell' ?as for. achievin to cooperate iB staotlizing Angola s bor' the present..:-of 'so many Cu'azn-?trepos gola. and Zaare, a g der-with?Zaire. i ?' .oft his to rrtory.Some Admirfis: at?oa of-" peaceiui setttelrretlt'in Namibia-" "T,2eY' pointed out,that even in advance iicials still: believe it might per possible- , hours`ater' tiir'.tilcHerny - t e Dn -Nato had announcedY to negotiate an"ag cement between Dr. a toLuanda,?,tha ari3alau of thisovertar,. aas?on~t y to a 'ationwide broadcast that Katangan Nieto and Mfr.' Savimbi for the establish- capital_ {' f reoelsreturnin; front Shaba with _weap- i merit of an Angolan government of aa- Collaboration Held Indispensably .,, ,. ons :would be "systematically disarmed'. ticrta recond anon. - - ti State'Deparment officials.have always and taken to the refugee campsOn his recent-.Was h'mgtori visit Fes'.' insisted. that presiderit.Neto's ccllabora- Some-State- Department officials even [`dent Kenneth D. Kaunda of Zambia, one tion would be indispensable for a.solutiori save-a-gesture for cooperatiorr in Angola of the most influential black African lead- Nato of the Namibian problem `reuse the in a-messa?e t`tat,-?resident Fidel ,Castro ors, said he-was still urging Dr. N? South-West African. People's' oromina- of _C a gave Mayy27t to Lyle. F._ Lane, `to attempt such.- a reconciliation as the tion wages its'gizirilla r from Angot?_n ( head; the Unite~States "'interest sec- only practical way of ..bring s3 lasting bases' against South African authorities , tion err Havana. Mn' Cstro acknowledged peace to Angola- , . c t. _ in the tamtcry.x,::. -that CUSan authovities" had heard in a& But the questiorr.-sWluranswered . is,vane' cF the plan to~,i--vade Shaba and ! Way, 'flti.r., Nato- is', ui4 spensabla-.-both 11 said theta had tned.'}.'nsuCCessfu stop, for a :astoiarsett' emerit'and for stabiliz- -its' ing tee%~ri clan Zaiii:rt-L^order? t' e Ad Thc`e"o`ficials' in"the Administration W straticn sal recently' consicei-ed heir-t. r rn hare- !t-r urzed the opening of X1 his/i*tternaf;zi,_!esi `.n: err" fort ?diziogue-witli D- Netos despite :ht's Mat r. - Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140017-1